Chapter 74 Execution Night

Chapter 74 Execution Night

If it had been a normal time, a Quidditch victory would have brought Harry endless joy. However, even though Gryffindor defeated Ravenclaw today and qualified for the Academy Cup, he still couldn't bring himself to cheer up. He couldn't forget the way Hagrid congratulated him with red eyes and forced himself to cheer up. Tonight, Buckbeak is to be executed.

When they told Hagrid that they wanted to bid farewell to Buckbeak together, Hagrid sobbed and said: "Thank you, thank you. But, tonight is a night worth celebrating, and I don't want to spoil your fun. I, I don't deserve this. ."

Hermione punched Malfoy hard while Malfoy was looking proud.

The three of them did not go back to the common room. They deliberately avoided the crowd and sat in a secluded corner of the public courtyard. The joy of winning the game was completely lost in the cold February wind. Hermione suddenly clapped her hands: "Yes! We can save Buckbeak!"

Harry and Ron both looked at Hermione in disbelief. Ron even said: "Hermione, are you okay?

" Don't be stupid Ron, I'm fine." Hermione stood up suddenly, "This is an unfair sentence. They didn't even allow Hagrid to appeal, just because of Lucius Malfoy's pressure. Ridiculous. Harry, where is your invisibility cloak?"

Hermione's suggestion really moved Harry's heart. If they could successfully rescue Buckbeak, Hagrid would not be so sad and could save an innocent life. But Harry was discouraged again when he thought about the invisibility cloak he had left under the statue of the witch: "I left it under that statue." He told Hermione that he could not let Snape see him near that statue again.

"How did you open that statue?"

"Knock on it, say left and right separation, but..." However, before Harry could finish speaking, Hermione ran away in a hurry. Ron stared at Hermione's disappearing back: "She's not really going to get the invisibility cloak." Something was squirming in Ron's pocket. Ron took out Scabbers and stroked it gently: "Scabbers, there is no Crookshanks here. Damn it, you haven't been normal since this morning."

Hermione came back a quarter of an hour later. The invisibility cloak was carefully hidden in her robe.

"We need to discuss the specific plan first. The execution will be carried out this evening. We must let people from the Ministry of Magic see Buckbeak before he can be released. Otherwise, they will think that Hagrid did it..."

Go down from the eighth floor to the first floor. Everything went very smoothly. Until Mu Yu bumped into Theodore Nott in the corridor on the first floor. She didn't expect that there would be people wandering around outside at this time.

"Oh, good evening, Theodore." She said calmly, as if she didn't realize that she was walking in the opposite direction to the common room.

When he saw her, Theodore Nott lowered his head, as if he wanted to pass her by, but he also noticed something was wrong.

"You have to go out"

was the first thing he said to her since school started.

"I was doing my homework on the lawn this afternoon. When I went back, I found that I couldn't find the herbal medicine class paper. I didn't know where I left it, so I wanted to go out and try my luck to find it." She looked anxious, trying to Go past him.

"Really?" He did not move away, his expression dim and unclear in the light of the torch.

Mu Yu gently turned the ring: "Of course it's true."

His figure swayed, as if he wanted to do something but finally gave up: "I haven't seen you tonight." Before she could respond, he took the lead. He walked around her towards the common room.

She just glanced at his back and walked out of the door without looking back.

The night enveloped the last ray of light. A crescent moon hung in the sky, with only a few dim stars shining listlessly around the moon. Hopefully there won't be too many variables tonight.

Very quickly she dug the knots in the trunk of the whomping willow. The Whomping Willow stopped twisting. Olivia's illusion had long since disappeared, and she clearly saw a large hole exposed between the roots of the tree. A hidden secret passage in Hogwarts... She held the jade pendant tightly and bent down into the winding tunnel under the tree roots.

Half an hour ago, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had just come out of the Forbidden Forest. They worked together to tie Buckbeak to a tree in the Forbidden Forest. The three of them walked on the path leading to the castle wearing an invisibility cloak. Hermione whispered: "We have to wait until Fudge and MacNeill are completely gone before we can release Buckbeak. Merlin wishes that nothing will go wrong again..."

Scabbers was twisting wildly in Ron's pocket. Ron covered his pocket: "Scabbers, what happened to you today, you stupid mouse! Oops, it bit me."

"Don't make a sound." Hermione whispered, "Fudge will be out soon. If he It will be in big trouble if it sees us."

"It refuses to stay still."

But Harry saw Crookshanks walking towards them quietly, its two big eyes shining strangely in the darkness. Fluorescence.

"Crookshanks, don't cause trouble! Go away!" Hermione said to Crookshanks, "Go away!"

But Crookshanks suddenly rushed towards Scabbers. At this moment, the mouse slipped out of Ron's fingers and fell to the ground, quickly running away towards the Whomping Willow. Crookshanks sprang forward in hot pursuit. Before Harry and Hermione could stop him, Ron had thrown off the invisibility cloak and rushed into the night. Harry and Hermione looked at each other, and they also pulled off the invisibility cloak and rushed towards Ron.

Ron threw himself onto the lawn and caught the screaming mouse in his hands: "Got it! Get away, you stinky cat!"

Harry and Hermione almost bumped into Ron if they hadn't been able to brake in time.

"Ron, hurry up, get back on the invisibility cloak. They are coming out soon, and we have to go back to the Forbidden Forest to release Buckbeak." However, before they could become invisible, a huge dog with gray eyes came toward them. They came running, and he was as light as a shadow. By the time Harry tried to pull out his wand, it was already too late. The big dog's front paws scratched his chest, and Harry even felt the hot breath coming out of the dog's mouth. The big dog rolled over him and he felt as if he had broken several ribs.

Ron stood up and pushed Harry aside when the big dog pounced again. The big dog bit Ron's arm and dragged Ron towards the Whomping Willow like a rag doll.

The Whomping Willow's secret passage leads to Hogsmeade's legendary haunted Shrieking Shack. When Mu Yu walked out of the secret passage, he saw a scene that was even more exciting than being haunted.

The isolation array blocked all the sounds she could make, and she walked up the dark staircase like a ghost. A door was ajar, and there was a low cry of pain behind the door.

She entered the room through the half-open door very carefully. There was only a four-poster bed with dusty curtains in the room. Ron was lying on the floor next to it, his leg looking injured. There were two people standing next to him, one of whom was naturally Lupine. The other man's dirty hair hung down to his shoulders and elbows, his eyes were sunken, and he was wearing a dirty prison uniform.

Mu Yu recognized him immediately. Sirius Black. Ron looked at Lupine in disbelief and whispered: "Impossible, impossible."

Lupine focused all his attention on the squeaking rat in Ron's hand: "You... changed... didn't tell "I"

Black nodded slowly, his voice hoarse: "Remus, how did you find him?"

"Tonight is the day of Buckbeak's execution. I expected Harry and the others to go." Send it, and even let it go. Sure enough, they went from the castle to Hagrid's hut, and then to the Forbidden Forest, but there was always a person beside them, a person who should not be alive. The Marauder's Map cannot lie..."

"Remus, I can't wait any longer. It's been twelve years. I'm going to kill him now." Black raised his wand to the mouse in Ron's hand. Ron shivered and held Banban in his arms. Their words made him confused, but it was obvious that they wanted to kill someone, most likely Harry: "You, if you want to kill Harry, you have to step over my body first." He trembled and tried to stand up, However, his injured leg did not allow him to do this.

"You will understand soon, Ron." Lupine pressed Black's wand, "Harry will come, and he has the right to know everything. He must know who betrayed his parents."

At this time, A cat meowed from the bottom of the stairs, and Crookshanks jumped lightly into the room. However, in the darkness, its fluorescent green eyes didn't even look at the mouse in Ron's hand, but stared at the corner where Mu Yu was hiding, as if confirming something.

Mu Yu held the jade pendant in one hand and the wand in the other and gently drew a few talisman in mid-air to bless the formation. This cat is about to become a sperm. She also doesn't want to fall into the hands of a cat

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024