Chapter 79: Let's duel

Of course it’s not to waste time…it’s just to win people’s hearts.
The collective retreat of the mob later was just a temporary trick. It is hard to say whether they will gather together and march towards Maixiangling again, although the probability is indeed not very high.
And it is very likely that White Hart Fort will not be able to hold out for long. The ones attacking White Hart Fort are definitely not a mob, but the army of the empire.
Maixiangling and Bailubao were attacked at the same time, obviously because the Bacchus Empire did not want Bailubao to receive any reinforcements.
And now is exactly the time when White Hart Castle is at its weakest - Godric took three hundred elite soldiers to fight two months ago, and now he is stuck in Crow Village and has not returned. White Hart Castle can only rely on Amy to lead the troops to guard it.
There are about 500 defenders in Bailubao, and it is hard to say how long they can hold out. Mai Xiangling also has a large army, so Bailubao has nowhere to turn to for help.
Therefore, this battle must be resolved as soon as possible. If Bailu Fort is captured first, it will be even more impossible for Maixiangling to defend it.
Don't get me wrong, Leon is not so arrogant as to think that he can rescue Bailu Fort with just a few dozen people.
In fact, he was thinking about where he should run with his belongings after getting rid of the enemy in front of him...
I didn't plan to run when I saw the signal smoke from Bailubao, because the enemy was too close and I had too much belongings to pack up, so I didn't have time...
However, the enemy in front of me is also worried.
They ran hundreds of miles and were exhausted.
If you are not sure, you will be attacked from both sides.
If the people behind really can't come, then are we just going to be surrounded?
If they don't quickly capture Maixiangling, they will have no choice but to wait for death in the wild land at the entrance of the village.
"The one on the other side, do you understand? You have no reinforcements! But, I can give you a chance to solve the problem!"
Looking at the sky, Li Ang started shouting again.
"I'm hungry! I can't go home to eat since you're blocking my way here! I guess you're hungry too - so, let's fight!"
Klose nodded vigorously. He felt that the Lord's reason was very sufficient! It would be time for dinner soon!
"If you defeat me, you will get the McFlurry Territory! You can have a feast in my territory! Isn't that great?"
Leon shouted loudly.
In fact, the enemy was the hungry one - they had run hundreds of miles that day, longer than a marathon! Many people fell behind along the way, otherwise there would be more than eight or nine hundred people.
In fact, they were resting by the river to wait for the people behind them to catch up, but unfortunately they were harassed by Li Ang and his men before they even had a chance to eat.
"Come on! Let's fight! If you win, you can have steak! Roast chicken! And ham... roast pork... bacon..."
Li Ang began to name the dishes, and he specifically picked dishes from the Pand Continent to prevent the enemy from not understanding him - the dishes in Maixiang Territory were much richer than this.
He didn't know if it was an illusion, but even from a distance of a hundred meters, Leon seemed to hear the growling sound of the enemy's stomach, which indicated hunger.
"Asshole! Go to hell! Charge!"
The knights on the other side finally couldn't stand it anymore. If this continued, their morale would be broken...
This group of bandits had been exercising too much today, and had been harassed and attacked without any chance to rest, so they were exhausted. Plus, they felt that the rear troops would not be coming, so the morale of the bandits was already very low.
And now, hunger has been triggered by Leon again, and morale is even lower - if they don't fight, who knows what tricks the other side will play?
Li Ang was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed: "Rainier! Ha! It's you!"
The other party finally spoke, and Leon immediately recognized the man's voice. This was Lord Rainier who was in the throne room of Sarleon City a few days ago!
It seems that when this guy was in Sarleon City, he was planning to add a reasonable footnote to this attack...
——If the legitimacy of his territory was in doubt and he had not obtained the title of baron, then Rainier's conquest of the Mai Xiang Territory would not even be considered an act of treason, but could only be described as a "territorial dispute."
In this way, Rainier's collusion with the Bacchus Empire would not be exposed.
Moreover, if he succeeded and killed himself, no one would support a failed pioneer lord.
Fortunately, I didn't follow his rhythm at that time, but directly challenged him to a duel and shut him up.
However, this guy was able to collude with the Bacchus Empire and put together such a large team, which shows his ability.
Li Ang was worrying about how to kill this shameless and black-hearted Rainier, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity so soon.
"Guys on the other side! Kill Rainier! I can forgive your sins!"
The lord took two steps forward and began to instigate, intending to take Rainier's life.
"Kill him and we'll win! Charge!"
Rainier was also giving orders. It was obvious that he didn't want Leon to speak anymore and planned to kill Leon while he was still able to command these bandits.
A group of rabble rushed over from the opposite side, but the bandits were not fast.
This is the aftermath of the brief confrontation just now...
You should know that the most fearful thing after a long-distance run is intermittent rest. It is fine if you keep walking slowly without stopping. But if you stop to rest for two rounds and fail to get supplies, you will basically have no strength left and it will be difficult to walk.
"Brothers, shoot an arrow!"
A wave of projectiles was thrown over and two or three people on the opposite side fell down. They were a bit far away, but it didn’t matter. As long as there was a result, it was fine.
Leon got on Alice and started to ride slowly.
The opposite side was full of infantry, and they were all tired and hungry. Although there were more people, Leon was not weak.
He has a horse...
The little mare Alice usually exercises very diligently and runs dozens of miles every day, but today's basic exercise volume has not even reached the standard.
The archers behind him fired another round of arrows, then turned and ran back.
A few enemies fell, and the pace quickened a little.
Li Ang rode his horse and stared at dozens of enemy infantrymen. Seeing that they were about to raise their crossbows, he turned around, took out his bow, and shot an arrow at those who were raising their crossbows.
The power of the Eagle Strike Bow is very great. The infantrymen are standing closely together, so with Leon's level, he can hit the target with just a random shot.
One infantryman fell to the ground, and the others put down their crossbows and raised their shields - they had to protect Rainier.
So Leon continued riding his horse, and the enemy's speed was only enough for Alice to jog .
After only walking two or three hundred meters, the enemy slowed down again - they were indeed tired and hungry.
Li Ang took out an apple from the saddle bag, took a bite, chewed it twice, and spat it on the ground... It was so damn bitter. Apples these days have not been optimized, and most of them are not very delicious.
Of course, the Lord didn't come here to eat fruit...
Seeing that the enemies were all looking at him, he leaned over and fed the bitten apple to Alice...
Alice started chewing the fruits happily, with juice splashing out. It seemed that she liked these fruits very much.
The bandits on the opposite side were almost jealous - they had been running all day, had nothing to eat, and were tired and hungry, but now the other people's horses were eating fruits!
This battle cannot be fought!
When Klose and his archers saw that the bandits had slowed down, they turned around, waved their hands, and shot another round of arrows.
Finally, there were deserters in the enemy team, and several bandits ran to the side - these thirty or forty enemies were so difficult to deal with, and Mai Xiangling had more "elite soldiers" waiting for them to tire out...
Once there is one deserter, there will be many more. More and more bandits began to run to the side.
Rainier decisively killed several deserters, but killing deserters at this time was not very effective. These bandits fled not just because they were afraid of fighting. Rainier's actions instead led to more people fleeing.
It was quite rare. Neither side suffered much casualties, but the side with more troops began to flee in large numbers...
Li Ang stopped his horse and waited for half a minute until the other side was in chaos. Then he gave the order: "Brothers! Charge! Kill them!"
Then he took the lead and rushed straight towards Rainier.
The bandits in the middle had no intention of stopping them, but instead avoided them one after another. The team of several hundred people was actually divided into two. Li Ang rushed into the crowd like a sharp knife cutting into butter.
Only a few dozen infantrymen were barely maintaining the battle formation, but Li Ang had already rushed quickly into the middle of the chaotic team, and the infantrymen's crossbows became useless.
However, it was impossible for Leon to kill Rainier directly with a bow and arrow - those infantrymen formed a row of shields to protect Rainier.
"Rainier! I'm here to challenge you to a duel!"
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024