Episode 1 Chapter 002 Weird Video

This state lasted for nearly two minutes, and then I seemed to hear some noise coming from outside. I turned my head to look in the direction of the living room, and then I saw myself smiling for a moment, then stood up and went out again. Just ten seconds after I went out to the living room, I suddenly saw a hand stretched out from the side and cut off the video.
Seeing this, I was already breaking out in cold sweats. I imagined many scenarios in which the video could have been cut off. When I saw myself getting up as if sleepwalking, I thought it was very likely that I had cut myself off. It was not until I saw the end that I realized that there was another person in the room.
My mind was in a mess at this time, and I couldn't think of anything else. My first thought was that there was another person in the room, and I had to find him out. The feeling of fear filled my heart at that time, accompanied by a sense of danger nearby. I just kept thinking over and over again why there was another person in my room.
I stood up, found an arm bar and held it in my hand, then searched everywhere. In fact, I was really scared at that time, so I had almost no rationality left. If there was really someone in the room, he couldn't have not noticed it since I had been watching the video for so long. So the final result was that there was no one else in the house except me.
In the end, I definitely couldn't fall asleep. I kept looking through the last few minutes of the video and the selfie I took. In the end, I even rewatched the video of my daytime nap. Finally, I realized that I was indeed too careless and missed a very important scene.
This scene is too subtle, and you can't see anything unless you look carefully. When I saw it just now, I just felt that something was wrong, but I didn't find anything wrong, so I went back and watched it again, and the result was a chilling scene, because I saw a person standing by the bed while taking a nap.

I didn't see a complete person, but a foot and a trouser leg. I looked carefully for a long time and found that it was indeed a person, but the place where he was standing was too remote, so I could only see a small part of him. When I saw this, I was already shuddering all over. There was indeed a person in my house.
At this time, an extreme uneasiness made it impossible for me to think. I just kept thinking about who this person was and how he was in my house, and why I hadn't noticed him. It was the middle of the night, and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. So I locked the door of the room and locked myself in. After that, I watched the recorded videos over and over again. Naturally, I didn't sleep all night. I didn't go to work the next day and asked for leave from the company, saying that I was not feeling well.
I thought a lot while their inaction has already made us dare not have too much hope in them when we are in danger.
When I was worrying about this, I suddenly received a call from my mother from my hometown. She called just because she was worried about me. The coincidence of the timing of her call was a little bit unbelievable to me. I just needed someone to talk to at this time. Naturally, I didn't dare to tell my mother about these strange things for a while, because I was afraid that she would worry, and secondly, I didn't know how to start the conversation.
The reason my mother called was naturally because I had been having nightmares recently. I couldn't stand it any longer a while ago, so I told my mother about it on the phone. My mother advised me to put less pressure on myself. I didn't say anything else because I was afraid that my mother would think the worst. They are five or six hundred kilometers away from me, and I really don't want them to think that something happened to me here and be worried.
The reason my mother called me was because of the nightmare I had, but after she said a few words, I felt that something was more wrong, because my mother said that she called me several times last night, but the phone was always turned off. Her father was worried all night and wanted to call me early, but was afraid of disturbing me too early, so he called me at this time.
When I heard my mother say this, I was stunned, because my phone was turned on the whole night. Not to mention last night, I basically kept it on 24 hours a day for work and almost never turned it off. Even when I was charging it was always turned on. So when my mother said to turn it off, I found it incredible.
I just questioned this sentence, and suddenly remembered the unusual things that happened in the past two days, so I swallowed some words back in my stomach and listened to what my mother said. My mother said that she found a person who could see that kind of thing and asked me about the evil spirit with an egg. She said that the evil spirit that I had recently had a nightmare was something that broke into the southwest. As for what it was, the person was not sure, only saying that it was a bad thing. Because I was not around, many things could not be seen through, so my mother called me to tell me this.
If my mother had said this at other times, I would have been disgusted, but this time I said nothing and just listened quietly. I felt that it was only a few days before I began to question whether this was really feudal superstition. In the end, I still asked doubtfully whether this was true.
But my mother was very confident on the other end. She said that when the man used the egg to help me see, he only read a few sentences and the egg stood upright on the mirror. She also saw it clearly from the side and it didn't shake at all. After hearing what my mother said, I had to believe it too, so I asked her what to do.
My mother said that she and my father had discussed it and were still worried about me, so she bought a ticket for today's train and would take the train later. I expected to arrive in the evening. I was a little surprised by my mother's sudden attack, but I didn't say anything because after last night, I was really scared. It would be good for my mother and the others to come. I would talk to them about this matter when they came and see what they had to say.
After hanging up the phone with my mom, I got up and checked the entire house carefully and thoroughly, making sure that there was no sign that anyone had been there. Only then did I stop, but my doubts deepened. If no one was at home, then where did the person in the video come from?

And after this happened, it reminded me of my childhood. I grew up in the countryside, and my family was also in the countryside. When I was about five or six years old, my family told me that I would often wake up in my sleep. We call it "being dazed", which means I would suddenly wake up in my sleep, or kick and scratch. Sometimes I would wake up, but I would not sleepwalk. I would just look around the house and then go back to sleep.
At that time, my parents were busy making a living and had no time to take care of these things. They just let it go and comforted me when I was dazed. As I grew older, this phenomenon gradually disappeared, so later on, both I and my family gradually forgot about it. Until now, it suddenly happened again, which made me suddenly think that it might be related to this incident when I was a child. I always feel that how can this person be dazed for no reason, and it is fine for no reason, there must be something wrong.
If my family hadn’t told me about these things that happened when I was a child, I wouldn’t have known that I had these symptoms. Just like if I hadn’t seen the video last night, I wouldn’t have known that I was still moving after falling asleep. But now the situation is more complicated. It’s obvious that I’m not just dazed, there’s something else around me.
Because I didn't sleep all night, I took a nap at noon, but after falling asleep, I had all kinds of nightmares, and this time I could clearly dream about where I was and what I did. What was incredible was that what I dreamed about was the scene from last night. It felt like time was going backwards, but dreams are dreams, and they are always different from the reality of last night.
I dreamed that I woke up from the bed suddenly, I heard a sound in the living room and got up to see, the scene in the dream was very dark, it seemed that I couldn't see anything at all, but I could see some. I walked into the living room and found that there was no one in the living room, so the scene became that gloomy feeling again, I just felt very scared, but I didn't know what I was afraid of, then I heard another sound coming from the room, turned around and saw someone standing by the door.
At this point, things become a little abstract and vague, because after waking up, I kept recalling this person, but I couldn't think of a definite human shape. It felt like this was a person, but I had no idea who it was, and I didn't even know what it looked like. It's hard to explain clearly. I believe that everyone who has had a dream will have this feeling. You clearly see this person very clearly in the dream, but when you wake up, you find that this person doesn't seem to have any appearance at all, and you just can't tell who he is.
Obviously, I encountered such a situation, and when I saw this person, I remember I asked him who he was and why he was in my room. Before I heard his answer, I woke up suddenly. Of course, I woke up with unspeakable fear, so much so that I woke up with my eyes open for a long time before I came back to reality. Then I comforted myself and said it was just a dream and told myself not to be afraid.
Although I didn't sleep well after a while, I did rest for a while. Although I was still a little tired and sleepy, I didn't dare to continue sleeping because the feeling of having a nightmare was really scary. For a while, I even felt that falling asleep was like dying. This was the first time I was afraid of sleep as I was afraid of death, as if falling asleep meant going to death.
After that, I tidied up the room, went out to eat something, and then waited to pick up my mother and others. During this time, colleagues from my unit called and asked about my health. I didn't dare tell them the truth and just evaded the question.

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