Chapter 274 Registration

"Thank you, Uncle Xiang." Wang Dongyao and Lei Dianying looked at each other, although they didn't know why Uncle Xiang suddenly looked lost.
But the two of them still did as the other party said. After all, there was no other way now.
The introduction to the alien world is all very simple common sense.
For example, the definition of "yi ren" was originally a general term for people who were different from ordinary people, but later it was defined as describing a group of people who used the innate qi.
For example, the difference between innate and acquired special people. Innate special people refer to those who have certain special abilities due to the mutation of their innate Qi.
After Wang Dongyao and Lei Dianying looked at each other, they tacitly classified themselves as innate extraordinary people. Although their abilities were not brought by the innate qi, there was really no need to publicize the fact that they were the reincarnations of gods and monsters from other worlds.
Acquired extraordinary people refer to those who have mastered extraordinary abilities through cultivation . These acquired extraordinary people generally have a lineage of inheritance, which is helpful for those in power to grasp the approximate number of extraordinary people. Most of these acquired extraordinary people come from family forces or religious forces.
Therefore, after the information about the acquired extraordinary people, it is written that there are currently more famous extraordinary forces in Xinhua territory.
For example, Longhu Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Fahua Temple, the Northeast Five Immortals Association and Jiajia Village in the Northwest.
The above also writes about the current status . Well, either the mountains or the temples are closed, and many people have been ordered to return to secular life, and many have been arrested. These are considered relatively good. Some are worse.
Although there is no specific list here, there are detailed data, for example, a certain temple had more than a dozen people arrested, more than a dozen people returned to secular life, and the temple was razed to the ground.
Wang Dongyao and Lei Movie watched the movie for fun and then moved on because these things were a bit far away from them.
There weren't many traditional alien forces in Sijiu City, and after it was designated as the capital of Xinhua, it was basically taken over by the government.
The best place~
After understanding the relevant definition of extraordinary people, Wang Dongyao and Lei Dianying quickly completed the registration form. In fact, it was just a very ordinary registration form, there was nothing special about it, except were a few more items.
Relevant information of name, gender, date of birth, current residence, marital status, work unit, parents and relatives.
There are also some things that are unique to extraordinary people, such as what kind of martial arts they practice, what school they follow, whether they are congenital extraordinary people or acquired extraordinary people, and what their specific abilities are.
Of course, you don't need to write this information in too much detail. Just give a rough idea will be enough. After all, you can't go too far in deceiving others. Personal privacy still needs to be respected.
Wang Dongyao finished writing it first, and then Lei Dianying wrote it according to his instructions.
Then the two handed the registration form to Uncle Xiang.
"Please give me some advice and correct me."
"Hmm, well written." Director Xiang did not expect that these two people wrote so neatly, and then he saw their current work and felt decisive and clear.
"It turns out that you two are born with extraordinary talents. This is quite rare." Xiang Aidan touched his chin.
"Hmm~ No need to change anything. It seems that Xiao Wang has pretty good clerical skills." Director Xiang signed his name at the top of the two people's registration forms, then shouted toward the corridor, "Call Xiao Liu and tell him to look for it."
After a while, a young man came into the room panting, pointed at the young man and said to Ai Dang, "Let me introduce you to my secretary, Comrade Liu Aidang."
"These two were recommended by my old comrade to register as aliens. Their information is complete. Take them with you to go through the process quickly."
"Yes, Director Xiang." It can be seen that Xiao Liu is a very capable person.
"After you two have completed the process, come to my place and I'll give you two some goodies, so that Lao Lei won't say I'm stingy."
Then Xiao Liu led them through the process. If they didn't have any acquaintances, they would have to go through seven or eight departments, get eight stamps, and get eight signatures. Even if they ran there every day for half a month, they would not be able to complete the process.
With acquaintances, the process was much faster. Even if the person was on vacation, he or she would be called back to sign. It only took more than two hours to complete all the procedures and get the so-called alien certificate.
Then they went to Director Xiang, who gave them a package and drove them away.
"You two go back and take a look. This thing is not meant to be opened here." Xiang Aidan said.
Inside the package were two booklets.
After Lei Dianying returned to the house, he could not wait to open the package. The contents did not disappoint the two of them. "The handwritten copies of Wu's Geomantic Talks: The Chapter of Looking at the Qi and The Bulao Mountain Man Talking about Tortoises."
Of course, these two names may confuse ordinary readers . It will be easier to understand if they are changed to "Basics of Wang Qi" and "Turtle Breathing Technique".
Although Xinhua has been established these days, sectarianism still exists and is even very serious.
Many people would rather take their so-called unique skills to their grave than pass them down.
Most of these kung fu skills that have been passed down are made by descendants who are unwilling to sell them.
These books should have been collected by Ai and Dang.
Wang Dongyao and Lei Dianying carefully studied some of the knowledge in it and compared it with the original knowledge. Soon they had a general understanding of Jiujiang's books.
There is a lot of knowledge about feng shui in "Wu's Feng Shui Miscellaneous Talks: The Chapter on Wang Qi". Of course, these are just some simple feng shui knowledge included in the chapter.
Looking at Qi is actually an application of the innate Qi to temporarily enhance perception.
Of course, if one practices Taoism to a high level, one can also see the changes in a person's Qi, but this cannot be done with "Wu's Geomantic Talks: The Chapter on Looking at Qi". To be honest, this "Wu's Geomantic Talks: The Chapter on Looking at Qi" is just a method of looking at Qi by a geomancer. It is enough to lay a foundation. To go to the next level, one must improve it.
"The Bulao Mountain Man Talks about the Turtle" is a story about a tourist who went to a mountain called Bulao Mountain and met many long-lived people. He then asked for the method to prolong life.
The Bulaoshanren was happy to share, so he taught him the method of tortoise breathing, a technique that could delay aging, reduce body damage, conceal breath, and strengthen the body.
At the same time, two other secret books, "The Bulao Hermit Talks about Pine" and "The Bulao Hermit Talks about Cranes", are also mentioned.
Converted into a martial arts style, it is the "Green Pine Visualization Method" and "Crane Fist", plus the "Turtle Breathing Technique". If this set is put together, it will be a complete gift package of the Pine and Crane Longevity Secrets.
If I get a chance I will go to the Yiren Management Office and ask Uncle Xiang if he has the other two books by Bulao Shanren.
In fact, from this we can see that Xiang Ai Dang put his heart into it and gave him two secret books that could be used just right.
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