Volume 1: Welcoming Gotham Chapter 21 Doctor, do you think I can still be saved?

"Bang, bang, bang"
The wildly fired bullets and hoarse, dry voices from the thick fog that suddenly rose up due to the uncontrolled explosion of magic perfectly demonstrated the terrible mental state of a poor young man who was kidnapped by a mad wizard, tortured and already somewhat insane.
He was lying on the ground with blood all over his face, yelling and shooting randomly like a crazy veteran suffering from a PTSD outbreak.
The flying bullets forced back Zack and Zatanna.
They are magicians but they will still be injured if hit by bullets. However, the master who heard Mason's hoarse cry rushed to the unconscious Mason in three or two steps like a ghost under the protection of his bulletproof cloak.
Batman waved his hand to knock the gun out of his hand, and then pressed down on his shoulders to hold him in place.
He said in a deep voice:
"Mason! Wake up! It's me! I'm here to save you. You're safe, kid."
"Batman? After the illusion of my parents, is he the person I admire the most? No! Don't even think about it! You are just an illusion, don't try to fool me! I won't be fooled anymore!
You damned wizard!"
Mason was howling hideously on the ground and tried to reach out to strangle Batman's neck. In desperation, the master could only take out the bat tranquilizer and hit Mason in the neck.
This calmed him down.
The master looked at the thin 17-year-old young man in front of him, with blood all over his body and stains on his clothes. This was the miserable state that could only occur after a fierce resistance that could not be faked.
This made Batman certain that Mason must have been severely tortured by the mysterious wizard during the five days of his disappearance.
While the old man was using his strong arms to pick up the unconscious Mason, Zatanna also came over with a few magic books picked up from near the pit.
The master turned around and looked at his childhood friend, the beautiful magician who almost had sex with him when she grew up. The latter's attention was now attracted by the magic book in her hand.
Full of a mysterious and intellectual beauty.
She held the torn book in her hand and said to the master in a professional tone:
“These are indeed real magic books, and judging from the obscure wording and sentences in these books, they are definitely from an ancient faction that has been passed down for more than a thousand years.
Batman, your city really brings me surprises.
I know the following request will make you feel uncomfortable, but I must use your influence in the city to ask the police to temporarily block this place.
John and I must carefully examine the remains of this magical explosion and collect all the remaining magical items here.
You have to understand that once these truly magic-related items fall into the hands of ordinary people, they will probably cause more chaos in your city."
"I understand, Zach."

Batman glanced at Constantine, who was picking up a set of magic crucibles in the pit nearby. He whispered to Zatanna:
"I'll ask my friends in the police station for help, but what about the wizard? Can you track him down? I have to know what he's planning by showing up in my city?
This incident gave me a bad feeling.”
"The magic line broke in an instant. This is a very advanced spatial magic. You saw it. The whole house was transferred to a different space that suddenly opened.
There was no sign at all.
The reaction time left for John and I was too short to track it down."
The beautiful magician girl looked around with regret, shook her head and said:
"He must be an experienced magician. He had prepared for this situation in advance. The noise John and I made when we broke the barrier must have been too loud and startled him.
We're sorry your tracking was affected.
But you should check on the kid's mental state, he's obviously been affected by that wizard's magic and his mental stability has been affected.
Maybe it's a malicious illusion spell. If you need anything, you can contact me at any time. John and I will stay here for a few more days until the aftermath of this incident is completely over."
"I will, thanks for your advice and help, Zach."
The master looked around and saw the mess.
He is not a superhero in the magic circle, and his knowledge of magic is limited to the basics and some theories.
He had encountered this kind of situation where a house suddenly disappeared before, and the previous experience told him that he should follow the advice of the trustworthy professional in front of him.
But before leaving, Batman asked again:
"You are going to clean up these here, what about tomorrow's performance? Bruce Wayne is my friend, and from what I know he is looking forward to the arrival of you, the master of magic."
"I can't help it. Business is more important."
The female magician Miss Zatanna gave an apologetic and sweet smile.
This magical girl, who truly came from a magical family, leaned on her magic wand and, while Constantine wasn't paying attention, stood on tiptoe and gave the old man a light kiss on the corner of his mouth under his mask.
This is what is meant by:
"I'll ask you to explain to your friend Bruce Wayne that I will double the generous deposit he paid me."
"I don't think that playboy would care about this. Goodbye, Xiao Zha. I owe you a favor."
With the beauty in front of him, the master took a step back with restraint, reached out to take out the grappling gun and shot it into the sky. After saying goodbye to Zatanna, he carried the unconscious Mason and flew into the darkness of Gotham and quickly disappeared.
The magical girl with long black hair watched Batman disappear, then she turned her attention to the magic book in her hand, trying with some difficulty to decipher the ancient grammar from more than a thousand years ago.
A few seconds later, a faint voice sounded behind her:
"Batboy is really stupid, thinking that I can't see him when my back is turned. But Xiaoza, you still said that nothing happened between you and Batboy?
And what about that invitation from Bruce Wayne?
You didn't tell me before you came that it was a world-class rich man, a famous playboy who invited you to the party. It was like a little fat sheep walking into the mouth of a big bad wolf.
You know, it makes me feel very insecure.”
"John, don't be so childish, we are all adults."
Zatanna had no intention of explaining, she just waved her hand and said:
"Besides, you and I are done, aren't we? Stay out of my business until you're done with those weird women from hell and heaven."
"But I haven't contacted them for three days. I don't even read their calls or letters, dear Zuckerberg."
Zha Kang squinted his eyes and looked at the direction where Batman left, while wailing:
"You have to believe my sincerity this time!"
"Special alchemical compound has been detected entering the body, analysis in progress... The item is 'Batman Combat Accessory Special Powerful Sedative', the formula has been recorded."
When Mason regained consciousness, he opened his eyes while lying on the hospital bed and saw this message.
Outside the translucent light curtain, there was a cold-faced female doctor in a white coat, probably in her forties, examining him with a stethoscope.
At this time, warm sunlight was shining in through the window. It was already early morning of the next day, and there was a person sitting next to the bed whom Mason had not expected.
Commissioner James Gordon of the Gotham Police Department.
Judging from the dark circles under Commissioner Gordon's eyes, he certainly didn't get enough rest during the days when Mason was missing.
"Thank God you finally woke up."
When he noticed that Mason opened his eyes and looked at him, the director, who was still frowning, suddenly smiled. Then he said to Mason with a hint of guilt:
"I'm sorry, kid. The news of the safe house was leaked by a mole in the police station. It was my fault at work. The mole has been arrested. But I was truly relieved after Batman told me that you were rescued safely.
This is all my fault. ”
"Come on, Chief, you and I both know it's not your fault."
Mason's voice was still a little weak, but it wasn't entirely a disguise.
He had been under great mental strain over the past few days, and coupled with the effect of the strange soul curse from the stars, his current condition was really not very healthy.
But he reached out and patted Gordon's wrist, trying to smile and said:
"At the time, I thought they were assassins from the Penguin Gang, but now I understand that the gangs in Gotham are not that powerful.
Who are they?
Why are you coming at me?"
"They... well, how should I put it? They might be an organization like a folk legend."
Gordon took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes tiredly and said :
"Have you heard of the League of Assassins?"

Just as the director said the name, the female doctor who examined Mason stood up, put her hands on her hips and said:
"Don't talk about these things in my clinic. I have other patients. This child is very weak and needs to rest now. Maybe I should ask you to leave."
As the head of the Gotham Police Department, Commissioner Gordon is supposed to be a man of authority.
But Mason noticed that this rare conscientious policeman and tough guy in Gotham seemed particularly lacking in momentum when facing this cold-faced doctor.
Even feeling a little guilty.
He immediately stood up and gave the doctor an awkward smile, then smiled at Mason and said:
"Leslie is right, you should rest now, Mason. I'll come pick you up when you're well again. Oh, and don't worry about your place to stay. I've arranged a new safe house for you.
It’s absolutely safe this time!”
After saying that, he gave the cold-faced doctor a slightly flattering smile, but the latter did not even look at him. The doctor only shook his head after the director dragged his tired body out of the ward.
Then he looked back at Mason and said:
“There are no obvious external injuries, most are just scrapes and have mostly healed, but you are very weak, kid. I will prescribe some medicine for you to see how you are.
If everything goes well, you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."
Mason nodded, thanked the doctor politely, and asked in a low voice:
"Are you and Commissioner Gordon old acquaintances?"
"I used to be his fiancée until that bastard hooked up with my best friend. Almost ten years ago, after the relationship broke down and the old bastard divorced, he came to me with his two children."
The cold-faced doctor, who was in his forties but still had charm, did not hide anything and said to Mason openly:
"Are you satisfied with my story, you gossipy little fellow?"
"I meant no disrespect to you, Dr. Leslie, and if this offended you, I apologize."
Mason knew he was asking the wrong question.
His age helped him again, and Dr. Leslie obviously had no intention of competing with a 17-year-old. She simply took out her anger over Gordon's appearance on the child.
She told Mason not to overexert himself and then opened the door and walked out.
After the doctor left, Mason stood up and walked to the window to look out. He was shocked to find that this clinic was not in the downtown area but near Crime Alley, a "famous attraction" in Gotham City.
From this second-floor window, you can even directly see the alley that is very famous in many ways. It was there that Bruce Wayne lost his parents one day thirty years ago.
That night was also the origin of Batman.
"This doctor dares to open a clinic near here. He is no ordinary person at first glance."
Mason thought of this in his mind.
Crime Alley is a famous chaotic area in the city. All major gangs have businesses nearby. The fact that Batman sent him here last night proves that there must be some connection between this clinic, Dr. Leslie and Batman.
Mason originally wanted to find a way to contact his younger brother, Kite Man.
But he suddenly realized that they didn't leave each other their phone numbers, and what was even more embarrassing was that he seemed to have never owned a mobile phone since his rebirth.
After much thought, I can only wait until two days later to meet the kite flyer at the dock in Miller Harbor on time. I hope that the unlucky guy won't encounter any danger.
After being tense, Mason suddenly relaxed and had nothing to do. He lay back on the bed and began to check the drawings of his various branch skills.
And pick out the things that you can try now.
The selection lasted until the evening, and Mason pessimistically found that the next few days would probably be very busy. Whether it was engineering or alchemy, there were too many blueprints waiting for him to try to make.
Especially alchemy.
The alchemy notebook left by Old K records more than twenty high-level potions with different effects, downgraded low-level medicines, and a complete collection of Hogwarts potions, etc.
From the information about the Philosopher's Stone and the magic engine of the Hogwarts train, it can be judged that if Mason wants to obtain high-level drawings and items in the future, he must "develop comprehensively".
In other words, he not only had to practice the several branch skills that had already been unlocked, but also had to arrange the branches of enchantment, jewelry processing and forging, and gathering that had not yet been unlocked as soon as possible.
The most outrageous thing is that Mason actually saw "cooking" in the unlocked branch skills, which really intends to make him a veritable "master of all professions".
But a person's energy is limited.
Mason couldn't imagine how much time it would take him to integrate so many branches?
With such thoughts in mind, the young man decided to take a short break before lunch and see if he could come up with a plan in the afternoon.
Just a few minutes after he fell asleep, Mason was suddenly awakened.
When he opened his eyes, he saw a guy wearing a khaki windbreaker with a white shirt underneath, a red tie tied casually around his neck, and smoking in the ward in a bad manner, standing in front of him.
Trash Kang!
Mason recognized the bastard immediately.
He had seen him last night, when he was with Zatanna and Batman.
But before Mason could say anything, his left hand was grabbed by Zha Kang, and the wide sleeve of the hospital gown was pulled up, revealing the strange black ghost claw tattoo on Mason's arm.
Seeing this thing, Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring with satisfaction.
He sat beside Mason's bed, flicked the ash on the disposable paper cup that Mason was drinking water from, glanced at the young man, and said in a long voice:
"Why, here comes Dr. Constantine to see you, Mason Cooper, you little secret fellow, look at your illness..."
The annoying guy pointed at the tattoo on Mason's arm and said meaningfully:
"I thought I was wrong last night. After I banished the eight undead ghosts buried deep in the insane asylum in this city last year, how could there still be such a dark atmosphere in this city?
But the fact proves that even if John was dumped by a girl, he is still the awesome John!
Young man, you are very ill."
Facing Mason whose expression changed slightly, Constantine took a deep breath of smoke with malice, and blew out smoke rings, making the strange-colored smoke form a green skull in front of Mason's eyes.
As he performed his trick, he said:
"How did you survive five whole days under the torture of that dangerous dark wizard? Come, tell me quietly, did you make a deal with some weird and mysterious beings in order to survive?"
After hearing Zha Kang's guess, Mason, who was originally nervous, suddenly relaxed.
Zha Kang’s suspicion is actually very reasonable and logical, but the problem is that apart from the correct result, you guessed everything else completely wrong, genius!
The young man maintained a slightly frightened expression, looking at the smug Zha Kang, he curled his lips in his heart.
Not urgent.
Let's first try to find out what this hateful guy is doing here?
Well, let’s play with him first.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024