Episode 4 Chapter 031 Three Letters

The box of ashes was placed on the coffee table. We had looked at the sender's address several times, but there was no useful information on it. There was a phone number, but it seemed to be a randomly made-up number. Shi Hu dialed it, but there was no such number at all.
Both Shi Hu and I were very sure that the box of ashes belonged to Old Man Liu. I didn't know who stole it and sent it to me. When I was talking about this, I suddenly thought of Xiao Ma's dead friend, and then asked Shi Hu what he would say after he dealt with it.
Shi Hu said that Xiao Ma's friend was named Huang Weilun and had worked in the funeral home for two years. When he went there, the scene had already been cleaned up and he saw the body, which had naturally been transported back to the funeral home and was now frozen in the freezer. The fatal injury was a fall, and there were no other abnormalities. It was initially determined to be suicide.
They also went to the rooftop where the incident happened and saw no signs of fighting or struggling, so he must have jumped down on his own.
I asked how to explain Ma Yipin's statement. Shi Hu mentioned two possibilities. He said either Ma Yipin was telling the truth or he was lying. There were only these two possibilities. I said that Ma Yipin didn't look like he was lying. Shi Hu didn't say anything. I didn't know whether he agreed with me or disagreed.
Then Shi Hu opened the box. He just wanted to confirm whether there were really ashes inside. After the box was opened, he saw white powder inside. It was indeed ashes. Shi Hu put on rubber gloves and put his fingers in to stir it. His purpose was to see if there was anything else inside. It turned out that there was only ashes inside.
After confirming, Shi Hu closed the urn again. I was wondering if the person who sent the key last time was the same person who sent the ashes this time, but what was the purpose of sending the ashes this time?
Afterwards, Shi Hu wrapped the urn in a paper box again and covered it with a bag. He told me that the ashes could not be kept at home and should be taken to the funeral home first. I did not object and let Shi Hu do it. However, Shi Hu said it would be better for me to go with him so that we could have an explanation. I said that was fine as it would be quite eerie to be alone at home anyway.
I thought about Xiao Ma again. Shi Hu said that he should be fine for now and we should go find him when we come back.
So Shi Hu and I went to the funeral home. It was our second time here. Maybe it was daytime now, the eerie feeling of that night was much less, but it was still gloomy. The sun was shining but it didn't feel warm. Shi Hu and I went in with the urn. The director might not be there, so we found Director Gao. Director Gao was very familiar with Shi Hu and me, and when he heard that we were bringing back Old Man Liu's ashes, he had an indescribable expression on his face, and then he said that it was good that we just got it back.
After that, he took the urn, and went with others to place the urns in a special place. Shi Hu and I came out, but Shi Hu did not leave immediately after coming out. Instead, he turned to a place on the side. He said that the urn was secured in a special place and it could not be stolen by unfamiliar people. Besides, why would ordinary people steal urns? So Shi Hu said it seemed like there was an internal thief.
Shi Hu's statement coincides with my previous thoughts, and the person Shi Hu guessed was Huang Weilun. Shi Hu said that this was the only connection between him and Old Man Liu. But why did he steal the urn and what was his purpose? Was it to send it to me and then commit suicide? I don't think so.
Shi Hu said that we could go to his residence to take a look. Although the police had already been there, we were still not sure what we would find without seeing it with our own eyes. So Shi Hu and I drove there. Since Shi Hu had the authority, it was not difficult to get in. Besides, he might have had this idea before he came because he had already got the key to Huang Weilun's residence.
We opened the door and went in. Inside was a room that was usually furnished by a single man, and it was very lifelike. There were signs of rummaging, which should have been messed up by the police when they were looking for clues. At least it showed that it was still the same before he jumped off the building. Shi Hu was good at finding these details, but I was not, so I just looked around. I walked around the room and couldn't see anything, so I followed Shi Hu.
Shi Hu searched very carefully, searching every corner and every place that was easily overlooked. Finally, he found a letter in a book. The envelope was torn. Shi Hu looked at the envelope and found it was blank. Then he pulled out a piece of white paper from the envelope.
After looking at it, he handed it to me and asked me to see if this was my home address. I took it and saw that there was indeed my home address written on the white paper, even the house number was written clearly, and there was also a phone number below. If it wasn't mine, whose phone number was it? I was surprised and exclaimed, how could he have my address and phone number.
However, Shi Hu said that he did not have the letter, but someone gave it to him. Since there was nothing written on the envelope, it meant that the letter was not sent by mail. Then there were , such as someone handed it to him, or he stuffed it into the house through the crack in the door. Shi Hu said that according to his experience, if the letter was stuffed through the crack in the door, then there would be more than one letter, and there should be more before it.
So Shi Hu began to flip through every book on the desk, and finally found an identical piece of white paper in an English-Chinese dictionary. The envelope of this paper was gone, and the white paper was pressed very flat. Even if it was sandwiched in the middle of the dictionary, there was no trace. If Shi Hu had not flipped carefully, he would probably have missed it.
Shi Hu opened the white paper and took a rough look at it. I asked him what was written on it, but Shi Hu said there was nothing written on it. I was wondering , so he gave me the white paper. When I got the white paper, I finally understood why Shi Hu said that, because there was indeed nothing written on it, but a painting.
It's just that this painting is a bit shocking to me. Even though I haven't seen it, I can tell at once that this is the scene after Huang Weilun jumped off the building. Although the painting is very simple, it uses simple lines to present the entire scene of the incident. Shi Hu said that since this painting was sandwiched in the dictionary, it means that Huang Weilun had seen this painting before he died, and he must have been panicked when he saw it. Then someone used the same method to send my address and phone number in, which implied that I might be able to help him.
After hearing what Shi Hu said, I exclaimed, no wonder I saw him in the elevator, it turned out to be this reason. But to be honest, it was only that time, and after I woke up from the elevator, I was not sure whether the man and woman I saw were real. After all, they were no longer in the elevator after I woke up. And according to my inference, they did not provide me with any help after I fainted, but left me in the elevator.
When Shi Hu heard me say this, he said that was it, and then he made another conclusion, that is, the man I often saw standing under the street light was most likely him, at least so far, he was the only suspect.
Instead, Shi Hu became more and more confused, so I asked, since he wanted my help, why didn't he come to me directly? I had never received any call from him, and I only learned about his existence through Xiao Ma. If it weren't for Xiao Ma, I would not have known this person at all.
Shi Hu didn't pay attention to what I said, as if he was thinking about something. Then he said as if he suddenly remembered something, according to this inference, he should have another letter between the time of the two letters, which is why he knew my address and phone number but didn't come to find me.
So Shi Hu began to look for it carefully. He just flipped through all the books again, but couldn't find any trace of it. He also searched everywhere he could, including in drawers and cabinets. I asked if he had torn it up or burned it. Shi Hu said the possibility was not very high. If he had destroyed it, the two letters would have been destroyed together. But now these two letters were here, so the other one must still be here as well.
Shi Hu stood in front of the table and thought about it. Soon, as if he thought of something, he reached out to touch under the desk. Sure enough, he took out another letter from under the desk. Huang Weilun had stuck this letter under the desk. One has to admire his carefulness, because most people seldom touch there. It is definitely a very safe place.
But this letter is a little different from the previous two, because there is not a piece of white paper in the envelope, but a CD.
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