Chapter 75 The truth

Chapter 75 The Truth

Crookshanks kept staring at the corner with bared teeth. He kept sniffing on the ground until the door was kicked open by Harry with a bang. Lupine also recited the spell loudly at this time: "Expelliarmus."

Harry's wand flew out of his hand.

Hermione screamed at Lupine: "I don't believe it!"

Lupine tried to explain: "Hermione..."

"I didn't tell anyone! I've been hiding it for you!"

Waves of anger filled Harry's mind. His voice trembled because he lost control: "I trust you so much. It turns out you are Sirius Black's friend!"

"It's a long story. I wasn't before, but I am now. This was a misunderstanding. You Let me explain..."

"No! Harry, don't believe him. He helped Black sneak into the castle that time. He was a werewolf."

Lupine looked pale, but he was still very calm.

Mu Yu kept looking at the panicked mouse that was twisting in Ron's hands. She tightened her grip on her wand. You have to wait for an opportunity. She couldn't let anyone know about her, it wasn't the time to leave Hogwarts yet.

"This is not at all your usual level, Hermione," Lupine continued, "I didn't help Black sneak into the castle, and I certainly didn't want Harry to die. But I don't deny that I am a werewolf."

Ron struggled to think He stood up and stood in front of Harry and Hermione, but he groaned in pain and fell down again. Lupine walked towards him with concern, but Ron gasped: "Don't touch me, werewolf."

Lupine stopped suddenly and looked at Hermione. He asked with great difficulty: "How long have you known?"

"Since you finished writing After the paper assigned by Professor Snape..."

"You are the smartest witch I have ever met, Hermione." Lupine was about to continue, but was interrupted by Sirius: "Remus, hurry up, I am. Can't wait. It's been twelve years!"

Before Lupine could explain, Harry shouted: "Dumbledore trusts you! You have been helping him!" He pointed at Sirius, who suddenly walked to the bed. He fell on the bed and covered his face with a trembling hand: "Harry, I don't deny that if it hadn't been for me..." Crookshanks jumped on the bed and climbed onto his lap, meowing.

Mu Yu slowly pointed her wand at Sirius, and she looked up at the only dusty skylight in the Shrieking Shack. The vague crescent moon still hung in the dark blue night.

"Tom," her voice was trembling, "how sure are you of getting rid of them all?" She had attended Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class for most of the semester and was well aware of his level. It was already difficult for her to deal with Lupine, let alone Sirius Black. Especially Hogsmeade is too close to Hogwarts. If you can't kill everyone here with one blow, Dumbledore will inevitably be attracted. And Tom's current soul is not strong enough to cast a powerful spell.

"They were once the most elite members of the Order of the Phoenix."

Mu Yu bit his lip and temporarily put down his wand.

At this time, Lupine had returned the wands of Harry and the three of them: "Okay, now you also have weapons, are you willing to listen to me?"

Harry didn't know how to view the current situation at all. He was not sure if this was the case. A trap.

Lupine pointed at the trembling rat in Ron's arms and said, "Can I take a look at this rat?"

Ron hugged Scabbers tightly: "What does this have to do with Scabbers?"

Crookshanks stood next to Sirius. Legs hissed at Banban.

"It has a lot to do with it. It's not an ordinary mouse, he's a wizard."

"He's an Animagus named Peter Pettigrew." Sirius added.

"You two are crazy." Ron took two steps back. Banban struggled desperately in his hands.

"You know nothing!" said Sirius roughly, "that map! The Marauder's Map never lies! Peter is alive and you have him! Remus, come on, I can't wait any longer, I We're going to kill him tonight!"

"Impossible." Hermione said quickly, "Animagus must be registered with the Ministry of Magic. I looked up the information when I was doing my homework, and I only saw Professor McGonagall. Seven Animagus, Peter Pettigrew's name is not on it. "

But the Ministry of Magic does not know that there are three unregistered Animagus." Lupine spoke faster when he caught Sirius's crazy eyes. Speed, "I only know the beginning. I was bitten by a werewolf when I was very young. The wolfsbane potion had not been invented at that time. I had to experience a terrible transformation every month. Of course, it was not necessary for me to enter Hogwarts." Possibly. Until Dumbledore became Headmaster, he saw no right to exclude me from Hogwarts as long as certain precautions were taken. I was taken out of the castle every month. Come to this place to transform. That tree was planted for me too, so that no one would touch me in times of danger."

At this time, the only sounds in the screaming shack were Lupine's screams and Crookshanks' snores.

Mu Yu leaned in the corner and listened with some boredom as Lupine told how he met Black, Peter and Harry's father, James. They even gave each other nicknames and created the Marauder's Map. Until Lupine mentioned a name she was very familiar with.

"Snape also teaches at Hogwarts." Lupine looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione seriously, "Professor Snape was once our classmate. A prank played by Sirius almost killed him, This prank is also related to me. "

Sirius snorted disdainfully: "That's what he deserves, sneaking around to find out what we are doing, hoping that we will be expelled." Lupine

did not respond to his words, and he continued to talk to the three of them. : "We... weren't on good terms at the time. There was no absolute right or wrong, we just hated each other. In short, Snape accidentally saw me being escorted by Madam Pomfrey to the Whomping Willow. Sirius wanted to For fun, Snape could follow me in by poking the knot on the Whomping Willow with a long stick. Once he enters, he will encounter a dangerous wolf. Harry, it was your father who risked his life after knowing this. Snape dragged him back. Snape also knew my secret, and Dumbledore made him swear not to tell it..."

Mu Yu listened to Lu Ping recounting the past, and she suddenly remembered that Snape was in the first grade. Snape stopped Quirrell from stealing the Philosopher's Stone, and he also stopped Quirrell from secretly killing Harry...

Snape's story may be very interesting.

"...When Voldemort wanted to kill your parents for some reasons, Sirius was indeed the secret keeper..."

"It was changed secretly." Sirius pointed at the trembling mouse, "No one knows." I was thinking at the time Peter is very inconspicuous, and Voldemort will only find me, not him. But Peter betrayed Lily and James. When I went to find him, he shouted so loudly that half of the street knew that I had betrayed Lily and James. , and then used the wand hidden behind to blow up half the street and get into the sewer with his rat friends! He also cut off one of his fingers. "

Banban struggled even more fiercely, and his missing piece of toe was particularly conspicuous . .

Ron murmured: "I always thought he was fighting with other mice..."

"It's very simple," Hermione said suddenly, "There is a spell to restore Animagus to its original form. You just need to prove it to us. It's Peter Pettigrew and we believe you."

Mu Yu only knew that Peter was the real Death Eater, but he didn't know that he had betrayed his friends...

Once he was unfaithful and he didn't do it twice...

Mu Yu raised her wand. She was sure to counteract the spell, but it would still cause her a lot of trouble. Is Peter...worth her doing this? For a villain who would betray even his best friends over and over again...

No more words came from Jade Perry. Tom Riddle showed little interest in leaving Hogwarts from beginning to end.

Mu Yu suddenly felt a little funny. Who did she have to judge Peter? She had already betrayed the trust of too many people. But she won't regret it.

As his thoughts were swirling, Mu Yu had already thought about how to deal with Peter. She allowed Lupine and Sirius to work together to transform the mouse in Ron's arms into a small, shrinking man. His hair was thin and dull, with a large bald patch on top. The pointed nose and mung bean eyes still retain a bit of mouse characteristics. His eyes were darting around, trying to find something in the room in panic, but he was mainly looking towards the door.

The hair on Crookshanks' back stood on end.

"Sirius, Remus." Peter's voice was high-pitched. He walked around the room again, as if to confirm how many people there were. Soon, his eyes glanced towards the door again. "My friend, my old friend..."

"Long time no see, Wormtail." Different from Sirius' excitement, Lupine seemed particularly calm. He even held down Sirius's wrist, "We were just discussing Lily and Regarding James, I want to clarify one or two small issues with you..."

"He came to kill me again!" Peter suddenly pointed at Sirius and screamed. He had no index finger at all. "He killed Lily and James, and now He's here to kill me again. He's that person's spy! Remus, you have to save me!"

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Mu Yu would even want to laugh. Peter was really good at acting. If she hadn't already known his true identity, it would have been easy for him to be deceived by Peter.

"I killed Lily and James, Voldemort's spies." Sirius took a few steps closer to him. When he said Voldemort's name, Peter shuddered subconsciously, "Why, I was scared when I heard your old master's name. Even if I die, I will not give up my dignity or even betray my friends to curry favor with someone more powerful and powerful than me. And you, I never understood that you like powerful friends. Lily and James will keep it secret after listening to my words. It was you who made the most regretful decision I have ever made. When you told Voldemort and sacrificed the Potters, it must have been the proudest moment in your despicable life."

Mu Yu gently touched the jade pendant and leaned against it. Not a word was spoken in the corner.

Sirius took a breath, which he had suppressed for too long: "I heard something in Azkaban. They thought you were dead, and they hated you, those Death Eaters. They thought you provided false information and betrayed them. Master. Voldemort still has some of his men who haven't entered Azkaban, aren't you hiding from them... I thought you were dead, until I saw a copy of the Daily Prophet, it was this boy," he pointed at Ron, "He just held you. I am so familiar with your Animagus form that I recognized you at a glance. During the twelve years I was in Azkaban, I relied on Animagus and a stream of energy every day. Faith survived the dementors. I don’t know what kind of faith it was, but I felt very happy when I thought about it. It was also by relying on it that I escaped from Azkaban and swam back to the mainland in a dog’s body. Sneaking into Hogwarts, I wanted to see Harry, James and Lily's son... But I have waited too long, Peter, I will kill you now to avenge Lily, James."

"Wait. "For a moment," Hermione said timidly, "Professor Lupine, can I say a word?"

"Of course," Lupine said kindly.

"If Peter Pettigrew betrayed Harry's parents, he has been staying in Harry's dormitory for the past three years, why has he never done anything to Harry?"

Peter seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw: "Yes! Remus , I haven't touched a hair on Harry's head! Thank you, thank you smart girl..."

Mu Yu turned the jade pendant in her hand with some boredom. Even if no one heard her, she still thought to herself: "Because he doesn't have this It should be said that no one is willing to do it directly in Hogwarts so far. His courage to actively try to contact you tonight is the limit of his courage. "

It's just because he feels my strength, out of fear of me, or even fear of Black." Unexpectedly, Tom Riddle was not angry at Peter. He just stated a fact in a smooth tone.

Mu Yu watched quietly as Sirius defended Pettigrew until he was speechless: "He at least has some uses, and what I believe is exactly his fear."

Peter had nothing to say anymore. Harry clearly believed Sirius and Lupin at this point, and he helped them silently block the remaining exits from the room.

Sirius flashed a smile: "Remus, let's kill him together."

Peter knelt down weakly, he cried: "No, no, please, you don't know him, how terrible he is. If I don't tell him, he will kill me."

"Betrayal is more shameful than death." Lupine pointed his wand at Peter, "Dying for a friend is the most dignified way to die. " Humble, farewell, Peter."

"Wait!" Harry stood in front of Peter, "You can't kill him!"

"Harry! It was this scum that caused the death of your parents! He was the indirect murderer." growled.

"I know, but I think if my father were alive, he would never want to see you become murderers for people like him. Take him to the castle and hand him over to the dementors, this way, this way," he looked at the haggard little boy. Sirius, "You can also be innocent."

Sirius's eyes flickered and he put down his wand.

Peter still seemed to be waiting for something when he was tied tightly with a rope by Lupine, despair and fear flashed in his eyes.

When they were escorting Peter away from the tunnel, Mu Yu muttered a spell and quietly removed all the binding spells on his body. When he turned around, he put a piece of talisman into his hand: "Directly put the Inject the magic into it, don't tell me you can't do this. I'll wait for you at the Riddle House in Little Hangleton until dawn."

Peter rolled his eyes. Crookshanks seemed to be aware of it, and he pounced towards the corner, but what he pounced on was destined to be a ball of air. Mu Yu had already activated the teleportation talisman to go to Little Hangleton.

"Tom, I once said that justice and love can sometimes become the most useful chess pieces." She said softly through the dim moonlight as she looked at the dilapidated old house in front of her that even looked hideous in the night.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024