Chapter 58 Mondesini Co., Ltd.

Li Ang actually didn't expect that he would have such luck. The biggest lord in the county turned out to be an old friend of his "parents".
But after thinking about it, it makes sense - you can't just bear the misfortunes of this body without being able to enjoy the benefits it brings, right?
But Godric obviously didn't want to get too involved. At most, he just gave what care he could and couldn't help much .
After all, he himself was exiled to the frontier. He had guarded the border in Bailu Fort for more than 20 years . He had made great military achievements but had never been promoted. I guess he was not well-received.
Moreover, Bailu Fort itself should not be rich. It is surrounded by mountains and forests, with limited arable land and underdeveloped business, and has only a few thousand residents.
This population is more than enough to support Leon's "Must-Pass Business Plan". However, for a castle as large as White Hart Castle, with nearly a thousand defenders in the city, the consumption is quite large, and the city defense is always being expanded. It must be difficult for Godric to survive by relying on a small border town.
So the baron actually lived a very simple life, which could be seen from the furnishings in his house.
After completing the registration of the coat of arms, Godric took Leon to a simple barracks outside the castle.
"These people are refugees from Ella Daeger. But there is no extra space in White Hart Keep to accommodate them. You should take them back and rebuild their homes."
Inside the barracks, there was a large group of refugees, at least a hundred people.
It seems that most of the surviving refugees from Eldege have already fled to the nearest White Hart Fort.

This really solved Li Ang's urgent problem. What he lacked was people.
"But, Lord Godric, I'm afraid I don't have enough food..."
Li Ang almost subconsciously started to cry poor.
"I don't have enough food either, you have to figure it out yourself!"
"No... I mean, I don't have enough dinars! Well, otherwise..."
Li Ang rubbed his fingers and made an internationally accepted gesture for counting gold coins.
"Oh? I gave you people to help you build your territory, and you still want me to pay to support them? I don't have any money!"
Godric was startled. He looked at Leon's face carefully, probably to confirm whether he had recognized the wrong person.
"Baron, don't get me wrong... I mean, you don't look rich, so why don't we form a company together?"
Leon saw that Godric didn't seem to be easy to trick, so he started to think of other ideas.
"Company? Do you mean a civilian gang like Buckley?"
It seems that this old-school aristocrat is quite well-informed and has even heard about Barkley's emerging business practices.
"No, no, no, they are called profiteers banding together... What I mean is, if you take the lead in subscribing for shares in a joint-stock company, it should be easy to make money..."
Li Ang stopped rubbing his fingers and started rubbing his chin instead.
"What... what limited company? Explain it to me!"
Who would complain about having too much of a good thing like dinars? After hearing that it was easy to make money, Godric also became interested.
"A so-called joint-stock company is one that divides assets into shares of equal value, publicly issues shares to raise funds, and shareholders bear limited liability for the company with the shares they subscribe to. After deducting the public reserve fund and public welfare fund, the profits are distributed according to the shares held by shareholders. One share corresponds to one dividend... Do you understand?"
Godric was obviously dizzy: "I don't understand..."
Li Ang sighed: "Then I have to be more direct... it's just a scam!"
"First, find a random subordinate to set up a company as the legal representative, and make up a project - for example, a gold mine was discovered in the mountains near Bailubao!"
"Find a reliable celebrity to lead the investment—like you, Lord Godric."
"Then find a few rich people to defraud their money - for example, the nobles. Tell them that if they invest 100 dinars, I will return 1,000 dinars to them next year. Let them pay to subscribe for shares."
"In the end, you declared bankruptcy on the grounds that you were affected by the war - everything will be fine once you get the money, and you can just call yourself a victim."
Godric suddenly realized: "If you had said so earlier, I would have understood...but..."
Li Ang felt that this tactic should work in this era. What was the Baron so hesitant about?
"How do you know there is a gold mine in the mountains?"

Li Ang's jaw almost dropped to the ground. Is this really true?
There is indeed a gold mine in a nearby mountain. In fact, that place is closer to Li Ang's "Mai Xiangling" and has been discovered for decades. It is said that the purity is not low, but the only problem is that this gold mine cannot be mined at all.
Because this gold mine is located on the main peak of the Dengier Mountains, two hundred miles southwest of here. The altitude there is high and the temperature is low, and it is covered with ice and snow all year round. It is very easy to fail in gold mining on such a snowy mountain for various reasons.
If it were just that, it would be fine. After all, there are still people who are not afraid of death.
However, to get there, you have to be able to fly - the mountain collapsed decades ago, and now the gold mine is surrounded by cliffs...
In fact, the person who discovered the gold mine was the lucky one who survived the massive landslide. He did bring back a large piece of nugget gold with a very high purity.
"Hiss... If that's the case... That's even better! Projects that no one can verify are the best projects! Sir, shall we get started? Someone under my command happens to have a caravan!"
After hearing what Godric said, Leon became more confident.
It was already evening when they left White Hart Castle. Godric reluctantly sent Leon to the castle gate, and his daughter Amy also reluctantly held Sarah's hand.
"Chairman Li Ang, this project needs to be started quickly..."
"Executive Director Godric, you need to deceive as many people as possible... Ahem, attract more wealthy people to invest..."
The two of them had changed their names and were as close as comrades-in-arms of longtime. Their friendship, regardless of age difference, left Sarah and Amy stunned.
"Sister Sarah, what do they mean?"
"Amy...I think you'd better not talk to your father these days..."
The two beauties were whispering to each other, like best friends.
On the way back to Maixiangling, there were about a hundred refugees following Li Ang, each carrying a bag of food.
Godric finally gave him a sponsorship - there was a project that was going to make a lot of money, so he had to let his partners survive...
Moreover, the Baron, who is now the executive director of a shell company, used this grain to subscribe for shares...
"Sir, how did you get these things?"
Sarah thought this ability to cheat people wherever they went was outrageous.
She wants to learn too!
"Sarah, be careful with your wording... I've told you before, I'm always solving problems for others! Oh, and from now on, you are the marketing director of Mondesni Co., Ltd. - remember to help Baron Godric more... I'm worried that he may not be able to sell well."
Li Ang said while shaking his head. After thinking for a while, he added, "Tomorrow Baron Godric will go to Changhe Town to... um, publicly issue stocks to raise funds. You and Leslie will go with him and find out about the situation in Changhe Town."
Sarah's mind was a little buzzing: "Mondesni Co., Ltd....Marketing Director?"

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024