Episode 9 Chapter 088 Contact

I asked what was going on, and it turned out that the things before were all unimportant. No wonder he was not excited at all when he heard about Master Nan's whereabouts, and didn't even express any emotion. It turned out that the important things were coming up.
Shan Lanjin went on to the main topic. He first showed me something and asked me if I recognized it. I saw it was a small copper piece, thin, like a flattened key. I took it and looked at it carefully for a while, shook my head and said I didn't recognize it. I asked Shan Lanjin what this thing was. Shan Lanjin said that this thing was found in my ward, as if someone had thrown it there casually.
I was confused and asked if this piece of copper was related to the fire in my ward. Shan Ranjin said that because I left early, I didn't see the fire in the ward and didn't know how it started. I didn't deny this because the ward was fine when I left. As for when the fire started, I really didn't know. I only heard a sound that I couldn't distinguish, but I didn't have time to check it out.
Shan Lanjin told me that the ward was not completely burned, only some things were burned. In other words, the fire was not big, but something inside was indeed burning fiercely. However, the thing that was burning was not in the ward, but was brought in from outside. He speculated that it was probably paper people, because when they went up to the ward, the whole room was full of flying paper ashes, and the ground was also full of them. He said that just one or two paper people would not produce such an effect, at least ten or so would be needed, or even more.
I knew this was not an ordinary fire and it was obviously aimed at me, but I didn't expect it to be related to the paper man. Because in my impression, whenever a paper man appears, it is extremely terrifying. Either I will have some horrible experience, or it will be a weird and scary situation. This time, because I left first, was it because I was not there that there was an exception?
But what Shan Lanjin said was definitely not that simple, and he himself said that this was a more important matter. Then he took out another piece of copper, and I saw that they were basically the same, except that the luster of this piece was a little dimmer. I asked Shan Lanjin where this piece came from. Shan Lanjin said that this piece was dug out from the wasteland on the side of Guangfu Road, just under the buried Ghost Guanyin. At that time, I thought it was an unimportant thing.
I was stunned when I heard this . Originally, the paper man and the ghost Guanyin seemed to be two unrelated things, but now they were inexplicably involved together, and because of this copper piece that I couldn't tell what it was at all. I looked at the copper piece again and felt that there was nothing unusual. I was a little confused for a while, but Dan Lanjin asked me, can I see anything?
I shook my head and said, “I can’t tell.”
Shan Lanjin then asked again, saying that he remembered that after his father and mother came here, his mother also brought back a ghost Guanyin. He asked me where his mother got the ghost Guanyin from. I really don’t remember this. I remember asking my mother at that time, but I seemed to have forgotten how she got it back to me. Besides, I didn’t pay much attention to this matter at that time. Later, Master Nan smashed the ghost Guanyin, and the matter was over.
Shan Lanjin said that the process of my mother's return was probably unusual, and he suggested that I ask my mother in detail, maybe there will be another important clue. I said that I would call and ask, Shan Lanjin nodded, so I called my mother, and when my mother picked up the phone, I asked her in detail. My mother remembered it clearly, word for word, and described every detail to me in detail.
She said she asked a woman in the community downstairs, and the woman told her to take bus No. 158 from the gate to the terminal, and then keep going along the road where she got off, and she would see it in about half an hour. Then my mother really went there, and after getting there, she really saw the road after getting off the bus, and walked for half an hour to the place she said. My mother said that the Guanyin statue was obtained from there.
After that, I talked to my mother about some other things. She was still worried about what happened before and asked me how I was doing now. I could only lie and say that nothing was wrong and asked them not to think too much about it, and then I hung up the phone.
So I repeated this story to Shan Lanjin again. Shan Lanjin said that he remembered that the last time I disappeared, I seemed to have taken bus No. 158. They also went along the road I mentioned and found me there. He asked if the place they were looking for me was the same place my mother mentioned.
After hearing what Shan Lanjin said, the images of those paper figures reappeared in my mind. I said, "No way, it's such a coincidence."
Shan Lanjin said it was not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement, otherwise there would be no such coincidence. After that, Shan Lanjin said that he told his mother that the woman in that place was also strange, but according to his mother's description, her description of the appearance was too abstract, basically any woman who met that age could be it, but Shan Lanjin said that he would handle this matter, he said that he could always find it, it just took some effort.
As for how to find it, he didn't elaborate. Shan Lanjin said that at least now it is certain that the paper man and the ghost Guanyin are roughly the same, and they are closely related to the two car accidents on Guangfu Road. Therefore, in addition to confirming the identities of the bodies dug out, there is another thing to do, which is to go to that place again to have a look, because he has always had a doubt, that is, I said last time that I came out of a room, but there was clearly nothing there. This has always been a very confusing place, especially when I said I saw a room full of paper men.
So in the end, Shan Lanjin's purpose of looking for me was actually this, but he said we couldn't go yet, and we should wait. I asked what he was waiting for, and Shan Lanjin said that when the situation on Guangfu Road became clearer, we would know what we were looking for there. I didn't quite understand what he said, probably because I didn't know much about the inside story.
After saying this, Shan Lanjin told me to take good care of myself at home and not go to work for the next few days. He said he had already talked to Director Gao on my behalf. Also, if I felt any discomfort, I must remember to go to the hospital or notify him, after all, hitting my head was not a trivial matter.
I agreed to all of them. After Dan Lanjin left, I sorted out the causes and consequences of these things by myself. I felt that things that seemed to have no connection at first were slowly beginning to be related. But when I thought about these things, I inexplicably thought of the mirror hanging in the main room of my grandmother's house. I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of it, and I still remember my image in it. It really scared me at the time.
When I was worrying about all these messy things, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. I wondered who it could be, so I went to the back of the door and looked through the peephole. Sure enough, I saw someone standing outside, and it turned out to be Master Nan. So I opened the door and asked Master Nan why he followed me here. Master Nan said to come in and talk.
After sitting down, Master Nan looked around the house and said nothing. Then he asked me where the things in my house were moved to. I said the ashes and cloth shoes were put back in the ruins, and the remaining one was a ghost Guanyin bed sheet, which was placed on the seventh floor, which should be 721. I asked Master Nan why he suddenly thought of asking this.
Master Nan said that we should leave the ashes and cloth shoes alone for the time being. He asked me if I still had the key to 721. We went down to 721. I asked Master Nan what happened. Master Nan said that something might happen. I was shocked by Master Nan's words and request. I said that this thing has caused so many troubles.
Master Nan said that he couldn't explain it clearly at the moment, he just wanted to confirm whether the Ghost Guanyin was still there. I saw that Master Nan was not joking, so I didn't dare to delay, so I took the key of 721 and went downstairs with him to open the door of 721. The Ghost Guanyin was indeed placed in 721 by Shan Rankin, but when we went in, all we saw was a pile of fragments. I don't know when the Ghost Guanyin had been smashed to pieces.
When Master Nan saw this, he just said, "Sure enough!"
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