Episode 7 Chapter 065: Letter Without Words

My first day at the funeral home was generally smooth. After get off work, I drove back home and felt that I hadn’t done much that day. It was a little spooky, but overall it wasn’t tiring. It could also be that it was only my first day and I hadn’t felt the pressure of work yet. The entire funeral home, from top to bottom, had no reaction to my coming to work. It was as if they had expected me to come and had naturally assigned me to that position.
I returned home and opened the door. The sofa had been scratched by Dan Lanjin, but it was still usable if you didn't mind. I straightened it and sat down first, but I saw an envelope on the coffee table. I picked it up and it was the wordless letter that Old Liu sent me, and it seemed to have been opened by someone. Seeing this, I realized that someone had been to my house.
I immediately checked the whole house. Except for the letter placed on the coffee table, everything else was normal. I was even more confused and took out the letter again. The only difference was that I saw words on the white paper. There were only three short lines, which read: It's coming!
I can feel it around me.
That is indeed it!
I looked at the three lines of words above in confusion. I read them several times without understanding them, but I still had no clue. Each of the three lines mentioned "it", so what is "it"? There is an "I" in it. Since it was not written to me by Old Liu, could it be written by Old Liu himself?
I turned the paper over and read it again. There was nothing left. I thought of the letter Shi Hu gave me in the ruins. I suddenly remembered that the letter asked me to destroy it. I held the letter for a while, then put it back, wondering whether I should do this or not.
But in the end, I decided to believe it rather than not, so I took out my lighter and went to the bathroom to burn the letter. Many people may ask why I burned it instead of tearing it up. I think that if I want to destroy it completely, I should burn it and turn it into ashes. If I tear it up, I can still restore it as long as I have time and energy.
After it burned, I flushed it down the toilet. But when I lit it, I saw the flames in the bathroom mirror. I seemed to see something else in the flames. It was a fleeting scene. I couldn't tell it clearly for a moment, so I didn't take it too seriously. I just thought it might be an illusion caused by the reflection of the flames.
After burning the letter , I returned to the living room and tossed around for a while before I felt a little sleepy. Since there was nothing else to do, I closed the door and went to sleep. I don't know why I feel sleepy lately, and I can't get enough sleep. As a young person living in the city, it's really abnormal to go to bed at 8 or 9 pm.
I fell asleep and soon fell into a dream. I felt that I was dreaming, but I didn’t seem to know what I dreamed about. I also felt that I was not dreaming. Later, I woke up by the flickering of fire. I opened my eyes and saw flickering fire in the distance, which was particularly dazzling in the darkness.
Because I woke up suddenly, my consciousness was still in a short blank state for a while. When all the consciousness before sleeping came up at once, I found several things wrong. First, I don’t know when I slept at the end of the bed. I remember that I slept at the head of the bed. It was also because I slept at the end of the bed that I happened to see the flickering fire in the bathroom, because the end of the bed was right in front of the door. Second, I closed the door before going to bed. I should say that I always close the door when I sleep, and never open it, but now the door is indeed open.
After I found something was wrong, I immediately got up from the bed, but both the night and the room were extremely quiet. I looked at the electronic clock and it was not yet midnight. Because I went to bed early, although I slept for a long time, it was not yet midnight. So I got out of bed in the dark without turning on the light, put on my shoes and went to the bathroom. When I walked to the living room, I felt a cold wind blowing in from the door. I saw that the door of the living room was also open. The corridor was dark and I couldn't see anything clearly. I didn't care, but went to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom door, I saw something burning on the toilet.
I was shocked when I saw it, so I went in to see what was going on. I saw that the letter that I had burned when I came back that night was burning, and it seemed that it would never burn out. The flames were endless and never extinguished. The flames illuminated the entire bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw the flames flickering in the mirror, but I was clearly standing in front of the mirror, but there was no image at all. Seeing this, I moved closer to the mirror and wiped the mirror with my hand, but it was no use. The mirror was empty, with nothing in it.
When I was flying with fear, a voice suddenly told me in my head that I was dreaming. I felt as if I had suddenly realized something, but at the same time I felt very strange, and then I said to myself that it was just a dream. After knowing that it was just a dream, my anxiety and fear were not so intense, and I relaxed a little.
Then there was a person outside the bathroom. It was none other than Huang Weilun. He stood there without knowing when. He held a black cloth in his hand and said to me, "Let's play hide-and-seek." I was so confused that I played with him, and I covered my own eyes. I felt that I had no vision at all. I just walked around and touched randomly in the room. It was completely different from when I played with Shan Ranjin.
Then I suddenly woke up with a strange feeling, but when I woke up, I tried to open my eyes, but found that my eyes seemed to be covered by something. So I touched my eyes with my hand and found that there was a piece of cloth covering my eyes. So I took the cloth off and found that I was still lying on the bed, but not at the end of the bed, but at the head of the bed. The door of the room was also closed. The only thing that made people feel unusual was the cloth covering my eyes.
So I was about to stand up, but when I stood up, I suddenly saw a person standing beside the bed. I was startled. When I looked carefully, I found that he didn't look like a person. So I turned on the light, and when the room became bright, I saw that a paper man had stood beside the bed without me knowing.
I felt terrible when I saw this paper man who looked exactly like the one I burned. I was terrified when and how the others came into my room. I immediately got up from the bed and opened the door to the living room. When I came to the living room, I looked at the door of the living room first, but it was open. This was somewhat similar to the scene in my dream.
When I was standing in the living room, I suddenly heard someone calling me from outside the door. The voice was in the corridor, very clear, and it sounded very much like Shi Hu's voice. Since it was Shi Hu's voice, I walked to the door, but out of caution, I didn't go out, but stuck my head out to take a look. As a result, I really saw Shi Hu outside, but he was leaning against the wall next to the door, as if he was hiding from something.
When he saw me, he immediately whispered to me to come out quickly. I looked at him for a moment and didn't know what was going on, so I asked what happened. Shi Hu told me to come out quickly. Then I came out. After I came out, Shi Hu took me to the wall and said to me, "Don't you see that there is a person lying on the window of the living room and looking into the living room?"
I shook my head and said, I just came out of the room and didn't have time to look. But Shi Hu said it was a good thing I didn't look, because he was scared when he saw it. As he said that, Shi Hu motioned me to go downstairs first, so he and I went downstairs. Along the way, the two of us were as careful as thieves, as if we were afraid of disturbing something.
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