Chapter 6: The Farewell Song Fades Away 04

When I first came to Li City to study, Jiang Sijin and I went to the riverside once or twice. But later, she got with Li Anran, so we never came again.
I asked the taxi driver to turn around and drive to the riverside. It was already dark. The street lights by the river were not bright, so it was not easy to find someone. After I got off the car, I walked along the road by the river. My foot, which had almost healed, was aching again.
I looked around but couldn't find Jiang Sijin. When I was about to call her to ask where she was, I accidentally caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the dock by the river. When I looked closely, it was Jiang Sijin.
I was startled and ran towards her.
The wind was very strong by the river, blowing Jiang Sijin's clothes and her loose hair dancing in the wind. The surging river was under her feet. With the help of the light from my cell phone, I saw that she, who was not thin originally, looked much thinner and had lost her former brightness and flamboyance. I felt sad and a chill rose up under my feet. I was suddenly afraid that she would jump down like this.
"Si Jin!" I called her loudly.
She looked back at me without saying anything. I saw a look of misery on her face.
I hurried over and tried to pull her up: "What are you doing sitting here? It's too dangerous here."
Jiang Sijin didn't move, but pulled me to sit down. Her strength was amazing, and her voice was hoarse and self-deprecating: "Shuchen, are you worried that I will jump into the river and kill myself?"
I froze, my hands clenching unconsciously.
Yes, I'm worried about her. I'm worried that this whole thing is going to overwhelm her.
Jiang Sijin smiled again, with a hint of resentment in her sad voice, and she almost gritted her teeth as she said, "Is a person like that worth me doing this?"
I knew she was talking about Li Anran. Hearing her say this, I was slightly relieved. Jiang Sijin has been proud since she was a child. Usually, when someone provokes her, she always returns the favor twice as much. How could she do something to hurt herself for Li Anran?
When you are hurt, you should give an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is the Jiang Sijin I know, and this is what my best friend should do.
I squatted down and sat next to her, and then I noticed that there were a lot of cans of beer next to her. Some of them were empty. The smell of alcohol on her body seemed to be blown away by the wind by the river, and I didn't smell it at all.
Jiang Sijin turned around and handed me the beer can. She said, "Drink with me."
I didn't hesitate and reached out to take it.
I get drunk easily and have hardly touched alcohol , but I couldn't refuse her like this.
Jiang Sijin also opened a can and drank it. In the end, no one knew whether she had finished it or not, and she threw the beer can directly into the river.
"Shuchen, let me tell you a story!" Her voice was like the wind, ringing softly in my ears, "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ying Xiaotian. His father was a professional manager of a company. He was considered a rich second-generation, with excellent grades and a bright future. But when he was 10 years old, his family changed drastically. His father was framed and imprisoned, and his mother died of illness. After his father learned about this, he went crazy and did n't recognize anyone. Not long after, he died. Do you think he is very pitiful?"
"Yeah." I responded softly. Although I didn't know why she told such a story, I vaguely felt that it might have something to do with Li Anran.
"Ying Xiaotian lost his father and his mother, and none of his relatives were willing to adopt him. He became an orphan and was sent to an orphanage, where he had to fight for food with other orphans. The children in the orphanage had no parents, but they were selfish and learned to fight since childhood. At first, he was bullied and often went hungry. But this didn't last long. After being beaten so many times, he learned to fight. Gradually, he was no longer bullied. The children in the orphanage began to be afraid of him. He was also very smart, and pretended to be well-behaved in front of the adults who came to adopt children, but because he was already eleven or twelve years old, no one was willing to adopt him.
"When he was 13 years old, a couple who had returned from overseas and settled in China came to the orphanage. They had been married for many years but had no children. When they saw him, they liked him very much, so they adopted him and changed his name. With adoptive parents, Ying Xiaotian was no longer an orphan. He worked very hard and was very competitive. He was first admitted to a key high school, and then to a key university. He has always been the pride of his adoptive parents. But he has not forgotten the deep hatred for his parents. The year he graduated from university, he returned to his hometown to visit the graves of his biological parents, and by chance, he met the daughter of his enemy.
"So, he started his revenge plan that he had been preparing for a long time. He successfully became the boyfriend of his enemy's daughter, and treated her very well, making her think that he really liked her. Secretly, he was also investigating the evidence of his enemy's crimes. Finally, he gathered all the evidence. At an appropriate time, he exposed his enemy and made him receive the punishment he deserved. Do you know what the funniest thing is?" Jiang Sijin turned her head to look at me and continued, "The funniest thing is that after the enemy's daughter knew everything, she asked him if he had ever loved her. Haha, don't you think it's funny... How could a person who only wants revenge really like his enemy's daughter?"
Jiang Sijin said while laughing, "No matter how dumb I am, I already know who she is talking about." I watched her cry, and the bitter and painful feeling made my eyes hot, and tears welled up: "Sijin..."
She ignored me and opened another can of beer and drank it in big gulps. After a while, she choked and started coughing violently. I reached out to grab the beer can in her hand. I said, "Don't drink it, don't drink it."
I quickly patted her back. But she was still talking: "He said that he never loved me, and he was with me just to avenge my dad, who broke up his family. He also wanted my dad to receive the punishment he deserved, to make him suffer, and to make him regret what he had done. I hated him as much as I loved him before. I hated him for not loving me, and I hated him for making me lose my child..." At this point, she finally broke down in tears and cried loudly while hugging me.
Growing up together, I have never seen her cry so sadly, so heartbreakingly. I want to comfort her, but I don't know how to comfort her. Apart from staying by her side and crying with her, I can't do anything else.
I can't empathize with what she's been through, nor can I understand all the pain in her heart, just like I can only be myself and can't be someone else.
When I watched TV dramas before, I always didn't understand why God always let a person go through all kinds of hardships. Suffering from all kinds of pain in the world, the departure of relatives, the betrayal of lovers, his life was full of bitterness and tears, but later I gradually understood that we come to this world to suffer.
Without suffering, there is no growth.
Without pain, we would not love or hate, nor would we understand the true meaning of life.
One day, our pain will pass, our tears will stop flowing, and we will be reborn and become different people.
Jiang Sijin cried herself to sleep. But even so, she kept sobbing and holding me tightly, like a fragile child who was afraid of losing. When Ning Qiyuan came to pick us up, it took me a long time to pull my hand out of hers.
I was worried about Jiang Sijin's current situation, so I planned to book a room in a hotel near her school and sleep with her at night. After Ning Qiyuan sent us to the hotel and booked a room, he booked a room next door.
"Aren't you going back? You have classes tomorrow. Sijin and I will be fine."
Ning Qiyuan ignored me. After taking the room card from the hotel waiter, he raised his eyebrows and asked me, "It's so late, and you want me to go back alone? Are you going to destroy the bridge after crossing it?"
"I..." I felt a little guilty, but I couldn't help but stay with Jiang Sijin.
Ning Qiyuan looked at me, sneered, and without caring that there were other people around, he patted my forehead rudely, then walked towards the elevator with the sleeping Jiang Sijin on his back.
I hurriedly chased after him and pressed the elevator button before him.
The elevator door opened, Ning Qiyuan glanced at me sideways, and walked in expressionlessly. He didn't say a word to me until he got to the room.
Ning Qiyuan put Jiang Sijin down, and I quickly covered her with a blanket. Before I could turn around, someone grabbed me, picked me up, and threw me on another bed. I was so scared that I almost screamed. When I came to my senses, I saw Ning Qiyuan taking off my shoes, checking my injured foot, and pressing my ankle hard.
I couldn't help but take a breath, it was a little painful.
"You deserve it." Ning Qiyuan glared at me, but unconsciously loosened his hands and slowly began to rub my body. He didn't let me go either, scolding me for drinking. It was too dangerous for two girls to drink outside in the middle of the night.
I didn't refute him, but nodded and promised him that I would stop drinking. Only then did he stop scolding me.
The pain in my ankle gradually subsided. I looked at his cold and stiff face without a smile, and my heart seemed to be filled with warmth like the sun.
How lucky I am to have him by my side.
"Shuchen, don't hurt yourself because of other people's affairs, especially Jiang Sijin. You can't control her affairs." Before going to bed, Ning Qiyuan suddenly said this to me.
I knew he was worried about me, so I didn't think much about it and nodded.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024