Episode 3 Chapter 021

Later, I didn't know how I hung up the phone with Xiao Ma, and then I hurried to the seventh floor with my mother. After Shang arrived at the seventh floor, he felt a strange gloomy atmosphere, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. So at that time, a thought came to his mind: how do the residents on the seventh floor usually live here? Can't they feel this strange atmosphere?
Walking in this corridor, I don’t know if it’s because of the trauma in my heart, but it felt like I was walking on a road of no return. My mother was better off, probably because she hadn’t experienced the horror here like me, so she wasn’t as scared as I was.
We came to 721. The door of 721 was open. It was dark inside. Mom shone a flashlight inside. It was the same scene I saw that day. It was empty. There was nothing inside. It still had that desolate feeling. So we went in and took a look at the living room. There was nothing in the living room, not to mention Dad. Then we opened the door of the master bedroom in the same order as that day. It was still the same inside. There was only a table and nothing else.
My mother and I didn't go in, but stood at the door and looked inside. Seeing nothing, we went to the guest bedroom. After opening the door, we found that the guest bedroom was a little different from the other two rooms because there was a bed in the guest bedroom, and there was a person lying on it. Seeing someone, my mother and I looked at each other, then walked a little further inside. When we got closer, we found that it was indeed my father.
Dad was sleeping on the bed at that time. It was an old-fashioned wooden bed with only wooden boards on top. Dad just slept on the boards like that. He didn't react at all when we approached him. Then mom went up and pushed him. Dad's body shook, but he still didn't feel anything.
At this moment, we suddenly heard a "bang" and the door of the living room closed, as if it was blown by the wind, but we all knew that it was not the wind, and the sound came unexpectedly and gave us a startle.

My mother took the flashlight and shone it outside, but she didn't see anything. But when she took the flashlight back, I seemed to see someone standing in the living room. I was startled at the sight, and I immediately said, "There's someone in the living room."
Then my mother shone the flashlight over there again and asked where it was. When the light was shone over there again, there was nothing there, not even Shen Emei. My heartbeat started to speed up, so I told my mother to wake up my father and leave here quickly. This place is gloomy and we should not stay here for long. I have been scared before and I know what is here.
But no matter how my mom shook and shouted, my dad didn't respond. Then my mom said that maybe he had fainted. I said why don't I carry him up, so it would save some time. Then my mom helped me to hold my dad, and finally carried him on my back. My dad is usually thin, but he is not light at all when he is carried on my back. My mom and I were going to leave when he was carried on my back, but just as I was about to leave, my mom suddenly asked what was on the bed board?
I turned my head to look, and saw a human-shaped mark on the bed board. I said it was unlikely that my dad had only slept for a short while and left the mark. My mom had seen these things before, and she said it was a corpse mark, which was left when a person died and lay in bed for a long time without anyone cleaning up.
The more my mother talked, the more terrifying it became. I said let’s stop talking about this and just carry my father back first.
My mother and I carried my father's body and quickly left 721. We got out smoothly without encountering anything. Then my mother and I went back home. When we passed the elevator, it was on the 3rd floor. We didn't know whether it was going down or up, so we didn't pay attention. We just went up the corridor and climbed to the 11th floor.
What comforted me a little was that I didn’t encounter anything along the way and we returned to our building smoothly. However, when we arrived at the door of our house, we found it was open again.
My mother and I looked at each other in bewilderment. Not only was the door open, but the lights in the living room were also on. We had clearly locked the door when we went out. My mother and I went inside, but we saw someone on the sofa. The person on the sofa was none other than my father. He stood up when he saw us come back, but when he saw that we were carrying someone on our backs, he became very surprised. My mother and I were even more surprised. We looked at him together. For a moment, we forgot what fear was. We were filled with complete inexplicable confusion.
Finally, it was my dad who spoke first. He asked me why I was carrying a paper man on my back. After my dad said that, my mom looked over and exclaimed, saying that I was indeed carrying a paper man on my back.
But I didn't feel anything at all. I felt that I was still carrying a person on my back. But from some point on, the heavy feeling disappeared, and I felt very light. Then my mother told me in panic that I should put her down. So I let go of her and put the person down. When I looked at myself, it was really a paper man, not the dad we saw at 721.

I just felt my legs go weak and I felt a little unstable. Why did we all think it was Dad when it was clearly a paper man? It was not just my fault, my mom also saw it. Of course, she is so scared now that she is speechless.
But soon my mother yelled at my father in a crying voice, and she yelled at him as if she was quarreling, saying that if he hadn't gone out somewhere in the middle of the night, we wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing, and why should I carry a paper man back?
Dad was stunned by Mom's yelling and stood there unable to say anything. Mom started crying and cried harder and harder. It was obvious that she was venting her extreme fear. One was Mom and the other was Dad. I couldn't say anything. I could only close the door to the living room and then stare blankly at the paper man on the ground. The paper man was so lifelike, but it felt strangely terrifying in such a night.
I had no choice but to put the paper man behind the door, then helped my mother sit on the sofa. My father also sat down sullenly. After crying for a while, my mother felt a little better and finally stopped crying. She just sat on the sofa without saying a word. It looked like the two of them had had a quarrel.
I asked my dad where he went in the middle of the night. My mom and I went to look for him, but we couldn't find him anywhere. Then I told him what happened afterwards, but my dad said he didn't know either. He said he remembered sleeping at home, but when he woke up he was in the elevator. He said the elevator was going down to the first floor.
My dad said that he didn't go out in the middle of the night and was sitting in the elevator for no apparent reason. He was scared, so he didn't get off when he reached the first floor, and pressed the button for the 11th floor again. However, the elevator stopped at the 7th floor and the door didn't open. The button for the 11th floor went dark and no matter how he pressed the button, it was useless. Soon the elevator went down to the 1st floor again, but it didn't stop at the first floor and kept going down. Only then did my dad notice that there was a -1 floor. The elevator had reached the -1 floor. I said that the -1 floor was the underground parking lot, but I didn't buy a parking space in the underground parking lot, but one on the ground, so I basically never went down to the -1 floor.
My dad said the elevator stopped at the -1 floor, and of course he didn't dare to go down, so he quickly closed the elevator door and pressed the 11th floor button again. The elevator then went up again, but it was the same as before at the 7th floor. It repeated this over and over again. My dad said he kept going up and down in the elevator, and he didn't know how much time had passed. The last time it went up, the elevator didn't stop when passing the 7th floor, and went all the way to the 11th floor.
My dad was still in shock and rushed back home, but the door was closed. He felt his pocket and fortunately he had the key with him, so he opened the door and came in. However, after entering the house, he couldn't find any sign of mom and me after searching everywhere. My dad said he found his cell phone and called me, but it always said that the call could not be connected, so he opened the door to the living room and sat on the sofa waiting for us to come back.
It turned out to be like this. My mother and I went downstairs by the stairs, so we didn't meet each other. After hearing this, my mother's anger had subsided, and she said that it was "separation". If we meet separation, it is always like something is blocking our eyes, and we can't see or find it even if it is right next to us.

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