Chapter 41: A Revolution in the Super Dream Industry 1

Li Yunhan's words, coupled with the magnificent scene before his eyes and the complex feelings that surged in his heart, gave Zhang Sirui a strong shock to his soul.
Zhang Sirui believes that any audience who enters this super dream and experiences the entire process should have the same feeling as him.
Everyone will be overwhelmed by this complex and strong emotion and feel spiritual sublimation!
This kind of complex emotion is by no means comparable to those Mewtwo that simply chop melons and vegetables and bring sensory stimulation.
Moreover, Zhang Sirui gradually grew from a low-level gangster to a resistance fighter, so he certainly has a deeper understanding of the entire background.
Obviously, Li Yunhan himself is also a rebel and should be able to have this feeling, so when he was explaining, he very subtly led in this direction.
For those who are not members of the resistance, this is a very normal Mewtwo review, all about things in "Embers Are Going Out".
But for the rebels, they will naturally put themselves in the current situation and have a high degree of association!
The world of "The Last Embers" is very despairing, but isn't reality the same?
What is the difference between these resistance fighters and the embers who set out on a journey to save the sacred flame?
In this process, countless resistance fighters died or gave up. They fell on the road, while the rest continued to move forward alone, and their numbers even dwindled.
Every resistance fighter who survived the narrow escape of death was like an ember, transformed from a clumsy farmer wielding a hatchet into a battle-hardened, determined iron man.
But what can we do even so?

In "The Embers Are Going Out", the best possible outcomes are either of the following:
Either prolong the life of the old dynasty and maintain a corrupt and peaceful era.
Or simply destroy the destiny and let the world fall into chaos again, hoping that a hero will appear again in the future.
These are precisely the two best outcomes that the current rebels can achieve after trying their best.
Or, in the process of struggle, they can compromise and merge with the big capitalists, temporarily eliminate the contradictions to a certain extent, and allow the entire old land to return to a certain state of balance.
Or destroy everything to pieces, letting the entire old land fall into complete chaos again, hoping that a hero will appear in the future and rebuild the world.
However, the hero who recreates the world will most likely not be a rebel.
Because even the rebels themselves had never considered the problems that would arise after they actually overthrew the big capitalists.
This question is too distant and too empty for them, like a beautiful illusion. If they think about it too much, it becomes like a daydream.
Therefore, the remaining resistance fighters can only focus on the present for the time being and think about how to fight the next battle.
Everyone firmly believed that as long as they kept fighting, changes would happen. But no one could tell when the changes would happen, or how they would change the world.
Is this an unsolvable ending?
Without Li Yunhan's analysis, Zhang Sirui might have thought that "The Embers Will Go Out" foreshadowed the tragic fate of the rebels and their inevitable failure, and that it had a completely dissuading effect.
But after Li Yunhan's analysis, Zhang Sirui understood that "The Embers Will Go Out" actually has a hidden ending and carries a beautiful wish.
After all, the power of one person is limited. Only when all the burnt embers are gathered together can a bigger fire be ignited and the power to change the world be accumulated!
In reality, relying solely on scattered resistance forces is obviously not enough.
Only by uniting all those who want to change the world can the future not be a choice between compromise and chaos!
Zhang Sirui couldn't help but start to guess what Captain Chen She felt when he designed this Mewtwo.
All the previous doubts were resolved.
"It turns out... the captain really has good intentions!"
"He had already seen the inevitable failure of the resistance army and the biggest problem. But he also knew very well that if he told us directly, we would definitely resist and it would be difficult for us to accept it."
" Because it is equivalent to shaking our beliefs and denying the significance of the resistance army's existence."
"Although the resistance forces that are still holding out are determined, they have also become extreme in some aspects. They are like a tight string. Although it can shoot the fastest arrow, it is also at risk of breaking at any time."
"So, the captain hinted to us in this way that persistence is necessary, but the right direction is more important. We really should keep our composure, take it step by step, and not rush things!"
"This should be the consensus of every resistance soldier."
"Faith must be firm and cannot be shaken. However, isolationism, individual heroism, military adventurism and the idea of ​​quick victory are also unacceptable!"
Thinking of this, Zhang Sirui's eyes welled up with tears.
He felt that even if he lost all his money on the Mewtwo game "Embers Are Out", it would be worth it!
Because the purpose of this Mewtwo's existence is no longer simply to earn some military funds for the rebels.
Its more important significance lies in that, externally, it can arouse the fire of resistance and awaken people's desire to change the world; internally, it can unify the thoughts of the rebels and eliminate possible hidden dangers.
And this is far more important than earning military funds!
What Zhang Sirui didn't expect was that Mewtwo wasn't over yet.
Li Yunhan looked into the distance, turned his back to the audience and said, "At the end, I have another surprise to share with you."
"After experiencing the demo version of Embers Going Out, many people found that this Mewtwo has a significant effect on physical fitness in augmented reality."
"It can enhance a person's reaction speed, improve physical skills and combat techniques. Many instinctive reactions formed in the dream can act on the body in reality and form muscle memory."
"I used to scoff at this, thinking it was just an illusion of some players."
“But after experiencing it in depth, I realized that it was actually true.”
"At first, I was confused. This was completely contrary to the knowledge I had about Mewtwo. Although in theory, Mewtwo does have this power of change, the effect of Mewtwo in the past was not very obvious."
"The military training Mewtwo is much better than the commercial Mewtwo, but it still doesn't reach the effect of "Embers Are Going Out"."
"In the face of facts, I have to admit that we still have too many unsolved mysteries about the mysterious space-time particles."
"So, I can only make some guesses as to why this Mewtwo has such an immediate effect."
"And I think this is the most important moat of Mewtwo, "Embers Are Going Out"!"
Zhang Sirui couldn't help but be shocked.
We met again!
He clearly remembered that Captain Chen She had said before that it was normal for Mewtwo to be imitated, the key was how to build one's own moat so that his Mewtwo could not be copied.

"Embers Are Going Out" is such a Mewtwo, so huge investments must be made to develop the complete version.
But at that time, Zhang Sirui didn’t understand and didn’t know what the so-called “moat” was.
Now he understood that this obvious impact on the real body was the moat of "The Embers Are Going Out"!
But the question is…why?
The Super Dream R&D department of Lishan Technology does not have any special new technologies, and the entire process follows the normal process of Super Dream development.
So why should The Last Embers be any different?
Li Yunhan explained: "I think there are at least three factors that lead to this strange effect."
“First, it’s the right level of difficulty.”
“Second, it’s a special kind of emotional transmission.”
"Third, it is the story structure of the entire Mewtwo world."
“I think these three points are indispensable.”
"Of course, in addition to these three points, there may be many details that I have not yet discovered. Perhaps these details will also play a decisive role, but I am not well-educated, so I have no way of knowing."
“The first thing is the right level of difficulty.”
"As we all know, many Mewtwo used for training are very difficult, and even close to the difficulty in reality. Therefore, we have always had a consensus on Mewtwo, that is, the closer the difficulty of Mewtwo is to reality, the better the training effect will be."
"Of course, the closer a training Mewtwo is to reality, the less fun it will be. It seems difficult to have both."
"But after 'Embers Are Going Out', I started to waver in this idea."
"Because "Embers of Demise" is not completely based on the difficulty of reality, but it forces players to have a weak body and arrange powerful enemies. In addition, some battles in Mewtwo are not completely the same as in reality."
"So I boldly guess that the difficulty will indeed affect Mewtwo's training results, but it is not the only factor. Another factor is the consistency, sustainability and moderation of the training!"
"High difficulty can indeed allow people to challenge their potential, but it may also weaken the training effect due to excessive difficulty. Therefore, the difficulty should match the player's level and be maintained within a certain range to play the best role."
“The success of Embers Is Dead is not simply a success of high difficulty. The producers launched the Coward Edition and the Death Edition in the hope that ordinary players can start with the Coward Edition and then enter the Death Edition after tempering themselves.”
“The second is the special emotional transmission.”
"In previous training-type Super Dreams, we tried to weaken the transmission of emotions as much as possible, so that these emotions would not interfere too much with the trainees. But judging from the success of "Embers Will Go Out", this concept seems to be wrong."
"Because mental struggle can not only improve willpower, but also improve concentration. After going through cruel torture, training can have a better effect."
“Therefore, the negative emotions conveyed by The Embers Are Going Out actually laid a good foundation for this training effect.”
“And the reason why “Embers Are Out” puts an experience-based Mewtwo at the beginning is to establish this emotional tone in the players’ minds as quickly as possible.”
"Finally, there is the story structure of the entire Mewtwo world."
"It is precisely because this dream world is complete and real that people have a strong sense of immersion and resonate with reality, which further enhances the training effect."
"Although the previous training Mewtwo has been imitating reality, every trainer knows that this is Mewtwo, not reality, and they have not fully integrated into it at all."
“Embers of Demise is the exact opposite. It builds a fantasy oriental world that is different from the real world in every way, yet full of details, giving players a strong sense of time travel!”
This analysis left Zhang Sirui confused.
He already knew that "The Embers Are Going Out" did have some unique features in improving the combat capabilities of cold weapons. Zeng Hailong, Zhou Lei and some comments on the Internet can prove this.
But there are also Mewtwo trained in cold weapon combat in this world.
Zhang Sirui originally thought that even if "Embers Are Going Out" had a certain effect, it would at most be on par with those Mewtwo.
But I just realized now that "The Last Embers" is so awesome!
Li Yunhan turned around and continued, "So, I was deeply shocked by this Super Dream."
"Because it not only subverts the basic principles of Mewtwo production, it even subverts the basic principles of Mewtwo production!"
“It is not only a conceptual innovation, but also a technological revolution!”
"This Mewtwo completely overturns our previous understanding of Mewtwo and all the theories built on it. Perhaps we must re-examine how space-time particles work in Mewtwo and how to maximize this effect."

"At first, I felt sorry for "Embers Are Going Out" because it was released at the same time as "Under the Blade" and collided with a behemoth that had 10 times the investment."
"But now, I feel sorry for Under the Blade."
"Because it hit a monster that started a new era of Mewtwo!"
"I'm Li Yunhan, a man who dreams of changing the world with Mewtwo. We'll meet again if we're destined to!"
Li Yunhan waved to the audience and his whole body disappeared into the fog again. However, the thick gray fog gradually reappeared and surrounded the audience again.
Zhang Sirui knew that the Super Dream produced by Li Yunhan was all over.
At the same time, it also announced the fate of "Under the Blade"!
Before, everyone was still worried about what to do if "The Embers" collided with "Under the Blade".
But now, according to Li Yunhan, it is "Under the Blade" that should be worried. What should be done if it collides with "Embers"?
The sudden happiness made Zhang Sirui feel a little dizzy.
But he was a little bit unconvinced. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big. It seemed unrealistic that Li Yunhan could turn the tables just by relying on his Mewtwo.
Thinking of this, he exited the Mewtwo game cabin and sent a message to Zhao Zhen.
"Hurry up, add Li Yunhan's new Mewtwo to all the brothers' training programs !"
Long Night Entertainment Group.
On the surface, the atmosphere in the Mewtwo R&D team where Corey works is harmonious, and ordinary employees are immersed in the rapid growth of the data of "Under the Blade".
But in fact, behind the closed door, the atmosphere in the conference room had dropped to freezing point.
"How is this going?"
"What exactly is going on!"
Corey was in a state of impotent rage and was raging.
When Under the Blade was first released, everything seemed to be going according to the script.
In the early days, relying on the large amount of resources provided by Changye Entertainment Group, "Under the Blade" directly launched a publicity offensive, invested huge amounts of money, and almost monopolized the key positions of almost all channels, attracting a large number of players.
Some were attracted by publicity, some were deceived by channels, and of course, some came because of the fame of Changye Entertainment Group and Corey's gold medal producer.
After all, "Under the Blade" is the most talked-about new Mewtwo in recent times, so you have to experience it.
The Long Night Entertainment Group experience stores in major cities were also packed, with many people scrambling to experience the physical version of Mewtwo from "Under the Blade".
Within the Changye Entertainment Group, the physical version of Mewtwo from "Under the Blade" is also being produced continuously. Large quantities of stock have been shipped to major cities and are selling well.
Of course, there were some hiccups.
For example, the online ratings are not high, and many people expressed disappointment with this Mewtwo.
It’s not that the scale is not big enough or that Mewtwo doesn’t have enough stars. The key is that compared to the previous Mewtwo, there is not much improvement and the changes are not big.
This cannot be said to be a lack of ambition, because at least it can still make use of its old capital. However, this time, the behavior of "Under the Blade" is more like spreading itself too thin, wanting to have everything, but not doing anything particularly well. Even some of its original advantages have been leveled out, which is a bit unworthy of its initial publicity.
But it doesn’t matter, because for Corey, these are all easy problems to solve.
It would be enough to suppress the negative public opinion a little bit. The key point is that there is no Mewtwo that can pose a threat to "Under the Blade" at the same time. Even if the players are dissatisfied, they have no other choice at all.
So what impact can such a simple complaint have?
What's more, the quality of "Under the Blade" is not bad. After all, it was made with money, and it has all the big scenes and the lineup of Mewtwo stars is also very strong. With more players, there will always be a group of people who like it, and this popularity is enough to push "Under the Blade" to a good sales volume.
Originally the script was very comfortable, but with the release of Li Yunhan's Mewtwo, the situation changed completely!
Of course, it seems now that even without Li Yunhan's Mewtwo, sooner or later someone will discover the special features of "Embers of Destruction", but the process may be very slow, and even after the popularity of "Under the Blade" has completely passed, the suppressed "Embers of Destruction" will have a chance to turn around.
But Li Yunhan's super dream was undoubtedly like a thunderclap, which directly brought this process forward!
"The End of the Embers" was originally buried under the publicity campaign of "Under the Blade", but now it has emerged and is on the same stage as "Under the Blade".
In just a few hours, Li Yunhan's introduction of the new Mewtwo in "Embers Are Going Out" has become a trend that cannot be ignored, and has accumulated a terrifying amount of popularity!
On the big screen in the conference room of the Core Development Team, popular online reviews of "Embers of Demise" and Li Yunhan's new Mewtwo were scrolling in real time.
Every comment was like a bomb dropped on Corey and even the entire Changye Entertainment Group, destroying their previous composure and confidence to nothing!

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Jun 19, 2024
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