Episode 2 Chapter 020 Night Ghost

This chill was like a gust of wind that blew over my mother and me, making us shiver inexplicably. In this situation, we had no choice but to go and look for it.
So I put on my shoes, and my mom changed her pajamas. We took a flashlight and went out to the corridor. It was chilly, but the weather was cold in this season. Since we were going downstairs, I was a little nervous about taking the elevator, so I told my mom that we could go down the stairs. My mom knew I was in the elevator, so she agreed. But we had to pass by the elevator door to go down the stairs. When we passed by, I noticed the floor where the elevator was, and found that it was on the seventh floor. We were going to go, but because the seventh floor was too sensitive, I stopped and kept looking at the floor of the elevator.
When my mother saw me like this, she asked me what happened. I told her not to talk for now, as something seemed amiss. Sure enough, I saw the elevator stop at the seventh floor, then the floor numbers started to go down, all the way to the first floor, but soon the floors started to go up again, and when it reached the seventh floor, it stopped for a long time.
I stood in front of the elevator and saw that it was constantly going up and down between the first and seventh floors . If it happened once or twice, it might be because someone was returning home late or something, but it was a bit weird to see it go up and down so frequently.
After watching for a while, my mother also noticed something was wrong. She asked why the elevator kept circling on the seventh floor. At this moment, an idea suddenly came to my mind: if I pressed the elevator button, would it go up to the eleventh floor?
I was just thinking about it and hadn't decided whether to press it or not, when suddenly I saw the button for going down light up by itself. When I saw the button light up, the elevator that was originally stationary on the seventh floor began to move up, and the numbers were jumping one by one.
My mother and I were very frightened, so I pulled her back a little. Finally, the elevator reached the eleventh floor and made a stop sound. Then the elevator door opened. The elevator was empty, but the empty elevator at this time seemed to me like a secret room full of fear. My mother and I stood as close to the wall as possible, looking at the elevator but not daring to step in.

Generally, the elevator will stop for a while and then close automatically, and then return to the floor where the property management originally set the waiting time. Generally speaking, this floor is the first floor, and our building is the first floor, because I often take it and remember it. However, after the elevator closed, the number did not jump, and the elevator door just closed, and I saw it open again.
There is only one way this could happen, that is, someone is in the elevator, and when the elevator is closing, they press the door open button. But there was no one in the elevator at all. My mother and I were so dumbfounded that we didn't dare to move, and we just watched the elevator door open and close continuously, as if it was constantly waiting for us to get in.
Finally, the elevator door closed and never opened again, and then it went down floor by floor, but it stopped again at the seventh floor, and this time it stayed there and never moved again.
My mother and I were still in shock, so we went down the stairs. However, the corridor was pitch black at night, and the property management did not even have a light in the corridor to save electricity. Fortunately, we brought flashlights, otherwise how could we walk down the stairs when we couldn't even see the stairs in the dark. My mother and I went down, and everything was fine except that it was a little quieter. However, as expected, things got worse when we got to the seventh floor.
Because of the previous times and what just happened, I had a fear of the seventh floor. When we walked to the corridor on the seventh floor, I couldn't wait to go down. But the more scared I was, the more I saw ghosts. My mother and I went down a few steps when we heard a "pa, pa" sound coming from the corridor on the seventh floor. This sound was like the sound of someone wearing slippers, deliberately walking slowly on the ground step by step. I whispered to my mother not to worry about it, and then I hurried downstairs.
We quickly reached the sixth floor, but after we got there, the sound rang out again in the corridor on the sixth floor. I began to wonder why the sound could be heard on the sixth floor. Then my mother exclaimed and said, "Didn't we come downstairs? Why are we still in the corridor on the seventh floor?"
I looked up and saw a bright red "7" written on the wall at the entrance of the corridor. When I saw the scene, I was terrified. It was the first time I encountered such a weird thing, and it made me unable to calm down. But faced with the current situation, my mother and I could only go downstairs again.
It was just a bit scary to walk there, I was thinking what would happen if we went downstairs and found that we were still on the seventh floor, but thankfully, after we went downstairs we didn't hear any similar noises, and we were on the sixth floor, I breathed a sigh of relief. Mom asked if we remembered the wrong floor just now, I thought it was unlikely, but now was not the time to talk about that, so we should just find Dad first.
My mother and I finally arrived at the bottom of the community from the stairs. In the entire community, except for the street lights which were still on, there was basically no shadow of anyone. Of course, some night owls might still be staying up late, and we could see some residents' lights were on. My mother and I had no idea where to look for him, so we decided to look around first. My father wouldn't go anywhere in the middle of the night, and even if he came down, he should be inside the community.
For safety reasons, my mother and I didn't dare to walk separately. We just walked around the neighborhood together. However, we didn't see anyone, let alone any trace of my father. I looked at the watch and it was already past four o'clock. My mother was already anxious. She said, where would my father go?

Just when I was anxious, my cell phone suddenly rang. I was startled by the sudden ringtone. Who would call me in the middle of the night? I took out my cell phone and found that it was the colleague who often gossiped with me about Old Man Liu. I frowned. Why was he calling me in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?
So I picked up the phone suspiciously, and it was his voice on the other end of the phone. My colleague's surname is Ma, and his name is Ma Yipin. Xiao Ma's voice sounded very panicked. I could tell when he called out my name. I asked him what was wrong in the middle of the night, but Xiao Ma asked me why I was still awake so late , and then asked me if I was out.
I asked him how he knew, but Xiao Ma sounded like he was about to cry, and it was obvious that he was scared to the extreme. So I patiently asked him what was wrong with him, and Xiao Ma said on the other end of the phone that he had a dream and he was very scared. I thought Xiao Ma was making a big fuss, it was normal to have nightmares, why was he so scared? I said it was just a nightmare, and told him not to take it too seriously.
But Xiao Ma said no, he wouldn't have called me if he had just had a nightmare. The key point was that after he woke up, there was a note next to his pillow. My heart ached when I heard this, because I knew Xiao Ma rented a house and lived alone. Since he said that, it meant that someone had left the note for him.
I asked what he dreamed about and what was on the note?
Xiao Ma then said that he dreamed of sitting around in my house, but he saw Old Man Liu was also there. Of course, it wasn't the kind of house that was haunted, but Old Man Liu was also in my house, as if he and I were very familiar with each other. In the dream, Xiao Ma also said that Old Man Liu was dead, so how could he be in my house? Later, Xiao Ma seemed to hear someone calling his name downstairs, so he went to the balcony to see, but when he got to the balcony, he saw me calling him downstairs. He also shouted to me downstairs and asked me why I suddenly ran downstairs, as I was at home.
And it was at that time that he said that the me at home suddenly appeared beside him and pushed him off the balcony. Then, he woke up with the feeling of not being able to fall to the bottom.
He was very scared after waking up. To put it bluntly, he had not yet recovered from the fear in the dream. The dream was somewhat absurd, because it was basically Of course, since it was just a dream, I didn't say anything. You can't always care about things in a dream.
Xiao Ma turned on the light because he was scared, but when he turned on the light he saw a piece of paper next to the pillow. He picked it up and saw a phone number written on it, and there was also a sentence asking him to call this number, which was 721. If Xiao Ma didn't call, something bad would happen.
Xiao Ma didn't want to call at first, thinking it might be a prank or something, but he still entered the phone number on the dial key. Unexpectedly, my name popped up. Then Xiao Ma felt that something was wrong, and combined with the scene in his dream, he finally dialed the prank number.
He said that when he asked me if I was outside, he meant that the thoughts in the dream were still continuing, because he felt that I should be downstairs just like in the dream.
I heard what was written on the note. In 721? Then I suddenly realized, could it be that my dad was in 721?

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