Volume 2 Amber Chapter 33: The Day of the Slippery

This was Chen Lun’s first breakfast at Mrs. Caroline’s house, and also the first rice he had since he traveled through time.
He was secretly moved to tears and expressed his great satisfaction.
Mrs. Caroline's cooking skills are great. The rice coated with egg liquid and stir-fried in butter has a rich aroma and flavor. The chopped celery, cod and shrimp on top make it fresh and tender .
Although Chen Lun didn't like fish very much, he still finished it without leaving any, and drank a cup of scented tea comfortably.
"Is that your husband, Mrs. Caroline?"
He noticed the two photo frames on the cabinet and couldn't help asking.
Mrs. Caroline turned around, took a look and replied with a smile:
"Oh yes, that's my husband Henry...and our son Oliver."
"So are they also in Amber City now?"
Chen Lun asked.
Mrs. Caroline was silent for a moment.
"No, Henry died for the Empire many years ago...as did Oliver."
Mrs. Caroline stood up, took the album, and wiped the dust off it with her handkerchief.
The photo shows Mrs. Caroline as a young woman and Mr. Henry in military uniform, and another photo shows their son Oliver.

"They died heroically in overseas landing battles...May the sun's light shine on them forever."
Mrs. Caroline said a prayer and silently put the album down.
"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Caroline."
Chen Lun apologized.
Floy on the side also glanced at him, and through the black satin, he seemed to be able to feel her slightly reproachful "eyes".
"It's all right, little Jack, it's all over..."
Mrs. Caroline regained her old smile and came over to refill Chen Lun's cup of scented tea.
“Flowers bloom like fire, but also like loneliness.
Although time will make people forget, as long as I still remember them, that’s enough…”
Chen Lun looked at the white-haired woman, not knowing what to say.
He had actually heard of the battle that Mrs. Caroline mentioned. The Trisur Empire had been coveting the land outside the continent since a long time ago.
The nearest giant island to the Trisur Empire is just beyond the Far East. That island is called the Misty Island, where people live and there is civilization.
The overseas landing war launched by the Trisur Empire can actually be said to be a colonial war.
But over the years, it has ended in failure.
Even after several versions of the public beta in the previous life, the empire's colonial rule plan still had no progress. Who knows what kind of that can resist the empire's attack.
"Mrs. Caroline, your cooking skills are amazing. Can I learn from you?"
Floy put down the spoon, looked up and smiled.
Mrs. Caroline was surprised, and then sat down happily beside her.
"Of course, little Floy."
Chen Lun was also surprised by Floy's words.
But then I guessed her intention, which was probably to divert Mrs. Caroline's sadness.
What a nice girl.
"Remember to cook the cod in milk in advance, so as not to break it when cutting..."
Listening to Mrs. Caroline excitedly describing the key points of making fish ball risotto, Chen Lun gave Floyd a thumbs up.
Floy responded with a faint smile.
Then Chen Lun expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Caroline for her hospitality and left immediately.
After walking out of the corridor, he was about to start his day's tricky mode. When he passed by the coffee shop next to the flower shop, he saw Connie and Kent sitting under the parasol outside.
Kent was talking and gesticulating with an exaggerated expression, but Connie was unmoved.
She folded her arms, a little distracted.
Chen Lun ignored it and didn't care, he just chose to leave.
In the alley across the street .
Two young men from the Iron Fist Gang were smoking out of boredom.
"Hey, man, why don't we just go in and capture that foreign girl!"
"I think you are crazy. This street was specifically taken care of by Viscount Pompey in the inner city, especially the flower shop.
I heard that the landlord, Lady Caroline, is the widow of Viscount Pompey’s comrade-in-arms... If you want to die, don’t drag me along!"
The young man who suggested arresting the person directly was shocked.
"How did you know this!?"
"Don't forget, the boss often goes out drinking with those big shots in the inner city. I heard an officer's subordinate say that last time."
The young man threw away his cigarette butt and tugged at his leather jacket.
The other guy was a little impatient.
"What should we do now? That foreign girl has been hiding in there all day...
Only men would come out to hang around, so why not tie him up first and then let him bring the women out.”
The young man who threw the cigarette butt reluctantly took off his felt cap and scratched his hair.
He glanced at his companion as if he were an idiot.

"Then you can go and try. If he calls the police, there will definitely be two of us in the drainage ditch the next day."
"Okay, okay, wait a little longer!"
Chen Lun bought a newspaper and sat on a bench in the square.
On a makeshift wooden platform nearby, a monk from the Red Apple Church still stands there, preaching tirelessly.
"Oh, great Lady Rose, thank you for giving us health and vitality, passion and blood...
It is your compassionate gaze that casts seeds in the garden and grows them into trees...
The holy worm eats the apple and turns it into honey. It pities the sufferings of the people and relieves their sorrows and troubles..."
The monk walked down the platform with a look of compassion on his face.
Two church guards came from nowhere, each holding a tray with small boxes on it.
Many onlookers excitedly rushed forward and scrambled to buy the small boxes.
"Praise the Rose."
The monk tapped his left chest and forehead with his index finger and spread his five fingers toward the sky, making a prayer gesture.
Chen Lun looked at the red-robed monk and couldn't help but complain in his heart.
Ah Hong, you are lying again. Take a break and go do some sacrifice, okay?
Chen Lun knew very well what was in those small boxes.
It is a secretion of a supernatural being called "fruit honey", which has a healing and strengthening effect on the human body.
The side effects are not obvious, but it is very unethical.
Because it shortens lifespan and is mildly addictive.
The secretion excreted by the finger-sized extraordinary maggots after eating apples is fruit honey.
Chen Lun felt sick just thinking about it.
But these ordinary people are not aware of this and are willing to pay huge "donations" in exchange for this magical drug.
He sighed softly. The Red Apple Church was indeed very good at this.
"Hey, do you think the tax cut proposal put forward by Councilman Daniel will pass?"
"How is that possible? This is too unrealistic."
Two office workers were chatting on the bench nearby, which attracted Chen Lun's attention.
He felt that it sounded familiar, so he turned the newspaper over.
Sure enough, on a large board, I saw a plump middle-aged man talking loudly. He was the protagonist of recent discussions, Congressman Daniel.
"Alas, Councillor Daniel is a good and honest man, but it's a pity that the parliament never listened to those opinions."
"A good guy? I don't think so... His proposals are obviously useless and will never pass.
Most likely it is just a way to attract attention and canvass votes. I heard that he is planning to run for the Fossil City Councillor..."
The office worker who spoke had a somewhat disdainful tone and didn't seem to like the congressman very much.
His companion was a little annoyed.
"Why do you think so of Councillor Daniel? He is one of the few councillors in Amber City who is willing to put himself in the shoes of the common people!"
"Oh, come on... Take this proposal for example. After the tax cuts, Amber City's finances simply can't support the city's operations.
By then, there won’t even be anyone to light the kerosene lamps on the road, so be sure not to fall into the ditch when you go out at night!”
The two office workers started arguing, but Chen Lun didn't listen carefully.
Because he suddenly remembered one thing. This Councillor Daniel seemed to be the target protected by the small guild in his previous life.
It was this congressman who would eventually be killed by Dolly...

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024