Chapter 280 Closing the Net

The net has been set, and we are ready to cut the Gordian knot and close the net by the middle of the month. Oh, that was the third day after Lei Dianying came back from the meeting.
Afterwards, under the leadership of Lei Dianying, the elite of the bureau captured the spy who held the radio station code-named Lao Ni. This guy was indeed not easy to deal with. Even though Lei Dianying led the team personally, this guy almost ran away.
If Lei Dianying hadn't acted decisively and crippled the opponent's hands and legs, someone might even have been injured.
Because this guy named Ni Yong had three throwing knives, two small pistols and a melon grenade on him.
He usually wore clothes so loose that no one noticed it. It was only when he was found out after he was laid off that they were searched.
The other offline guys were easy to arrest. Even if some of them discovered the situation and wanted to escape, they would be caught by the patrolmen who were well prepared.
This time, the manpower is extremely sufficient. Each person is assigned a patrolman, an elite officer from the General Administration and an elite officer from another police station.
In the end, all of Lao Ni’s subordinates and Lao Ni himself were arrested.
This was a gang of 24 spies. The final result of the interrogation was that these people had planned more than 600 sabotage operations in Xinhua over the past few years, and more than 300 of them were successful.
Since most of the actions were concealed as accidents by people they bribed, there have only been a few dozen scattered cases suspected of being sabotage by spies.
The spies didn't arrest many people this time, but to be honest, too many people were involved, too many to count.
Finally, even the city was alarmed and sent a team to take the person away overnight.
But at this point, the matter has nothing to do with Wang Dongyao. Wang Dongyao goes home to practice martial arts every day.
Now that the food was ready, Wang Dongyao and Lei Dianying changed their daily hard training to twice a day.
Once in the morning and once at night.
As the days passed, the weather soon turned cold.
Wang Dongyao and his friends also started to light the kang.
Thanks to the Li family, they already had a kang in their east wing, and it was well maintained, so Wang Dongyao and his team didn't have to build a new one.
Wang Dongyao's practice has been going very smoothly in recent days. He has successfully reached the peak he can reach at present, which is LV40.
That is to say, the strength of an ordinary celestial being in Teyvat is just one step away from becoming the elite among the celestial beings, which is LV40+.
Of course, if he really fought with Inazuma's swordsmen, he would definitely win. After all, Inazuma's swordsmanship and other skills were not as powerful as Wang Dongyao's.
Old Li was also very helpful. He sent a message at noon today saying that the skin had been processed. As for the leopard meat and bones, Old Li had them delivered on the third day after the pork was processed.
It was precisely the meat and bones of these leopards that allowed Wang Dongyao's merits to increase greatly recently.
Not only has his horizontal training reached a preliminary stage of invulnerability to swords and spears, his talent has also been developed to the extent of using Qi to create earth.
Well~ Actually it happened quite suddenly. That day, King Dong Yao was absorbing the earth's energy to practice horizontal training, and then he was able to control the earth inexplicably, and then he was able to create earth with Qi inexplicably.
As for whether it will develop to the level of the previous life in the future, well, it is likely to develop, because the innate Qi is really magical.
According to Lei Dianying, whose life energy level has reached V45, with her current strength, she can't see the end of the potential of the Innate Qi. Or it should be said that although the Innate Qi looks weak, it is not as weak as imagined.
If a considerable amount can be accumulated, this innate energy can conservatively allow a person to reach LV70+.
"Dong Yao, help carry the things in." Lei Dianying's voice sounded from outside.
"Okay, Aying, what did you buy?" Wang Dongyao went out and saw Lei Dianying bought a lot of things in large and small bags.
"The assembly parts of the hand-cranked generator. In addition, I also customized some parts for modification to enhance the power generation efficiency and save more labor." Lei Dianying said.
"In fact, it's not bad to combine this with a bicycle." Wang Dongyao thought for a while and said, "It doesn't have to be in good condition, we just need a frame. You can try to find one at a scrap recycling station. In fact, the bicycle in the warehouse with deformed wheels and frame will work, but it needs to be repaired."
Wang Dongyao had a very bad feeling when Lei Dianying said that this was a hand-cranked generator.
So after thinking quickly, Wang Dongyao used the fishing rod to gain leverage.
Well, it is actually quite simple to make a riding generator. As soon as Wang Dongyao said that, Lei Dianying came up with the idea instantly.
"This is indeed a good idea, and we can also ask the patrol team and clerks to help generate electricity in the name of practicing cycling." Lei Dianying said, tapping his hands.
“We can even get some smaller ones to reduce the kids’ exuberant energy.” Wang Dongyao continued what Lei Dianying said.
"Yeah, that's right. I'll go get another set of batteries and a voltage regulator."
Lei Dianying left in a hurry.
Wang Dongyao wiped the cold sweat from his head and went to find Lao Li to get the tanned leopard skin back.
When Wang Dongyao came back, Lei Dianying was already there drawing new designs.
When Lei Dianying saw Wang Dongyao coming back, he said, "If it's riding, it should generate more force, so I plan to redesign the power generation device. Don't worry, it won't take long. It's a very simple design and can be completed tonight."
"Okay." Wang Dongyao's mouth twitched twice. He also knew that this was simple.
Lei Dianying acted decisively and had everything ready by the third day. In the end, she got a relatively intact frame from the scrap yard. The main reason was that the frame in the warehouse was completely broken. She thought it would take too much time to repair it and it wasn't worth it.
It was a holiday that day and everyone was there.
The design of Lei's movie is very close to the human-powered generator of later generations, and it also takes certain ergonomic designs into consideration.
So when riding, it feels more comfortable than riding current bicycles. After all, each of these bicycles nowadays pays more attention to safety, reliability and comfort... Although it cannot be said that there are none, it is almost the same as not having them.
Very inhumane.
"Come to Renlian and test it." Lei Dianying called Wang Dongyao to test the machine.
Sister Zhao and other people in the yard also came over to see the wonder.
"Okay." Wang Dongyao said with a twitch of his mouth.
As Wang Dong pedaled the bicycle slowly, the current quickly flowed into the battery box, and the light indicating normal operation suddenly lit up.
"Hey~ This is really bright." Xiao Bao in the front yard said in surprise and envy.
"...Xiao Bao, do you want to try it?" Wang Dongyao said.
"Me? Can I do it?"
"You can do it."
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