Volume 1: Welcoming Gotham Chapter 32: No One Survives

The black bat headset was taken off and thrown on the ground, then crushed by Mason's foot.
The young man standing in the prison monitoring room was carrying a briefcase and looking at the images from the surveillance cameras in front of him. After warning Gordon, he should take the next step.
Judging from the camera surveillance, Miss Mag and Fang have completed their "work" excellently, and the first group of zombie prisoners have begun to roam around.
The violent Yaya even smashed the iron gate and approached the Penguin Man.
He stared at the surveillance screen, and when he noticed a team of black warriors approaching the cell where Miss Magg was, Mason placed his finger on the console in front of him.
He calculated the distance.
When the warriors got close enough, they decisively pressed the button to remotely open the prison gate.
With a "bang" sound, the black-clad warriors approaching the prison area raised their guns in unison. The black door that suddenly opened in front of them made them alert.
But then, as they watched in astonishment, a group of zombie prisoners, staggering in strange movements, covered in blood, howling and screaming, pounced on them like wild dogs out of a cage.
At such a short distance, even if the weapons were fired crazily, they could only knock down the first row of enemies.
Instead, the surging flesh and blood further stimulated the brutality of the following zombies. The first few black-clad warriors were knocked to the ground before they could draw their swords, and then screams rang out in the narrow corridor.

The warriors of the Assassin's League were elite after all. When they realized something was wrong, they immediately threw a row of grenades to cover their retreat.
But it wasn't just zombies that rushed out of the prison area. Miss Magg, whose body was covered with blood and flesh, pounced on the shoulder of a retreating black warrior with a roar like lightning.
The sharp claws tore open the neck guard and tore off half of the throat, then jumped towards the second warrior.
It's so fast.
Mason's quick-drawn gun was unable to lock onto it, and the warriors who were suddenly attacked were unable to catch the lightning-fast attack.
Even if a bullet hits the zombie cat head-on, it will be useless. The fragments of the resurrection stone in its body make Miss Magg not afraid of bullet piercing at all. Even if it is shattered on the spot, it can quickly "revive with full blood".
All I can say is that once the Deathly Hallows are used for dark purposes, the destructive power they can produce is too great.
The narrow corridor was filled with the sound of sharp gunshots, as well as the wails and screams as blood spurted out. The desperate warriors even drew their samurai swords.
But it was obvious that they were not well prepared when facing the zombies that had the advantage in numbers and were difficult to kill.
Mason watched the entire destruction of an Assassin's League team in the monitoring room, which gave him a basic assessment of the destructive power of the "zombie army" he created with his own hands.
In the closed and chaotic environment of Blackgate Prison, their killing and growth are unstoppable.
This made Mason nod in satisfaction.
Before leaving the monitoring room, he opened all the doors of all the prison blocks in Blackgate Prison. He then put Maomao, the most powerful zombie three-headed dog in his possession, into a voodoo birdcage and kept it in his arms for emergency use.
Wearing an invisibility cloak and carrying his weapon, Mason carried his briefcase and followed the prison map in his hand, beginning to move towards the prison area where the Penguin was located.
After all, he was my former boss.
If he was destined to die tonight, he, a traitorous little brother, had to personally see him off. He also had to retrieve the two beasts he had released before things got out of control.
With Miss Mag's terrifying infection efficiency, if it were to escape Blackgate Prison and run into the city...
Batman would definitely strangle himself.
"Charles, what's the situation out there?"
Mason put on his modified black headphones and asked the other party. Soon, the kite man's voice with the sound of wind sounded, and he reported:
"It's chaos outside, Boss. The Penguin Gang bastards have broken through the police's defenses and rushed into the prison. Commissioner Gordon's subordinates are running for their lives... Tsk tsk, they run really fast.
The prison perimeter has been occupied by the Assassin's League, and I just installed an engineering bomb on their plane!"
"Very good, let the Penguin Gang in, and then start the blockade."
Mason instructed:
"Blow up a few exits. The zombie tide has already formed. We don't need to intervene in the next matter. Remember to notify me when the Batfighter arrives."
"Roger that, Boss."
The kite man responded, controlled the kite to glide in the air, then took out a tablet and directed the dozen or so flying engineering bombs flying beside him to rush towards the front and rear gates of the main building of Blackgate Prison.
Five minutes later, when the armed Penguin Gang members rushed into the building to greet their boss, Charles decisively detonated the engineering bomb that had been set up.
The dazzling explosion quickly collapsed the front and back doors, blocking the possibility of the zombies escaping the prison and killing the people inside.
The noise attracted the attention of the black-clad killers outside, but in the dark they could hardly catch the trace of the kite man flying in the sky, so they could only rush over to clean up the ruins as quickly as possible.
As for those diehard Penguin Gang members who had just rushed into the prison that had become a zombie apocalypse, Kite Man could only wish them a painless death.
"Gordon! Unlock my lock! Damn it! The monster is coming!"
At this time, in the prison area attacked by the zombie dogs and teeth, the Penguin Man who had been acting confident of victory in the cage finally showed fear.
He huddled in a corner, hiding behind Commissioner Gordon and yelling.
The policemen in the cages were now nervously holding their weapons but no longer aiming at the black warriors. Ironically, the cages that were supposed to be used to imprison the bad guys had become the last wall to protect them.
Commissioner Gordon gripped his weapon tightly as he watched the elite members of the Assassin's League fighting the monster that had smashed through the iron railings and rushed in.

That guy looks like a big black dog.
But it was 1.5 meters tall when it lay there, with bloodshot eyes and a mouth full of twisted teeth, and its terrifying claws could snap a fully armed warrior in two with a single swipe.
Its body was abnormally thin, and there seemed to be no fat under the messy fur, only the muscles responsible for explosiveness.
Even if the black warriors' close-range shooting penetrated the skin, it was difficult to destroy its bones that had been strengthened by the zombie virus, not to mention that there was a large piece of resurrection stone fragment in the body of this crazy zombie Neapolitan Mastiff that continued to take effect.
That thing, when broken, is tainted with a curse that will torment the souls of dead bodies.
It is hard to say whether there is still a soul under Yaya's zombie body, but what is certain is that the continued effect of the resurrection stone fragments makes it more violent and deadly than before.
With a dry and shrill roar, the blood-covered zombie dog bit the hand of a black-clad warrior who kept firing at it. With a shake of its head, it tore half of the guy's body in half and swallowed the flesh and blood into its stomach.
Those scarlet blood eyes became even more violent.
A grenade hit it, and the violent explosion pushed the huge zombie dog away, causing it to roll and then crawl up. Its stomach was torn open by the explosion, but no intestines or the like were exposed.
The virus has deeply transformed its body. Perhaps only the organs responsible for digestion are left in its stomach, and it cannot feel any pain.
The warriors' weak attacks, lacking devastating heavy firepower, only made it more dangerous.
"Gordon! Run! The iron bars can't stop that monster!"
Seeing the elite black warriors being brutally killed one after another by the zombie dogs, the Penguin finally couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that Gordon had no intention of escaping, he screamed:
"Don't be silly, Batman won't come to save you! He's not even in the city right now! You may not care, but I don't want to die! Run! Take me with you.
I won't slip away, I swear!
Oh my God, for God's sake, Gordon, please take this as a plea!
You bat-worshipping lunatic don't want to see your daughter?"
"Run, Chief, Penguin is right."
"That monster will tear us all to pieces!"
The SWAT officers and sheriffs around him also began to persuade the silent Gordon.
They are not afraid either.
But the fact is, the weapons in their hands are not meant to fight monsters like these that rushed out of hell!
Gordon took a look at the hellish slaughter scene in front of him, then looked at the begging Penguin and his colleagues around him. He gritted his teeth, raised his gun and said:
"Take him and retreat!"
The group moved very quickly. Relying on the prison access card and key in Gordon's hand, they bypassed the zombie dogs that were slaughtering the black warriors and fled out of the prison area.
"Go down the sewer!"
Commissioner Gordon is a decisive man, and he is not stupid. After seeing the monsters raiding the prison and causing hell, he immediately found the only safe way to escape from here.
But the only regret is that Gordon was not the only one who thought of this safe path.
Just as they were escorting the Penguin to the underground, as they were leaving the main prison area, a team of black-clad warriors who had rushed over happened to meet them.
Both parties froze at almost the same time, and the Penguin, who had been looking for an opportunity, shouted:
"I'm here! I'm Oswald! I'm the one who made a contract with Lei Xiaogu! I'm your man! Open fire! Kill these policemen!"
"Bang, bang, bang"
The next moment, there was a loud and ear-piercing sound of gunfire, and the handcuffed Penguin kicked away Commissioner Gordon who was dodging beside him, and rushed towards the black warrior desperately.
The director gritted his teeth and shot him, hitting the Penguin in the thigh, but the latter gritted his teeth and howled as he threw himself into the black warriors.
After all, he is the one who can reach the top and become a big boss in Gotham, a place where the situation is extremely complicated. He is really decisive at the critical moment.
"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"
Under the fire suppression of the Assassin's League warriors, Commissioner Gordon was forced to retreat back to the main prison area with a wounded man and others.
They feel like they are finished.
But the black warriors who had the advantage did not kill them all. After repelling them, they took the injured Penguin and rushed to the sewer.
A dozen seconds later, Commissioner Gordon and others who had escaped death knew the reason.
With strange howling sounds, hundreds of shambling zombies in prison uniforms and black clothes rushed out from the opened prison gate.
To be honest, this scene had a much greater impact on Gordon and the police than the terrifying zombie dog just now.
This is a real zombie!

He suddenly appeared in front of them. Several veteran policemen were dumbfounded and just kept backing away. Only Gordon managed to maintain his sanity.
"Zombies! A large number of zombies appeared in Blackgate Prison! I need support! Quick!"
While he was frantically calling for help on the bat communication network, he was dragging the wounded person at his side and retreating continuously. However, the blood on the wounded person attracted the attention of the zombies, and they were stimulated by the blood and began to charge while howling.
The sight of those guys with bloody teeth and pale eyes rushing forward together made Gordon's scalp tingle. He looked around while shooting.
"The cell! Go to the cell!"
The chief shouted and dragged the wounded into the nearest cell.
The prisoners inside had already run away. Gordon rushed in, leaving the wounded behind, and stepped forward, using all his strength to slam the door shut and lock it tightly.
The next second, more than a dozen twisted arms covered in blood reached in through the bars of the cage and almost grabbed Gordon. At the critical moment, a volley of bullets saved Gordon from the disaster.
Following Gordon's instructions, the other policemen also escaped into several other cages.
They locked the cell door tightly, then huddled in a corner, surrounded by nearly a hundred zombies, and began to pray to the gods they believed in.
Gordon, who survived the disaster, looked up and saw Mason on the second floor of the prison area, who had put away his shotgun and was about to leave. It was this young man who had shot the bullet that saved him from death.
Mason made several gestures to Gordon from a high place, and the chief quickly understood what Mason meant.
"Stay there! Wait for rescue."
The chief watched as Mason disappeared into the main cell block with his gun on his back.
He really wanted the young man to hide as well, but Gordon was now surrounded by hungry and ferocious zombies, and the director himself had to rely on the cage to protect himself and had no energy to care about others.
The only good news is that these ordinary zombies are not strong enough.
They couldn't tear open the iron bars like the brutal zombie dogs, which allowed Gordon, who had just experienced a thrilling event, to finally feel a sense of security.
"Gordon! Are you okay? The Batfighter is on the way, hold on!"
Alfred's anxious voice rang out in the headset, causing Gordon, who was squatting in the corner tremblingly, to stand up suddenly. The director took a look at the horrible thing in front of him, gritted his teeth and said to Alfred:
"Switch to lethal weapons... We need fire to purify this place. Listen to me, Alfu, the situation can't get any worse. We must burn down the entire prison!
At least once!
Don't let the children come over. There's no need for them to come over...
There are few living people here.”
"The Batfighter is approaching, Boss!"
The same report also rang in Mason's ears as he entered the sewer. Kite Man reminded him:
"It's time to close the net and retreat. I left you a safe exit in the northwest corner of the prison. I will blow it up when you arrive to ensure that no zombies can escape."
"Well, I'll go over after I take care of the Penguin."
Mason replied, then turned off the communication.
He glanced at the voodoo birdcage in his hand, where Miss Magg, covered in blood, was curled up. This zombie cat must have really been "full" tonight, as it had actually regained a bit of the laziness that only a living cat would have.
It didn't even put up much of a fight when Mason retrieved it.
This lazy look is as if he is digesting food.
"The fragment of the resurrection stone seems to have restored a bit of its sanity. I don't know if I can raise it well in the future."
Mason thought so and put the bird cage into the suitcase, and when he took it out, the three-headed dog was replaced. He looked at the light in front of the dirty sewer, put on the invisibility cloak and approached there.
"Did you release those things?"
The Penguin's voice sounded in the front, with a hint of fear, but his question was not answered. The elite members of the Assassin's League rarely spoke while on a mission.
But the boss doesn't care.
The joy of surviving the disaster made the Penguin dance on the spot even after being shot. He walked forward with the black warrior while imagining the future.
He said:
"That damn Bat ruined everything for me, and that damn traitor! Mason Cooper! I swear on my two fingers, I'm going to give him a taste of hell!"
A sudden gunshot interrupted the Penguin's fantasy, and the head of the black warrior who was carrying him exploded in front of him, causing the Penguin to fall awkwardly into the disgusting sewage in the sewer.
He screamed and looked back, and then he saw Mason Cooper emerging from the invisibility cloak, and the young traitor was taking something out of his arms.
"Ha! Today is a double blessing!"
The Penguin Man lay in the sewage and shouted:
"Brothers! Kill him! Leave the last shot to me!"
The warriors were about to pull the trigger, and Mason threw the voodoo birdcage in his hand away. After the trio of howls, the zombie three-headed dog Maomao finally waited for his own debut in this dreary night.
Mason ignored the gunfire in front of him, snapped his fingers, pointed forward like a beast hunter giving a kill order, and said:
"Maomao, come on!"
"Eat them..."

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