Chapter 64: A Good Opportunity to Get Rich

So, on the day of the blessing, a large number of companies were established...
'Griffin Grain & Oil & Food Co., Ltd.';
'Sarah Cosmetics Co., Ltd.';
'Leslie Trading Co., Ltd.';
'Anson's Hat Agricultural Development Ltd';
'Klose Military Industry Development Co., Ltd.';
'Alice Trust Development Investment Bank';
There are also countless companies such as 'Wanderer Livestock Technology', 'Shalalia's Secret Clothing Trade', 'Grand Lord Capital Management', ' Monsla Rice Microfinance', etc.
Even the Lord himself couldn't count how many there were at first...
Anyway, it covers almost all types of industries.
Maixiangling had just leveled out its ground and was in the market. The company's signs were nailed all over the door panels. Later, when there was no more place to nail, they nailed the sign of "Limp Hao's Gourmet World" to the door of the stable and the sign of "Teddy's Omni Perfume Industry" next to the toilet.
These were all jointly funded by businessmen and the Maixiang Industry Group, and they are all subsidiaries of the group company...
The reason for this is that the Lord announced
"All the subsidiaries of Maixiang Industry Group do not need to pay commercial taxes in Maixiang Territory! Not a cent!"
Of course, if someone wants to rent a shop to set up an office or something, they still have to pay...
The Lord specially planned such a large market space for rent...
Sarah became the legal representative, chairman, executive director, and general manager of twelve companies overnight...
And Leslie owns even more companies, a total of eighteen.
The cultural figure Anson also has nine companies under his name.
The well-known workers in the territory have basically become senior executives above the level of general manager, and each of them feels quite proud of themselves for bringing honor to their family...
Even the horse feeder Drash has a livestock company under his name - of course, the actual manager of the company is Leon himself, and horses are very valuable...
The only person who doesn't have a company is Li Ang himself...
Unscrupulous bosses are very risk-averse...
The Lord used sealed contracts to "jointly invest" and "jointly start businesses" with the merchants. He had a share in each company, but it wasn't much, probably ranging from 51% to 80%...
Moreover, when collecting the merchants' actual 'joint investment' money, he displayed the room full of gold coins, saying that he had too many gold coins, and in order to avoid inconvenience in turnover, he asked the merchants to invest in silver coins...
——Merchants are actually happy to use silver coins, and they actually have more dirhams in their hands. After all, their customers usually use silver coins more often.
The reason why merchants are so enthusiastic to invest in it is because the lord has preached a truth to them - war means wealth!
Leon said: "The kingdom is at war with the Bacchus Empire, this is a great opportunity to make a fortune!"
"Think about it. The Kingdom has been hostile to the Bacchus Empire for many years, and the north-south trade route has been cut off for decades. There are so many silks, spices, medicines, and handicrafts in the South that cannot be sold to the Kingdom, and the horses, furs, weapons, and daily necessities produced by the Kingdom cannot be sold there either..."
"Think about it, if you can become the first batch to trade with the Bacchus Empire, the profit will be..."
The merchants were naturally aware of this reality. Since the two countries had been hostile for decades, in the past, whenever their caravans entered the territory of the Bacchus Empire, they would most likely be robbed by the lords of the Bacchus Empire or bandits such as the Snake Cult.
Those who occasionally manage to return successfully do not make much profit - small-scale caravans often lose their bargaining power in hostile countries, so unless they have to, they will not and dare not go to hostile countries to do business.
If the first batch really enters the Bacchus Empire on a large scale, there will certainly be huge profits, but the question is, will it work?
So the merchants quickly raised questions: "If the two countries go to war, there will be unrest everywhere. Not to mention the Bacchus Empire, even in the kingdom there are many bandits. If there is no army to protect the border, isn't it like a group delivery?"
Li Ang laughed proudly: "Look at these Mettenheim warriors, look at these Horn Summoning Rangers! They are all powerful soldiers in the entire continent! Add to that dozens of elite cavalry and so many elite archers, isn't it enough to protect the safety of your caravan?"
There are more than forty Gattus in the stable, all of them are indeed excellent war horses.
Twenty of them were indeed wearing the horse armor provided by Ralph, and crossbowmen stood nearby wearing ranger equipment - but they were all pretending. These guys didn't know how to ride horses at all. The best rider was Eric, who could barely ensure that the horse did not fall off when cantering.
But they certainly look like the Horn Rangers, and the sheer size of the Mettenheim men is convincing .
Adding in the leaders who came out wearing chain mail and carrying nomadic bows to make up the numbers, it seems that the military force of this small village actually exceeds a hundred people, and they all seem to be elite soldiers!
However, some merchants still expressed uneasiness: "But your leadership ability... Sorry, sir, I don't doubt you..."
Li Ang began to get angry: "Hehehe! I have defeated the Jatu army. Look at that Jatu warlord over there. He is my prisoner! Now he is my groom! Besides, you all know Lord Godric, right? Why do you think such a famous general would call me 'Chairman'? He will also go with us!"
The merchants whispered to each other: "Lord Godric's fighting ability is of course beyond doubt, but he seems to only defend and never attack... I guess his ability in conquering cities may not be that high..."
At this time, Li Ang took out the letter from Count Oden: "Open your eyes and take a good look. Even the world-famous Count Oden asked me to help him suppress the bandits! What do you have to worry about!"
The name of Count Oden was still very influential in Changhe Town. As the lord who was best at expanding the kingdom's territory in the past few decades, the merchants were immediately convinced after seeing the letter and the double lion shield emblem on it.
Therefore, starting from the second day after the merchants returned to Changhe Town, one caravan after another headed for the small Maixiangling, waiting for this "good opportunity to make a fortune".
Just a few days later, there was another warehouse of silver coins in the territory.
The merchants kept pulling carriages over. Li Ang expressed his "full trust in his partners" and did not count the money - mainly because he could not count them all. The silver coins were enough to bury all of Li Ang's men...
Godric, who had been unwilling to deal with businessmen before, immediately sent someone to deliver a message on Pegasus the next day after hearing about Leon's "full industry platform".
The letter was full of concern: "Your Excellency Baron Leon, does your territory need to be verified before the war comes? The situation on the eastern border of the kingdom is difficult. I hope you take care of your health and bring long-term well-being to your people..."
Li Ang replied: "Don't make a fuss, 10%, it's a deal."
Godric replied: "I will make you a regular employee and allow you to mobilize my garrison to protect the caravan."
Li Ang replied: "12%. If you don't do it, it's a request."
Godric wrote back: "Deal."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024