Chapter 92 The Only Way

If Justus can say he doesn't know something, then he should think big.
Thousands of cavalrymen from the Bacchus Empire entered the country, and there have been no reports of attacks from other villages and towns so far, which means that they are not intending to attack Changhe Town.
They were meant to hide in the foggy wilderness.
Eldred certainly did not tell Charles a word of truth, and his territory was the Qicha Fortress.
This is the gateway to the kingdom's capital, Sarleon, and the central fortress between the two countries.
If Eldred is considered an insider, then is it possible that the thousands of cavalrymen of the Bacchus Empire could suddenly launch a large-scale raid at some opportunity and achieve unimaginable results in one fell swoop?
This opportunity...could it be possible that it was the death of Count Oden?
Because, Aldred of Qicha Fortress knows best the movements of Count Oden and his soldiers!
It was certainly no surprise that Oden would "run into" the army of the Bacchus Empire halfway.
You know, Charles searched there for a whole day but didn't run into this army... In the foggy wilderness, it was difficult to spot them even at a distance of several hundred meters, so how could it be so easy to run into them?
He killed Count Oden, a very influential figure, and framed and detained the Royal Guards, who were the most loyal to the king.
Then send the garrison of Qicha Fortress to escort Oden's coffin into Sarleon City.
The king might come out of the city to greet him - this is a courtesy to deceased heroes, so this will be the first chance...
In addition, a large-scale mourning ceremony is inevitable. During the ceremony, a sudden attack was launched, the city gates were opened to welcome the cavalry of the Bacchus Empire into the city, and the two sides cooperated to capture Sarleon City. This was the second chance...
As for the wrong accusation against Andrew, it was probably to reduce the troops loyal to the king. The armed attendants in the Royal City Guard were all professional warriors skilled in martial arts and had strong combat effectiveness.
Eldred didn't kill Charles, he just expelled him, which was thanks to the fact that no one knew he was Oden's son...
Charles had served in the House of Lords for so long that many people knew him. No one would believe that he, a servant who depended on Oden for his survival, would murder Oden on the battlefield.
Besides, Charles didn't see the truth with his own eyes.
So Eldred insisted that Lord Andrew killed Oden and arrested Andrew's men, but he did not say that Charles was an accomplice.
Not only did he expel Charles, but he also deliberately sent him to Sarleon and BraveShield to report the news. If Charles was really just Oden's trusted servant, then the only thing he could do was to spread the news of Oden's death to Sarleon and BraveShield.
Since he is just an ignorant squire, no one will take him seriously, and his only function is to let everyone know that Oden is dead and to pass on what Eldred said.
This is also why Charles came to McShane Collar.
But the question is - even if the lord can deduce these things, how can he solve them?
The enemy at White Hart Castle had not retreated yet, and Maixiangling and Lieshi City were thousands of miles apart, and there was no evidence.
Just relying on cleverness to see through conspiracies will not overthrow everything.
In fact, even if there was evidence, there was probably nothing we could do to Eldred now.
Oden was already dead, Andrew was accused of being the murderer, and Eldred had detained so many of the Sarleon's followers - if nothing unexpected happened, one of those followers would soon come forward and act as an 'eyewitness' to perjure Andrew...
Andrew has to take the blame, and he may have been caught by now.
Qicha Fortress is the most important frontier fortress between the Kingdom and the Bacchus Empire, and also the barrier of the capital city of Sarleon.
Now that they are at war with the Bacchus Empire, Eldred's existence is particularly important. Even if they know that he killed Count Oden, I'm afraid no noble would be willing to stand up for a dead man...
Even if the king himself knew the truth, he might have to swallow his anger unless it was confirmed that the Bacchus Empire had completely withdrawn its troops and was able to kill Eldred in one fell swoop.
——Between the dead Count Oden and the safety of the kingdom, what will the king choose?
So, this is a murder case that cannot be justified.
The lord was actually very angry.
The reason for his anger was not only because Oden was killed, but also because of his own safety and future...
Losing Oden, the most , was a great loss;
If Andrew is blamed for murdering the kingdom's famous general, then Godric will also be implicated - just because of this one thing, the lord may lose two allies at the same time!
He has no one to back him up!
The key point is that just a few days ago, the lord personally killed Rainier - Alma's nephew, Eldred's son, and the eldest son!
Without two backers...
How can a small Maixiangling cope with the enemies in Shihu City, Changhe Town, Qicha Fortress, and the Bacchus Empire that was offended by the kidnapping of the Governor?
The lord felt a headache. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was only one solution?
"Charles, do you want revenge or status? ... You can only choose one of the two."
Charles stared at the ground in silence for a while, then looked up at Leon: "I want revenge."
After saying these two words, he seemed to have finally freed himself from some invisible restraints and began to eat.
Seeing Charles eat something and look better, Leon began to explain the task: "In this case, from now on, you are my knight. This is what I promised the Earl. Although he is gone, it still counts. Now the situation is urgent, the ceremony will be made up later, I will tell you what to do first..."
Charles nodded. Now he could only rely on this little new baron.
"Charles... I will take you to Brave Shield Castle and tell the Countess your identity as a witness. But this also means that you have to give up your inheritance rights in exchange for the Countess's recognition of you and see if you can get the Earl's surname. This must be done before the Earl's funeral..."
Charles swallowed and nodded vigorously again.
If the illegitimate child's identity is made public at this time, as long as the Countess publicly declares that she has no interest in any inheritance, the Countess will probably accept it.
After all, illegitimate children have no inheritance rights, and no fool would pretend to be a illegitimate child after the earl's death and bring upon himself a powerful enemy like Eldred.
A knight cannot be without a surname. Leon wants to take his men to ask for a surname in the name of his lord.
As for making Charles a knight, it was actually very easy - as long as Leon approved, he could just file a case in the county.
Amy can do this. The little girl is now in charge of all of Godric's seals.
"Charles, how is your martial arts?"
Leon looked at Charles and found him to be quite strong, but not a skilled fighter.
"Very average, Lord Leon. My father himself is not a martial arts expert..."
Li Ang closed his eyes tightly and sighed: "Then I guess I'll have to fight to the death... Are you afraid of death?"
Charles shook his head, then nodded: "I am afraid. But my father said that it is because we are afraid of death that we should fight to the end... Only by killing the enemy can we avoid death!"
Leon patted Charles on the shoulder and grinned uncomfortably: "Your father is right, he is worthy of being the best general in the kingdom in the past thirty years."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024