Chapter 42 Taking Advantage of the Situation

There are thousands of wonderful methods of cultivation in Ku Mu Realm. Anyone who has succeeded in cultivation can fly on clouds or travel around with various secret methods.
For those who are really not good at cultivation, there are also magical talismans of relocation placed by the Immortal Alliance in various places.
As long as one sets foot in the world of cultivation, even if one is a cultivator at the lowest level of the Qi training realm, one can use these talismans to travel between the five continents, and only needs to pay a small toll.
Not gold or silver.
Instead, it is a special kind of currency used among monks, and is called "immortal money" by mortals.
As for what this "immortal money" is, we can talk about it later.
In short, Fengyang County City was extremely lively that day.
As the most prosperous county seat in Fengming Kingdom, there are cultivation sects like Mo Shuang Mountain nearby, and naturally there are also teleportation talismans set up by the Immortal Alliance in the city.
However, the talisman, which usually had not many "customers" using it, was constantly opened and closed today. Every time the array plate, which looked very similar to a star array plate, flashed, it represented a cultivator entering Fengyang City.
But since they used divine talismans, it meant that they were all inferior monks who were unable to control the wind and clouds.
Most of them are young boys in the Qi training stage.
There are also several middle-aged or old men who look imposing and are about to make a breakthrough.
These monks, who usually seldom show up in the mortal world, walked out of the talisman with gloomy faces and rarely any of them smiling and relaxed.
After they came out, they all went to the same place, the head office of Ruyifang, which was the market town where Liu Ruyi's residence was located.

Good job.
As expected of a wealthy businessman who is a mining oligarchy of a country, the entire huge market town is occupied by his shops.
All industries are involved, from silk and satin shops to grain and oil shops. As long as the people need something, Ruyifang will be involved. Of course, the vast majority of customers for these businesses are ordinary people.
A young man with a spear on his back, long hair and wearing red leather armor strode forward and pounded on the front door of a shop with a sign that said "Closed".
A group of people had gathered behind him. Each of them was dressed differently, but none of them looked like ordinary people.
The guy who was smashing the door looked like a man who had practiced physical training. With only three hits, the thick door seemed to be broken and fell down, and the whole house was shaking.
"Open the door!"
The young man shouted:
"Are you guys from Ruyifang bullying me? We clearly agreed to send spirit stones to my cave twice a month, why didn't you send them yesterday?
Don't you want to do business anymore?"
His voice was very loud, and he seemed to be angry. His words sounded like a lion's roar, which made the ears of some people who were shopping in the back hurt. Since there was nothing else to do at the time, they quickly gathered around.
Soon someone recognized that those gathered in front of the shop were all monks, and soon there was more whispering among the crowd, with a sense of awe.
Those are the people who will become immortals in the future.
I can’t afford to offend you. I can’t afford to offend you.
Indeed, the ultimate goal of a cultivator is to become an immortal, but the common people do not know that those gathered here are just inferior cultivators.
They claim to be extraordinary.
But the actual distance between them and becoming immortals is not much different from the distance between these ordinary people and immortals. Even if a fight really breaks out, these Qi training cultivators may not be the opponents of the mortal martial arts masters.
The magic is indeed wonderful, but it also depends on who uses it, right?
"Don't fight, don't fight!"
Seeing that the body-refining monk was still pounding on the door, a worker from Ruyifang immediately ran out holding his head. He was a little scared, but he still mustered up his courage and shouted to the monks in front of him:
"It's not that we, Ruyifang, want to break the contract, and we dare not offend the masters of the monks. It's not that we don't want to give the spirit stones, it's that we really can't afford it!
I'm afraid you gentlemen don't know that the spirit stone mine in our Ruyifang, as well as the spirit stones mined this season, are now occupied by a group of bandits.
I went to Ruyifang to suppress the bandits, but a senior manager was killed. The master was also very anxious, but the bandits were so powerful that mortals like us could do nothing about them.
The eldest master himself went to the Mo Shuang Mountain Sect to seek help yesterday.
Everyone, please wait for a moment. As long as we wipe out the bandits, I will definitely give you the spiritual stones you deserve."
"Ah? Robbed by bandits?"
The young man who was practicing body suddenly looked strange, and he asked:
"Why would these mortal bandits rob us of spiritual stones if they don't rob us of money? We can't eat or drink those things. Could it be that you, little kid, are deliberately deceiving us?"

"How can I have the guts to do that?"
The shop assistant immediately cried out in injustice, and said confidently:
"It is indeed a group of bandits who have occupied the Fengshan Mine. As you all know, it is the place where spiritual ore is produced."
"We don't care about your Ruyifang business!"
There was another gloomy middle-aged man in the crowd, with his arms folded, and he said:
“But my sect is waiting for spirit stones to maintain the formation, so we can’t delay any longer. Your Ruyifang business is big, and besides Fengshan, you also have other spirit mines.
First take out the spiritual stones there and give them to us!
This is not something I am trying to steal from you, this is something we have already agreed on."
"Yes! Take out the spirit stones first, we are all waiting to use them."
The monks are naturally proud of being above the mundane world, and it would be a loss of face for them to be watched by a group of ordinary people.
However, small sects or independent cultivators who want to maintain their formation caves for cultivation cannot do without spirit stones. They were sent here by the elders of each family to inquire about this, and now they could no longer bear it and simply joined in the commotion.
The clerk's face turned pale. He was a decent mortal who could not afford to offend the monks. He was really afraid, so he bowed and begged for mercy. Then he followed the shopkeeper's instructions and said tremblingly:
“Everyone, don’t worry. The spiritual stones from other mines will be handed over to Mo Shuang Mountain, and they were personally escorted to Mo Shuang Mountain by the master the day before yesterday.
There really is no more in the shop. If you don’t believe me, try using magic yourself to see.”
When they heard the name of Mo Shuang Mountain, the aggressive cultivators immediately fell silent.
Even though Mo Shuang Mountain is depleted in population, with only more than 30 cultivators, they are good at refining equipment. With their unrivaled Mohist techniques, they are ranked among the 33 sects of the Immortal Alliance.
Even if they are just at the bottom of the Immortal Alliance, they are not something that the independent cultivators and small sects like them can afford to offend.
The crowd became eerily quiet.
There was a cultivator who was good at detecting. He made a spell, mobilized the spiritual energy, blew out a gust of wind, and circled around the market town. Finally, he shook his head at his fellow cultivators with a gloomy face.
There is indeed no unique spiritual energy emitted by spiritual stones.
It seems that Ruyifang did not lie.
As a result, the matter came to a stalemate.
There are no spiritual stones here. Even if these cultivators force these mortals to death, they still cannot get what they need. But if they return to the sect empty-handed, they will definitely be scolded by their elders.
Spiritual stones are definitely not rare in the world of cultivation, and are not a necessity for cultivation. Otherwise, it would not be the turn of Ruyifang, a mortal force, to monopolize the spiritual mineral industry in Fengming Kingdom.
But it is a necessary material for maintaining the operation of most formations and spiritual weapons.
Just like batteries, you don’t have to worry about them on a daily basis. Except for the big sects, no one deliberately hoards them .
But the current situation is like when you are having some fun and the buzzing thing in your hand suddenly runs out of battery, making you lose all interest. These are all trivial matters.
Although the Immortal Alliance stipulates that cultivators are not allowed to interfere in the disputes between mortals, it does not stipulate that cultivators cannot fight each other.

Normally, everyone can practice with peace of mind because they are protected by the sect's formations and barriers. But now, without the supply of spirit stones, the mountain-protecting formation that they bought at a great price is about to stop functioning.
If an evil cultivator or a mortal enemy takes advantage of the opportunity to attack you, it would be a very bad thing.
Some independent cultivators who like to stir up trouble on a daily basis and have no sect's support and rely entirely on formations to hide in caves are now unable to maintain their "dignity as cultivators" and are becoming somewhat anxious.
"When bandits broke out in your Ruyifang, instead of asking the imperial court to suppress them, you went to Moshuang Mountain for help. Why is that?"
Suddenly, someone among the silent monks asked:
"The Immortal Alliance does not allow us cultivators to intervene in your mortal disputes. Could it be that there are cultivators among the bandits who occupied your mine?"
"This, I don't know."
The Ruyifang clerk said helplessly with a pale face:
"We only know that the local manager of Fengshan brought more than 200 men to discuss matters, but they were killed and dispersed by bandits. It is said that the number of bandits was less than ten..."
"Ten people against two hundred, and they killed your chief steward?"
Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted:
“Needless to say, there must be evil cultivators mixed in with them, otherwise, how could mortals achieve such a great victory? Well, seeing you mortals being bullied and humiliated by the bandits, we cultivators will help you!
Fellow Taoists, we all need spiritual stones urgently. Why don’t you go with me?
By destroying that evil cultivator, not only can we get back the spiritual stones we need, but we can also accumulate merit. How about this?"
The person who was speaking looked unfamiliar.
But seeing that there was a wisp of spiritual wind wrapped around him, he must be a cultivator without a doubt.
As soon as he shouted, several people responded immediately.
Even though they are a bunch of noobs who cannot control the wind and clouds, they are cultivators after all and have their own methods.
Someone threw out a leaf, and as the spiritual energy was drawn in, the leaf expanded rapidly, and in an instant it became like a small boat, causing the onlookers to shout loudly.
The monks who were willing to go with him got on the leaf boat one by one, which floated up several feet above the ground. After asking the waiter for the direction, they headed towards Fengshan.
However, not all monks followed.
The young man in red armor who first broke the door just folded his arms and watched coldly. After those impatient monks left, the young man shook his head helplessly.
He looked at the pale-faced fellow with a strange expression, snorted again, and said:
"Ruyifang is really impressive. They can even hire monks to act as agents. They are really powerful. I admire them."
After saying that, he left.
Seeing the young man take a few steps, someone called out from behind:
"Fellow Daoist Qiu Ming, don't you usually love to defend the weak? Why don't you go today?"
The red-armored monk sneered, shook his long hair, but did not look back.
He said loudly:
"Just because I like to do good deeds doesn't mean I'm stupid. I suddenly remembered that I still have some spiritual stones in my cave that can be used in emergencies. I won't get involved in this mess.
I advise you not to go either.
We are monks, we cultivate the great way to heaven, we are open and honest, how can we be used as a tool by ordinary people? "

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024