Episode 5 Chapter 047: Inviting Ghosts

Master Nan was temporarily detained in the police station. When asked how to deal with the matter, Shi Hu said that the first priority was to exorcise the evil spirit for Master Nan, and considering that Master Nan's wife seemed to have entangled, they had not yet notified her to come to the police station.
I asked Shi Hu if they had found a suitable candidate yet, and Shi Hu shook his head and said no, there were candidates but none of them were as capable as Master Nan, and I was afraid they wouldn't be able to make any difference. At this point, Shi Hu told me that I don't have to worry about it for the time being, they will find a solution, and I should think carefully about the secondment because it is very important, not only for me, but also for them.
Actually, I was going to agree to Shi Hu's request, but I hesitated for some reason. After all, I felt guilty about the things I was doing on secondment. I said I would think about it and give him a reply tomorrow. Shi Hu said not to worry, I would tell him when I think about it in the next few days. After that, I went to the detention room to see Master Nan. He was still sitting there in a daze, as if he could no longer speak or think. He looked like a walking corpse, with only a shell.
I said he was fine that day, how come he suddenly became like this, is it like this after being possessed? Shi Hu said no, some people are almost the same as normal people after being possessed, Master Nan looked like he lost his soul. The more I talked about it, the more complicated it became, and I didn't quite understand it. Then Shi Hu said that there was nothing to do here for the time being, and he would send me back first. He also asked someone to help me clean up the house, and as long as I was careful, nothing should happen.
On the way back, Shi Hu told me that I would be at home for the next few days, so he would not come to pick me up. They would give me a response as soon as possible about my car hitting someone, and he said that Shan Ranjin might bring people to our building to check for clues in the next few days, so I should be able to meet him. Shi Hu sent me downstairs and left, and I went upstairs alone.
When I got home, I felt a bit lonely, but these bad things were happening, and life had to go on. After I got home, I called home, and my mother asked me how things were going. I didn't dare to tell her, so I told her everything was fine. My mother felt relieved after hearing that. I told them about the secondment to the police station, and my mother said that I could make my own decision. I knew the importance of work, and they all respected my choice. But my mother finally said that if the police station really valued me, I would go there, and it would be an additional experience.
After hanging up the phone, I turned on the TV, but I couldn't concentrate on what was playing. After a while, I suddenly remembered that Shi Hu told me that day that I had an email, but I never remembered to read it. So I took out my computer, turned it on and opened the email. I clicked on the email, and just like last time, a large picture popped up, but it was no longer a close-up of a mannequin, but a frosted glass mirror with a vague figure in it. The body of the email only had three words - save me!
I felt a little confused, and the picture looked somewhat creepy. I thought it was another prank by that person, so I didn't look at it carefully and closed the email. After that, I surfed the Internet for a while, but I felt a little absent-minded, so I just randomly opened and closed web pages.
Just when I was feeling a little bored, someone suddenly knocked on the door. I was a little alert, but I still got up and went behind the door. I looked outside through the peephole and saw a middle-aged woman standing outside. I didn't recognize her, but it was her who knocked on the door. I hesitated and opened the door. After the door opened, I saw someone standing next to the middle-aged woman. I recognized her. She was the old lady who sold paper money on Huguo Road.
I was stunned when I saw it was her, but before I could say anything, the middle-aged woman spoke first. She introduced that this was her mother-in-law and Master Nan was her nephew, and they came to talk to me about Master Nan. So I invited them in, but surprised me a little was that when they came in and saw the room full of ink lines, they were not surprised at all, as if it was an ordinary thing. I asked them to sit on the sofa, poured them each a glass of water, and sat down on the sofa as well. Only then did the old lady start talking to me.
Her first question was whether my parents had returned to their hometown. I said yes. I was a little surprised that she knew so much about my family affairs. Seeing my surprise, she said that Master Nan had told her about my family affairs and she knew what had happened in my family. Then she looked at the ink lines all over the room and said, "This must have been made by Master Nan, using gold and silver powder."
I said that the old lady had good eyesight and could see all this. At this time, the old lady's daughter-in-law interrupted and said that the old lady also knew these things, so she could see it. The old lady waved her hand and said that she was too old to do it. I didn't say anything. The old lady said that Master Nan had told her about our family's affairs before, but he never said a word to her since he started to exorcise evil spirits for our family. Moreover, it was only at noon today that she found out that Master Nan was arrested for forging police certificates and that his family and relatives were not allowed to visit him. She said that this was not the real reason why Master Nan was detained, right?
I was a little hesitant to start speaking, and the old lady saw that I was embarrassed so she continued. She said that Master Nan should have told me that the first time my mother and I went to her shop, she saw two shadows following us. When she came, she heard that two dummies were found in the water tank on the roof of our building, and it was said that they were later stolen. She asked if I often saw dummies appear outside the door, outside the window, and at home.
When I heard the old lady say this, I nodded and said that it was true, so I asked her what this meant. The old lady said that the property management and the police didn't understand, and she knew what was going on just by listening. The dummies were man-made, so how could they have the ability to harm people? It was just that something was attached to the dummies. This matter could be a big deal or a small matter. At a big level, someone was targeting our family and doing something immoral. At a small level, it was just an ordinary prank. It depends on how we think about it.
The old lady spoke slowly and steadily. She said there were two dummies, I broke into one and my mom broke into the other, but later my mom passed away, and the thing attached to the other dummies was transferred to Master Nan, so Master Nan became what he is today. When the old lady got to this point, she said that when we went out and came back that day, she knew that this matter would involve her family, so she asked Master Nan to help us. Who knew that although Master Nan declined, he was finally found by the police, and it turned out to be the same case. So what is yours will still be yours, no matter how you try to escape, it will eventually come back to you.
The reason why the old lady said so much was that she knew the reason for all these things. She just wanted to confirm with me personally about Master Nan's current situation so that she could have a better idea. Since the old lady said so, I described Master Nan's situation to her in detail. After listening to it, the old lady's face darkened a little, and then she asked me to help Master Nan. She only had this one nephew, and she felt bad watching him suffer.
I said I also wanted to help Master Nan, but the problem was that I didn't know anything and didn't know how to help. The old lady said she had a way, but now the police didn't want his family to get involved in this matter, and she didn't want to argue with them, so she asked me to do it, to solve the problem from the root, and only in this way could Master Nan be saved. The old lady said that even if she did it, she would still have to find me for help in the end.
I asked the old lady what she wanted me to do. She said that Master Nan’s life was not in danger for the time being. She was worried about Master Nan’s wife. The thing in his body was not in him now, but had been transmitted to his wife. This fake person thing first appeared here, so he wanted to set up a ghost-summoning table in my house to summon the fake person first.
When I heard that they were going to summon ghosts again, I felt a little scared, but the old lady comforted me and said that it was okay, and that the table she made would not affect me, and could also drive away the thing that was wrapped around me. She said that the master's soul had gone away, and only by getting rid of the evil spirits could the soul be called back, otherwise it would be useless.
Since the old lady wanted to kill two birds with one stone, why not I do it? But after the experience with Master Nan, I became more cautious. I asked the old lady if she was sure of this. The old lady told me to trust her. She said Master Nan could have done it well, but unfortunately he was entangled for some reason. Otherwise, if I hadn't followed his method of exorcism, I guess my family would be safe now. The blame lies with the gold powder.
I asked why, and the old lady said that Master Nan used wooden tools to exorcise evil spirits, but he added gold powder to it. Gold is the enemy of wood. No matter how Master Nan tried to convince us that adding gold powder could exorcise evil spirits, in her opinion, the gold powder only had one function, which was to break the magic . So the ink lines drawn by Master Nan had no effect of sealing those things at all. Since they couldn't be sealed, all the efforts made afterwards were in vain. To put it bluntly, he was just fooling us.
I sighed and said I didn't expect the thing that possessed me was quite smart, but the old lady said it was not just smart, but I was afraid it might not be some evil spirit. If it was, I was afraid that this matter would be very troublesome. When I heard what the old lady said, I was a little nervous. I said no, but the old lady said we could only wait and see if it was true.
She said that it was definitely not going to work today. She came today to ask for my permission to help, and secondly, many things were said by Master Nan himself, and she had not seen them herself, so she came to see what was going on in my house. I asked if she could see anything, and the old lady nodded. I asked impatiently what it was, but she shook her head at me and said softly that it was not possible to tell me now, so as not to shock the unpredictable things.
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