Chapter 38 Mutated Desert Spider

"Where is it and why is it so cold?"
Looking at the dark and eerie basement, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but frown.
You know, the room temperature outside is about 30 degrees. If it weren't for hiding the shotgun on his body, he would even plan to go out to search for items wearing only a stab-proof suit.
However, this basement was dark and cold, and the cool air made him shiver all over even though he was wearing a coat. This was obviously not normal.
Even this basement never sees sunlight all year round.
There must be a problem.
"System, is there any danger down there?"
[There is a giant mutant desert spider in the basement.]
[Mutated Desert Spider: An alienated creature caused by some kind of radiation. It has a huge body, sharp limbs, and toxins in its mouthparts. It can spit spider silk and likes to liquefy its prey into liquid protein. It is afraid of strong light and flames.]
【Comprehensive judgment: the risk level is low.】
"Is that so?" Zhang Tuohai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the explanation from the prompt system.
Since the prompt system has determined that the danger level is low, there should be no problem.
Zhang Tuohai sorted out his things, took out a high-powered flashlight and a shotgun, imitated the tactical moves in the movie, and carefully entered the basement.

Crunch, crunch.
The old stairs creaked under Zhang Tuohai's feet as they could no longer bear the weight.
Zhang Tuohai carefully used a strong flashlight to illuminate every inch of the ground in front of him, fearing that a giant spider would suddenly appear from somewhere.
When Zhang Tuohai turned the corner, he suddenly discovered that there was an open space ahead.
In front of him, a huge stone chamber appeared.
The stone chamber is about three meters high and at least two or three hundred square meters.
The stone chamber was filled with rows of wooden shelves, and each shelf was filled with various bottles.
Each bottle contained an insect.
There are locusts, sandworms, centipedes, ants, and of course the most numerous are various spiders.
Black, red, white, and colorful things filled the stone chamber.
Looking at those bottles, Zhang Tuohai felt uncomfortable all over and even had difficulty breathing.
Suddenly, he heard a burst of giggling sounds coming from the corner of the stone chamber.
Zhang Tuohai quickly turned the high-intensity flashlight over.
He was shocked to find that less than five meters away, a giant two-meter-tall spider was staring at him hungrily.
This spider had black and red stripes all over its body. It was two meters tall, its forelimbs gleamed like steel, its mouthparts were as big as a washbasin, and its eight fist-sized compound eyes were staring at him intently.
Zhang Tuohai was so scared that he almost sat down on the ground.
Although he had prepared himself mentally, he did not expect that the system prompt would be so huge!
Are you afraid of a two-meter-tall spider?
Are you scared if eight eyes are staring at you?
The most frightening thing is that behind this thing is a pile of shriveled white cocoon-like things.
No need to ask, it must be the prey that was captured before.
The mutated desert spider opened its mouth, let out a strange cry, then raised its two front limbs and stabbed towards Zhang Tuohai.
This mutated desert spider was extremely fast. Before Zhang Tuohai could react, its sharp forelimbs pierced his body.
Zhang Tuohai was knocked flying by the huge force, and fell on the stairs, feeling a pain in his chest.
Zhang Tuohai quickly lowered his head to check the wounds on his body.
He glanced down and breathed a sigh of relief.
The stab-proof suit was not torn and no blood was seeping out. It was probably just bruises at most, and there was no real danger.
Seeing that his injuries were not serious, Zhang Tuohai breathed a sigh of relief and quickly raised his shotgun, ready to fight back.
At this time, he noticed something unusual.
The mutated desert spider did not take the opportunity to rush forward, but instead kept retreating.
It was the situation of the desert spider that made Zhang Tuohai a little confused.

Zhang Tuohai observed for a while and found the reason for the abnormality.
It turned out that when he fell just now, the high-intensity flashlight in his hand happened to shine on the eyes of the mutant desert spider.
The mutated desert spider was obviously very afraid of this strong light and kept retreating, trying to avoid the strong flashlight.
"So this is what it means to be afraid of bright light."
After finding the weakness of the mutated desert spider, Zhang Tuohai felt relieved.
He used a high-intensity flashlight to force the mutant desert spider into a corner, then raised his shotgun and kept pulling the trigger.
Bang bang bang!
One shot of No. 12 shotgun shell after another hit the body of the mutant desert spider.
Although the mutated desert spider looks scary, its body is still mortal and it is no different from ordinary creatures.
Those No. 12 bullets can easily penetrate into the body of the mutated desert spider and beat the opponent back step by step.
"Turns out it's just a showpiece." Zhang Tuohai felt relieved and started pulling the trigger , firing all seven bullets in the magazine.
At this time, the mutated desert spider had become like a sieve, with blood holes all over its body, and it looked shaky.
Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly loaded seven more No. 12 shotgun shells, ready to kill the mutated desert spider completely.
Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to take action, the reminder system suddenly sounded.
[If you don't want to face a group of mutant desert spiders that are more agile, don't kill it. ]
"What's the meaning?"
Zhang Tuohai frowned.
[When a mutant desert spider is dying, it will lay eggs and give birth to offspring, and even accelerate the hatching of larvae in its body. If you kill it at this time, it will accelerate the hatching of the larvae in its body. At that time, you will face more than 20 mutant desert spiders with faster speed. ]
Hearing this number, Zhang Tuohai almost bit off his tongue.
One mutated desert spider is already difficult to deal with. If 20 of them come at once, he will definitely die here.
"So what should we do? Is there any way to get to the orange supply box buried here?"
If possible, Zhang Tuohai didn't want to give up the orange supply box here.
[Use a strong flashlight to limit its movement, turn to the back of the third row of cabinets, the orange supply box is there, take the supply box and escape from here. ]
Zhang Tuohai took a deep breath and shone the beam of light from the high-intensity flashlight onto the eyes of the mutated desert spider.
The mutant desert spider screamed and stepped aside.
Hiding in the corner, constantly avoiding the beam of light.
Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai carefully came to the back of the third row of cabinets.
He looked down and saw that there was indeed an orange supply box placed at the bottom of the cabinet. It would be difficult to find it if he didn't walk over.
“How insidious.”
Zhang Tuohai cursed secretly.
If he hadn't had the reminder system, he would have almost been killed here.
Zhang Tuohai spat, picked up the supply box, and retreated step by step towards the exit of the basement.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024