Episode 3 Chapter 029 Blurred

I remember that when I came back in the morning, the elevator was still in good condition and nothing happened. It seemed that it just happened a few days ago. Coincidentally, I ran into Lu Fei, the security guard I often knew, not long after I came out. I greeted him and asked him why the elevator in our building was blocked. He smiled and told me that the elevator was broken and had been stuck on the seventh floor, not moving up or down, and the property management was repairing it.
When I heard it was the seventh floor, I wanted to ask a few more questions, but I stopped talking as if a shadow suddenly fell on my heart, and then I said, "So that's how it is," and I didn't intend to continue asking. Lu Fei continued to say that I lived on the eleventh floor, and it was indeed inconvenient to walk up and down the stairs, but I had to bear with it until the elevator was repaired.
I said some polite words to him and didn't continue. Then I just wandered around the community. Because most people in the community had to go to work, there were basically not many people walking around at this time, and it seemed a bit deserted.
Finally, I sat down on a chair between the green belts, but all I could think about was what Xiao Ma had told me in the morning. I found it difficult to calm down for a moment, but after just a while, Xiao Ma called again. I thought it might be about what he had told me in the morning, so I answered the call. However, after I answered the call, there was no sound from the other end for a long time. I called him several times but there was no response, so I took away the phone and looked at it. At first I thought the signal was bad or something, but when I put it close to my ear I realized that was not the case, because I could hear some sounds from the other end, but some of them were unrecognizable.

Then Xiao Ma's voice appeared on the other end. His voice was still as flustered as it was in the morning. He asked me where I was and said he would come to me if it was convenient for me. I asked him what happened, but Xiao Ma insisted on coming to see me. He just said it was difficult to explain over the phone and he was very scared now.
I knew the feeling of fear, so I told him I was at home and he could come over.
After that, I was waiting for Xiao Ma downstairs. Xiao Ma came over. I saw the taxi drove all the way to my downstairs, which surprised me a little, because my workplace is not far from my home, and it wouldn't take him much time to walk. And when I saw Xiao Ma, he looked very tired. I asked him what happened and why he got himself like this. Wasn't he a very energetic young man?
Xiao Ma forced a smile, but it looked uglier than crying. He suggested that we go back to my house to talk, so I didn't say anything and took him home. He didn't say a word as we walked in the corridor. I could feel that he was weird. He was probably really scared. His hometown is far away and he has no relatives here. We are the only ones who get along well at work, so this is probably why he thought of me first.
After entering the house, he saw the strange decorations in my house, including incense and rice. His face changed and asked, "I was tinkering with these things at home when I wasn't at work." Of course, his tone was not joking, but rather awe-inspiring. Then he saw the paper man, and he became even more frightened. He asked why I put such a paper man in my house. I didn't know how to explain to him for a moment, so I said that it suddenly appeared in the house and I couldn't throw it away rashly, so I could only leave it there for now.
Xiao Ma listened silently, then looked at the paper man and said nothing. I asked him to sit on the sofa and boiled water to make him a cup of tea. While the water was boiling, I asked him what was wrong and why he suddenly came over again.
Xiao Ma then told me mysteriously that not long after he told me about the friend in the funeral home, he received a call from that colleague, less than an hour ago. He said that he didn't kill that friend, so why did the colleague keep pestering him? If he asked him to have breakfast together in the morning to say goodbye to him, then why did he call him again?
This incident really scared Xiao Ma, and he looked a little frightened. After I poured the tea, he took a sip to calm himself down. I don't know much about this kind of thing, and I never believed it before. If these things hadn't happened to me, I would definitely not believe it if Xiao Ma told me this now.
Because I didn't understand, I didn't dare to say anything nonsense for fear of misleading Xiao Ma. But like Shi Hu said, everything has to have a reason, so I told Xiao Ma that there must be a reason for this, and he thought about whether he had forgotten something, and maybe this was the reason why his colleague kept looking for him.
Xiao Ma's thoughts are very confused now. After thinking for a while, he scratched his head in annoyance. Seeing him like this, I knew that he wouldn't be able to think of anything for a while, so I comforted him and told him that it's okay if he couldn't remember it for a while, and he should calm down first and not put too much pressure on himself.

I was surprised to find that I could still persuade others in the midst of such a situation. Xiao Ma was silent for a long time, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing during this period. However, I did not say anything for fear of disturbing his mood. During the silence, he gradually calmed down, and then I saw that he was staring at the paper man behind the door.
After looking at it for a while, he suddenly said that he seemed to have seen this paper figure somewhere and it looked very familiar. I said that all paper figures look the same and it's nothing strange for him because paper figures for funerals are all made according to the same mold.
But Xiao Ma shook his head and said no, he seemed to have seen it in a dream, then he looked at me, maybe because he didn't remember the dream clearly, so he talked about it piece by piece, trying to recall the scene in the dream. Soon his words made me feel a little terrified, he said he dreamed of coming to my house, it seemed that he saw the paper man at that time, but he said the paper man was not placed behind the door, but in the living room, and it felt like it was a member of our family in the dream.
When he said this, he explained that I also knew that there would always be some messy and unreasonable things in dreams. He remembered that the paper man also spoke, just like a person. After waking up, he might not remember much, because it was common to forget dreams after waking up, and then he would suddenly remember them in a specific scene.
When I heard Xiao Ma say this, I asked him when this happened and asked him to think back and describe the dream more clearly. Xiao Ma couldn't remember the exact time, but only said it was two or three days ago. When I heard it was two or three days ago, I wondered if it was the night he called me in the middle of the night, but he was not sure and I didn't dare to make a rash judgment.
As for the scene in the dream, he said it was just such a scene, nothing else, maybe there were other things, but he couldn't remember them. But anyway, Xiao Ma's dream still shocked me. I always associated his words with his phone call that night. If it wasn't for Xiao Ma's call, I wouldn't have come up with this paper man on my back. In this way, Xiao Ma seemed to be the person who made me go to the seventh floor, although he completely forgot about it afterwards.
Next, Xiao Ma told me the purpose of looking for me. He asked me if I had found anyone to help me, and if so, I asked him to help him. He was really scared now. He said he didn’t dare to go home to live. What if he woke up at night and his friend was in the room? I was a little scared by what Xiao Ma said, so I told him not to think too much. Looking at Xiao Ma’s expression, I was afraid that he would do something out of his control in a moment of confusion, because his mental state was indeed very unstable now.
So I said I would ask for him, and since I didn't have Master Nan's phone number, I called Shi Hu. When Shi Hu answered the phone, there was some noise around him, as if he was out doing something. He asked me what happened. I told him about Xiao Ma. He said he would come over after he finished the matter at hand, and also told me to let Xiao Ma stay at my house and not leave, just in case.
In the middle, Xiao Ma received a call, but he looked at the screen and didn't dare to answer it. Then he showed me the phone and said in horror that it rang again. I saw that Xiao Ma had set up a caller avatar for his friend, but when I saw this person, I was also shocked, because I seemed to have seen this person before. Isn't this the man who saw a man and a woman sitting in the elevator before I fainted!

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