Chapter 39 No Choice This Time

Riding on Alice and carrying a bow on his back, Leon trotted to the entrance of the camp.
"Sarah, take the crossbowmen and defend the camp."
"Stormtroopers! Are you ready?!"
But the stormtroopers had not yet assembled. Summer, who was on the observation deck, probably finally saw clearly and shouted loudly: "Enemy attack! South!"
Then he jumped down from the observation deck and ran towards the stormtroopers: "Jato people! They are coming!"
Klose and Leon turned around suddenly.
Leslie collapsed weakly at the entrance of the camp, tears finally rolling down her face.
Now that the Jatu had left the battlefield where they attacked the caravan and came here, everyone including herself could realize the fate of her caravan and her brother.
That shy young man will never come back.
Those two people from Mettenheim can't come back either...
Leon looked at Sarah, only to find that Sarah was also turning around and looking at him.
Sarah hugged the sad Leslie, gently rubbed her chest, patted her back, and led her back to the camp.
Then, the extremely clever vixen asked the question that Li Ang also wanted to ask.
"Leslie, you're leaving Changhe Town... Is there something wrong in Changhe Town?"

Sarah had an extraordinary friendliness, and her gentle voice helped Leslie to ease her grief a little.
Leslie wiped her face randomly, but tears still welled up in her eyes: "Yes... There was a battle in Changhe Town, so I brought the caravan and followed Kahn and the others here... Lord Leon! Please give me a sword!"
Li Ang shook his head: "You should rest, Leslie. It won't be your turn to play until we fall."
The words sounded heroic, but Leon felt very sad because he knew what was going on.
Except for the Tongtian River west of Changhe Town, there are probably Jatu cavalry teams in all directions around Changhe Town - since he and Sarah can encounter Jatu people five hundred miles away from the border, there are probably more than just that one hundred-man team entering the scope of Changhe Town.
Both Leon and Sarah realized this, so they rushed to report the news so urgently.
The defense method of the Horn Summoning Rangers is dynamic, it is a chain-type defense - the kind that affects the entire body if one move moves the other.
This defense system, which uses horns as summons and quickly responds to rescue, is highly efficient and has few loopholes. Rangers and forest rangers have always been successful in quickly blocking foreign enemies in dangerous areas of the border.
But the problem is that once the enemy appears in the heart of the kingdom, and multiple Jatu guerrillas appear at the same time and are scattered in various directions, the Horn Rangers will be drawn around Changhe Town, tracking them back and forth, and running around for their lives!
Because they had to save every village!
However, when there are horns blowing everywhere, the chain defense will lose sight of the big picture and troops must be dispatched to various places to carry out traditional zone defense.
So Ralph had to ask Leon to guard the riverside camp - this was indeed the entrance for the Jatu Hundreds to sneak into the heart of Changhe Town. Before clearing out the vagrant criminals in the heart of the town, no more Jatu people could be allowed in.
At the same time, in order to prevent Leon's "prophecy" from coming true, this camp must fall into the hands of the Horn Summoning Rangers and become a ranger garrison, so that the people of Changhe Town can feel at ease.
The three beacons at Brave Shield Castle and the news of Jatu's gathering army forced Ralph to eliminate the internal enemies as quickly as possible - this would free up the rangers stationed in various places to reinforce the border.
So he first asked Sarah to ask Leon to hold on, instead of bringing the team here to garrison directly, because at that time Ralph wanted to send all his men out to hunt down the Jatu people roaming in the hinterland in order to quickly annihilate them.
According to Leon's original idea, since the entire army of the Clarion Rangers, who have a large number of rangers and are familiar with the terrain, has been mobilized, they should be able to quickly deal with the few roving Jatu troops and then take over the defense of the camp.
After all, there won’t be too many Jatu people sneaking into the hinterland to cause trouble.
So he agreed readily - he thought it would only take one or two days to defend the banks of the Tongtian River.
He was confident that he could hold off the enemy on the other side of the river for a while.
Judging from Ralph's request, Ralph should have thought so at the time.
But here’s the thing…
Neither Leon nor Ralph expected that an accident would happen inside Changhe Town.
Leslie said that a battle broke out in Changhe Town. There is only one explanation for this - while Ralph had sent out all his troops and the garrison in Changhe Town was empty, someone launched an attack from within and planned to seize Changhe Town!
who is it?
Who else could go there...
But this is a huge offense against the world! This is blatantly taking advantage of the situation!
When Jatu's army retreats, the Horn Summoning Rangers will surely tear apart the people who captured Changhe Town without leaving a trace !
But the question is, what should I do now?
Facing two hundred Jatu cavalrymen coming from behind, with no strategic location to defend the camp, how should they fight?
Li Ang drew his sword.
"Bring that guy down to me!"

It seems that I still have to charge into battle and fight for my life... This time, I really have no choice.
I may have underestimated the tactical execution level of the Jatu people, and also underestimated the schemes of these 'Pende native nobles'!
Their calculations are much more complicated than in the game!
"Sir, are we going to break out?"
Klose looked ready to fight to the death.
"No, I can't let you get into a fight where you're bound to die..."
Leon did not act rashly, nor did he lead the charge to break out. Instead, he ordered everyone to retreat back to the camp - his men were now almost all infantry, and there was no way they could outrun the Jatu horses.
"Quick! Get in! Get to the wall!"
Li Ang waved his hand and asked everyone to hide in the barracks or on the embankment, and even led the horses to the corner of the camp and tied them under the "embankment".
The wooden embankment is hollow underneath and can hide a lot of people.
However, seeing that Leon did not move, Klose did not move either: "Sir, I am not afraid of death. Following a brave captain to charge is not a battle in which I must die..."
"Klose, obey orders and hide!"
The Jatu people came quickly.
Just two minutes later, the cavalrymen trotted all the way and gradually surrounded the small camp.
Just as Leon and Sarah had seen before, these Jatu people also carried all kinds of miscellaneous daily necessities on their horses.
Li Ang even saw a few cans of familiar coconut wine.
The two hundred-plus men stood about a hundred meters outside the camp and did not charge rashly.
It has been raining, and the nomadic bows of the Jatu people will get damp, and their horse archery will be greatly reduced in this weather.
The ground was extremely muddy, which was not conducive to the Lancers' charge.
The camp was located on an uneven river bank with a gentle slope in the valley nearby, so the horses were not agile in this environment.
So they didn't act immediately.
Of course, it may also have something to do with Li Ang's current attitude...
Li Ang was posing in the middle of the camp, holding the Jatu warlord as a shield.
He was not riding a horse or using a gun. He held the warlord's neck with one hand and held his sword with the other.
There are no outer walls on three sides of the camp. The low fence is only used to enclose the area to prevent horses from running around. This one-meter-high wooden fence cannot stop anyone.
The furnishings inside were in full view. The empty camp was filled with debris and no one else was to be seen.
The Jatu warlord was obviously a real tough guy. When he saw his own people, he seemed to be about to call out something.
But he was no longer able to make any meaningful sound, and could only struggle to release some vague fly-like noises.
Li Ang had blocked his mouth.
Although he was still wearing equipment similar to that of the Jatu War Rider, he certainly couldn't fool the Jatu people this time, and he had no intention of fooling anyone.
Delaying time - this is the only result Leon wants to achieve now.
The Jatu cavalry outside seemed to be frightened by the strange scene. They even sent out two teams of about ten people to search and investigate the surrounding area.

Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024