Chapter 51 I heard there is a photo shoot mission that makes a lot of money

"So, how much is a key?"
"Each key is 5 million J. We agreed to give you a 10% discount, so I'll give you 18 million J."
"It's so expensive!!!" After exclaiming, Lucy showed a pleading smile again: "Um... can it be cheaper? You know, I'm running away from home now, so I don't have much money..."
As for business, one still has to sit down and discuss it properly, especially such a big deal. Kira also poured Lucy a cup of black tea, and the two sat opposite each other at the reception table in Hope Cottage.
As for Natsu and Happy? Kira sent them off to play with a few small toys.
"So I'm giving you a discount, right? This is a one-of-a-kind Star Spirit Key! Ten million for four keys is already a very low price!"
Kira asked, "I heard that the last mission you took on for the Duke was worth 2 million J, right?"
"No... Actually, for some reason, I didn't get paid that time..." Lucy said awkwardly.
Didn't get paid for completing the mission? Kira couldn't bear to hear this. He shook the white porcelain cup in his hand, took a sip of black tea, and began his unchanging sales pitch: "If a Celestial Mage doesn't have a powerful Celestial Key, he will be at a disadvantage in battle!"
"Anyway, money doesn't leave you, it just stays with you in a different way!"
"Star Spirit Keys are different from cards and armor. They won't break down and don't need repair. If you buy them, they'll be your lifelong friends. How many friends can guarantee to accompany you throughout your life?"
"Ah~ Actually, you know that I am a housewife and I only know a few celestial wizards. Who else can I sell the key to besides you?"

"As an excellent magic item maker, do I really have the heart to sell these lovely creatures to unscrupulous buyers? I have kept them for so long because I am waiting for someone who can treat them well!"
"Your appearance in our guild is simply fate destined by God!"
If Lucy had been in the guild longer, she would have known that these were the words Kira said every time he promoted his product, without changing the words much, but she was clearly convinced now.
"It's rare to have four golden keys at the same time. With them, you will be stronger and can take on more high-paying missions. You can earn back the money you spent on the keys very quickly. By then, you might !"
"A big house, fancy clothes, financial freedom, fame and dreams, aren't you excited when you think of these?!"
Humph, no one can resist my talk!
Sure enough, after this verbal attack, Lucy became more determined to buy the key. Unfortunately, money is not something that can be created out of thin air just by making up your mind.
If leeks cannot be cut and eaten, then the farmer must not know how to grow them. Seeing that Lucy really had no money but wanted them, Kira could only help Lucy with some more ideas.
"If it's a matter of money, I saw on the guild's mission board yesterday that the weekly SORCERER seems to be recruiting female wizard models. You can give it a try."
Lucy seemed to have found a life-saving straw: "SORCERER?! That famous newspaper? Is it true?"
"Of course!" Kira nodded in affirmation, and then said another piece of news, "I heard that Mira had taken photos of them before! How about this task that can make you famous, make money, and is easy to work on? With fame, you will never lack for tasks in the future!"
"'s really exciting!"
Although Lucy did not buy the keys in the end, in order to raise enough money to buy the keys, she took the photo shoot task without hesitation, and claimed that she would buy the four keys as long as she raised enough money, hoping that Kira could keep the keys.
Before they left, Kira quietly called out to Lucy: "You just said you ran away from home, right?"
"Yes what's the matter?"
Kira handed her a newspaper and said, "Heartfilia's recent finances don't seem to be ideal. If you have time, why not go home and take a look."
"Huh?" Lucy took the newspaper from Kira's hand, looked down, and saw the words "Heartfilia Group is suspected to be acquired" clearly written on the newspaper.
Lucy didn't react for a moment, her brain was a little confused and her heart was a little panicked. It had only been a short time since she ran away from home, and she hadn't made a name for herself yet, but her family was about to go bankrupt?
Lucy left with a heavy heart. Natsu and Happy could see that Lucy was in a bad mood and rarely yelled at her.
Kira was also feeling a little heavy-hearted because the deal was not done, but this time was different from the previous ones, the meat was in the bowl and couldn't escape!
Thinking of Lucy's photo, Kira suddenly became interested. She wondered what the photo would look like.
Will there be any awkward pictures? Based on the style of the original work, it should n't be too bad!

Since the subject of the photo shoot is Lucy, I feel like there will be some unexpected surprises... Of course, since Natsu is here, it's possible that the photo shoot won't be successful in the end.
After seeing Lucy and Natsu off, Kira started his day of study.
He is really learning. As the saying goes, learning is like sailing against the sea. If he does not advance, he will retreat. Kira, who has received a good education, deeply knows the importance of learning.
As for what to learn? What else can you learn in the magic world? Magic, of course! Is it possible to learn martial arts?
Every once in a while, Kira would go to the library to borrow a batch of magic books to study. Although his word magic was comprehensive enough in combat, this comprehensiveness was based on the breadth of his own magic.
For example, using Word Magic to activate "burning" is actually similar to fire magic to some extent; activating "healing" is used to activate similar treatment-type magic.
In the Fairy Tail world, most magic, after being practiced to a certain level, will be expanded by adding magic from other fields.
Take Natsu's Fire Dragon Slayer Magic for example. The initial setting was to create fire attacks, recover by absorbing flames, and be immune to fire, but later on, it became about burning souls and burning magic.
The same thing goes for Gray's ice-making Absolute Freeze, which was later patched to become a magic with disappearance attribute; and there are also things like "changing the nature of space", "adding personality", "freezing magic power", "cutting off the powerful", etc., which are completely different from the original magic attributes.
What kind of nature does it change to? Don't I need to learn magic corresponding to the nature?
Adding personality, where does personality come from? Doesn’t it require an equivalent price to be paid?
Is freezing magic also considered ice magic?
Killing the powerful is the most outrageous, this should clearly belong to spiritual magic, right?
When Kira read the comics, he thought that this was simply a brainless cheat. Just say a conceptual word and follow it with another word, and it can become an outrageous magic.
From this perspective, can distortion magic "distort thoughts"? Can reception magic "receive elements"? We have memory shapes, but what about fantasy shapes... eh, it seems to be the concrete arc?
In short, it’s just a hard fit!
Maybe it's because I really entered this world, so the world made a small patch on magic.
Therefore, if you want your Word Magic to become stronger and more comprehensive, it is necessary to learn other magics. Who knows, maybe one day you will be able to learn to make your words come true?
Word magic, within the range of magic, whatever is spoken will come true.
It sounds outrageous, but it unexpectedly fits the style of Fairy Tail. Kira feels that if he is the boss in the end, the protagonists may defeat him by burning their real names, freezing their voices, and cutting off their languages.
It’s mysterious just thinking about it!

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024