Chapter 56: The brain knows, but the hands don’t

"There is a snakeman civilization in this plane. They have established a snakeman kingdom. If you follow the river valley into the plane, you will see a lot of cultivated land, snakeman villages, and snakeman towns by the river."
Li Qing did not keep the secret and told Cao Wenyuan everything he saw.
"By the way, these snake people are very powerful. On average, they are stronger than humans. Every village is quite powerful. I have seen a village that actually has a third-level magic hero."
"Then have you seen any other mentors' apprentices over there?"
"I saw someone who is stronger than me. Be careful when you approach him."
"By the way, you're asking this. Are you planning to go there? Aren't you and Chu Zhongzhong and the others going to attack this large tribe of fishmen together?"
"Stop talking. We can't win. Let's disband."
Li Qing showed a surprised expression:
"Can't beat them? Aren't there seven of you?"
Cao Wenyuan showed a strange smile on his face:
"Seven is indeed seven, but what's the point if we don't work together? If we all want others to take the lead and be cannon fodder, there's no such thing as a good thing."
"And this murloc tribe is not weak either. Although most of the murlocs are not strong, their core is located on an island in the lake. Not only is there a giant crocodile over 30 meters long in the lake, but the murloc tribe itself has an extraordinary high priest and several marine sorcerers. We have tried to capture them several times in the past few days, but we were defeated without even seeing the leader of the murloc tribe."
"All right!"
This was within Li Qing's expectations.
It is absolutely impossible to break through the tribe of tens of thousands of murlocs without suffering some losses. No one wants to pay for the losses, so nothing can be done.
“How interesting!”
Li Qing showed a gloating expression on his face.
After disconnecting, Li Qing thought for a while and applied to his mentor through Chu Zaizhong's divine domain to sell supplies.
He hung up all of his 4 200-Kobold cards, 2 200 -Lizardman cards, 2 100-Snakeman cards, 2 20-Snakeman Infantry Promotion Cards, 1 20-Snakeman Crossbowman Promotion Card, and 1 50-Lizardman Infantry Promotion Card.
And indicate that all of them should be replaced with human cards and human empire military promotion cards.
Soon the tutor finished the evaluation and wrote back to him:
"The exchange rate for humans and snakemen is 1:1, for lizardmen, gnolls and the like is 1:2, and for kobolds and goblins and the like is 1:3. You can exchange 430 humans and 50 standard Imperial troop cards. Imperial cavalry counts as two populations. You can determine the male-female ratio and troop type yourself."
Li Qing thought about it for a moment and said:
"Three civilian men and one woman, all of whom are imperial infantry."
"Okay, send someone to Chu Zaizhong's divine domain, and I will transfer the supplies through his divine domain."
There was no need for him to go there in person, he could just let An Erqiu go. He didn't want to go to Chu Zhongzhong's divine realm, for fear of being ridiculed.
Now the rumor is that he went to the deep plane and couldn't make it and ran back. He is too lazy to explain and just wants to stay and develop.
Without saying anything else, at least learn a few second-level spells first.
There are too many spells to learn all of them, but you can learn some classic spells.
By the way, study the professional knowledge related to magic circles and runes.
Li Qing discovered that almost all top majors were related to magic circles and runes. Since he had thought about learning magic pattern construction, he could try it now.
By communicating with the mentor's divine realm through Chu Zai Zhong's divine realm, they can ask the mentor and the teachers under his mentor for knowledge in these areas at any time.
There is no need to worry about losing the big class. He has destroyed a snakeman town independently, and now his score is probably the best in the class. Unless others can also destroy a town within two months, or Chu Zhong can wipe out this large fishman tribe within two months, he will definitely get the first place.
Moreover, he is only hiding for a period of time, not forever. He will start again after a while.
Early the next morning, Li Qing contacted Chu Zaizhong's Divine Domain Network to get in touch with his instructor and applied for rune-related courses from him.
"In layman's terms, runes are the embodiment of all things and rules in the world. By studying runes, one can get to the essence of rules, but that requires an extraordinary study and mastery of the rune system."
As one of the mentor's most promising apprentices, Li Qing enjoyed the mentor's one-on-one teaching:
"As a newbie, you don't need to think too far ahead for now. At this stage, you need to master the most basic runes first. I have four basic runes here, representing earth, fire, wind and water. They can activate the power of earth, fire, wind and water. Write them down first and draw them yourself when you have time. You will pass when you can draw any basic rune within ten seconds and successfully activate and summon the power of the four elements."
After Nie Yang finished speaking, four complex runes appeared in front of Li Qing.
He glanced at it and said curiously:
"Teacher, this is the most basic rune? Why does it look like a magic circle?"
"That's because the basic core of the magic circle is the rune. Any magic circle is composed of basic runes as the core, so the first step to mastering the magic circle is to master the runes."
Li Qing nodded, staring at the runes on the light screen in front of him, and fell into deep thought.
A day later, An Erqiu took out four cards and two books related to runes from Chu Zhongzhong's divine domain. They were the standard cards of the four basic runes.
Li Qing took the cards and books and returned to the core tower of the divine realm.
Putting the cards aside, he picked up one of the books on runes and started flipping through it.
The introduction on the book page is similar to what the instructor said. These four runes are indeed the basic runes and the simplest runes. There are also a large number of advanced runes, various special runes, compound runes, etc., which add up to thousands.
A magic circle is composed of multiple runes.
Therefore, a standard rune master must at least be familiar with most of the commonly used runes and be able to draw them.
If you want to become a magic pattern constructor, becoming a rune master is just the first step.
The total number of runes is not very large, only more than two thousand.
Li Qing picked up the rune representing earth, looked at the complicated lines on it and fell into deep thought.
Let's put it this way, the broken magic pattern of the divine warrior in his hand is equivalent to a book of Journey to the West with more than 800,000 words condensed on a palm-sized animal skin. The four basic runes in front of him are far less complicated, with only a few thousand words.
And this is only the first difficulty.
The second difficulty is organization.
This thing is not as simple as squeezing complex patterns onto a palm-sized animal hide. It also has to be well organized, with each line having a fixed route, and there are particular requirements for overlapping and crossing with other lines.
If you draw thousands of lines in this palm-sized area, if you deviate a little, the lines will be on other lines and the rune will be useless.
It's like laying electrical wires in a house. If you connect the wires to other lines, there might be a short circuit at best, or a fire or explosion at worst.
After staring at the rune for a long time in deep thought, Li Qing reviewed the entire rune from the first stroke to the last in his mind. When he felt that it was almost the same as the template, he took out a square piece of white paper and spread it on the stone table, then took out an ink pen and began to paint.
The moment the pen touched the white paper, Li Qing paused.
The stroke of the pen is a little heavy, and there is an obvious outline of a dot at the beginning, which is different from the thickness of the surrounding lines. This rune will definitely not be completed.
However, Li Qing did not change the paper and start over, but continued.
If you are likely to succeed on your first try, draw it out first.
He started to write with his pen in hand, and four minutes later, a horrible and bizarre painting appeared in front of him.
How to describe it...
It's like a child scribbling crazily on paper with a pen, or like a child wants to fill in the color of a painting but has no colored pencils and can only use pencils to fill in the color over and over again. The countless pen marks overlap, and it is simply unbearable to look at.
“That’s unreasonable!”
Li Qing closed his eyes, and the rune model he had just constructed in his mind clearly emerged in his mind. It was exactly the same as the standard model given to him by his instructor.
The lines are clearly organized, and every turn and intersection is completely consistent.
But when he opened his eyes, all he saw on the paper was a mess of scribbles.
After thinking for a while, he threw the paper aside and took out a new piece of paper.
Before he put pen to paper this time, he forgot all the rune models he had just simulated in his mind, and rebuilt them in his mind from the beginning according to the standard model.
In less than thirty seconds, a model exactly the same as the standard model took shape in his mind.
Then, write again.
Five minutes later, Li Qing put away his pen and fell into deep thought as he looked at the scribbles on the paper, which were completely different from the previous ones but had the same purpose.
The image in my mind was so clear that I could draw the rune smoothly, but why did the actual drawing turn out to be...
He looked at his hands and scratched his head.
This is a typical case of the brain knowing but the hands not knowing.
Li Qing guessed that it was probably because his soul strength was far beyond that of ordinary people. He had a soul five times that of ordinary people before. When he merged with the original light before, although most of the power was used to activate his hidden divine bloodline, it also greatly enhanced his soul strength.
When the soul strength is high enough, the runes that are extremely difficult for ordinary people will naturally be nothing.
However, the strength of his soul only allowed him to easily analyze and reconstruct the runes, but it could not affect his body.
In other words, the brain is that of a top student, but the hands are that of a poor student, the two are not on the same channel.
When faced with this situation, there is no other way but to practice hard.
Li Qing moved a large stack of white paper and put it aside, then began to practice hard, drawing again and again, constantly improving his proficiency.
A whole week later, Li Qing, with a tired face, frowned as he looked at the pile of waste paper on the floor of the study.
After a week of trying and drawing thousands of times, my results did improve, but they were still far from a usable standard.
It can be expected that if we continue at this pace, we may be able to achieve the target after a few thousand more attempts.
But this is just one of the basic runes. There are more difficult advanced runes, compound runes that are more difficult than advanced runes, and special runes. It will take a long time to practice them.
"This profession is really not something that normal people can enjoy."
Li Qing sighed lightly and threw the pen away.
It's not giving up, but...
The consciousness sank into the space in the palm of the hand, and then a piece of white paper was suspended in the space. With a thought, a ball of ink condensed into a pen, and then the tip of the ink pen touched the white paper and began to paint.
A picture completely different from the one he had painted with his own hands appeared. The lines were stable, powerful, and unbiased, exactly the same as the rune model he had reproduced in his mind.
After trying for a week, Li Qingchen completely gave up.
I do have the talent in this area, but I only have the talent in soul and mental strength. It's the same as having no physical talent.
The most important thing to become a rune master and magic pattern constructor is the soul and mental qualifications. Physical qualifications account for less than one-tenth of the total qualifications. After all, drawing is something that can be completed after a long period of practice, it’s just a matter of time.
But he didn't want to wait that long. He couldn't spend two and a half years practicing just to learn a few basic runes.
So the solution is very simple, cheat.
Since my soul and mental strength are good and I can easily reproduce the standard rune model in my mind, I can enter the space in my palm and use my will to represent my hands to draw runes.
So there was the scene before our eyes. Under his control, a basic rune that he had practiced for a week but still could not reach the standard was easily drawn in just half a minute, and it was exactly the same as the standard rune model.
"It's done!"
Li Qing took out the white paper from the space in his palm and compared it with the standard rune, which looked like a photocopy. He laughed out loud.
Using this to replace your hands, you can quickly draw all the runes. Then you can try to draw magic circles and learn about magic pattern construction, and eventually become a legendary professional magic pattern constructor.
Some people may wonder why the runes cannot be printed. Isn’t this exactly the same as the standard model?
The point is the nature of runes.
Runes are something that can inspire supernatural powers, but runes alone cannot induce supernatural powers. Mental power and magic power must be injected into special ink when drawing runes.
In this way, mental power and magic power combine with ink to form a complete rune, which can then use magic power to activate the extraordinary power contained in the rune.
The rune lines are complex, and the lines inside may overlap and cover each other. The lines have a sequence, and the later ones cover the earlier ones, but some of them will communicate with each other, while others will not.
The lines may intersect, but the spiritual and magical powers contained within them are clearly layered.
If printing, it will be all printed in one go, with no order between mental power and magic power, and the entire line is covered and tied up.
Therefore, copying is just copying a pattern, which cannot trigger supernatural power and must be done manually.
Using your hands is manual animation, and using your will to control the brush is also manual animation, there is no difference.
Next, Li Qing drew ten basic runes of 'Earth' in one breath, and then drew the other three basic runes one by one.
Then, you have to try again and again to compress the time and speed, and become as proficient as possible. You will pass when you can completely draw the rune without looking at the standard template.
It was just a matter of time for Li Qing, who cheated with the golden finger.
During this free time, he even had time to look at the design drawing of the magic tower. There were several magic circles in it, which contained hundreds of runes. He planned to study it, write it down, and then draw it himself, thus saving the money to buy runes.
The mentor will only give him four basic rune templates for free, and the other runes have to be purchased with money. Some advanced runes and compound runes cannot be purchased with money.
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024