Volume 2 Before the Disaster Chapter 114: Starry Sky Sword Master

The Chief Wizard Group of River Beach City is composed of a total of twenty-two high-level wizards, including eight third-level wizards and fourteen second-level wizards.
Faced with a monster like the Painful Monk, Madeline naturally didn't need to take action. Instead, it was six of the third-level wizards who took action.
They all chose the dissociation technique without any prior agreement!
Illuminated by the light of the Holy Grail, the Painful Monk's resistance is greatly reduced, and the spell Disintegration, which originally had a low success rate, can now have a very strong effect!
Sure enough, before the Painful Monks launched a counterattack, the dissociation spells of six third-level wizards successfully turned the two Painful Monks into ashes!
Green light flickered in front of the locked gate, and there was deathly silence inside the Scarlet Monastery.
The River Beach City garrison officially stepped forward. Among them were several particularly strong shield guards who, holding huge shields, suddenly launched an attack on the gate.
Several shield defenders' shields hit the door in succession, and the tightly closed door immediately showed a slight looseness.
"Keep hitting!" Madeline's voice carried a hint of unquestionableness.
Several shield guards took a step back, and immediately shield guards from the second team took over!
This time, the door was knocked open a corner, revealing a faint mist in the Scarlet Monastery.
Marvin knew that if this happened somewhere else, Madeline would definitely bring siege vehicles or other powerful weapons with her.
However, there is no place for siege vehicles on such a small hill, so shield defenders can only be used to break down such a gate.
As for the thieves, they can just open the lock, but the gate of the Scarlet Monastery is sealed by magic and physics, and it is not cost-effective to use the power of wizards. The best way is to use the shield guardians' repeated attacks.
After about four rounds of impact, the huge door of the monastery was finally slammed open!
The monastery shrouded in fog finally appeared before everyone.
"Rogue Squad forward."
"Chief Wizard Group, follow me. Lord Collins, please let the Guardian Knights and Divine Magicians of the Silver Church protect our two wings."
"River Beach City garrison, be ready to attack at any time!"
It can be seen that Madeline is not the lord of River Beach City for nothing, this woman has considerable command ability!
Under her command, the entire huge team seemed well organized.
At this point, Marvin had to leave Collins temporarily.
His Holy Grail is extremely important in the battle for the Scarlet Monastery and must be in the first line of attack.
He entrusted Isabel to Collins' care and took the initiative to stand side by side with Madeline.
The group slowly stepped into the mist of the Scarlet Monastery.
"I thought you would never dare to leave the old man within ten steps again."
Madeline laughed in a low voice.
"Master Collins is a good man." Marvin said calmly, "At least he is honest."
“This is the basis for a deal or a partnership.”
Madeline showed a wicked smile: "You really disappoint me, Mr. Masked Double Blade."
"I thought we were on the same side. This world is full of uncertainties. I thought that someone who could kill his uncle with his own hands must be a very courageous guy."
"I didn't expect you to be so pedantic... I didn't expect you to believe me."
"Too easily believe a woman's words, this is probably your biggest weakness as a man, right?"
Marvin smiled, shook his head and said, "I am willing to trust anyone."
"But that doesn't mean I'm an easy target."
"Don't be complacent yet, Lady Madeline. After this battle, we will have a lot of things to do."
A gleam of light flashed in Madeline's eyes.
Marvin's words were simply a threat.
If she hadn't been concerned about the thing in the monastery, she would have wanted to take action against Marvin right now!
Too bad...she signed that contract.
She had read the contract carefully. It was perfect and could not be written by an ordinary human being. She was not surprised that Marvin knew about her Abyss bloodline. After all, the news of Hathaway's promotion to Legend had spread secretly throughout the entire southern wizarding world.
She saw with her own eyes that she was on Marvin's territory. This made her very jealous.
The two of them were almost from the same period, and both of them had outstanding talents. They made rapid progress in the early stages, but were stuck for a long time at the semi-legendary stage. There was nothing they could do about it, as Lord Lance 's cosmic magic pool restricted all semi-legendary wizards from advancing towards legend.
Now that Hathaway has taken the lead in entering the legend, the sense of urgency in her heart is growing stronger and stronger.
"Damn it... You actually used that Hathaway woman to pressure me."
"Once I get that thing and become a legend, I will definitely train this tender and delicious little man well..."
Madeline remained calm but made a secret decision in her heart.
The group continued to move forward, and after passing the gate, they came to a foggy area.
There are narrow ravines on both sides and steep stone walls above.
When passing a rock, Marvin subconsciously looked up. The last time he came to the Scarlet Monastery, he took this path, avoiding the perception of the two suffering monks and easily entering the ghost corridor outside the first hall.
The outline of a building vaguely appeared ahead.
"My Lord, this is the architectural plan of the monastery."
Suddenly, a wizard from the Chief Wizard Group slowly unfolded a one-meter-long parchment scroll and displayed it in front of Madeline.
This is a very incomplete construction drawing, many places have been erased, but some small places have been re-hand-drawn and filled with some symbols.
The Scarlet Monastery is huge, and there are monsters everywhere.
But the most terrifying thing is the lich sleeping on the second underground floor.
Everyone thought he was dead, but he just pretended to be dead in order to avoid being hunted by his enemies after his failure in becoming a god. In fact, he fell into an endless sleep.
During this sleep, he will accumulate strength and prepare for a comeback. He has deployed a large number of monsters inside and outside the monastery.
Some are loyal to him, while others are not - for example, the leader of the third hall, [Avenger Fagan]. As far as Marvin knows, this guy has always been plotting against the lich's godhood , and now he seems to have a relationship with the evil spirit lord.
This guy must be eliminated. He is much more troublesome than the demigod lich.
Madeline read the map carefully. Although she had seen it countless times before, she still had to compare it carefully when she arrived at the scene.
The wanderers, under her command, have quietly advanced.
Their purpose was to explore the area before the first hall.
However, Marvin knew that they would most likely return empty-handed.
Because this area has been cleaned out by him.
Sure enough, while the troops were staying outside the building, the wanderers soon returned one by one, and they reported that there was nothing in the empty houses ahead.
This surprised Madeline.
According to the information she had obtained, there should be quite a few mortals whose minds were controlled by the Demon God's Executors in the Scarlet Monastery. Where are these people going now?
There was a strange atmosphere in the entire team.
Only Marvin knew that after he killed those scarlet waiters, they must have been discovered by the Demon God Executor and dragged to the fifth hall to feed the monster.
That guy will never be full.
"The Scarlet Monastery has five halls. The first hall is mainly for corpse seekers. The leader is an elite corpse king. The strength of the River Beach City guards can destroy them, not to mention the Silver Church."
"The second hall is a mixed army of gargoyles and deep-sea banshees. The Holy Grail halo can restrain these two monsters, so it shouldn't be difficult to wipe them out easily."
"The third hall is the most troublesome. The Demon God Executor is not affected by the halo. The Avenger Feigen himself is also a quasi-legendary figure. Whether we can defeat him depends on whether Madeline and Collins can give us strength."
"According to the records of the previous life game, they advanced to the third hall , suffered heavy losses, and encountered an enemy they could not match in the fourth hall, so they had no choice but to retreat."
Marvin's mind flashed with the background information of the game in Fenan Continent in his previous life.
"But this time with my participation, it will definitely be very different."
"The key is still the fourth hall..."
The tall and determined shadow appeared before his eyes and he sighed softly.
The fourth hall was not something he could control, so it was only natural that he would stagnate there.
After all, that man is so scary.
Even if Hathaway or Constantine took action, they might not be able to defeat him, let alone a little Madeline.
If you want to push hard, only someone of Inheim's level can do it.
That's why the lich was so confident in entrusting him with guarding the most critical fourth hall.
Because the underground entrance to the Scarlet Monastery is in the fourth hall!
Only Marvin knows this secret.
That structural diagram was intentionally misleading. After the fifth hall, it was not actually the entrance to the monastery, but the Endless Abyss!
The real entrance is in the fourth hall!
Marvin remembered the location clearly. In his previous life, when he led a group to attack the Scarlet Monastery, he almost failed.
All the players were stuck in the fourth hall because no one had a way to deal with that man.
Even if he had to use human wave tactics, the man was not afraid.
But it was true that the other party was easier to talk to. As long as they didn't go too far, he wouldn't take the initiative to attack those who attacked the monastery.
This is his principle.
The man who was called the [Star Sword Master] many years ago was the most powerful guy in the Scarlet Monastery.
He is here not because of depravity.
But because there is something he is protecting here.
Something more precious than life.
"If there are no mortals, just go in and kill them!"
Madeline waved her hand and said, "Attack!"
This time, it was not the wanderers who started the charge, but the garrison who rushed in first.
They entered the ghost corridor.
The oil paintings on both sides stared at them coldly.
Madeline looked at the paintings and suddenly sneered. Flames appeared from her fingers and flew towards the paintings.
Screams came from the oil painting, and something strange suddenly happened in the entire ghost corridor!
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