Episode 4 Chapter 032 It's Behind Me

After getting the CD, Shi Hu told me to wait upstairs. When I heard him going downstairs to get the computer, I knew Shi Hu's intention and felt a little scared. I asked if I had to watch it here. Shi Hu said that there might be further clues in the CD.
So Shi Hu went downstairs to get the computer, and I was wandering around Huang Weilun's room. His room was rented, a one-bedroom and one-living room type. After Shi Hu went downstairs, I came to the living room. Outside the living room was a small balcony and bathroom. So I went to the balcony to take a look. Looking down from the balcony was the shady side, and there was an alley below.
I went to the bathroom again, and I found a large mirror in his bathroom. I could almost see my whole body when I went in. I stood in front of the mirror, and I felt an inexplicable horror in this atmosphere and in this place, so I wanted to leave here, but just when I was about to turn around, I suddenly saw a pair of feet behind the bathroom door.
So I looked carefully in the mirror to confirm, there was indeed a pair of feet, and my whole body was covered with goose bumps, because this pair of feet was different from the ones we had seen before. This was not the tip of a shoe, but a real pair of feet with toes!
I was startled, and then instinctively turned my head to look under the bathroom door, but when I looked down, I found there was nothing there. I opened the bathroom door suspiciously, and indeed there was nothing. I looked at the mirror again in shock, and the pair of feet that I had just seen in the mirror were gone.
I don't think it was my own illusion, because I saw it in the mirror, and I was very sure. I just felt that I was really scaring myself by looking at such a mirror, so I ran out of the bathroom as if I wanted to escape. When I came out to the balcony, I suddenly heard a "bang", which seemed to be the sound of a door closing. I thought it was Shi Hu coming up, so I walked to the French window door, but I didn't know that there was no one in the living room, but the open door had been closed.
I began to feel something was a little strange, especially when I saw the pair of shoes that were originally placed behind the door suddenly moved to the center of the living room. I cursed in my heart and was about to go to the door. At this time, the door opened again and Shi Hu came in. After he came in, he saw me standing in the living room and asked me why I closed the door. I said it was not me who closed it.
Then Shi Hu saw the shoes in the middle of the living room, looked at me and asked me how the shoes moved to the middle of the living room by themselves. I nodded, and Shi Hu frowned. Then I told Shi Hu that I felt something following me, and then I told him what happened in the bathroom. Shi Hu then told me that Master Nan had encountered the same situation as me. It seems that Huang Weilun should be a clue.
Shi Hu turned on the computer and put the CD into the CD-ROM drive. After the CD file appeared in the computer, he clicked it. There was a video file in it, and Shi Hu clicked it.
But the beginning of the video is a gloomy picture, which shows Huang Weilun's room. It seems that I am not the only one who wants to record myself sleeping. Huang Weilun also did the same thing. But he must have used professional equipment, because this video was recorded in a completely dark environment, and my camera needs to be turned on to get a picture.
Huang Weilun was sleeping on the bed, with the door of the room open. Whether to close the door or not might be related to one's sleeping habits. From here, one can see a corner of the living room and half of the door of the living room. The video was completely still for more than a minute, but this stillness was terrifying and made people feel breathless. This made me deeply understand the saying for the first time - the calm before the storm. Generally speaking, the calmer the prospect, the more unexpected and unimaginable what will happen next.
Sure enough, I soon saw the door to the living room open. Yes, it was the door to the living room. It just opened. Maybe the microphone of the camera was not very good, so I didn't record the sound of the door opening. There was a little sound, but it was basically negligible. After the door opened, it closed by itself. From beginning to end, I didn't see anyone appearing inside or outside the door.
The screen was almost still again, but I felt a little breathless because I knew something had come in and was probably in the room, or even by the bed. I was right. Then I saw a corner Maybe he noticed a noise around him. I saw Huang Weilun move unconsciously and then he became quiet again. He was completely unaware of what was happening around him.
Then, I saw his quilt start to slide to the end of the bed, as if someone was pulling it, until the entire quilt was almost pulled to the end of the bed. Huang Weilun basically had no reaction. After about ten seconds, he suddenly woke up. I saw him stand up straight and found that the quilt was gone from his body, so he looked for it, pulled the quilt over from the end of the bed, and went back to sleep.
The video was obviously edited. Soon he fell into a deep sleep again. The quilt on him was pulled off again, but this time it was pulled from the side. Finally, the quilt fell completely to the ground. Huang Weilun woke up again. I thought he was awake, but soon realized that it seemed not to be the case, because he quickly sat up from the bed. After sitting there blankly for about ten seconds, he got out of bed. He didn't put on his shoes or pick up the quilt. He just got out of bed and stood blankly facing the door.
Afterwards, you can see that the video has been edited, because it is obvious that fast-forwarding was used. I thought he must have been standing like this for a long time, so I walked out slowly, only to see him walk to the door of the living room and open it. I thought he was going out, but he just stood at the door. The voice-controlled light outside may have lit up because of the sound of the door opening, and the picture suddenly became much brighter. At this moment, Shi Hu pointed to the corridor outside the door and said, "There is a figure there. Judging from the direction of the figure, it seems that someone is standing outside the door where we can't see."
But Huang Weilun didn't realize or react to this person's existence at all. He just stood there motionless at the door. I wonder if someone opened the door or came back and saw him at this time, he would be scared to faint on the spot.
Huang Weilun stood there until the voice-controlled light went out for a long time. Then I saw him reaching his hand outside, as if he was taking something. It was hard to see clearly because of the darkness, but there was definitely something in his hand.
Then he withdrew his hand, went back and closed the door. After the door of the living room was closed, he went back to the room. However, he did not go back to the bed. Instead, he squatted in the corner next to the camera, facing the corner as if there was something on it. Only then did I notice that there was a pen in his hand.
He wrote very seriously in the corner for a while. After he finished writing, he suddenly turned around and smiled strangely at the camera. I could see his smile clearly. It was as if he knew that the camera was recording his behavior and he made such a gesture deliberately.
After finishing writing, he returned to the bed, but just sat on the edge of the bed, his legs shaking, his mouth moving all the time, as if he was chatting with someone. At the same time, we saw the door of the room slowly closing, but there was no one there, except for a pair of shoes behind the door. When seeing this, Shi Hu suddenly turned back to the beginning to look. I also noticed that there were no shoes placed by the bed from beginning to end, which means that the pair of shoes behind the door belonged to Huang Weilun.
After the door was closed, Huang Weilun suddenly lay back on the bed, but the quilt was still on the ground. He didn't care at all. The content of the video ended here.
After reading it, Shi Hu put down his computer and walked into the room. I knew what Shi Hu wanted to do. He wanted to go to the corner to see what Huang Weilun had written. I followed him in and when I reached the corner, the line of words he had written was still there. I read out this sentence - It's behind you!
When it was read out, Shi Hu and I turned around almost at the same time. Just as we turned around, we saw the door closed, and in the living room that flashed by quickly, there was a person standing!
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