Chapter 79: Empathy

After hearing this opening speech, Su Zhiyong was very surprised.
He didn't expect that today's Truth Broadcast would actually start with a Mewtwo, which he happened to have played before.
Su Zhiyong actually didn't play the Mewtwo version of "Another Possibility" very much. Although he often went to Lishan Technology's experience store, he only played the beginning of this Mewtwo and put it down after barely finishing the homeless part.
The reason is simple, this Mewtwo is just too boring.
The first part is a complete homeless simulator. Every day you just rummage through garbage to find food, suffer from cold and hunger, and all kinds of negative emotions surge in your heart. It is even more discouraging than the beginning of "Embers of Demise".
Although the beginning of "Embers Are Going Out" is also very miserable, at least players can control their own destiny. In addition, "Embers Are Going Out" can have a certain exercise and improvement effect on people's real bodies, so most people will not feel particularly suffering after getting used to it.
On the other hand, the Mewtwo in "Another Possibility" is an experience-based Mewtwo, which means that players have no choice but to passively accept the tragic fate!
If we continue to persuade people to quit like this for a long time, even the most determined people will not be able to withstand it.
After all, people who become homeless in reality probably won't be able to hold on for long and will have to restart, but in Mewtwo at least they can quit.
The only interesting thing might be the moment when you save up enough change to buy a lottery ticket. Winning the prize is indeed more exciting than winning the lottery in real life.
But that’s all, after all, most of the time buying lottery tickets results in losing all your money.
In short, Su Zhiyong didn’t think that this Mewtwo had anything special about it, but judging from what Mr. Guanqi said, this Mewtwo seemed to have a deeper connotation.
Otherwise, why would Mr. Guanqi have such a high opinion of him? He even said that this Mewtwo inspired him.
The others, like Su Zhiyong, continued to listen, keeping the suspense.
Du Guanqi continued, "The game 'Another Possibility' describes another parallel world. In that world, there is no space-time activity, no space-time particles, and no chaebols who can monopolize the entire industry by themselves like now."
"But that world is not fundamentally different from the world we live in. The lives of the lower classes are still difficult, and people are still indifferent to each other. Although large companies do not control the corporate army, they can decide the life and death of ordinary people in various ways."
"Although there are no mechanical prostheses or particularly powerful weapons in that world, people do not possess extraordinary powers. The simplest and most ordinary bullet can cause terrible damage to a person. In a shooting incident, an ordinary gunman, as long as he has premeditated and shoots at a crowded place, can also cause dozens of casualties."
"After comparing the two worlds, we will find that although there is no technological development brought about by space-time activities and space-time particles, this world still has many similarities with our world. Our sufferings are the same, and even if our real world is more cruel, it is nothing more than a pot calling the kettle black."
"That's why I said that after this Mewtwo, I changed my view. I think the pain and suffering in the real world do not come from space-time activities and space-time particles. Space-time activities may have exacerbated this trend to some extent, but it is definitely not the root cause."
"There is a prerequisite for making this judgment, that is, the parallel world created by Mewtwo must be logically self-consistent and cannot have obvious loopholes. If this worldview itself is not real enough and not reasonable enough, then it naturally cannot overturn my conclusion in reality."
"Next, I would like to briefly share with you some details about the parallel world of Mewtwo. Listeners who have played this Mewtwo can also think back and think about whether the details of this Mewtwo are real."
“I believe everyone has played the first part about the homeless and has some doubts about the life of the homeless.”
"I also had a lot of doubts at the beginning. For example, I didn't understand why a normal person with all four limbs couldn't find a suitable job to support himself in such a social environment. I don't know why this homeless man obviously has hands and feet, and once had a good job and good professional skills, but after becoming a homeless man, he was isolated from the entire human society and could no longer find any decent job."
"I don't understand why this homeless man tried so hard to integrate into human society, but it seemed as if there was an invisible barrier that completely isolated him from all the achievements and wealth of human development. Whether it was the security guards at the entrance of the shopping mall, passers-by on the street or other homeless people, they all kept their distance from him, their eyes full of hostility."
"Even when the homeless person gets some change, he doesn't think about buying more food, but instead immediately buys a lottery ticket."
"I don't understand the homeless man's choice. I think his misfortune is all due to his laziness. I also don't understand the whole society's attitude towards homeless people. These homeless people are obviously people who are still able to work. Why can't they even get the most basic jobs? Why don't there even be companies that let them give it a try?"
"This world is clearly not threatened by space-time activities, and human society is still developing safely and steadily. But why are the relationships between people still so cold?"
As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the audience nodded, and it was obvious that they all thought so too.
People in the old land are indeed cold and indifferent. It is rare to hear of anyone selflessly lending a helping hand to others. People are wary of each other and will only smile when they are sure that someone can bring them benefits.
It can be said that the upper and lower classes in the old land have two completely different rules of the game: the upper class still lives in a high-level social system of human relationships, and no matter what they do, they can find shortcuts and complete it quickly.
But the lower class people are faced with invisible and intangible barriers everywhere. No matter which direction they go, there is a great possibility that they will be blocked back, and they can only spend their lives following the same unchanging route.
Everyone believes that the current situation is caused by the extreme environment caused by space-time activities.
Because this world is too dangerous, people live in fear and uncertainty, so they have no time to care about others, only themselves, and can only live very hard.
If there were no such extreme environment, if the world's resources were abundant and products were plentiful, then people would naturally be full of kindness, and the atmosphere of the entire society would inevitably change.
Du Guanqi continued: "But after I brought people into that world, I suddenly realized that this idea was very naive."
"Let's get rid of our stereotypes and think about it. If we were the people living in that world, what would they think when they see the world we live in?"
“I think they would also find our world very unscientific.”
"Our world is clearly in danger. Under the erosion of various space-time activities, human safety has suffered a major blow. But in this situation, we are still so indifferent and unwilling to help each other. Large companies often launch corporate wars and fall into chaotic internal strife."
"In their view, the people in our world are obviously very stupid. In such an extreme situation, they are unable to unite to fight against the space-time activities, and are still busy fighting for their own petty gains. There are still many barriers and divisions between people. Isn't this even more unreasonable?"
When Du Guanqi said this, everyone in the audience was stunned.
Because they realized that what Du Guanqi said made sense.
Indeed, if you look at them from the perspective of someone who has entered that world, this world is indeed very strange.
The disaster is imminent. In such a difficult living environment, people are still obsessed with internal fighting, instead of concentrating all people and resources to change the environment of the old land. Isn't this also a very stupid behavior?
After this kind of empathy, everyone realized a certain problem, but they only vaguely felt some boundaries. There was no way to summarize it clearly.
Du Guanqi continued, "After changing our perspective, we will find that no matter whether it is that world or the world we live in, if you consider it from the bright side of human nature, you will find that this world is very unreasonable. But if you consider it from the evil side of human nature, you will find that both worlds are equally real."
"Why is it that even though our world is already in danger, the big capitalists in the old land are still thinking about how to grab more profits from ordinary people?"
"Because it is too difficult to gather everyone's consensus, concentrate all their resources, and change the status quo of the entire old land. In comparison, everyone is still more willing to fight for a little bit of benefit for themselves. Although everyone knows that the former is right and the latter is wrong, in such an environment, the right goal seems to be far away, and there is even no possibility of success at all."
"In the parallel world described by Mewtwo, although the world is generally peaceful and there is no danger of space-time activities, for most people, it is precisely because there is no grand goal to drive their ideals that they can only focus all their goals on petty gains."
"Because there are no major crises in this world, selfishness seems more natural."
"After such an analysis, we will find that, whether in our real world or in the parallel world described by Mewtwo, changes in the external environment will not have a fundamental impact on the state of the entire society."
"Because it is each individual who determines the current state of the world. Only people are the underlying cause of everything, and the external environment only fully stimulates people's characteristics in a certain aspect."
The dark figures in the audience conveyed emotions of sudden enlightenment, and made sounds of cheers and applause.
Although many people here have not played the Mewtwo game "Another Possibility", after carefully considering the ideas given by Du Guanqi, they found that it was indeed the case.
This way of thinking by exchanging perspectives instantly broke many people's previous misunderstandings.
Many people before were like Du Guanqi. The reason why they firmly believed in the view that "all suffering comes from time and space activities" is because they have seen too many tragedies caused by time and space activities in this world, and they have too much yearning for the beautiful and peaceful pastoral life. They unconsciously added a filter to the pastoral life, thus ignoring some deeper problems.
But after removing this filter, they realized that space-time activities were not the main cause of everything.
If people could truly unite and face the dangers of space-time activities together, would Old Land become what it is now?
The answer is obviously no.
Du Guanqi paused for a moment, and waited until everyone's emotions had calmed down before continuing, "I know some people may question that I have based all my arguments on a fictional Mewtwo, and that the foundation is not solid enough. What if the worldview constructed by this Mewtwo is irrational in itself? Then would the conclusions I draw from this worldview also be irrational?"
"I can give a more detailed argument for this."
" It stands to reason that a Mewtwo cannot represent a completely realistic world, but this Mewtwo does just that."
"Because it uses a large number of rich and detailed details as its foundation, which are interwoven into a huge network. It is precisely because these details support each other that it can give people an immersive sense of reality."
“After entering Mewtwo, we will notice that everything in this world is so natural. Whether it is skyscrapers, the clothes and diet of these people, or their lifestyle, there is no contradiction. It can be seen that the producer has made efforts to create this unique world view.”
“The story lines of the four characters affect each other. Everyone makes choices based on their own interests, and the choices made by each person will affect others. In the end, this complex influence is like a butterfly effect, which determines the final outcome of the entire Mewtwo.”
"The choices these people make under the current conditions seem reasonable to us, and the impact of this decision on others seems reasonable to us, too. When every step is logical, even if the final result surprises us, it is reasonable."
"The homeless man was treated unfairly by the world and excluded from human society, so he naturally wanted to take revenge on the world. The small vendor worked hard to earn money with his own hands, but the thugs who came to collect protection fees beat him up. Of course, he had reason to be wary of everyone. He had reason to applaud when he saw the thugs being stabbed to death by other gang members."
"In order to complete the gang's mission, the gangster pretended to be vicious and beat up the business owner against his conscience. He had no way out and of course he could only go down this path. Although the company owner had already made a lot of money, it was reasonable for him to continue to squeeze more profits from others by relying on his power and status."
"But the reasonable choices made by everyone based on their own interests will eventually turn into an unacceptable tragic ending. No one can have a good ending. Even the boss with the best conditions will die from the assassination of other competitors."
“On the contrary, if everyone can make the right choice and appropriately sacrifice their own interests and lend a helping hand to others, then everyone ’s fate will be changed and the whole story will take a completely different path.”
"In fact, after carefully studying the whole story, we will find that bringing this story into our real world will not seem abrupt at all. Perhaps it is because there is nothing new under the sun. The reason why things that happened in the past and now seem familiar, and why things that happened in the parallel world and the real world are similar, is that although the environment is different and the external conditions have changed, something rooted in the heart has never changed."
“This thing that never changes is the root of all pain and suffering.”
"At this point, some people may not agree with what I said. Some people may ask: 'Everyone makes the right choice, appropriately sacrifices their own interests, and lends a helping hand to others. This sentence is simple to say, but how can it be done in reality?'"
"Indeed, in reality, it is impossible to get everyone to make rational and correct choices. After all, everyone is for their own interests. But as long as most people can make the right choices, can see the long-term goals, and force the remaining few to follow their will, then all this can be achieved."
“In this Mewtwo, the fourth protagonist boss seems to be the person with the highest social status and seems to be the source and culprit of all evil. But in fact, he will also be killed by other competitors.”
"So if you want to achieve the best ending in Mewtwo, you actually have to fight against other bosses. When the main boss in Mewtwo makes an evil choice, he stands on the same side as these bosses and becomes their spokesperson. And when the main boss in Mewtwo makes a good choice, he stands on the opposite side of the other bosses. And chooses to stand with all ordinary people."
"Only when ordinary people such as homeless people, hooligans, and small vendors unite can a perfect ending be achieved."
“That’s also true in reality.”
"It is obvious that only when the majority of ordinary people unite and work together to eliminate the big capitalists and their agents hiding in the dark, can our world usher in a happy ending."
"In this process, space-time activities and space-time particles are just an objective phenomenon that occurs in the surrounding environment. Space-time particles can be used by big chaebols as a tool to oppress people, and they can also be used by us as a weapon to overthrow the big chaebols."
“As stated in “The Embers Are Going Out”, as long as everyone can unite, they will surely be able to burn out a brilliant dawn!”
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024