Chapter 46 Preparations before Development

Two days passed in a flash. On this day, Li Qing, who was training in the Divine Realm, suddenly received a message from his instructor, asking him to get ready and start the class the day after tomorrow.
At this time, he had only used three Kobold monster cards.
But it’s not a big problem, we can finish killing them tomorrow.
After his continuous killing day and night, by noon the next day, the last ogre was slaughtered completely.
These gnolls were unable to resist or escape, and were trapped in a small area and slaughtered by them.
As long as they could resist and escape, it would be a dream for his subordinates to kill all 5,000 gnolls in a few days.
After all five thousand gnolls were killed, all the human empire troops in Li Qing's hands were promoted to third-level elite troops, including cavalry.
But no one could reach the fourth-level military branch. This promotion was too difficult, even more difficult than he had imagined.
Not only were all of the fifty dwarf infantrymen promoted to first-level dwarf infantry, but about two-thirds of them had been promoted to second-level senior infantry for the second time.
In addition , the Dragon Guard level is increased to level 33.
The hero An Erqiu barely crossed level 30 and was promoted to a third-level hero, with a huge increase in strength.
As for Li Qing himself, he did not fall behind either. His level was raised to 19, and his strategic level had been raised to level 5 after the previous training and three days of command. Two of the three newly added strategic attributes were added to defense, and one to speed.
The combat level is stuck at level 19, the next level is level 2, and his mana is not up to standard yet.
After finishing preparations, Li Qing went back and fell asleep.
The next morning , I felt refreshed.

After breakfast, Li Qing put his hands behind his back and went to the small auditorium for class.
Walking along the corridor to the inner ring of the castle, I saw Chu Zhongzhong and Mo Wenxi standing at the arched door talking. I looked up and saw Li Qing, and they had different expressions.
Mo Wenxi first extended his hand to say hello, then looked at Chu Zhongzhong with interest, then at Li Qing, and smiled slightly.
Chu Zhong neither said hello nor ignored Li Qing's polite greeting. He just snorted coldly and turned to enter the small auditorium.
Mo Wenxi smiled and said to Li Qing:
"I heard that Chu Zhong suffered a little loss during the past half month when you went out for training. Can you tell me something?"
Li Qingqi said:
"He told you?"
“No, other channels.”
"It's nothing, just a little friction over an indigenous tribe, nothing serious."
Mo Wenxi shrugged and didn't ask any more questions.
When we entered the small auditorium, most of the seventeen apprentices had already arrived and were sitting in groups of three or four chatting.
Li Qing sat down in the third seat. Cao Wenyuan, who was sitting next to him, turned around and asked:
"I heard that you had a fight with Chu Zhongzhong, and you won?"
Li Qing smiled and said:
"You are well-informed. Yes, I won."
Cao Wenyuan chuckled and raised his thumb to him.
Li Qing looked back at Chu Zhongzhong who was sitting alone in the back. Sitting behind him was another apprentice. They used to be very close, but now they were not talking and seemed a little distant.
Obviously, the news of Chu Zhong's defeat has spread, which has affected his ranking and status among the mentors and apprentices.
This is the reality, the naked reality. Competition between apprentices directly affects ranking and status.
Although Li Qing's victory over Chu Zhongzhong did not improve his status and ranking, it consolidated his existing ranking.
At least there were people who were eager to challenge him before, but now there are basically no such people.
Or even if there is, I will think twice before acting and will not take a risk without being fully prepared and confident.
The group did not sit there for long. As time went by, other apprentices arrived one after another. When the time came, the instructor and several teaching assistants arrived on time.
Nie Yang glanced at the apprentices, stretched out his hand and gestured for everyone to sit down, and said in a deep voice:
"Today is the last time you can sit here peacefully for a class. After this class, everyone will prepare to go to the large plane in the north to develop their own personal base and compete with the apprentices of other mentors."
"So today's class only has one important lesson, which is about the standard procedures for formal plane invasions, as well as various experiences."
"The official plane invasion is divided into three stages."
"The first stage is to obtain the plane coordinates and make advance preparations, including assembling the troops and preparing sufficient supplies. The most basic ones are food and fresh water."
"Because not all planes are suitable for growing crops. Some planes are not suitable for growing crops at all. There are also some planes where the food is not suitable for living things to eat. We need to be completely self-sufficient."
"The second stage, anchoring the plane coordinates, begins to descend."
"But you should note that this stage is also divided into several stages. First, you need to send an elite team into the plane first to explore the basic situation inside the plane, understand the various rules and internal systems of the plane, and then determine whether it is worth attacking and how to attack."
"Be careful, this step should be carried out secretly, so as not to alert the indigenous strongmen of the plane."
"Phase three, formal invasion."
"If you are sure that the plane is worth conquering, and you are sure that you have the ability to conquer it, you need to enter the elite first to find a suitable place to establish a formal fixed plane anchor, and then communicate with the plane anchor through the power of the God Realm, open a channel between the two, and the main force will descend."

"Remember, unlike the secrecy of a small group of elite troops, using the divine domain to open a fixed channel will definitely be discovered by the indigenous strongmen in the plane."
"In addition, to the plane, we are all invaders. The plane will instinctively reject us. After the plane channel is established, everyone in the current plane will be hostile to us. Even an ant will be hostile to us."
At this point, the instructor paused and said to them solemnly:
"So when you fight outside the plane, don't trust any natives before certain conditions are met."
“Don’t trust even the natives’ own enemies.”
"After entering the plane and establishing a stable channel, you'd better rely on the channel to build a stable base. It's best to expand the God's Domain and build layers of defense with the God's Domain as the core to resist the first wave of crazy counterattacks from the plane."
"And the rejection and hostility of the plane will continue until you completely conquer this plane, unless you can capture the core area of ​​the plane's main ruling civilization, which may be a kingdom or a powerful organization. If it is a plane with gods, you need to attack the kingdom of God and complete the great achievement of killing gods!"
"Of course, most of the apprentices here are unlikely to face the gods in their lifetime. Even a third or fourth level war lord may not be a match for a true god."
"My mentor's advice is that before you are promoted to the fifth-level war lord and before you try to ascend to the throne of God, it is best not to attack or invade powerful planes with true gods."
"The power of the true God who owns the Kingdom of God is beyond your imagination. There is no chance to try this. If you fail to defeat him, the consequences will be disastrous. The instructor does not recommend that you have this curiosity."
All the apprentices laughed when they heard this.
Nie Yang also smiled and continued:
"The plane you need to go to this time is a super large plane fragment, with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. It should be a fragment of a large plane. Although the Black Stone Tower scan did not find any existence above the eighth-level sanctuary, there will be many extraordinary creatures above the sixth level. The danger very high."
"But correspondingly, there are also a lot of resources in this plane fragment, and there will definitely be a condensed treasure chest."
“It would be great if I was lucky enough to grab one!”
"This time, six mentors are competing together. All the war lord apprentices, heroes and professional apprentices under the six mentors will enter that plane fragment. The competition pressure will be very high, so you must be more cautious."
"According to the rules, apprentices can compete with each other, but they are not allowed to attack the apprentices themselves in any way."
"But the biggest enemies in the plane are not only the apprentices, but also the powerful beasts and monsters inside the plane, as well as the strong men of the indigenous tribes. Occasionally, some monsters will appear through the void with the wind of chaos. They will not abide by our rules. If you encounter an enemy that you cannot resist, flee immediately."
"Where there is life, there is hope."
"If you lose troops, you can train them again. If heroes die in battle, you can recruit them again. But if you die, you will have nothing."
The instructor was talking eloquently and everyone was listening attentively.
These are the mentor's personal experiences. If you don't listen now, you will suffer when you enter the plane.
If you are lucky, you will pay the tuition with the lives of your subordinates. If you are unlucky, you will pay the tuition with your own life.
You know, war apprentices have a death quota, and the academy can only try its best to ensure their safety, but when they really enter the plane and face the monsters in the plane, they can only rely on themselves.
Time passed unknowingly, and about two hours later, the instructor finally finished speaking.
"I have said everything I should say, just remember it."
"Also, we were originally planning to have another assessment today two months ago, but the other instructors' apprentices are progressing very fast, and you also have to start exploring the northern plane immediately. Actual combat now will definitely cause you to lose a certain amount of manpower, so after discussing with several assistants, the instructor decided to change the method."
"Let's start this assessment with the theme of development."
"The countdown starts tomorrow. In two months, your instructor will check on your progress."
"It includes building bases, plundering resources, defeating competitors, etc. After comprehensive calculation, the one with the highest score will receive 300 points, including the right to exchange for rare materials."
Everyone was speechless, and there was not much surprise on their faces. They probably already knew that the instructor had changed the plan.
"So, hurry up and get ready to go as soon as possible."

After saying this, the instructor left, leaving everyone looking at each other in bewilderment.
Li Qing shrugged and prepared to leave, but heard Zhang Jishan shouting:
"Please wait a moment, I have an idea that you can refer to."
Li Qing turned around and Zhang Jishan said:
"Although we are all competitors, our biggest competitors are the apprentices under other mentors. To be honest, our strength is not superior among the six mentors. On the contrary, we may be the weakest. If we still compete with each other, it will only reduce our competitiveness."
"I have a suggestion. How about we sign a gentleman's agreement to live in peace and develop together during this development?"
The apprentices looked at each other with some excitement in their eyes.
Li Qing thought for a while and said:
"I don't have any opinion. It depends on what Chu Zhongzhong thinks."
Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Zhong. Many people knew that they had fought before and Chu Zhong suffered a loss.
Facing everyone's gaze, Chu Zhongzhong swallowed his saliva, shrugged his shoulders and pretended to be indifferent:
"Of course I have no objection, at least not within this year!"
Li Qing smiled slightly:
"I also feel !"
Everyone could hear the hidden meaning in his words. They had no objection this year, but it was hard to say about next year.
"If that's the case, then we have it settled. I'll ask the instructor to witness it later."
At this time Cao Wenyuan suddenly said:
"If we meet in the wild and discover a resource site or treasure chest at the same time, how should we divide it? Do we need to set a rule for this?"
"It's simple, first come, first served."
There was an immediate objection:
"I don't think it's appropriate. If it's just ordinary stuff, it's fine. But if it's some high-value minerals and treasure chests, those who come after me will definitely not be willing to accept it."
"Both parties can discuss this and give some benefits, or jointly develop it."
"Well, this is fine. Depending on the total value of the treasures, some benefits can be distributed to those who come later."
"But one thing must be confirmed. If you discover a resource point that has already been occupied by others, you cannot force them to share the benefits."
"of course."
After a few words, everyone quickly drafted an agreement and signed their names on it.
After a while the instructor returned to confirm that their agreement was in effect.
Back in the dormitory, Li Qing looked at the less than 40,000 yuan in his account and fell into deep thought.
They can set off tomorrow, and he must prepare some things, after all, he won't be back for two months.
During this period, not only a large amount of food is consumed, but also various supplies are consumed. When the time comes to build a base city, a large amount of supplies will be needed. If you want to develop and expand it into a gathering place and material replenishment point for heroes and professional apprentices, you must stockpile a large amount of supplies.
The most important thing here is food.
Although there is a Divine Domain Farm, it was just acquired and is still being cultivated. The rice has not been planted yet. According to the current efficiency, it will take about half a year to harvest the first round of rice.
It is worth mentioning that the rice seeds he bought are the kind that can be harvested twice a year. They can adapt to any climate environment and land, and have a high yield of about 1,000 kilograms per mu.
The area of ​​the first floor of Shenyu Farm is 5000*5000=25 million square meters. Assuming that one acre is 666.667 square meters, it is approximately 37,500 acres.
Excluding the town in the center of the farm, ditches, ridges, threshing grounds, reservoirs and other facilities, there are still about 30,000 acres of pure farmland.
If all the crops are rice, the yield per mu is 1,000 kilograms, and the total output of 30,000 mu is 30 million kilograms.
There are two seasons a year, and the total output is 60 million kilograms.
Of course, it is impossible to grow rice on all the land, and a part of it will also be used to grow vegetables.
Even if half of the land is used to grow vegetables, the annual output will be 30 million kilograms, which is enough to support tens of thousands of people.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024