Episode 3 Chapter 028: Confusion

Under Shi Hu's guidance, I watched all the edited videos, and I felt myself falling into another kind of fear. This fear was different from the ones I had seen. It was like a silk thread that was wrapped around me. You could hardly perceive its existence, but when you knew it, you found that it was all around you and was everywhere.
This is probably what people usually say: "The more you think about it, the more terrifying it is." The existence of these details makes the already confusing events even more confusing.
I thought about the videos I had recorded earlier. I watched them in a hurry and perhaps I didn't pay attention to many details . I had kept the existence of these videos a secret until now. I told Shi Hu about it. Shi Hu was relieved to hear it as if he had discovered a new continent. I knew this was an occupational disease. People like them always reacted like this to the emergence of new clues. So I turned on the computer and called up those videos. Shi Hu said it was inconvenient to edit them on my computer, so I copied them to his computer.
He sorted several videos in chronological order, and then watched them carefully one by one. This time he was watching, and I took something to eat and watched at the same time. Shi Hu was watching the first video of me taking a nap. I didn't see anything unusual when I watched that video at that time. That's why I took the video of me sleeping at night, and then what happened later.
This video was only half an hour long. When it was handed to Shi Hu, he noticed something different in just two or three minutes. He used the video tool in his computer to zoom in on the video. What he zoomed in on was still the window, but this location was very remote. Then he pointed to the corner of the window and asked me to see what it was.

The video was a little blurry after being zoomed in, but you could still make out a rough idea of ​​it. It looked like a hand resting on the window. I asked him how could there be a hand in broad daylight. Shi Hu shook his head and said he wasn't sure yet. So he zoomed the video back to the original screen and continued watching it. The video was still running. After watching it for about five or six minutes, he suddenly rewound the video a little, stared at it carefully again, then rewound it again and watched it again. But I didn't see anything, so I looked at him in confusion and asked him what he saw.
Shi Hu seemed to have seen it clearly, so he rewound the video and paused it, then pointed to the edge of the bed and asked me to pay attention, then he pressed the space bar to let the video continue playing. I kept staring at the place where Shi Hu pointed to me, and I seemed to see something, but it was not very clear. Shi Hu paused the video at the most critical moment, then pointed to the edge of the bed and said that this place seemed to be sunken for no reason, then he rewound and asked me to look at it again.
I opened my eyes wide and took a closer look, and it was true. Shi Hu said that something was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was obvious that there was something on the edge of the bed. Then Shi Hu pointed at the quilt covering my shoulders and asked me to look carefully. I saw it with my own eyes, and I saw that the quilt at my shoulders was also dented, which meant that something was pressing on the quilt.
These are details that are very easy to overlook. If you just stare at them without professionalism, you won't be able to tell anything. I have to admire Shi Hu's meticulousness, but these subtle changes made me even more terrified. Shi Hu continued to read on, and I saw that he looked at a certain time period repeatedly several times. He asked me if I remembered what I was talking about at that time?
I stared at it and saw that I was still asleep, but my lips were moving as if I was saying something. I was surprised that I didn't see it at the time. Shi Hu kept looking at it again and again, as if he wanted to rely on the changes in my lips to judge what I was saying at the time. Until I got tired of watching it myself, Shi Hu had already pieced together a piece of incoherent words. It might be because it was spoken in a dream, so the changes in my lips were not very big, so it was a little difficult to distinguish.
I heard Shi Hu say: I left my things in the old place.
I asked him what this sentence was. Shi Hu didn't say anything. He watched the video carefully again, then muttered something quickly to himself, and finally suddenly added coherent words to the sentence - I left the thing in the old place.
Then he looked at me and said that something was talking to me and wanted to tell me something. Then Shi Hu asked me when exactly this video was shot. I told him the time, and Shi Hu reacted very quickly. He said that it was the day before Old Man Liu died, and this matter must be related to Old Man Liu.
After that, the video of my nap came to an end. Shi Hu clicked on the video I recorded at night. I didn’t dare to watch this video a second time because it was too weird and scary. Sometimes I even forgot its existence and felt it was not real.
So I let Shi Hu watch it himself, and I couldn't stand the extent to which Shi Hu discovered the fear in the little details. This was the first time I felt so stressful being with him. It gave me a suffocating feeling, as if I couldn't breathe watching him do things.
So I got up to pour some water, and poured him a cup and put it on the coffee table. He didn't react at all, but just continued to watch the video. I let him do it and walked around the room. After watching for a while, Shi Hu received a call. I didn't know what the call was, but I heard that his tone and expression were very serious, as if something happened.

After that, he hung up the phone and turned off the computer. He said he had something to deal with and would take the video back home to watch. He told me to be careful at home. If I felt the house was eerie, I could go downstairs and take a look around, which would also help soothe my nerves. But I had to be careful about the seventh floor.
I asked him if something happened to Master Nan, and he said Master Nan was fine and I shouldn't think too much about it. He had already stopped the topic, but after taking a few steps, he turned around and told me that someone jumped from the funeral home. It was an employee who was on duty that night and saw the surveillance video.
I was stunned for a moment, Shi Hu said so I should be careful, and then left.
Not long after Shi Hu left, I received a call from Xiao Ma. This was the second time I heard his frightened voice, and I felt that his voice was a little shaky this time.
When Xiao Ma called me, I heard him ask me if it was convenient for me to answer the phone. I said it was convenient, and I heard that his voice was not right. I asked him what was going on, but Xiao Ma asked me if I was really involved with Old Man Liu. I felt that Xiao Ma's question was a bit strange, so I asked him why he suddenly thought of asking this?
Then Xiao Ma said on the other end of the phone that his friend had jumped off the building that morning. He was the friend he told me was in the funeral home. When Shi Hu said that just now, the first person that came to my mind was this person, but I was not sure. Now that Xiao Ma said that, I felt that the answer was confirmed, but I was not surprised. So I asked Xiao Ma to mourn, after all, no one can predict life and death.
But Xiao Ma obviously didn’t call me for this. He then said that his friend had jumped from the building at seven in the morning, but…
He paused when he said this, and said that they had had breakfast together in the morning, and he was still wondering because their residences were not very close, and their routes to work were not the same. He specifically called Xiao Ma to say that they would have breakfast together later, and also told him that he was waiting for him downstairs of his residence. At that time, Xiao Ma was just about to go out, and he was naturally happy to hear his friend say that, but he was also a little puzzled besides being happy.
Xiao Ma said that he also asked why the friend thought of having breakfast with him, and his friend made up an excuse to get away with it. Xiao Ma said that he had already jumped off the building and died at that time, so how could he come to have breakfast with him.
When I heard Xiao Ma say that, I felt my room became more gloomy, so I asked him if he was sure he jumped off the building at 7 o'clock. Xiao Ma said that the police had contacted him and they were sure it was around 7 o'clock in the morning. Xiao Ma finally said that his friend would never commit suicide, and it must be related to the surveillance footage he saw that night.
I could only comfort Xiao Ma and told him not to think too much and to wait until the police results came out and not to scare himself now. I finally hung up the phone with Xiao Ma. I just felt a little nervous at home, so I planned to go downstairs to the community to bask in the sun. When I reached the first floor, I found that the elevator had been sealed at some point, and there was a sign at the elevator entrance saying that the elevator was under maintenance.

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