Chapter 52 Landslide

A muffled sound was heard.
The stone knife in the cave ape's hand stabbed Zhang Tuohai's motorcycle helmet.
Zhang Tuohai's motorcycle helmet was produced by the system and was of very good quality. The cave ape hit him with all its strength, but failed to pierce the helmet. Instead, the tip of the stone knife broke off.
The cave ape was also stunned when he saw this situation. He was surprised at how hard Zhang Tuohai's head was that it could even withstand a stone knife.
However, the cave ape's thinking is more straightforward. If it can't open it in one go, it will try a few more times. Eventually it will open up.
The cave ape waved the stone knife in his hand and smashed it hard at Zhang Tuohai's helmet.
Zhang Tuohai was not to be outdone. He struggled to pull out his Remington and wanted to hit the cave ape.
Under Remington, all are equal.
However, just as he was about to shoot, the reminder system sounded.
[Firing a gun here will alert the cave spiders in the next cave, and a large number of them will come to check. This is a dead end.]
"Fuck!" Zhang Tuohai cursed in a low voice, threw away the Remington in his hand, and pulled out a dagger from his leggings.
He got this from a player, it felt good, so he carried it with him.
I didn’t expect to use it now.
Otherwise, even if he killed the cave ape, he would be killed by the swarm of cave spiders.

The cave ape was concentrating smashing Zhang Tuohai's helmet and didn't notice Zhang Tuohai's little movements at all.
He was too young and didn't know that Twolegs were so insidious and carried so many weapons.
The troglodyte paid the price for his underestimation of the enemy.
Zhang Tuohai took advantage of the cave ape's inattention and suddenly stabbed the dagger in his hand into the cave ape's kidney.
The cave ape, who had been so agile just now, suddenly froze as if it had been cast under a spell.
Zhang Tuohai took advantage of this opportunity and stabbed the cave ape seven or eight times.
The cave ape suddenly began to bleed profusely and fell to the ground with convulsions.
Zhang Tuohai quickly turned over and pressed on the cave ape, stabbing it in the heart with a knife.
[The cave ape is dead, and there is no danger around. 】
After getting confirmation from the system, Zhang Tuohai let out a long sigh and sat on the ground with his heart pounding.
Although he had been in this world for several days, he had killed both large carnivores and humans.
However, this was the first time they had such close combat.
The surging adrenaline made his body tremble, and he could hardly hold the gun.
Zhang Tuohai took out a Snickers from his arms, tore open the package with trembling hands, and took a big bite.
A large amount of caffeine and sugar restored energy to Zhang Tuohai's body, and Zhang Tuohai regained control of his body.
Zhang Tuohai stood up and picked up the gun and the high-intensity flashlight.
He picked up the orange supply box and staggered back the way he came.
With the experience of coming here, the way back was obviously much faster.
It only took Zhang Tuohai twenty minutes to reach the eight forks in the road.
Just as he was about to rush out in one go, he suddenly heard a rustling sound from the side road.
[Because your movements were a bit violent, the unusual sound alerted the cave spiders in the next cave, and they sent guards to check the situation.]
Zhang Tuohai cursed angrily.
"Is there any way to stop it?"
[You can try to kill it with a gun, but the sound of the gun will attract more cave spiders.]
"Is there a permanent solution?"
Zhang Tuohai really didn't want to fight a war of attrition with these burrowing spiders.
His bullets also need to be made with supplies and cannot be wasted in places like this .
[Go forward 10 meters, kick the support column on the right, then turn around and run.]
"Is that all?"
Zhang Tuohai was completely confused by the incoherent words.
However, out of trust in the system, Zhang Tuohai took ten steps forward.
Sure enough, two supporting pillars appeared in front of him.

Both pillars are made of wood and are covered with black coal dust, so it is difficult to tell what condition they are in.
At this time, the rustling sound in the mine became louder and louder.
Zhang Tuohai quickly shone the high-intensity flashlight into the depths of the mine.
At this time, Zhang Tuohai saw a huge spider more than one meter tall appear in the light.
This spider is gray-black all over and has a small body, but its eight limbs are longer and sharper, making it look more ferocious than the mutated desert spider.
When the burrowing spider saw Zhang Tuohai, it hissed twice and then accelerated towards Zhang Tuohai.
Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai subconsciously fired back.
Bang bang bang.
Several 12-gauge shotgun pellets instantly hit the burrowing spider's body.
However, the burrowing spider just paused for a moment and continued to rush towards Zhang Tuohai.
"Is the ability to withstand blows so strong?" Zhang Tuohai was surprised.
It was the first time he had seen a creature that could withstand a wave of shotgun attacks.
Although he was certain that he could knock down or even kill the opponent, he had no idea how many bullets it would take.
The sound of Zhang Tuohai's gunshot was like a drop of water falling into an oil pan.
In an instant, bursts of laughter and rustling sounds were heard from the depths of the mine, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps.
"Oh no, I've stirred up a hornet's nest." Zhang Tuohai also knew that he had done something wrong.
He quickly kicked the supporting pillar on the right.
The supporting column fell to the ground.
With a loud crash, a large piece of rubble fell from the top, and then, stones of all sizes began to fall. At the same time, a deep crack began to extend from Zhang Tuohai's head to the surroundings.
Seeing this scene, Zhang Tuohai immediately turned around and ran.
Even with his meager knowledge of geology, he knew that something big was definitely going to happen here.
Seeing the falling stones, the burrowing spider at the back became visibly anxious.
The burrowing spider chirped a few times, then accelerated towards Zhang Tuohai.
Zhang Tuohai ran while shooting aimlessly backwards, with the aim of delaying the opponent.
The burrowing spider didn't care and rushed towards Zhang Tuohai.
"System , is there any way to kill it?"
Zhang Tuohai asked as he ran.
【Just keep running. 】
At this time, the burrowing spider was less than five meters away from Zhang Tuohai.
The burrowing spider suddenly leaped forward and stretched out its two front legs to stab towards Zhang Tuohai.
Just then, a large rock fell from the top of the mine and hit the body of the cave spider.
The burrowing spider was smashed into a puddle of pulp.
The two extended limbs were still twitching from time to time.
Zhang Tuohai looked back and saw the miserable appearance of the burrowing spider, then gave it a middle finger.
"I let you chase me, and this is what happens."

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024