Volume 2 Before the Disaster Chapter 91: Dragon Slaying Sword

In the Whirlwind Harbor, the ancient red dragon roared angrily.
He raised his head high and flapped his wings hard, trying to fly by force, but there were two mountain giants hanging on both ends of the chain, locking him in place.
The two rogue legendary classes also launched fierce attacks.
The dagger of [Shadow Thief] had obviously been enchanted with armor-piercing, and it actually pierced the red dragon's neck in one go!
On the other side, the [Hand of Killing], which is more specialized in attack, launched an endless attack on the base of the red dragon's wings.
He used a short blade that was slightly longer than a dagger, but the pair of short blades emitted a faint dark glow.
This is a Legendary Item!
In just a few breaths, he scraped off the red dragon's indestructible scales and cut a bloody scar deep enough to see the bone!
The ancient red dragon Earl opened his mouth angrily, and the terrifying dragon breath spread again. Countless ordinary soldiers were sprayed and turned into ashes directly!
Even if they were protected by shields, the shields melted into molten iron and poured onto them in the first moment, and they fell to the ground wailing in pain.
The mountain giant also didn't escape!
Their bodies were burned by dragon fire. Although their super magic immunity and vitality ensured that they were not killed immediately by the dragon's breath, they still fell to the ground in pain.
One of them even had his eyes burned by the flames and started running around the city!
The situation, which was going well just now, suddenly showed a slight fluctuation.
The four legendary professions were fine. The barbarian and the legendary monk both escaped to the sky with the help of the wizard.
The Shadow Thief and Killing Hand also had their own ways to dodge the dragon's breath. One went into the shadow plane, while the other flickered to another place. Even so, Killing Hand was sweating profusely. The dragon's breath just now came too suddenly, and he almost couldn't dodge it!
There was no sign at all, and it didn't conform to the pattern of a dragon's breath at all!
As we all know, dragon breath is one of the most powerful attacks of a dragon. But correspondingly, the number of times a dragon's breath can be spewed is also limited in time and frequency.
Just now, the ancient red dragon Earl used his dragon breath to attack the arcane barrier of Whirlwind Harbor. Logically, it would take at least ten minutes for him to use his dragon breath a second time.
The power of the second breath will be much weaker.
But the strength displayed by this guy is completely beyond the scope of a normal ancient red dragon!
The dragon breath just now was even more terrifying than the first one!
The situation of locking the dragon was suddenly broken.
A low dragon roar sounded, dragon language magic!
Under Earl's spell, his body shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a little dragon over one meter long!
Legendary shrinking technique!
The little dragon broke free from the chain in an instant, flapped its wings wildly, and flew rapidly into the sky!
In the blink of an eye, the red dragon recovered and revealed its ferocious head :
"I want you all dead!"
He stretched out his forelimbs and grabbed forward, and the legendary barbarian hiding on the wizard's magic carpet was grabbed over involuntarily!
"Legendary Grabbing Skill!"
Marvin narrowed his eyes. He knew the ancient red dragon Earl very well and knew that his strength was actually very amazing.
43 levels in total, numerous legendary sorcery, powerful breath, cunning mind...
Since he dared to come to the East Coast to wreak havoc, he must have known for sure that the East Coast was deserted!
However, he also underestimated the determination of the Southern Wizard Alliance to defend the East Coast, and he did not expect that an Elf Martial Saint would suddenly appear!
The punch that Ibrahimovic just threw was actually crucial. If it weren't for that punch, the red dragon's impact could have directly taken away the arcane barrier.
His breath can destroy one fifth of the Whirlwind Port!
Even if the legendary wizard joined forces with the other four legendary professions, they would not be able to catch him.
Both the monk and the barbarian have powerful melee capabilities, but their jumping abilities are really average, and they can't catch a flying dragon at all.
Although wizards are theoretically invincible at the same level, they will be in trouble when their opponents are dragons.
As for Shadow Rogue and Killing Hand... when killing dragons, Rogues usually just become supporting roles.
Perhaps the only one who can face the enemy head-on and be so fearless is Ibrahimovic.
Although Ibrahimovic is only level 21, he is definitely not comparable to an ordinary legend. His body is probably much stronger than that of a legendary monk!
This must have something to do with the blessing of the Great Elf King. Marvin knew very well that although the Great Elf King looked down on his own son, he actually loved Ibrahimovic very much in private. He was blessed with countless strengthening spells, and they were solidified one every week since he was a child...
It was also because of this that Eevee collided head-on with the Red Dragon and was knocked away for more than ten miles, but he was not hurt at all.
If it were the other two legends, both the barbarian and the human monk would probably be smashed to pieces!
If Ibrahimovic had not acted on his own and instead contacted the people from the Southern Wizarding Union, he might have been able to slay the dragon!
Unfortunately, there are no ifs.
Marvin's arrival changed some things, but the fate of the ancient red dragon Earl should not change much!
The legendary barbarian was caught in the hand of the ancient red dragon. The rest of the people had no time to rescue him and were torn into pieces by his claws!
Blood was dripping and pieces of flesh were flying!
A legend fell just like that.
In the Whirlwind Harbor, there were wailings everywhere. People who had not had the chance to escape were running in panic. Flames and blood were intertwined, creating a scene of purgatory on earth.
"Damn it..." Anger welled up in Ibrahimovic's eyes.
He knew that he was too impulsive. Before taking action, he did some research on the ancient red dragon, but he didn't expect this guy to be so strong!
He also knew that if he were in Whirlwind Harbor now, the situation would probably be different.
It’s too late to regret!
Just as the red dragon was showing off its might, Rayman and another legendary wizard, who had been preparing for a long time, finally began their counterattack!
Ordinary witchcraft is ineffective against dragons.
Only legendary witchcraft!
In the sky, a bolt of lightning as thick as a stone pillar flashed across the sky, with countless exploding sparks entangled in it.
"Aurora Explosion!" Marvin saw the foundation of this legendary witchcraft at a glance.
[Aurora Explosion]: Legendary witchcraft, a super-powerful version of the three-ring witchcraft Aurora Light.
The aurora exploded on the red dragon, causing him to stagger and almost fall to the ground again.
Even though the ancient red dragon had amazing resistance to witchcraft, its flight was still made unstable by the powerful explosive airflow.
“How dare you hurt…” Before the Red Dragon Earl could finish his nonsense, the second aurora explosion blasted over again.
Rayman has been preparing for so long, not just for an aurora explosion!
There was thunder in the sky, and six auroras exploded in succession!
"Damn... six auroras..." Marvin was also dumbfounded.
Leiman is definitely well prepared. He must have legendary items or semi-artifacts with multiple spells!
Otherwise, it would be impossible to accumulate six auroras at once and explode on the red dragon.
One aurora explosion can raze a small town to the ground.
Six auroras exploded, knocking the red dragon Earl dizzy and causing him to fall headfirst onto the dock, with half of his body falling into the sea.
He raised his neck, covered in bruises.
Leiman in the sky had a pale face.
He was already seriously overdrawn. Throwing six Aurora Explosions in a short period of time was a desperate move.
And the legendary witchcraft prepared by another wizard for the evil dragon finally appeared before everyone.
In the sky, a huge sword suddenly took shape.
The sword is light yellow in color and exudes a terrifying aura.
Legendary witchcraft: Dragon-slaying sword!
This is a legendary witchcraft that has long been lost, because any wizard who knows this witchcraft may be hunted down by evil dragons from all over Fenan!
The dragon-slaying sword is the nemesis of the dragon!
The Southern Wizard Alliance actually found a wizard who knows how to wield the dragon-slaying sword!
This meant that they were determined to keep Earl here.
Leave his head in Whirlwind Harbor!
The terrifying dragon-slaying sword came crashing down from the sky, and Earl flapped his wings frantically and suddenly flew up from the ground!
His speed almost reached the limit, but the Dragon Slaying Sword was always following him and was about to chop him down!
"Are you really going to massacre them?"
Ibrahimovic muttered.
“What a pity…”
Marvin shook his head.
Laura looked at this shocking scene stupidly, not knowing what to say.
Just as the dragon-slaying sword was about to hit Earl's neck, a chant like thunder suddenly burst out from the red dragon's mouth.
In the blink of an eye, the space in front of him became extremely distorted.
The next second, the red dragon dived into a black hole and disappeared into the sea.
The dragon-slaying sword slashed down fiercely, splitting the sea water in half. Countless dragon scales fell like rain.
There is also a thin tail.
The waves were so huge that they quickly formed a tsunami, rushing towards Pearl Harbor like a tidal wave!
The ancient red dragon Earl left behind an angry declaration:
"Dirty wizards, you are the parasites of this land. You will not be able to dominate this land for long!"
"I have seen the future, and I have heard the whispers of the gods. You are destined to taste the bitter fruit of death!"
"When the time comes, I will baptize this land with fire!"
A wall of waves rose from the sea surface, overwhelming us. If the six Pearl Harbors were not located at a high altitude, they would have been submerged by the sea water.
No one listened carefully to the red dragon's declaration of revenge. After the catastrophe, the survivors began to walk out of the cave silently.
The crying sounds mixed with the eerie silence.
On the pyroxene mountain, Marvin couldn't help but clench his fists tightly.
I am still too weak!
In such a battle, I can only watch from the sidelines. Not to mention intervening, if I were in Whirlwind Harbor, it would be difficult for me to even protect myself!
"No, we must speed up the improvement of our strength!"
"It's only the second level now, it's too slow!"
Marvin gritted his teeth and made up his mind secretly. Although a character like the Ancient Red Dragon is the top existence in Fenan.
But during the catastrophe, only such strong people have the chance to survive in this cruel stage!
The only way is to keep getting stronger.
This is what the Guardian must do!
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