Volume 2 Before the Disaster Chapter 16 [Fangs]

As soon as the professor finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the fog.
This figure is exactly the same as the one just now.
But Marvin felt a hint of fierce murderous intent from the other party!
The opponent did not choose to sneak or hide, but chose to attack directly!
At that moment, Marvin even had the feeling of fighting Black Jack again!
"It is definitely the consciousness of the Red Copper Dragon that is controlling it!"
Clang! The two sides' scimitars collided, and Marvin immediately felt the extraordinaryness of this opponent.
Mirror Image 2 not only possesses 120% of Marvin's abilities, but also possesses [Expert] level scimitar mastery!
What’s even more terrifying is that this is controlled by an old ancient dragon.
Although Marvin estimated that the Copper Dragon would not be so shameless as to go all out, and would probably devote about one-tenth of its combat awareness to controlling this mirror - but this was enough to get Marvin in trouble!
Mirror Image 2 is very smart and also very vicious.
He understood the difference in strength between himself and Marvin, so he didn't need to sneak around and could just go head-on into the fight!
This made Marvin very uncomfortable!
He had to use a series of evasive moves to avoid the opponent's fierce attacks.
It was a bit like his fight with Black Jack in the basement.
However, this time, Marvin was not suppressed that badly. He could still fight back occasionally, but not often.
The opponent's sword-drawing speed is obviously faster than mine!
This made Marvin very depressed.
What the super-agile person fears most is not an iron wall - because even if you encounter a shield defender with invincible defense, you can still escape unscathed with your powerful agility; but a guy who is faster than you!
In most cases, Marven relies on speed to kill people, so it would be very difficult to meet someone faster than him!
Because their biggest advantage was curbed, it became the opponent's advantage instead!
Clank, clank!
The scimitars of both sides came into contact again and again. Even though Marvin kept using various techniques to try to knock down the opponent's scimitar, the opponent was able to cunningly dodge it every time!
This is a complete suppression of attributes.
Moreover, although the ancient dragon's combat intelligence is only one-tenth of Marvin's, it is still far inferior to Marvin's, but because both of them are confined to a lower-level body, the former is still very advantageous!
“It’s so frustrating!”
Marvin rolled over and put some distance between them.
After the fight just now, he had a certain understanding of Mirror Image No. 2.
This guy is a bit tricky.
The fundamental reason is because of the Red Copper Dragon's combat wisdom. Otherwise, even if the attributes are suppressed, Marvin has various ways to trample him to death.
And in the game, when players are undergoing trials in the mirror world, they only have magical intelligence, and at most advanced magical intelligence. How can they be controlled by the ancient dragon himself?
It's totally cheating!
Originally, Marvin was planning to improve his scimitar skills to the master level in the mirror world!
His original plan was to go through three floors in a row!
But it seems not to work now.
The most powerful skill he currently possessed was originally intended to be reserved for Mirror Image No. 3, but it seems that he must give it up at this level.
Otherwise, you can't beat Mirror No. 2 at all.
Once this skill is handed over, the Copper Dragon will definitely notice it, and then Mirror Image No. 3 will also have Marvin's skill...
Then there is no way to fight at all.
It's completely a dead end.
"Two floors is enough. There are still some variables after all."
Marvin was never one to hesitate, and he immediately made a decision in his mind.
On the other side, Mirror No. 2 refused to let him go and rushed over aggressively.
Marvin took a deep breath. He had already consumed a lot of his physical strength. If he continued to fight, he would undoubtedly be the loser.
"Get started!"
The scimitar in Marvin's hand suddenly turned a circle, but this little trick did not distract Mirror No. 2, who chopped down Marvin's head with a fierce blow.
[Shadow Cut Step]!
After the skill was activated, Marvin was forced to move half a body length to the right!
Mirror Image No. 2 sneered and suddenly moved closer!
It’s also [Shadow Cut Step]!
If two people both have Shadow Step, whoever uses this skill first will inevitably fall into great trouble!
"He is still a very young guy indeed. It's a pity."
Outside the mirror world, the copper dragon lazily muttered to himself: "It looks like it's over. It's almost time to go to bed."
After Mirror No. 2 used Shadow Cut, his scimitar was almost hanging behind Marvin's head!
Although the copper dragon is kind and usually does not harm living creatures, it is an exception in the mirror world!
Only between life and death can one truly understand the true meaning of martial arts.
Therefore, challengers in the mirror world are very likely to die.
Everyone who enters knows this.
Marvin naturally knew that his courage to enter and challenge proved that he was fully confident.
After all, this is not a game, but reality!
Once dead, it means really dead, there is no hope!
In a flash, his right foot touched the ground and his ankle was twisted almost 90 degrees!
All the strength is concentrated in the right calf, and burst out again!
Simulate shadow step!
In an instant, the positions of both parties were reversed, and Marvin moved behind Mirror Image No. 2 in one step!
Slit throat!
Target dead!
Clap, clap!
Mirror No. 2 also turned into quicksand and fell down!
The copper dragon outside the mirror world shuddered!
"What's going on? This isn't a skill?"
"Oh my, Shadow Step is such a clever move, can this guy actually do it with both hands?"
"This is so interesting! Hehe, we must give Mirror Image No. 3 this ability. I want to see how many cards you have left!?"
Who knew that at this moment, Marvin in the mirror world suddenly said: "Respected Lord Red Copper Dragon, I have decided to end the challenge."
"It was very hard for me to make it to the second floor. This victory was purely a fluke."
"And I guess I might be a little hurt."
He pointed to his right foot.
Indeed, using simulated shadow steps twice in a row within 24 hours put great pressure on Marvin's right leg.
His ankle ached.
This is the disadvantage of having a weak physique. The power that bursts out with a tenacious soul is also a huge burden on oneself!
On the mountain, the copper dragon seemed to be in better spirits.
"You're really, really smart. I like smart people."
"It was wise not to continue the challenge, because you would definitely die on the third level."
After saying that, he seemed to be in a good mood and actually cast a healing spell on Marvin.
Dragon witchcraft is different from ordinary witchcraft. It is a system of its own and can be cast without the help of the cosmic magic pool. Therefore, after the collapse of the cosmic magic pool, the dragons were basically not affected.
The healing technique was very effective. Marvin instantly felt that most of his strength had been restored, and the strain and sprain on his right leg seemed to have improved a lot.
"Thank you." Marvin said sincerely.
In this world, there are very few people who possess legendary power yet are approachable.
Professor Red Copper Dragon is a very rare person.
In the game, players have always liked this kind copper dragon.
Unfortunately , later on, the professor had a fierce conflict with a nearby ancient red dragon. Both sides suffered heavy losses, and the professor was ambushed by a god who tried to slay the dragon - yes, it was the Shadow Prince. This guy appeared very frequently in the turbulent times, and his shamelessness index ranked at least in the top three among the gods. He often ambushed legends in the identity of a god, and more than two hands were killed or seriously injured in his hands, including the legendary wizard Anthony from the East Coast, the legendary wizard Hathaway from the Three Ring Tower and others - after that, the Red Copper Dragon disappeared from everyone's sight.
Until Marvin crossed over, he had never heard of the professor's presence again. Perhaps it really died in the sneak attack of the Shadow Prince.
After defeating Mirror Image No. 2, Marvin successfully raised his scimitar mastery level to [Expert].
Although he failed to directly advance to the [Master] level as he wished, Marvin was still satisfied with the result.
In addition, the reward given to him by the Copper Dragon was also very good.
Those were a pair of scimitars.
What Marvin needs now is a pair of handy scimitars.
The name of this pair of scimitars is [Tusk].
Quality: Glimmer
Jun 18, 2024
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