Chapter 63: I like it so much, I will go back and get one for you.

Chapter 63 I like it so much that I went back to

make you laugh. I pinched my son’s chubby face and touched my little wife’s beautiful and smooth face.

"So don't worry, leave all this to me. I won't let anything go wrong in our dry goods store, and I will ensure that you and Xiaoyao can enjoy everything safely!"

"Then I'll leave it all to you, Lu. Zhao, I believe you!"

Su Yunqi rubbed Lu Zhao's rough palm and nodded with a soft smile.

Lu Zhao enjoyed his wife's trust very much. If he hadn't been outside, he would have leaned up to his wife and kissed her hard!

"Dad! I believe you too!"

"So when are you going to take me to the amusement park?"

Lu Yao, a child, tugged at the corner of his father's clothes and asked impatiently. Dad said he would take them to enjoy the happiness, so he wanted to Go enjoy yourself!

"I just know how to play, so I will take you there now."

Lu Zhao knocked his son on the small head, then held his wife in one hand and his son in the other, and took the car to the amusement park.

Lu Zhao took Su Yunqi to the amusement park once. Not only did the children like to play, but Su Yunqi also liked playing. The facilities there were things she had never seen before, and they were not available in the small town.

"I'm going to ride the merry-go-round again. It's fun to spin around. I'm sure Xiaoyao will like it too."

Su Yunqi recalled happily. The last time she and Lu Zhao came to the provincial capital, Lu Zhao had already brought her there. We have played merry-go-rounds, roller coasters, Ferris wheels, etc. in the amusement park. Although these facilities are relatively simple and not as luxurious as those of later generations, they still have basic functions and experiences.

Lu Zhaohuan and Su Yunqi went to the zoo to see pandas, peacocks and other cute animals. We also went to places like movie theaters and theaters that we had never been to anyway. Lu Zhao wanted to take Su Yunqi to experience them one by one, and play more if he liked them.

This time, Lu Yao's baby was just incidental.

"Okay, I listened to my mother. If she said it was fun, it must be fun!"

A family of three bought tickets and went straight to the carousel.

Today is not a holiday, nor is it a weekend. There are not many people in the playground. It takes ten minutes to queue for their turn.

The family of three all went up. Because Lu Yao's child was still young and they didn't dare to let him sit on a wooden horse by himself, so Lu Zhao hugged him and sat on one horse, and Su Yunqi sat on the horse next to the father and son.

Following a reminder from the boss, the merry-go-round began to spin slowly, and then gradually accelerated. Although the person who was spinning was a little dizzy, it had to be said that it made people feel more and more excited.


"Is it fun? Baby!"

Su Yunqi was so courageous that she even opened her hands to feel the wind. She was smiling, her eyes were dark and bright, and her black hair was blown When she stood up, she looked extraordinarily fairy-like and beautiful.

She only had to hold the wooden horse tightly between her feet to prevent herself from falling. After all, it was a children's facility, and children mostly played with it. The speed was not too fast, and generally speaking, they would not fall off.

"It's fun!"

When the kid Lu Yao saw this, he imitated his mother's behavior and opened his hands. Anyway, his father was holding his waist, so he wouldn't fall down.

His little short legs even moved on it with excitement.

"Drive! It's flying~~~"

He was so excited that all the little hair on his head stood up, like a little hedgehog with fried hair, his face was round, his eyes were dark, and the wind also made his little breasts puffy. It sways left and right while blowing, making the cute person’s heart tremble.

"Daughter-in-law, sit tight and don't fall down."

Lu Zhao warned in a funny way. His wife and children all like this merry-go-round. It seems that they can sit on it a few more times. Lu Zhao doesn't mind spending money to make his wife and children happy.

"It won't fall~~~~"

After playing for only 10 minutes, Su Yunqi came down. Su Yunqi was so excited that she took Lu Zhao's arm and chirped.

"It's so fun, Lu Zhao, let's go sit in line again!"

She finally came to the provincial capital, and she wanted to sit there to make up for it.

"No problem, you can sit as many times as you like."

Without any hesitation, Lu Zhao took his mother and son to the back of the queue to queue up. During this period, kid Lu Yao remained silent. Su Yunqi suddenly Thinking of my own cub.

"Xiaoyao, what's wrong with you? Why don't you say anything? Did you spin around for too long and you fainted? How about you and your father wait for me next to me? Mom can just go up and sit down."

Su Yunqi knelt down and touched his son. Hair, her baby is a little talkative, and logically shouldn't be so quiet. But after playing with a novel thing, he should be chattering even more than her.

"No, I like to play, I want to play, I don't get dizzy!"

Kid Lu Yao shook his head firmly, he didn't get dizzy at all!

He was just in a daze.

After playing the carousel, kid Lu Yao was stunned.

Mom and Dad, it turns out that you eat so well behind my back! I’ve also played with these goodies!

"As long as you don't faint!"

Su Yunqi kissed his son's smooth little face and stood up happily.

After another 10 minutes, the people above came down and it was their turn. A family of three spent more than an hour on this project and played it 4 times before stopping.

By the end of the game, Su Yunqi's head was indeed a little dizzy, and then he reluctantly stopped.

"I can't do it anymore, I'm going to faint!"

Su Yunqi leaned on Lu Zhao's body in a daze. Lu Zhao held his son, who was also dizzy, with one hand and half hugged Su Yunqi with the other, pushing the two of them aside. Sat down.

He was helpless and speechless.

"Is it that fun? You have to play until you faint before you stop."

"If you like it so much, I'll get you a merry-go-round when you get back so you can have fun."


"Really? !"

The mother and son, who were dying of illness, sat up in shock, straightened their backs, and asked in unison, looking energetic again.

"Really, really, it shouldn't be difficult. I'll ask when the time comes. Other things should require a very large venue, but if you just build a carousel and put it there, you won't need much space. There is a place in town to do it. "

Lu Zhao is not just talking about it. Since he said it, he will find a way to do it. Moreover, if you put the carousel there and find someone to watch it, other people can still charge money if they come to sit on it. Not only can children Su Yunqi and Lu Yao be happy, they can sit whenever they want, but they won't lose any money. Maybe they can even make a profit in the end.

"Wow, that's great!"

"Lu Zhao, you're so kind!"

"Dad, you're so kind!"

Mother and son cried out in emotion, and got directly into Lu Zhao's arms, rubbing against his face and neck. Feeling the surging love between mother and son, Lu Zhao couldn't help but curl his lips, unable to hold back at all.

"Uh-huh, how can I not do this?"

He asked shamelessly. If you want to say that you love your wife and children, you can't find anyone in the street who loves you more than him!

He is a good man, isn't he?

"Excellent, super good!"

"I love you so much!"

Children Su Yunqi and Lu Yao poured him the ecstasy soup softly.

It seemed that Lu Zhao was happy, but in fact it was Su Yunqi and Lu Yao who won.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024