Episode 1 Chapter 003 Disaster

It was already dark when mom and dad arrived. I picked them up and went to eat something with them. Mom had a sharp look in her eyes. When she saw me, she asked me why I looked so pale. I could only force a smile and said I was fine. Mom was definitely skeptical, but there were too many people outside, so she didn't say anything. Dad was short on words and just exchanged a few simple greetings and that was it.
After dinner, we returned to my place and my mother started taking things out of her suitcase bag by bag. I saw about ten plastic bags in total, so I asked what they were. My mother said they were paper money. When she was in her hometown, the evildoer asked her to prepare them, so she brought them all here.
When I heard that my mother wanted to burn paper money here, I felt a little embarrassed, because basically no one here would do such a thing, and the community security guards and homeowners would definitely have objections. I asked if it was okay not to burn it, but my mother rolled her eyes at why did she bring it all the way here if she wasn't going to burn it. Moreover, my mother said that not only should we burn it at home, but also outside, and we should use dried fruits and fruits to drive away the evil spirits.
I have seen this evil spirit before. It is going to go to the street. My dad saw that I was in a dilemma, so he told me that they also knew that people in the city didn't believe in such things, but now that this matter has been seen, if they don't do anything and something happens to me, they will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. This is all for my own good. He and mom know what to do, so I shouldn't stop them.
So I could only do this. My mother took out paper money, incense, candles, dried fruits and arranged them on a plate. Even the plate was brought by them themselves. After finishing these, my mother took out an egg and asked me to blow on it three times. I asked what the purpose of blowing on it was, and my mother said it was to drive away evil spirits.

So I did as she said, and my mother took the eggs to the kitchen to cook them. Basically, this kitchen was useless to me, and the cooking utensils were just there and rarely used. I told my mother that they would only arrive tonight and would be very tired from traveling all the way, so we could do it tomorrow night. However, my mother said she had wished me good morning earlier, so I didn't know what to say and just left it to her.
My mother didn't let me go out when burning paper money. She said it would not be effective if I went out. So she and my father were busy burning some at the door and took the rest to the street. I was alone at home waiting for them to come back. I didn't feel any difference until my mother came back after finishing. It was probably just a psychological comfort.
After doing all this, my mother gave me a small cloth bag containing talisman paper and rice, and told me to put it under my pillow. She also put a knife in it, saying it could ward off evil spirits. I was a little skeptical, but I still put it under my pillow.
After that, I cleaned up the room for my mom and they finally had some peace and quiet. I hardly slept and felt a little tired, besides I had to go to work the next day, so I went to bed before 11pm. I don’t know if it was the evil spirit my mom had sent away that worked, or if the thing I put under my pillow worked, but I felt much more sound in my sleep and didn’t have any nightmares, although I was still a little frightened, but it was much better than the previous few days.
And I woke up naturally, without any fear of waking up with a start. It was a little before six o'clock when I woke up. I lay in bed for about a quarter of an hour and then got up. Probably because she heard me get up, my mother got up too and asked me if I felt better. I said much better. After hearing me say that I felt better, my mother felt relieved and wanted to make breakfast for me. I told her to go back to sleep.
As I was talking, I suddenly saw my coat thrown on the sofa , so I asked casually, "Isn't this coat in the closet? Why is it on the sofa?" My mother heard it and looked at me, her face looked a little strange. I noticed something was wrong, so I asked what happened. Then my mother said that she told me not to worry.
When my mother said this, my heart suddenly tightened. Then she told me that she and father heard some noise in the living room in the middle of the night last night, so they got up to see. But when they got up, they saw me sitting blankly on the sofa. My mother tried to call me, but I didn’t respond. Then she and the others knew what was going on, so they didn’t dare to turn on the lights. They quietly walked to my side and found me sitting on the sofa with a coat on, motionless. They were startled, but didn’t dare to call me loudly, so they sat down on the other side of the sofa and stayed with me. About ten minutes later, I stood up and walked to the room, but when I was about to stand up, I said that I was going back to sleep, as if I had said the same thing to them.
My mother said that she didn't want to tell me about this, but since it happened, she didn't want to hide it from me, and they thought it might be better to tell me. I was a little stunned when I heard my mother say that, and then I said that I didn't have the problem of sleepwalking. But my mother interrupted me and said that although they had never seen sleepwalking, it didn't look like sleepwalking. My mother said that I was sleepwalking with my eyes open, and she said that she had never seen anyone sleepwalking with eyes open.
As expected, as soon as this matter was brought up, my mother related it to my childhood. Not only did I think it was related to my childhood daydreaming, but now even my mother and others think so. Then my mother said that maybe it was because I didn’t pay much attention to my daydreaming when I was a child, so I became like this now.
Although I had some doubts about this, I couldn't agree with my mother at this time, so I comforted her and said that it was almost 20 years ago and asked her not to think too much. Although my mother agreed, I think she must have a knot in her heart about this matter. She told me that she and my father were worried about me and planned to stay with me for a while until they could go back after seeing that I was well.

As for my elder brother and sister-in-law, they were fine. My nephew and sister-in-law could take care of them. My mother and the others didn't have anything to worry about. Now I was their worry. Later, after I went to work, my mother called my elder brother and asked him to find the person who showed me the evil spirit and ask him what was going on with me. I could tell that my mother was still worried. I only found out about this after I got off work. But I think the scene my mother and the others saw was much better than what I saw. I don't know what they would do if they saw the video I recorded.
My eldest brother called me back in the evening. Probably because my mother urged him, my eldest brother did not dare to sit idle and went to ask in a hurry. The person who was looking for evil spirits also did her best according to the situation described by my eldest brother. She said that my situation was a bit bad. At first she was afraid of saying something wrong, but now after listening to what my eldest brother said, she said that any nightmare is caused by dirty things, so her advice was for me to think carefully about whether I had encountered anything wrong before I started having nightmares.
I thought about it carefully, my life has never been so thrilling. My commute to work is so calm that I have no chance of encountering such unlucky things as car accidents and deaths. The person's advice was that either I go back to my hometown she would help me take a good look, or find someone who can take a look here to help me. In the end, she also reminded me that it is the most taboo to delay such things, so we should pay more attention to them.
I could tell that this person really wanted to help me. She had a good relationship with my mother, otherwise my mother wouldn't have asked her to help me. After he called, my mother was shaken. She said that I should take a few days off from work and go back to see the doctor. To be honest, this person's words made me a little uneasy. I didn't believe it at first, but she made so much sense that even I was shaken.
In the end, I agreed to my mother's request and said I would ask for leave from my company and get it approved when I went to work today. However, I was ultimately unable to go because another incident occurred.
Because the approval leader was not there in the morning, I was unable to invite him in the morning and had to postpone it until the afternoon. When I came back at noon, I passed by a nearby residential area and saw firefighters coming in and out. Ambulances and police cars were parked, and there were a lot of people gathered around. I didn't like watching the commotion, but when I saw this, I went over to take a look, but didn't see anything, so I asked the person next to me what was going on. Then the person pointed to a unit on the side of the road and said that someone seemed to have died there. I looked in the direction he pointed and happened to see a firefighter sticking his head out of that house. Then my heart suddenly skipped a beat and my scalp suddenly became numb.
I stared at the window for a long time. Although I was very confused, I forced myself to remain calm and asked the person next to me how someone could have died out of the blue. The person sighed inexplicably and told me that the man was a man in his sixties who lived alone for some reason and didn't know where his children were. The neighbor who lived opposite smelled a strong odor and called the police, but the police couldn't open the door and the odor was weird, so they called the fire department and medical staff. The fire department opened the door and found that the old man's body had begun to rot. It's almost winter now, and if it were summer, who knows what would happen.
When he said this, he kept sighing, as if he felt very sympathetic towards the old man's death. But I had no time to listen to him sighing, so I just asked him if I knew how long the old man had been dead. He said it was hard to say. He said that according to the medical staff, he had been dead for at least a week. It gets cold early here, and the temperature drops sharply in late autumn, so for people to become so rotten in this kind of weather, it would take at least a week, maybe even two weeks.

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