Chapter 249 Grass

"After I reached the first level, I learned another transformation."
Ignoring Qiao Shan's surprise, Xiang Yue explained as he ran forward.
Soon, in front of Qiao Shan's surprised gaze, Xiang Yue let out a loud roar.
It turned into a huge brown bear.
"Well, I'm a bit out of the organization..."
I have improved myself and my teammates have also improved.
Seeing that Xiang Yue had a new form, Qiao Shan felt a little ashamed.
He was too far away from his teammates.
I am also a little unfamiliar with my teammates' skills.
Judging from the team information, Xiang Yue turned into a brown bear.
The blood volume increased three times.
Qiao Shan understood that this wave was stable.
Teammates are also very strong.
Seeing Xiang Yue transformed into a brown bear and walk to the designated position, Queen Bei put a recovery shield on him.
Without Qiao Shan’s participation.
The other four cooperated well...
"All right…"
Touching his nose, Qiao Shan shot the arrow quickly again.
Soon, the number of skeleton archers behind Xiang Yue was counted.
The number was replenished to two thousand.
Watched for another minute.
With Xiang Yue's blocking, no wild boar could hurt the skeleton archer.
On one side is Li Hanqiang, and on the other side is Xiang Yue.
Behind the two of them, the skeleton archers standing overlapping each other held off all the wild boar monsters.
During this period, the wall built around the cylindrical crystal was also completed.
A wedge-shaped wall with a radius of fifteen meters, a height of two meters and a thickness of more than one meter was built.
Being able to build a wall so quickly.
The biggest reason.
It is a brick that is exchanged, it can correct itself and stick together...
It's been a few minutes since the monster was started.
Qiao Shan estimated that the number of fresh grass pigs might have reached 30,000 or 40,000.
"I'll go up and take a look!"
After the simple wall was built, a watchtower more than three meters high was also built.
Monster spawning on the scene is stable and construction points are still increasing rapidly.
After saying this, Qiao Shan jumped onto the observation deck.
He tried to see what was going on behind the giant grass in the distance.
"Huh? There is no void wormhole?"
The maximum height of the giant grass was only two meters. After climbing up the observation tower, Qiao Shan had a very good view.
With the help of the archer's vision, he did not find the void wormhole on the watchtower.
In the distance, it’s flat.
The giant grass covered the entire sky, stretching as far as the eye could see.
In mid-air,
There was no void wormhole that he was familiar with.
"What the hell!?"
I took a quick look and all I saw was giant grass.
Apart from being able to see far, Qiao Shan didn't gain anything else.
"No, the range of the grass movement is wrong !"
But soon, Qiao Shan discovered something unusual.
Although the giant grass is endless.
But he found that only the giant grass within two or three kilometers of the crystal was swaying.
The giant grass farther away did not shake.
He had already judged.
This giant grass is swaying because there is a monster passing below.
"The swipe point might be at the end where the grass and trees are shaking!"
With a focused gaze, Qiao Shan made a judgment.
The name of this secret place is "Overgrown with Weeds."
The giant grass is not only endless.
And all the monsters are hidden in it.
Even the monster spawning points were covered with giant grass.
Qiao Shan suddenly felt that since it was overgrown with weeds.
That cleared the weeds.
Is that OK?
As soon as he thought of it, he had to do it. Qiao Shan immediately jumped off the observation deck.
Get close to the cylindrical crystal.
He opened the construction point redemption window.
It is impossible to clear the weeds by pulling them out manually.
Not only monsters rushed out from inside.
What's more.
None of them know how to pull it out.
I can't pull out much.
To remove the weeds, we have to rely on exchange.
"Fence bricks, exchange price: 1 construction point."
"Slowdown Slab, exchange price: 2 construction points."
When I opened the redemption list, it was exactly as Queen Bei had said before.
Exchange list of various things.
are listed.
The number of construction point requirements is arranged from low to high.
Qiao Shan didn't pay much attention to what was ahead.
He flipped backwards quickly.
Soon, he found several useful ones.
"Stone Rain Summoning Scroll, exchange price: 300 points."
"Meteorite Summoning Scroll, exchange price: 500 construction points."
"Flame Meteorite Summoning Scroll, exchange price: 1000 points."
Construction points, all used up just now because of building the wall.
At this moment, only two thousand have been accumulated.
Qiao Shan thought about it and directly exchanged three items.
Stone rain, meteorites, flaming meteorites.
He exchanged for one of each of the three summoning scrolls.
[Stone rain summoning scroll.]
Effect: Summons a rain of stones within a radius of 5 meters. The radius of the stones is 5cm and the duration is 3 seconds.
Restrictions: Can only be used in secret realms.
[Meteorite summoning scroll.]
Effect: Summons a meteorite with a radius of three meters and smashes it into the specified range.
Restrictions: Can only be used in secret realms.
[Fire Meteorite Summoning Scroll.]
Effect: Summons a burning flaming meteorite to smash into the designated location with a radius of three meters.
Restrictions: Can only be used in secret realms.
Three scrolls instantly appeared in his hand.
Qiao Shan also knew the properties of the scroll instantly.
"Brother Fan, release your wall of fire towards that weed! See if it can burn it."
Without rushing to use the scroll, Qiao Shan walked to Fan Shuqiang.
After fighting for several minutes, it was strange that Fan Shuqiang didn't use a single move.
At this moment, thinking of weeding, Qiao Shan wanted Fan Shuqiang to try it first.
This guy has the skill of fire wall.
Fire wall technique to kill weeds.
It's not impossible.
Fan Shuqiang is also a smart man and he immediately understood Qiao Shan’s idea.
He took out his staff, and a red light flashed instantly.
At the root of the giant grass closest to the inside, a large flame suddenly ignited.
Qiao Shan's skills have been improved, and Fan Shuqiang's firewall has of course also been improved.
Fan Shuqiang's fire wall technique has a coverage area of ​​five meters by ten meters.
What a big piece.
The wall of fire burned rapidly, but Qiao Shan discovered that a faint green light appeared on the giant grass.
It seemed to be resisting the damage of the flames.
Fan Shuqiang also discovered it, and he increased his magic power output.
Finally, five seconds later, the root of a giant grass turned black.
With a whoosh, he fell into the wall of fire.
Flowers for ashes.
"it works!"
Although there is green light on the giant grass and it is very resistant to burning, the fact that it can be burned to death proves that it is useful!
You can do it!
"Brother Fan, it's your turn now. Please start burning the weeds!"
The fire wall technique is useful, as Qiao Shan reminded.
Fan Shuqiang finally started his attack.
However, he was not attacking monsters.
But grass!
Qiao Shan did not rush to throw away the props in his hand, but jumped onto the observation deck again.
Weeds can be removed.
But the action of removing weeds must have direction.
After a while, the surrounding space will inevitably expand larger and larger.
There will be more and more weeds to clean up.
Qiao Shan is not here to weed.
His purpose of clearing the weeds was to see the void wormhole behind the weeds.
Not that he likes weeding...
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024