Episode 5 Chapter 048 Half asleep and half awake

The old lady told me that it wasn't just my home, but the whole building had a spooky and negative energy. If you want to live in a place like this in peace, you must first stop thinking about it. As the saying goes, suspicion breeds evil. The more I see enemies in everything, the more likely some of my suspicions will come true. I think what the old lady said to me before she left was particularly domineering. She said that if you have a clear conscience, gods and ghosts cannot approach you.
The grandma's "open and aboveboard" is not what we usually say, "do no wrong deeds" or "not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door at night", but when a person is not afraid of anything and has no desires, nothing can threaten you. But I admit that I can't do it yet. At least I can't let go of life and death, so the saying "gods and ghosts are hard to get close to" is just out of reach.
After the old lady left, I don't know where I got the inexplicable courage from, it seemed that the house was not as gloomy as usual. After I sent them away and returned home , they didn't drink any of the water on the coffee table from beginning to end. I was about to pick it up to pour it out, but I found that there seemed to be something on the cup. I looked at my hands, and rubbed it with my hands. It looked like some dust. I found it strange. The quilts in my house are all kept in a special cabinet, and I checked when I took them out. They are absolutely clean.
When I thought of this, I put the cup back to its original place and moved away from the coffee table. Then I bent down as if I had discovered something and looked at the floor. Sure enough, I saw a pair of almost imperceptible footprints, and they still had ashes on them, which looked like the ashes from burning paper money.
This pair of footprints is exactly the same as the one I saw at the door last time. At that time, it had one foot outside the door and one foot inside. Now it is completely inside the house. I remembered the strange look in the grandmother's eyes when I brought the water over. She didn't look at me, but stared at the side of me. At that time, I thought it was because of the grandmother's old age and didn't think much about it. Now it seems that the grandmother noticed it early. No wonder she said that at the end. It turns out that this thing has been around us all the time. It really can't be scared.
After realizing this, I tactfully moved away from the sofa and took my computer back to my room. Actually, there was nothing much to do with the computer all day, since I wasn't working or preparing materials, so I just browsed around for a while and then turned it off. Later, I felt sleepy and went to sleep.
I don't know if I was dreaming or not, but I just remember that someone seemed to be calling my name in my sleep. The voice gradually became clearer, but my consciousness was half clear and half fuzzy, somewhat awake, but also as if in a dream. I remember opening my eyes and seeing a person standing beside the bed. I didn't know who that person was. I actually asked him why he was here, and he replied that he came to see me, and then asked me to get up and go to a place with him.
I seemed to get up just like that, and when I got out of bed, I asked him why my shoes were gone, and he said that the guest who came to our house had no shoes to wear, so he put them on. I didn't react at all, and followed him down barefoot. When I came to the living room, I really saw someone sitting on the sofa, motionless. I asked this person why there was someone sitting on the sofa, and how come I didn't know when the person came. But he told me to leave it at home for now, as we had something else to go out for.
When I heard him say he was going out, I said I hadn't washed my face yet, and he didn't say anything else, so I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I remember I also shaved. After doing all this, I came out again, but I saw the man on the sofa standing with that man, and he said he would go out with us too.
I seemed to know these two people when I was in that state, but when I woke up, I felt that they were like strangers I had never seen before. I couldn't tell their names, so for now I will use their ages to distinguish them. The first person standing at the head of the bed is about my age, so I will call him the young man. The one sitting on the sofa is about fifty years old, so I will call him the middle-aged man.
Then I walked out of the house with the two men. When I walked out, I saw the door was open, so I said I would close the door. But the young man said he would come back, and if I closed the door, I would not be able to come back, so I just left it open. I did not close the door and walked to the corridor with them. They led me to the elevator door, which was already open. I did not ask why the elevator was open. In that state, I just thought it was reasonable, but I felt it was abnormal only after I woke up.
After getting in the elevator, I saw the young man pressed the first floor button. The elevator stopped once at the seventh floor. The middle-aged man said he was going to say hello to a relative and asked us to wait for him. Then we waited in the elevator. After a while, he came back and we continued to go down. After going down, they took me around the community. Finally, when we got to the woods behind the community, I saw a person standing under the tree. I looked and it was Master Nan. I muttered to myself why Master Nan was there. I was about to go over to say hello to her, when I suddenly felt someone behind me push me, and I woke up suddenly.
When I woke up, I was lying on the bed, but I really felt as if someone pushed me. I looked towards the bed, and then looked around. The room was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. So I reached out and turned on the light. After the light was turned on, the room was bright, but there was nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed to be another dream.
But I always felt that something was wrong, so I got up went to the bed to check, and my shoes were really gone. My heart skipped a beat, and then I looked at my feet, and found that they were all dirty. I looked at the bed again, and there was dirt and sand on it. I began to have a bad feeling in my heart, and then I listened carefully, and it seemed that there was some sound coming from the living room, so I held my breath and listened, and there was really something.
I looked at the clock. It was 3:33 again, not a minute more, not a minute less. I took a deep breath and went to the living room to turn on the light. The sound was much clearer in the living room. It was coming from the bathroom. It seemed that the faucet was not turned off, and the water was running. So I went to the bathroom and turned off the faucet. I saw the shaving gel was casually placed on the table, and the razor was also there. The foam on it had not been washed off. I looked in the mirror and found that I had indeed shaved my beard.
Then the scenes in the dream emerged clearly in my mind one by one, making me feel cold. I then noticed the door to the living room. Sure enough, the door to the living room was open. I didn't notice it just now and went straight to the bathroom.
I walked to the door and closed it. I didn't dare to look at the corridor to see what was happening. I didn't want to know. At this moment, I just wanted to close the door quickly, then go back to the room, think carefully about what happened, find out the differences, and tell myself that what just happened was just a dream, a real dream, and I didn't do those things.
As for my shoes, they were still there, neatly placed in front of the sofa. I took a look at them, shuddered, and returned to my room. After returning to my room, I felt that this was not a good thing, so I called Shi Hu, and Shi Hu answered the phone. As soon as he picked up the phone, he asked me what happened.
I just told Shi Hu about the dream. I was just discussing his ideas with him, but he told me to wait for him and he would come over soon. Then, in just half an hour, Shi Hu arrived at my house. He looked at the scene and told me that I was afraid this was not a dream.
Then he asked me to put on my clothes and shoes, and said we should go downstairs and walk according to the scene in the dream to see if we could find anything. So I went downstairs with him, but we walked along the corridor instead of taking the elevator. After going downstairs, I walked into the community according to the scene in the dream. There was nothing unusual along the way. It was only when we arrived at the grove that we saw something hanging on the tree from a distance.
We got closer and Shi Hu shone the flashlight, and I saw that they were actually two dummies hanging on the tree!
Shi Hu looked at me and asked me if I had hung it there. I said I had never done such a thing before, and Shi Hu said nothing more. He did not take the dummy down, nor did he sit over to take a closer look. Instead, he looked around and asked if there were any surveillance cameras in the area. I asked how could there be any in this place, and Shi Hu said nothing else, and then he went back home.
Shi Hu didn't say a word along the way, as if he was thinking about the possibility of this incident. After returning home, Shi Hu told me that he might not have had a dream, but it was real. He asked me if I had had the same experience before, feeling like I had really been to those places, but also feeling like it was just a dream?
I said this was the first time, and I had no memory of the previous things, not even the dreams. Shi Hu fell silent again, as if he couldn't figure out what was going on. After a long time, he finally said something. He said that these things in my house didn't seem to want to harm me, and after what happened today, he felt like he was also suffering with them.
When Shi Hu said this, he looked at me steadily, and his eyes were extremely strange. I felt uneasy when he looked at me, and it was the first time that I saw a sense of distrust in Shi Hu's eyes. So I swallowed and said, how could I get involved with these things!
Shi Hu's expression and eyes disappeared in a flash, and then he said to himself that these things would not harm me, but would harm everyone who came into contact with me. What was going on?
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