Chapter 32 "Oh, too short, I didn't see it."

Chapter 32 "Oh, he's too short, I didn't see him."

When Wen Ran heard this, he felt that this man was not a good person, at least not very friendly to women.

She felt insecure and pressed against the man again, holding his arm tightly with her slightly cold hands.

Only then did I dare to look over. I saw that the person who came was a short middle-aged man with a round belly and a round face. His eyes were narrowed to a slit when he smiled.

Although he seemed to be very talkative, Wen Ran felt uncomfortable all over.

Wen Ran had seen it on the news, and this person was Jabawi.

For a cruel person, no matter how soft his facial features are, his inner temperament will be reflected on his face.

Jabawi called out cordially: "Romanov! Welcome!"

Then he opened his arms, as if he wanted to hug the man enthusiastically!


surname from the grizzly bear country, Wen Ran couldn't suppress the surprise in his eyes. .

The man next to me can't be from the Romanov family that controls the largest military-industrial enterprise in the Grizzly Bear Country.

That is the largest military-industrial group that has emerged in the Grizzly Bear Country in recent years. It includes all aircraft manufacturing industries and is the head of the Grizzly Bear Country's defense industry. One of the core strengths.

If Wen Ran met a person named Romanov in a tourist city, he would not think of this at all.

But in Nanzhou West District, he was still so welcomed by the head of the Jia family.

No matter how you think about it, it will not be an ordinary identity.

Wen Ran suddenly felt as if he had provoked a very troublesome person.

She couldn't help but think a little. She didn't react until the man pulled his arm out of her arms, and she subconsciously wanted to grab his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Jabawi's open arms.

Oh, it seems that the man wants to return his hug.

Wen Ran stood aside obediently and did not stick to him.

Jabawi watched the man in front of him take out the arm held by the girl next to him, and naturally thought that he was giving him face.

The smile on his face couldn't help but become more enthusiastic, and he took another step forward.

But the man's arm swayed in the air, then moved to the face of the girl next to him, and pinched her gently.

He didn't even get a glance from the corner of his eye!

Jabawi's arms were frozen in mid-air.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the shocked or gloating eyes around him, and he gritted his teeth tightly.

How dare you not give him face?

In my heart, I wanted to cut the man into pieces immediately, but with a smile on my face, I naturally drew a circle in the air and put it behind my back.

His smile did not change and he was still friendly and warm, "Romanov, my good brother."

Zhou Qixiao ignored him. He pulled out his arm because he wanted to take out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket.

I originally thought that when I suddenly pulled out my arm, the little girl next to me would definitely stick to him in panic.

Unexpectedly, when his arm was taken out, she actually stood beside him in a polite manner!

People said that he had an unstable personality, and in his opinion, nothing could compare with this little thing next to him.

You are not a dedicated spy. Could it be that you still

have time limit for hooking up with him? Just stop and recharge!

The more Zhou Qixiao thought about it, the more he felt unhappy. He pinched the little girl’s face and pulled it away. When he saw her twisting Only with delicate brows can you give up.

Wen Ran groaned, raised his hand to cover his face and rubbed it.

Although it didn't hurt very much, she heard that if someone pulled her face all the time, it would make her face bigger. Considering the frequency of men, she was still a little scared.

"Wen Ran, I saw an acquaintance."

Hearing the man's words, Wen Ran looked panicked.

She shook her head hastily.

I don't understand how he came up with such an idea.

How could she know someone who gambled!

"No one, then why did you suddenly become brave?" Wen Ran

, who was brave

, rolled his eyes for half a circle and understood. He immediately stretched out his hand to hold the corner of his clothes and pressed against him again.

Afraid that this reaction was not enough, she stood up on tiptoes to reach his ear.

Fortunately, the man didn't embarrass her at this time, and bowed over in cooperation.

"Isn't that man going to hug you..." Wen Ran lowered his voice and glanced at Jabawi carefully from the corner of his eye.

When I saw this, my heart skipped a beat.

The man had completely beaten Jabawi.

Jabawi was very perceptive and immediately sensed that her gaze

was probably the man's way of offending him.

He also hated her.

The sharp and vicious flash in his eyes made Wen Ran look away immediately, and his hands couldn't help but pull at the hem of the man's clothes.

He raised his face and winked at him.

I pray in my heart that I can deal with Jabawe as soon as possible!

Otherwise, Jabawe will not do anything to this man who is crazy and hateful around him because of his own interests, but her female companion with no identity background may suffer!

"Tsk." Zhou Qixiao He raised his eyebrows.

The little girl expressed her little thoughts clearly.

A dying person has nothing to fear.

"Romanov." Jabawi's voice became colder.

After all, he can be regarded as a warlord. He took the initiative to talk to people three times, but was ignored. Even if Romanov represents the attitude of the Grizzly Bear Country’s military, this is in Nanzhou!

Even if it hinders future cooperation, so many people are watching, he Don't be too flattering either.

Zhou Qixiao glanced over and sneered: "Oh, I'm too short, I didn't see it."

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024