Chapter 26 Knowing Too Much

Klose brought Leon to a prisoner, who was supposed to be a heavy infantryman. He was a little bald, but looked very strong.
The poor guy was pale and one of his arms hung limply at his side - it was probably at least a comminuted fracture.
Maybe even powdery...
"Where did you get this helmet?"
Li Ang poked the guy's wound, causing him to cry out in pain and look for mercy.
"...It hurts, it hurts... Please don't torture me, sir. This was sponsored by Master Forcher half a month ago... The chain mail and weapons are also included."
This slightly bald infantryman was quite straightforward in his recruitment.
After all, there are not so many tough guys in this world. Even a Mettenheim soldier has to bite a pig's trotter to heal his wound, let alone a mafia gang like the Red Brotherhood.
But, Foucher again?
Were those pirates also 'sponsored' by Forcher?
No wonder those pirates are exploring everywhere instead of doing their jobs.
The Red Brotherhood, the Jatu Warlords, pirates - this bastard has a wide range of interests!
What on earth is this young master trying to do? Is he trying to accumulate achievements to become a villain in all professions ?
"So you came here only half a month ago? "

Leon started chatting, appearing very approachable. He even pulled the prisoner's collar, looked at the wound on his shoulder, then shook his head sympathetically - it was powdery, and the arm could not be saved.
"Yes, sir... I am just an honest man, please let me go, I am willing to do things for you..."
Seeing that Li Ang seemed to be "pitying" his injury, the slightly bald guy's tone became respectful and humble.
"Uh-huh, when did you bring those Jatu people to the village?"
Li Ang echoed his plea for mercy, still asking lightly, as if he was asking casually.
"About three or four days ago, the knight of the Horton family brought them there. We couldn't understand what the Jatu people said. Sir, can you let me go..."
Li Ang smiled kindly: "Of course, I will take you back to Changhe Town in a while. Anson! My doctor, come here..."
Anson was treating the injuries of several injured Mettenheim people nearby. When he heard the shouting, he ran over with sweat all over his face.
"Anson, take good care of them. Don't let them die."
Anson and the slightly bald infantryman both looked in awe, as if they had not expected that Leon would be so kind and caring about the prisoners.
The slightly bald captive even felt that there seemed to be a chance for him to regain his freedom.
But then Leon began to instruct Klose next to him: "This guy is very valuable now, keep a close eye on him and don't let him run away. If necessary, break his legs!"
Klose nodded calmly and seriously.
The poor captive's hopeful look suddenly turned into despair...
Anson shook his head and sighed, then went back to his work.
The goddess is really favoring me, Brother Weibald, you know so much!
Fortunately, Klose and others used the hammer!
When he looked at the captives again, Leon looked calm and composed.
But his eyes had clearly lit up into the shape of gold coins - he had originally thought that these captives were of little value, but now it seemed that he could find buyers!
Originally, these people from the Red Brotherhood could not be sold to slave traders, so they could only waste food.
Even if they could be sold, the profit would not be very high. These people were not very skilled or good-looking, and they were all disabled, so they could not be sold at a high price to the slave traders - Mettenheim had a large number of people, and almost every captive had some broken bones.
But now, these captives probably have a buyer who will be happy to pay a high price for them - Count Oden.
These captives knew that Duke Alma was colluding with the Gatu people. If they fell into Oden's hands, the count should be able to use this as an opportunity to bite back at Grand Duke Alma.
Although these Red Brotherhood scum are not allowed to appear in public and their testimony may not be accepted officially, it can at least allow Oden to explain himself to the king and not be so passive all the time.
Li Ang felt like he could get some good stuff again... um, it could be a fair trade again!
The prisoners were quickly cleared out, and there were quite a few of them, 18 in total.

In the system, a line of words has appeared in the "Prisoners" column of the team list - Servalon Civilian Captives (18).
Not surprisingly, the prisoner column has only half the functions - the same as the teammate column, and the prisoner column does not have any convenient function options. You have to follow the real logic to do anything, such as releasing or talking.
Moreover, no matter what kind of troops they originally were, now there is only a general term, but it seems that there are regional cultures.
This made sense. After all, these prisoners were now only left with their underwear, and it was impossible to tell what kind of soldiers they had once been - Klose had stripped off all their equipment.
Li Ang guessed that if a noble from a certain kingdom was captured, such as a knight or a knight's squire, it would probably only be displayed as "noble captive from a certain kingdom."
After the mercenaries gradually cleaned up the battlefield and regrouped, Leon began to count the damage.
The overall losses of the troops were small. The Mettenheim heavy armor had good defensive capabilities. Although a few tough guys were injured during the charge, no Mettenheim infantrymen were killed in the battle.
However, the mercenary crossbowmen, who should not have been injured, were killed instead.
Yes, there are always casualties in war, and even in this not-so-intense battle, an unlucky guy still died.
The crossbowmen had been in the back row and were not in danger, but this guy was unfortunately shot in the face by the enemy archer.
Died silently.
This was indeed unlucky. There were only a few archers on the opposite side, and they were using very crude wooden hunting bows. They were just ordinary militiamen.
Moreover, the enemy was attacked suddenly. Except for the few heavy infantrymen who blocked Li Ang's questions at the beginning, the other enemies were not fully prepared for the battle.
But that's how it is on the battlefield. A sudden arrow, or even an arrow that was originally aimed at another target but missed, may take your life.
Mercenaries' jobs are very risky and they are used to seeing life and death. Naturally, they will not feel sad when someone dies in battle.
However, Li Ang mourned for the unfortunate crossbowman for a while, and then asked the mercenaries to bury the unfortunate dead man. He planned to ask a carpenter to make a coffin and bury the dead man properly.
He felt a little guilty - he hadn't even noticed that anyone had died in the battle, which was unforgivable as a commander.
Of course, this was mainly because he ran off to chase Juan halfway.
After a brief silence, Leon placed the crossbowman's remains separately, preparing to entrust Leslie's caravan to send them back to .
At this time, Li Ang showed unprecedented generosity - he said that he would pay for the burial of his brothers who died in battle in the future, and would provide a considerable pension to the families of the deceased.
If an incurable disability occurs, he will also pay a security deposit so that those who have fought for him can maintain a basic living in the future.
This way of handling things, which seems natural to modern people, immediately won the gratitude of all his subordinates .

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024