Chapter 4: The "Mouldy Boy" Who Arrives in the Class!

I never knew that Uncle Wu was so important to me. Since he left, I have felt extremely lonely. Before he lived in the hospital, I still hoped that he would recover and we would live the same life as before. But now that he is gone, I don't even have this extravagant hope. Without Uncle Wu's careful care, the huge Moli Castle looks dull and old, so deserted that it makes people want to escape.
I never slept with the lights on before, but now I feel terrified if I don't turn on the lights. My heart feels desolate and I have nowhere to go. After finally falling asleep, I wake up suddenly and see white light flickering on the branches outside the window that is not closed tightly. I get out of bed and draw back the curtains to see, thinking it might be Sora outside, but there is only the lonely white moonlight on the treetops and no one is there.
I laughed at myself for being stupid. Did I want that damned bad luck god to spy on me in the middle of the night? I even expected him to suddenly appear on the tree branch outside the castle and say something that was harmless but infuriating.
This kind of life has been going on, and I tell myself every day to quickly return to my previous mentality, be confident every day, and put everyone under my feet in a polite and noble way, and become the former Qian Moli again, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by flowers and applause wherever I go.
Because of Uncle Wu's incident, I took a few days off from school. That day, as soon as I walked to the school gate, the school immediately went into an uproar.
The way people looked at me was not only full of admiration, but also a sense of familiarity after not seeing each other for a few days. As I walked along, there was a constant stream of people around me, and everyone's eagerness to chat with me instantly relieved my long-standing low mood.
"Moli, long time no see." The most handsome boy in the school greeted me very elegantly.
"Long time no see." I was in a good mood, nodded at him and smiled.
I know my smile is very charming, otherwise a large group of boys wouldn't have stopped and looked at me with loving expressions in their eyes, so I smiled even more brightly.
I took a step forward, and convinced myself firmly that even if I really brought bad luck to the people around me, so what, at least I was living a carefree and happy life. And I could also make others happy, and that was enough.
"Ah - it's Sora and Cotten!" The girls' screams suddenly rang in my ears, and then the girls who were originally surrounding me and chatting with me followed suit and ran behind me.
Sora and Cotten?
Could it be the bad luck gods? I couldn't help but be surprised, but how could others see them? Could there be someone with the same name as the bad luck god in our school?
"Sora is handsome and charming, Cotten is cute and pretty, and the older and younger brothers are both super pretty boys!" The girls are still crazy about them.
The more I listened, the more suspicious I became. I turned around and looked over. From a distance, a tall boy stood in the middle of the crowd. His exquisite dress made his tall figure even more perfect. His long legs were in a cool pose. His handsome face was full of self-centeredness, as if the classmates around him were nothing but air. Next to him, there was a cute blond boy who was a few centimeters shorter than him. His big blue eyes were innocent and pure. Hey, why does this boy look so familiar?
I was trying desperately to figure out who this cute boy was when a girl yelled, "Kerten looked at me!" and then fainted with happiness.
I finally understood: this is Sora and Cotten after their transformation!
Anger quickly rose in my heart. They were invisible before, and only I could see them, so they didn't cause too much trouble to others and my life. But now, they really appeared in my life, and they would definitely cause me big trouble!
Just as I was staring at Sora with eyes blazing, he apparently noticed me and looked at me with raised eyebrows, his expression very smug.
I really wanted to lose my temper, but I was afraid of the bad influence in front of so many classmates, so I had to hold it in and think about finding a chance to deal with Sora later. I took a deep breath and was about to leave.
"Asami Moli, I'm here to see you." Through the noisy voices of my classmates, I clearly heard Sora calling my name.
My steps to leave paused for a moment, but I decided to pretend I didn't hear it.
"Moli, Sora is calling you. He has something to tell you." One of the most gossipy girls in our school suddenly stood in front of me with a strange expression on her face.
"Really? But I don't know him, maybe you heard it wrong." I explained politely. I didn't want to have anything to do with Sora!
"Don't you know me?" Sora suddenly appeared in front of me, with a sly smile on his face.
I glared at him, realizing that he was deliberately trying to harass me in front of my schoolmates. I was furious, but couldn't go too far for the sake of my reputation, so I quickly said softly, "I'm sorry, maybe we've met before, but I really can't remember." I rubbed my temple, looking confused.
The smile on Sora's face became even more intense. He stretched out his two index fingers in a mean way, quickly placed them on my temples, and started rubbing them for me.
I stepped back as if I had received an electric shock. I was speechless about his behavior, but I pretended to be polite and apologized in a low voice, "If you have nothing else, I'll go to class first."
"Honey, are you still angry?" Sora retracted her fingers and looked at me seductively.
Who is your dear!
I just felt my chest suddenly tighten, my whole body trembled, I raised my eyes and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, you got the wrong person." But in my heart I was roaring, Sora, what do you want to do by being so intimate with me!
Sora immediately showed a very disappointed expression, closed his eyes and sighed: "I didn't expect you to forget about me as your boyfriend so quickly. I'm really sad."
What the hell is he talking about!
"What? Qian Moli has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is Sora! It turns out she has been hiding it from everyone. No wonder she didn't accept it when Young Master Beitang confessed to her last time. Sora is indeed much more handsome than Young Master Beitang. He is really enviable!" The girls who were watching on the side were shocked and exclaimed.
I clenched my fists, feeling a violent rush of energy rushing through my body. I gritted my teeth and stared at the shameless Sora, trying to speak calmly: "You must have seen it wrong, I don't have a boyfriend."
Sora's expression was suddenly filled with regret. He took big steps towards me, touched his chest and explained in an urgent tone: "Moli, it was my fault in the hospital last time. I kissed you because I saw that you were too sad. Besides, Uncle Wu was seriously ill at that time, and he always wanted to entrust you to me..."
Sora's stories became more and more outrageous, and his fabrications were very convincing. The students beside him were also listening with great interest. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I yelled, "Shut up! Will you die if you don't talk so much?"
The whole place fell silent, and all the students looked at me with shocked eyes.
I felt that the atmosphere was not right and was stunned for a moment. Then I realized how inappropriate my previous words were. Facing those questioning eyes, I felt the blood rushing to my head and my whole body felt hot.
"I'm sorry, Moli has always had such a bad temper, I'm used to it." Sora took the opportunity to hold my arm and explained to everyone with a smile, as if there was really something between him and me.
Even if he made me lose face in front of all my classmates, I couldn't let him bully me. I struggled to break free from his arms and strode towards the classroom.
"Koten, why don't you go chase your sister-in-law." Sora's voice came with a thick smile, which was extremely hypocritical.
As expected, Ke Teng followed me obediently, staring at me with his big eyes without saying a word.
I felt a sense of injustice, like a dumb person eating bitter herbs but unable to express it, but I couldn't get angry at Ke Teng, so I had to endure it.
The girls behind me were talking bad about me, saying things like "Qian Moli has a bad temper", "Qian Moli is just pretending at school", "Qian Moli has a boyfriend but she still accepts love letters and gifts from other boys. She doesn't know how to keep herself clean" and so on. I really doubt whether they are pretending to like me. Why do they talk about me so mercilessly when I just made a small mistake? But if I argue with them again, wouldn't I be on the same level as them?
I will endure!
However, as soon as I walked into the classroom, a slender claw waved at me. Sora sat next to me with a small smile. When he saw that I noticed him, he supported his chin with his hand, and the corners of his lips slowly curved up. His smile became more and more intense, and his voice was very mean: "Are you surprised? We are classmates now." He turned around and pointed at the blond boy Keten sitting behind him and said, "And him. I hope the three of us can get along well in the future."
I was still angry and he provoked me again, making me feel very uncomfortable with a stuffy feeling in my chest.
"Moli, why don't you speak?" Seeing that I didn't say anything, he became even more aggressive.
The anger in my heart quickly turned into courage and energy. I strode to Sora, put my arms on the table, leaned over and stared at him, and whispered word by word: "Sora, this is the human world, you'd better not be too arrogant."
He shrugged, not taking my threat seriously. Suddenly, he froze, his eyes shifted to my chest, and he didn't move.
I looked down and saw my teddy bear underwear was exposed by the V-shaped neckline of my school uniform, and Sora was staring at me. My face suddenly became hot, and I wanted to find a hole to hide in embarrassment.
At this moment, Sora suddenly pointed in front of me and said stupidly, "I saw it."
I was going crazy and stood up suddenly, causing Sora's desk to fall to the ground, and the books were scattered all over the floor with a crash.
"It hurts..." Sora hugged his foot, screaming in pain, and jumped in circles on the ground.
The whole class was staring at us, and I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die.
"Asami Moli, you murdered your husband." Sora complained exaggeratedly in my ear.
I was too embarrassed to argue with him, I quickly walked to my seat and sat down, flipping through the book to calm down. My heart was pounding, and I was thinking in annoyance, how could I have offended the God of Bad Luck, I was so unlucky!
"Moli, you are so strong. You must have muscles in your arms. You even overturned the table. You are so awesome! But boys probably won't like a strong girl like you!" The gossipy girls in the class came up to me and made sarcastic remarks.
I knew that facing a girl like this, arguing is useless, so I could only calm myself down and said in a low voice: "Thank you. But it was just a small accident just now. I'm sorry for the trouble it caused you. However, I hope you don't care too much, otherwise things may be very troublesome." I spoke in a very heavy tone. I hoped she would understand that it would not do her any good to annoy me just for the sake of a momentary verbal pleasure. I hoped she would stop while she is ahead and not be arrogant.
The gossip girl's expression suddenly changed, and she said in a flattering manner: "That's right, I won't talk too much about your relationship with your boyfriend. It's normal for lovers to have some quarrels..."
"Stop talking about lovers." I interrupted her angrily and wanted to roll my eyes at her. Why does this person talk so unpleasantly? She says whatever I don't like to hear.
The gossip girl didn't expect that her words to smooth things over would make me unhappy again. She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.
I didn't want to see her standing in front of me, so I looked up at her, showed a warm and beautiful smile and said, "I was just playing a little joke on you just now, please don't take it seriously. Besides, the class is about to start, go back to your seat, otherwise the teacher might see you."
Seeing that I was in a good mood, she walked away happily as if she had been pardoned.
I exhaled slowly. I felt really bad. So many things happened to me so early in the morning that my temples were aching.
The first class was Chinese, and we happened to learn Bian Zhilin's poem "Broken Chapter". The Chinese teacher was a very literary person, and he loved this poem very much, so he asked us to spend the entire class discussing this poem.
I think that although this poem is beautiful, its content is very pale. It is nothing more than an expression of love. There is nothing special about it. It is just that the author organizes the language and words cleverly.
Sora sat next to me. He listened to the teacher quietly with his eyes shining, as if he had a lot of insights. He didn't cause me any trouble from the beginning of the class until now.
I was thinking about this when the Chinese teacher suddenly called on my name and said, "Student Sora, please recite this poem first, and then do a simple analysis."
I looked at the teacher in surprise and my heart sank. In the past, she always called on me first to answer questions, but why did she call on Sora today?
The teacher looked at Sora with a particularly gentle look in his eyes, which were twinkling with stars and full of hope.
When Sora heard the teacher calling him, he was stunned for a moment, then he changed to a more comfortable posture and began to think deeply about the poem on the blackboard.
He didn't even stand up to answer the question. Wasn't that too disregarding of classroom discipline? The teacher was also a little stunned.
Koten poked him in the back with a pencil and whispered to Sora, "Stand up."
Sora finally woke up as if from a dream, slowly stood up, squinted his eyes and looked at the words on the blackboard, but said nothing.
"Student Sora, if you have different feelings about this poem, you can express them." The teacher looked at him kindly and even tolerated his disobedient behavior just now.
Sora nodded and glanced at his teacher with a hint of confusion in his eyes: "According to my analysis, this poem should be read like this." After he finished speaking, he coughed lightly and read dryly, "You - stand on the bridge - and look at the scenery. People who look at the scenery - look at you from upstairs. The bright moon - decorates your window, and you decorate - other people's dreams."
The light in the teacher's eyes quickly dimmed, but she still said patiently: "So what do you think of this poem?"
Sora stared at the poem on the blackboard more intently, frowning more and more. Then he looked at the teacher, stared blankly for a long time and said, "Can I practice it myself?"
The teacher was startled and said awkwardly: "Um... I don't understand what you mean."
Sora turned sideways, suddenly looked at me and said, "I still need to ask Asami-san for help."
I was about to say no when Sola suddenly grabbed my shoulders, pulled me up from my seat, and took me to the window, repeatedly telling me, "Stand here and don't move."
I didn't want to be manipulated by Sora, so I turned to the teacher and said, "Teacher, the school rules prohibit walking around during class. I'd better go back to my seat."
"Student Qian, please cooperate with Sora first." I don't know what's wrong with the Chinese teacher, he actually wants me to cooperate with him!
But since the teacher said so, I had no choice but to accept it.
Sora immediately ran towards the direction of our school's "Zhuangyuan Bridge" at the speed of wind.
I immediately understood what he meant. He wanted to recreate the scene described in the poem, but wasn't this method too stupid? Poetry itself needs to be understood with the heart, but Sora is a complete pig-head, with an EQ of almost zero.
I stood in front of the window dejectedly until Sora stood on the distant Zhuangyuan Bridge. He stood on the bridge and looked at me for a while, then ran back towards the teaching building.
No one could match his running speed, and when he ran to the classroom, he was not out of breath, his legs were not shaking, his face was rosy, and he was in great spirits. I couldn't help but admire him secretly, the physical strength of the God of Mold is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us.
The teacher looked at this student whom she had never seen before in her career with wide eyes and asked tentatively: "What do you feel after practicing?"
Sora nodded, strode to the podium, picked up the eraser, raised his arm to erase the last two sentences of the poem, then turned around, supported his hands on the desk, and said in a teacher's tone: "Dear students, after my practice, I found that this poem is wrong. First of all, there is no bright moon. Secondly, looking at Asari from the bridge will not make the dream beautiful at all, but will give people the feeling of having a nightmare. Again... again..." Sora frowned and thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "No again, thank you everyone." After that, he made a gorgeous bow to everyone.
I felt like I was instantly split into several pieces by his words, shattering into pieces with a crackling sound.
The teacher was also completely petrified. She looked at Sora, who was very proud, in disbelief. She looked around and asked, "Does anyone have a different opinion?"
No one in the class took the initiative to speak, as everyone was still in shock from Sora's answer.
"So what does classmate Ke Teng think?" The teacher fixed his eyes on Ke Teng.
Cotten stood up, looking at the blackboard with a pair of clear eyes. Then, he decisively took out the calculator he carried with him and started calculating. He whispered, "According to probability theory, the probability that people can see another person standing in front of the window on the bridge should not exceed 50%, and the probability that the person standing by the window is looking at the scenery instead of making a phone call or being bored is no more than 20%. At the same time, the distance between the bridge and the window is at least more than 100 meters. The height of the window may be above the bridge or lower than the bridge. Of course, the probability of the window being lower is extremely small..."
"Student Ke Teng, this is poetry, not mathematics..." The Chinese teacher's face turned pale and he was on the verge of collapse.
Sora turned around, stared at Keten with approval, and said softly, "I didn't expect you to have such a talent."
All the students in the class stared at each other, looking at the two of them as if they were visitors from Mars. For a moment, the atmosphere in the classroom was very awkward.
Seeing everyone's strange looks, Sora looked around at everyone in confusion and asked, "What's the problem?"
I looked at his idiotic face and thought about how badly he had tortured me some time ago. I suddenly felt angry. If I didn't let him see how powerful I was now, wouldn't he bully me even more miserably in the future? Besides, I had to let him know that I was very powerful and he had absolutely no right to offend me!
"Teacher, I would like to express my opinion on this poem." I looked at the teacher, my voice clear and pleasant, and I straightened my chest and tightened my stomach to show my most confident and elegant side.
The teacher seemed to have seen a savior, and his eyes looked at me with extra sparkle, and he quickly said, "Student Qian, tell me about it."
I glanced at Sora from the side, and his expression was still that of an idiot. He didn't even register the pressure signal I sent.
"'Broken Chapter' is a very artistic poem. The 'I' in the poem may be the poet or any ordinary person. It may be a beautiful woman standing in front of the window looking at the scenery. She has been completely immersed in the beautiful scenery and is intoxicated. Perhaps there are boats, rivers, willow branches, and moonlight in the scenery. With such a beautiful scenery, there happened to be a young man standing on the bridge. He also wanted to see the scenery, but he inadvertently found the woman by the window and was completely attracted by her. As a result, there was no scenery in his sight, only the woman. Such a beautiful picture is like a dream, which makes people reluctant to break it. The next two sentences are the poet's praise for the woman. Why didn't he use 'you decorate my dream' but 'you decorate other people's dreams'? Because he felt that such a beautiful woman, everyone who sees such a picture will have beautiful feelings. Therefore, she decorates not only the poet's dream, but also everyone's dream." As soon as I finished speaking, applause broke out in the class and the atmosphere suddenly became warm.
"Student Qian's understanding is indeed unique. Please take a seat." The teacher encouraged with satisfaction.
The teacher really agreed with my point of view. I nodded and glanced at Sora beside me out of the corner of my eye. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at me with an incredible look.
I glanced at him with a smug look and was about to sit down when the teacher's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at me. She walked quickly to me and said with a happy face, "Qian, you will be the one to help Sora with his homework from now on. It's almost the end of the semester and our class will be evaluated for excellence. This is also a way to contribute to the collective honor."
I was stunned for a moment. What kind of sudden idea did the teacher have to arrange for me to give Sora extra lessons? I hoped that he would get the last place in the exam and be expelled from the school!
"Teacher, I have a lot of things to do at home recently, and I'm not familiar with him, so it might be a little inconvenient." I looked at the teacher in embarrassment.
"No, I see Sora is quite familiar with you, otherwise why would he choose you to cooperate with him just now? Student Qian, you are so smart, and you are a recognized learning role model in the class, you can definitely teach him well. Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. You can stay after school tonight and communicate for a while. Let's continue with the class." The teacher finished his words with both kindness and force, turned around and continued his lecture.
I turned around and glared at Sora unwillingly. I clearly wanted to give him a warning, but I didn't expect to get myself involved. It was really not worth it.
When he saw that I was getting angry, he raised his eyebrows and gave me a nonchalant look. His eyes clearly said, "It's not me who asked you to help me with my tutoring. It was the teacher's idea."
I felt that getting angry with him was like talking to a wall, so I turned my head away in frustration and tried to focus on the book, but I just felt a lump in my heart and couldn't concentrate on anything.
After school in the afternoon, I didn't care about Sora and went straight home. There are always countermeasures for every policy, so what can I do if I don't teach him!
The taxi stopped in front of the flower bed in front of Moli Castle. I got out of the car. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the rose petals, with gorgeous colors.
I stretched and felt extremely comfortable. It felt so good to get rid of that annoying Sora! When I got home, I filled a tub with hot water and planned to take a bubble bath to wash away the bad luck. But before I could take off my clothes, the doorbell of Moli Castle rang.
Strange, normally no one comes to Moli Castle. I was suspicious, thinking it was a stranger who rang the wrong doorbell, and was going to ignore it. But the doorbell rang more and more urgently, and the visitor seemed to be in a hurry. Could it be that my parents came back from abroad? This thought suddenly came to my mind, and it made me excited immediately, like an injection of stimulant.
I tidied myself up in front of the mirror, then quickly ran downstairs and opened the door.
A group of boys rushed towards me, holding various boxes in their hands, and handed them to me, asking in unison: "Excuse me, are you Miss Qian Moli?"
I was shocked to see how they were dressed. They were colorful and casual. One of them was even wearing KFC delivery clothes. It was really weird.
"Who are you?" I asked, reaching out to close the door.
"You just called to order food. Please sign for it now." The leading boy said first.
"Sorry, you delivered it to the wrong place." I suddenly felt a little disgusted. Take-out food nowadays is too unruly. In order to sell products, they actually deliver the items to your door in person.
"But the person who called said he was Qian Moli, and asked me to deliver it to Moli Castle urgently." A delivery man explained anxiously.
I think they are hateful. All the restaurants nearby know that the hostess of Moli Castle is called Qian Moli. Their words are too unreliable. Besides, how could I not know what I ordered? Facing such unreasonable people, I really don't need to be nice to them.
"I'm sorry, I never eat this kind of junk food. If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police." I glanced at the fried food they brought with disdain and said coldly.
"Teacher, don't be so fierce. We asked them to deliver these takeaways." A familiar voice came, and then Sora walked in front of me along a path made by many couriers, with a shameless smile on his face.
"Why did you order takeout to my house?" I glared at him and asked.
"Teacher Qian, have you forgotten that you were supposed to help me with my homework today?" He smiled and gently leaned sideways, revealing a pile of luggage from behind him, with Ke Teng, who was unable to straighten his back due to the weight of the luggage.
"What do you mean?" I didn't understand at all his intention of moving so much luggage to my doorstep, but I already had an ominous premonition that "those who come with evil intentions, and those with good intentions don't come."
"I'll tell you later," Sola smiled at me easily, holding the pen between his fingers frivolously, and slowly began to write on the form brought by the courier. He glanced at me from time to time with a sly look in his eyes, and comforted me in a mean way, "Let me sign for these delicious foods first, and then we can talk slowly." After he said that, he winked at me again.
I was too lazy to pay attention to him and reached out to close the door, but he was one step ahead of me and stretched out his arm to block the door with so much strength that I couldn't push it open.
"What do you want?" I argued with him, sweating anxiously.
He looked calm and composed, neither anxious nor irritable, and said softly, "Before closing, please pay for the takeaway for me. Ever since I became a human, I've always been hungry, and it's hard not to eat."
"Then starve to death." I put more strength and pushed the door hard.
He pushed harder against me, staring at me: "If you don't pay, I'll have to use a Band-Aid."
He actually resorted to such a despicable trick. When I thought about being stuck with a Band-Aid and unable to move, and being bullied by him, I became furious, but there was nothing I could do. I had to take out my wallet from my bag, threw it at him, and said coldly, "I'll give it all to you. Please don't bother me anymore!"
When Sora saw me throwing the wallet out, he raised his arm and caught it. He looked at me smugly and immediately turned his head to wink at Keten.
Cotten understood what I meant, quickly ducked under my elbow, and ran into the house.
When I saw Ke Teng running in, I was stunned for a moment. What was Ke Teng doing?
After Sora sent the delivery man away, he held a mountain of takeout in his arms, raised his butt, and pushed the door open.
I was forced back two steps by the inertia of the door. My body was a little unsteady, and I watched him swagger past me.
"Koten, hurry up and move the luggage home." Sora ordered as he walked.
"No! This is my home!" I stepped forward quickly and stopped Ke Teng.
Ke Teng stopped and looked at me. His big watery eyes were full of purity and innocence, and he looked at me with infinite grievance.
I felt a strong sense of guilt for child abuse when I looked into Cotten's eyes. I turned around, walked up to Sora, and said firmly, "Sora, you are trespassing. Get out now."
"Where are you going? This is obviously my home." He smiled at me shamelessly.
"If you are a man, you should keep your word. You just said that as long as I pay for your takeout, you will stop bothering me." I took a step back and started to provoke him.
"Wrong, that's what you said just now. I just said that if you didn't pay, I would use a Band-Aid on you. Since you paid, I kept my promise and didn't use a Band-Aid on you." He was serious with me, approaching me proudly, and whispered in a mean voice, "Also, I'm not a man, I'm a god."
I was so angry at him that I was shaking all over. Since I had no way to deal with him, I had to call the police.
"Lord Sora, all the luggage has been moved in." Koten's voice came from behind, he was reporting to Sora.
"Very good, very good. Now go and pick a room you like. Except for Asa Moli's private bedroom, all others are available for occupancy." Sora took himself very seriously and instructed Keten.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so I ran over angrily and picked up the luggage that I had moved in and started to drag it out. The strange thing was that I couldn't even lift the luggage on the ground. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't pull up the luggage.
"Teacher Qian, don't waste your energy. My luggage recognizes its owner. Strangers have no chance of lifting it." Sora pretended to be kind and advised me.
"Don't call me teacher, I'm not your teacher!" I yelled at him angrily, with one hand on my waist and the other hand holding the phone to call the police.
The call to 110 was answered quickly. I immediately became nervous and said, "Hello, two strange men broke into my house. Please come and help me."
"Please tell me your address." The police responded immediately.
"Molicheng..." Before I could finish my words, Sora snatched the phone away. He put the phone to his ear and said slowly into the phone, "I'm Moli's boyfriend. We had a little quarrel. I hope you don't mind."
Sora even dared to fool 110. It was really too much. I reached out to grab the phone, but he relied on the fact that he was taller than me and moved his body away from me while chatting nonsense with 110.
"I'm sorry, I will definitely keep a close eye on her in the future and not let her do such childish things." Sora was still talking nonsense.
"Give me the phone!" I jumped to grab the phone, but I couldn't reach it. Just when I was exhausted and about to give up, "I'll give you the phone back." Sora handed the phone to me.
"Police, he just lied to you." I said anxiously holding the phone.
"Are you classmates?" the police suddenly asked me.
"Yes." I nodded.
"The teacher asked you to help him with his lessons, but you refused and wanted to drive him away?" the police asked again.
I was stunned for a moment. This was indeed what I thought in my heart, so I could only say "um" dryly into the phone.
"Are you upset about your relationship and are taking it out on the police?" the policeman asked.
"No." I quickly and firmly denied.
"In the future, please don't make harassing calls to 110 just because of minor disputes between classmates. We are also very busy." The policeman said unhappily and hung up the phone with a "click".
I stared at my phone in a daze. What on earth is wrong with today's society? Why do the police just turn a blind eye to things like breaking into private homes?
Just when I was completely hopeless, the aroma of food hit my nose. During this period, Uncle Wu was not at home, so I ate some fruit from the refrigerator and drank some milk at night. I had been away from the world for a long time, and the smell of meat made me drool.
"It's so delicious!" Sora held a chicken leg in his mouth and chewed it with great enjoyment. He then picked up the iced cola and drank it slowly, making a "sizzling" sound.
I didn't feel very hungry at first, but when I saw the table full of delicious food, my appetite swelled at an incredible speed. Staring at the table full of steak, pizza, fruit salad, drinks, chicken, cake and other foods, the glutton in my stomach was growling.
"Would you like some?" Sora handed me a hamburger, with a cocky expression on his face that clearly said, "If you want to eat, just tell me, I'm happy to share with you."
I felt like I was being caught, and I immediately responded with great pride: "Thank you, I never bother to eat the junk food in your hand."
"You don't want to eat? Then I'll have to share it with Cotten." Sora said and handed the burger to Cotten.
I saw them eating and drinking happily, but I had nothing and looked so pitiful. The key point was that I paid for their food and drinks. I sat on the sofa alone and felt more and more unbalanced.
"I repeat, this is my home, and you are not welcome here!" I crossed my arms and said coldly, "Do you think this is a refugee agency where you can come whenever you want?"
I thought my words were sarcastic enough, but Sora and Keten seemed not to hear me and continued to eat happily.
I suddenly felt powerless. Could it be that verbal attacks have no effect on them, or that they have no self-esteem? I really wanted to walk over and overturn their food so that no one could eat it. But because this behavior was a bit like a shrew, I endured it.
Since verbal attacks don’t work, let’s take action!
I got up and found a feather duster from the storage room, walked straight to Sora, picked up the duster and swept on the left and right, muttering to myself, "After Uncle Wu left, no one cleaned the house. Today I have to be more diligent and sweep out the garbage." I watched the swept dust fall on the steak that Sora was enjoying.
"Asami, what are you doing?" Sora jumped up from the sofa and stretched out his hands to block the falling dust.
"Can't you see? I'm cleaning." Seeing his embarrassed look, I was so happy and became more motivated.
Sola glanced at me, not angry at all, and smiled: "Well, we are full anyway. Since you are so diligent, just clean up the things on the table. Thank you for your hard work."
I looked at the mess on the table, my eyes widened immediately, and I was furious: "Whoever made it should clean it up!" After saying that, I dropped the duster and collapsed into the sofa angrily.
Seeing that I was angry, Sora sighed slightly and shook his head, saying, "You get angry over such a small matter. You are so narrow-minded that you can't even tolerate a green bean." After hitting me, he did not forget to instruct Keten, "Clean up the table, and then we can go to bed and rest."
Am I narrow-minded?
Sora didn't even ask around. Everyone in our school says that I have a noble temperament, am helpful, and have a broad mind. What he said is simply slander!
Moreover, he is lazy and likes to eat and even makes Cotten, who is hundreds of years younger than him, do housework. This is simply hegemonism!
"Don't stare so wide. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." He glanced at me lazily, turned and walked towards the bathroom.
"Stop!" I heard him going to take a shower, my heart trembled, and I reached out to stop him, "I'm not used to using the same bathroom with others!"
"But you have your own bathroom in your room," he shrugged.
"I can also use the bathroom outside." I didn't give him any slack.
"Okay then, I'll use the bathroom in your room." He made his decision and turned to walk towards my private bedroom.
"You can't do that!" I chased after him and tried to stop him. My voice was so loud that my blood circulation quickened and my face started to burn.
"That's all, I'd better go to the bathroom outside." He closed his eyes and gave an expression that said "You are unreasonable and unaccountable."
But I still felt wronged. His logic was not normal at all. I was so angry that I didn't even have the energy to care about him.

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024