Chapter 240 Philosophy

Suppose that the constituent elements of an object are replaced, but is it still the original object?
In the world of Ren Lian Lingyi's previous life, Plutarch raised a question in the 1st century AD: If the wood on Theseus' ship was gradually replaced until all the wood was no longer the original wood, would the ship still be the original ship?
In the era of Ren Lian Lingyi's previous life, this type of problem was collectively called the "Ship of Theseus" problem.
This is a paradox of identity and one of the oldest thought experiments in Ren Lian Lingyi's previous life.
Because it is so famous, many philosophers have followed up and thought about it, so Ren Lian Lingyi has a deeper understanding of this experiment.
However, this does not mean that Ren Lian Lingyi knows the answer to this philosophical paradox. Some things will never have answers, especially this kind of philosophical question.
"That's why these kinds of philosophical questions are the most annoying." Dotore fell into a strange thinking circle and it took him a long time to get out of it. After getting out of it, he complained to Ren Lian Lingyi in a bad mood.
"These kinds of philosophical questions are for the smartest people. People like us are just scholars with some talent at best." Ren Lian Lingyi said with a smile, "Your theory is a bit extreme. Of course, you know that I am not denying your theory."
"I would have no problem testing your theory on people like those on death row."
"But the current experimental subjects are our own people to some extent."
"We certainly can't use that kind of rough method."
“In fact, there are several families in the civil service who have been supporting the development of smart drugs.”
"Their laboratory is affiliated with your Human Research Institute." Ren Lian Lingyi said dimly, "You may not believe me, but their progress is much faster than your Xumi."
These families are also representatives of ruthless people. For four generations, they have been developing and perfecting this smart drug that develops the brain.
On the other hand, people use drugs and secret medicines to change their bodies so that their bodies can better absorb the power of smart drugs and better develop their brains.
Although these families currently have almost no individual power, they have quite a few people serving as senior clerks in the Three Magistrates and the shogunate.
There are several other well-known scholars in the family who have become Inazuma.
"This is the data they used to improve smart drugs. This can make these things more universal. I believe that many stupid people will use them in the future."
Dotore ignored Ren Lian Lingyi and went about his business.
What Ren Lian Lingyi didn't tell Dotore was that his theory was both right and wrong.
The law of perception does rely on the sixth sense, but Teyvat's sixth sense has another more famous name, which is soul perception.
Strengthening the soul can enhance the attribute of soul perception.
However, the soul is not so easy to strengthen. It is the most difficult attribute to improve among all human attributes in Teyvat.
Ren Lian Lingyi is very good at repairing soul damage, but when it comes to strengthening the soul, he is relatively Muggle.
By the way, it is worth mentioning that currently the most effective way to enhance the soul is learning and meditation.
They correspond to magic and martial arts respectively, the two largest training schools in Teyvat.
Drugs can naturally strengthen the soul, but they do so by stimulating a certain part of the brain, making the connection closer, and then strengthening the soul through the body.
This can easily cause physical deficiency, and for most people, this is a dead end.
Of course, there are exceptions. For example, several families in Inazuma are responsible for researching smart drugs. Through rough research, they are now able to close and open the point connecting the soul and the body through drugs and techniques.
The advantage of this is that they can reasonably enhance their brain and soul, but as for physical energy, they probably won't be able to do so.
It will take several more generations to improve.
However, for now, the smart drugs they have are enough. Combined with Ren Lian Lingyi's alchemical transformation, they can still enhance good perception.
The alchemical transformation in Ren Lian Lingyi's hand is a version reviewed by Lei Dianzhen. Although most of the knowledge related to the earth veins and the abyss has been cancelled, it is still very valuable and has been supplemented by Ren Lian Lingyi's own knowledge.
The original version is said to be the unique technology of the Royal Knights of Kanreya. Ren Lian Lingyi doesn't know whether it is true or not. Anyway, that's what the seller claimed at the time, and this set of technology is indeed quite advanced.
Then he gave it to Ren Lian Lingyi to use.
It was really Kanreya who fell and the blade even ate enough.
This alchemical transformation is to add points in the body where physical energy and soul energy can be transformed into each other. These points are mainly located in areas where nerves are rich.
Because these warriors have abundant physical energy and strong recovery ability, Ren Lian Lingyi first uses the body's energy to feed back into the soul energy in small amounts and multiple times.
By gently strengthening one's own soul and then combining it with smart drugs, it is possible to integrate several alchemical transformation nodes throughout the body.
Finally, enhance its soul perception.
The cost of this set of operations is only about 100,000 Mora, but it can solve two problems at the same time . One is to lay a good foundation for the subsequent longevity operation, and the other is to enhance the perception of the soul while opening the boundaries of life so that it can continue to break through.
And there is also good news, that is, this alchemical transformation does not cause any major changes to the human body, so it does not affect fertility.
Of course, this ability to open the life boundary has little effect on LV70+ strong people, and it is just a side effect.
Mainly facing the weaker ones.
The confidentiality level of this operation was not as important as that of the longevity operation. Ren Lian Lingyi directly mobilized a group of priestesses to start on-site teaching.
The effect of his on-site teaching is better than that of using a series of Wanzhong Shenji. The current learning transmission capacity of the 10.4 version of [A Series of Wanzhong Shenji] is only one-third of his initial transmission capacity.
Now, after several life transformations, his transmission capacity is more than three hundred times that of the current 10.4 version of [One Series of Divine Machines].
The transmission capacity has been increased by more than a hundred times compared to when the first series of Wanzhong Shenji were first developed.
Ren Lian Lingyi taught the shrine maidens most of the skills and performed only about three operations. Then he ran away and left the rest of the work to the shrine maidens.
Dotore also ran away. When he saw Ren Lian Lingyi running away, he finished the operation he was performing and ran away.
According to him, it was to keep up with the boss's pace, even though he often secretly cursed this boss who had basically no sense of time.
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