The Real Hogwarts Chapter 108 Return Home

"It is almost impossible to keep the Mudblood students out of sight of the other staff during the day."
Hermione looked a little pale.
"After what happened last semester, Dolohov has been super strict in watching over us. Even if he has something necessary and cannot watch us in person, he will hand the task over to senior students like Beetee and Kate. They are all absolutely loyal to pure-blood wizards and will not show any mercy to us."
The more the situation became, the more the advantage of Jon's adult mentality became apparent. He was calmer than Hermione and analyzed the current difficulties.
"It's not necessarily impossible. The main difficulty we face now is how to get rid of Dolokhov and other faculty members' attention. As for senior students like Bit and Kate, as long as there are not many of them, I can deal with them without attracting other people's attention."
"And if we want to make these people slightly divert their attention from the Mudblood students, there are actually ways to do it."
He lowered his head, thinking and calculating the possibilities.
"Perhaps we can make something of the headmaster's office. Since Professor Dumbledore said that the Dark Lord would never have time to show up in Hogwarts Castle after 11 o'clock on Thursday, we can calculate the time and let the people in the castle 'accidentally' discover that the headmaster's office has been opened and the basilisk has been killed. By then, everyone's attention will definitely be attracted by this discovery."
Hermione shook her head.
"That won't work. If Dolohov and the others discovered this unexpected situation, they would definitely know that a dangerous person had broken into Hogwarts Castle. Their first reaction would definitely be to increase their vigilance, especially towards people like us. Half-blood and pure-blood students all have families and identities to rely on. Only we are easy to be planted."
The reason why Jon asked Hermione to discuss this matter was because he knew that Hermione was smarter than most of her peers, and she also knew his identity. If he wanted to find someone to discuss this with, it could only be this girl.
Just based on this sentence, it was enough to prove that she was not blindly trying to escape from here. The more critical the moment, the more rational she became.
What Hermione said was indeed correct, especially since Dumbledore had previously planted people from the Order of the Phoenix to sneak into Hogwarts Castle, but they were discovered. Once the headmaster's office was discovered to have been broken into, even if the faculty and staff in the castle could not contact Voldemort for the time being, they would seal off the entire castle in a short period of time, prohibiting all students from going out, and then search for the mudblood students first.
Not only would this fail to divert the attention of Dolokhov and his men, but it would instead draw all their attention to it.
Besides, Jon and his team had no way to let the people in the castle discover the problem in the principal's office by themselves. He had been worried that during the time when the basilisk was killed, someone might suddenly break into the principal's office and discover something unusual.
But now it seems that even if Jon took the initiative to report to his superiors that there was a problem in the principal's office, the people in the castle would not think of going into the principal's office to check immediately. Instead, they would hang him up and force him to tell them how he knew about it.
Thinking of this, Jon couldn't help but frown.
If this approach doesn't work, then his original idea of ​​attacking a few pure-blood or half-blood students, causing chaos in the castle, and then taking the opportunity to rescue the Muggle students, will obviously not work.
The Hogwarts of today is not the Hogwarts in the original book. If , the faculty and staff in the castle will definitely think that there are rebels like Dumbledore lurking in the school, and they will definitely block the Mudbloods at the first opportunity. The reason is still the same. If you want to sneak in, it is most convenient to borrow the identity of a Mudblood, and this is indeed what Dumbledore did when he arranged for Jon.
There was almost no effective way to attract the attention of people like Dolokhov while preventing them from being on guard.
It's not that there is no way out, as long as...
But before this thought even came to his mind, Jon suppressed it himself.
He looked at the flickering candlelight in the darkness, slowly narrowed his eyes, and reached out to touch the ring he had hidden in the inner pocket of his robe.
The gem that I just got from the library still contains extremely powerful magic. If I can't think of any other way, I have to give it a try even if I have to force it!
An island covered in grey mist.
Monsters in black robes floated wantonly around the dark, huge prison castle. An aura of despair and death emanated from them, covering the entire island together with the gray fog.
In the deep prison, Sirius was stroking the dozens of wands on the ground with his trembling hands.
"Have you heard from Dumbledore?"
Lupin sat next to him and nodded.
"I received a reply. He agreed to our request to plan ahead of time and set the time for next Thursday at noon. It must be a sunny day. The strong sunlight at noon will annoy , and it will also be our best chance."
Sirius' voice was hoarse, like someone who had been thirsty for a long time without drinking water.
"Just remember the time. If you stay here for too long, who knows what day it is."
When he said this, his voice suddenly paused, then he took a deep breath and asked in a calm tone.
“ How many ?”
Lupin clenched his fists slightly.
"I have been encouraging them for more than half a year, but... Danis and Beatrice still died..."
The corners of Sirius' mouth couldn't help twitching, his teeth were clenched tightly together as if they were about to break, but he still spoke.
"Fortunately...Fortunately...we have only lost two friends in the past six months, no more..."
He fiddled with the wands on the ground and gently separated two of them from the 42 wands.
“Are there enough people left?”
"Hersey, Ralph, and Aaron are already at their limit. There is no way they can help us. There are 37 people left. According to our initial prediction, with 35 people, we can have a 70% chance of success."
Sirius turned his head and stared into Lupin's eyes. His bloodshot eyes were frighteningly calm.
"So now there are 37 people and the success rate is 100%. We must be 100% sure because we want to bring our friends... home!"
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