Episode 7 Chapter 066 Fire

Only after I got downstairs did I realize that I was still wearing my pajamas and pajamas, with only a coat on. Shi Hu's car was parked downstairs, and I got into his car. Only after I got into the car did I ask him why he came here so late at night. As he was talking, I saw that the computer he was holding seemed to be connected to some surveillance footage. I glanced at it and it looked familiar. It was actually the situation at my home.
I suddenly looked at him, and then I felt the voice change, and asked him, "Are you monitoring me?"
Shi Hu didn't comment or answer me for a while, but looked at the computer. I also looked at the screen. The picture on the screen was dark and scary. I had just escaped from that environment, so I didn't dare to continue looking. So I looked outside the car. At this time, the entire community had basically returned to silence, and there were few people walking around. I didn't know the exact time, but I thought it should be about the same as in the dream, around midnight.
Shi Hu kept staring at the screen, then he moved the computer screen towards me and told me that the thing was always there, lying outside the living room window. We all know that I live on the eleventh floor and there is no place for a person to lie outside the window, so it couldn't be a person at all.
So I looked at the screen carefully, and sure enough, I saw a head lying there. The first sight made my heart beat a few more times, but I soon calmed down and continued to trace the problem back to the beginning: when did they install the surveillance camera in my room?
This time when I asked again, Shi Hu looked at me and told me that these surveillance cameras were not installed by them. They just found them by accident when they were helping me clean up my home environment after Master Nan failed to exorcise the evil spirits, so they tried to connect these cameras and got the picture I am looking at now. Shi Hu told me that every corner of my home can be seen clearly, without any blind spots, and that day Dan Ranjin came to confirm these things.
I then remembered that both times Shan Ranjin came, he looked through my house carefully, especially when he went to the bathroom, he stayed there for a long time. But when I said this, Shi Hu said that Shan Ranjin was not checking the camera in the bathroom, but doing something else. I asked what it was, and Shi Hu said that Shan Ranjin had placed something to ward off evil spirits somewhere in my bathroom.
Something to drive away evil spirits? I asked what it was, and Shi Hu said he didn't know, Shan Lanjin didn't tell him, nor did he show it to him. He just told Shi Hu that my bathroom was a little different, different from the things outside, which made her a little confused and had a very strange feeling, so to be on the safe side, he chose to put some things to drive away evil spirits in it first to see what effect it would have.
I heard that Shan Rankin sometimes did things without telling him, but Shi Hu said that they had different responsibilities and were responsible for different jobs, so they were not obliged to report to each other, and some things were meant to be kept secret. I couldn't refute Shi Hu, so I didn't say anything. I looked at the surveillance on his computer screen and asked, if they didn't install it, then who could it be? Am I always living under someone's surveillance?
Shi Hu told me that he and Shan Lanjin speculated that these surveillance cameras were not set up by others, but should be the work of Old Man Liu. However, Old Man Liu died later, so these cameras were abandoned and no one touched them. When Shi Hu said this, I suddenly remembered that the real-time surveillance images of my home suddenly appeared on my computer screen twice. At that time, I was still wondering why this situation suddenly appeared. Now think about it, it turns out that my home has been monitored.
I didn't think further, but asked Shi Hu what they saw. Then the scene of Shan Lanjin answering the phone while prying the floor tiles suddenly popped into my mind. I asked Shi Hu if Shan Lanjin was helping me at that time and he was downstairs, right? And he was watching the surveillance video at that time and found that Shan Lanjin and I were both focusing on the floor tiles, and he saw someone standing in the living room, so he called to remind Shan Lanjin.
What Shi Hu said was indeed true. I then asked them what abnormal scenes they had seen while they were monitoring me. Shi Hu said there were too many and he couldn’t finish telling them all at once. But there was one thing Shi Hu said, no matter how many strange phenomena there were, they all came down to one point. Shi Hu said there was a "person" in my room!
When he said "there is a 'person'", Shi Hu winked at me, as if to indicate that although it is a "person", I don't know what it is. Shi Hu said that I should have felt it, this "person" moved around with me, slept with me, and sometimes even did some abnormal things, but according to their observation, this "person" seemed to live with me, but had no intention of harming me, even if it played some pranks, it didn't seem to cause any harm to me.
Shi Hu went on to say that at first, because the phenomena were very messy and the information was incomplete, they thought that there was something lurking around me. However, since Shi Hu temporarily sent the two things lurking in the living room back to the seventh floor, and my slippers were moved, and the paper ash footprints in front of the sofa were clear and ruled out, the only thing left was this thing in my room. It seemed to have always existed, and it was completely different from the two things outside.
I said that was good, but Shi Hu said that it was not certain, maybe it was just dormant temporarily, because this kind of thing often entangles a person, there are always some tricks and purposes, he thinks that although this thing will not harm me for the time being, it also has its purpose. I listened to what Shi Hu said.
I pointed at the thing outside the living room window and asked, since the things in the living room were sent to the seventh floor by Shan Lanjin, what is that thing? I didn't seem to notice it before. Shi Hu said that this thing only appeared tonight, that is, after I went to work at the funeral home, so he speculated that I brought this thing back from the funeral home.
I remembered that I was basking in the sun in the square this afternoon. Could it be that I felt cold because of this thing next to me? It didn't hurt me at that time, so it followed me back home unwillingly. But I don't know why it couldn't come in, and just lay outside the window.
At this point, there is no need to ask why Shi Hu was here. I just asked him why the paper man appeared in the house. Did they see it, or did the camera record it? Shi Hu said that when I was sleeping, all the cameras suddenly went black, as if there was a collective malfunction. When they appeared again, it was the scene of me sleeping, and the paper man was holding a black cloth and covering my eyes.
At this time, Shi Hu and Shan Lanjin had come downstairs. I heard Shi Hu's words and asked if Shan Lanjin had come too. Shi Hu nodded and said Shan Lanjin was on the seventh floor. Then he looked at his watch and said that he had been upstairs for several hours and should come down now, because when he went upstairs he said he would come down before midnight, but now it was already 15 minutes past midnight.
I followed Shi Hu's suggestion and asked if something happened to . Shi Hu said we should wait and see. If Shan Lanjin hasn't come down yet, we will go upstairs to find him. We should keep calm at this time.
At this moment, I suddenly heard Shi Hu exclaim, and then I saw a fireball falling from the top of my head. I hurried to the window to look, and saw a ball of fire falling from the top of our building. Looking closely, it looked like something burning and falling. I quickly looked towards my floor, only to see the light in my room was on, and a person was standing by the window, looking at the fireball. Finally, the flame and ashes fell on the road below. Shi Hu said it was the paper man from my family.
So the paper man fell from the upper floor of my house, but Shi Hu had already asked why there were two people standing by the window of my room. So I looked and indeed saw two people standing there, but because the distance was too far, I couldn't see who they were.
Shi Hu said he would go upstairs to take a look, and I should stay in the car and not move.
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