Chapter 45: Mysterious Female Voice

The sky is very clean after the rain, with a refreshing coolness .
After spending several days on the bloody battlefield, the atmosphere in the team was much more relaxed as they were able to smell the fragrance of the soil and see the dew on the nearby trees.
The team moved very slowly because everyone was injured and most of them were sitting in carriages.
They also pulled a lot of stuff, including food, spoils of war, equipment, horse feed, etc. , all heavy goods.
These carriages were pieced together by carpenters from all over the place, and some of the parts came from the battlefield where Leslie's caravan was attacked.
More than a dozen carriages formed a long convoy, and finally took away all the lord's people and goods.
This is all thanks to Leslie's reasonable overall planning.
Of course, it was also thanks to Leon's shamelessness in taking away half of the carpenters.
Ralph didn't care about it - in fact, judging from Ralph's appearance, he didn't even plan to return the carpenter he borrowed from Changhe Town... Maybe when he asks for it back, he'll say that they were all kidnapped by Li Ang...
Anyone who can temporarily take over as the commander of the city defense army is naturally not an honest person.
This can probably be considered as each person dividing the loot in half.
Of course, the carpenters didn't care. They worked for Leon and Ralph and their wages were much higher than in town.
In fact, the dozen or so carpenters who followed Leon were all very happy - the lord even let them participate in the distribution of spoils, saying that they also contributed to the battle, and they felt that the lord was a fair person.

So these carpenters officially became a line in the team list: 'Craftsmen, 10/11'.
One of them had been injured by arrows.
Since all the carriages were made of junk that had been pieced together and repaired temporarily, even with Leslie, a logistics quartermaster who was good at moving quickly, taking care of things, the team still couldn't move fast.
But fortunately, no one is in a hurry now.
In fact, they really enjoyed the rare leisure time - the lord was a good boss who kept his word. The only problem was that he never gave his employees a holiday, and they had to work overtime occasionally...
There were constantly migratory birds flying in the sky, and occasionally some fearless birds would circle over the convoy, sticking their butts out to tease the convoy from time to time.
Fortunately, Leon, who was lying drowsy in the carriage, was not hit by the bird droppings.
Anson was riding his horse vigorously, holding his bow and trying to shoot a bird - this was an exercise that Leon had casually assigned to him.
Anson was probably really interested in bows and arrows, but he didn't shoot down a single bird along the way. He kept riding his horse around to pick up the arrows he had shot. I guess he gained a lot of riding experience...
In order to commend Anson for his outstanding performance in the previous battle and to ensure the safety of the team doctor, Leon gave him a set of Green Hat equipment, which was one of the twenty sets of Horn Ranger equipment given to him by Ralph.
Except for the bow, of course.
It’s not that he was reluctant, but the main reason was that with Anson’s current arm strength, he couldn’t pull the Rangers’ Eagle Strike Bows.
So, he now uses a short wooden bow, which was given to him by a crossbowman who used to be a hunter.
The kind doctor is very popular in the team. Everyone likes this polite young man, and he can also treat everyone's injuries.
The courage he showed in the last battle impressed everyone. Even Klose stopped laughing at his weak strength and instead taught him some muscle-building tips.
After another futile attempt, Anson picked up the arrow and ran to Leon's carriage with a sigh: "Sir, I still can't seem to find the feeling you described..."
Leon was still hungover. Leslie's alcohol had a strong effect on him. Even after half a day, he was still a little confused: "Have you shot the bow a hundred times? Do you feel any pain in your shoulders?"
"Some adults...I can't even lift my hands whole body hurts!"
"That's right!"
Anson's eyes were full of anticipation and confusion. Could pain be the secret?
"This means that you have reached the limit of breakthrough... Go and treat your arm... Then keep practicing like this, and you will soon be able to experience that mysterious feeling..."
"Ah! Yes, sir!"
The simple Anson retreated obediently...
Pulling the bow a hundred times in half a day, even if he didn't learn archery, at least he could train his arm strength... If he strained his muscles, could he still practice medicine...
Even though he was still hungover, the training method arranged by the lord was still very scientific and logical.
Although it only works on Anson...
Li Ang lay down again in the straw pile on the carriage, biting a straw stem in his mouth, looking at the sky boredly.
He had already finished reading the officer's memoirs, and the team was being taken care of by Leslie, so he had nothing to do now.

Walking at the front of the team was the crossbowman who was good at swimming.
As the lord was still hungover, the crossbowman led Alice in front.
His name was Eric - a very common name in the Kingdom of Sarleon, similar to names like Gousheng and Shuanzhu.
Gou Sheng's outfit now is basically the same as Li Ang's a few days ago, with a chainmail helmet, light chainmail, cotton and linen lining, and high-top riding boots...
After seeing Leon's archery and martial arts, Eric probably admires Leon a little bit now and never forgets to imitate him.
Except for the most valuable and heaviest lamellar armor and the smelly nomadic boots, he did not take the rest of the equipment on the Jatu warlord Drash. Now all the other equipment was on him. This was the promise Leon made to them before.
Zhajia gave it to another wandering white shark named John - this name is also similar to Goudan's.
As for Drash... Leon was kind enough to leave him a nomadic robe. He was now dressed like a pure nomadic wanderer, and was shown as 'Jato Wandering Rider' in the team list.
However, Drash, who has no desires or ambitions is very honest now. He stays with dozens of Gatu horses and appears very gentle, like a kind middle-aged herdsman.
After this harmonious team had marched south for most of the day, Eric, who was exploring the way in front, asked the team to stop beside a small forest, and then ran to find Leon.
Eric is now one of the few men in the team who has maintained his full combat effectiveness. He only has some scratches on his face. According to him, he was hit by several arrows in the face, but none of them hit him.
Maybe having a mean name does have its benefits...
"Sir, shall we camp here today? If we go any further, it will be all forest. It is not safe to camp in the forest."
"Okay, you guys decide. You're more familiar with the terrain around here than I am..."
The lord turned over lazily and continued to doze off.
But then, he jumped up as if he had been shot by an arrow: "Who! Who is talking?!"
Leon looked around, but there was no one around except Eric, and most of his teammates were in the carriage at the back.
Eric stared at Li Ang blankly: "Sir, are you still drunk? Is Miss Leslie's aftereffects so strong?"
Li Ang covered his head and shook it: "No, Gou Sheng, I really heard a woman talking..."
"My Lord... Well, you must have dreamed about that woman again... Never mind, I'll go find Miss Leslie to arrange camp..."
Eric shook his head and muttered, turning around and walking to the back of the team.
Li Ang was still covering his forehead in confusion, looking around.
"...Watch your back, kid..."
The voice became clearer and clearer, a gentle and calm female voice.
But Li Ang really didn't see anyone, and the voice seemed to appear directly in his mind.

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024