Chapter 24: The Mob

In just a few days, DoubleClick, a company located in the Port of Houston, was basically set up.
As soon as you enter Double Click Advertising Company, it is completely different from before. Although it is simply decorated, it is divided into several departments. The most important one at present is Lehman's sales department, which occupies nearly half of the entire office floor.
The entire sales department has rapidly expanded to fifty or sixty people in less than a week. According to Ryan's requirements, the advertising sales department of the entire Double Click Company must reach a scale of more than three hundred people before the end of this year!
The sales staff at DoubleClick Advertising Company received much higher salaries than those of traditional media companies, and the commission rate was also high, which allowed DoubleClick Advertising Company to quickly attract a group of sales talents.
The salaries of these sales staff are not low, plus renting servers and setting up a technical department, which is also a big money-burner. This is because in Houston, the server and labor costs are much lower than in Silicon Valley, but it also cost Song Yang a lot of money.
But departments such as sales and technology are indispensable. In addition, there are other departments such as human resources, customer service, after-sales, finance , legal affairs, etc., which are now making do. Greg, Song Yang, and Irene, who has just joined the company not long ago, all have to take on multiple roles.
Even Gallo was given the title of logistics supervisor, responsible for running errands and purchasing various office supplies for DoubleClick. Hailey and her group of model sisters were pulled in to serve as receptionists, secretaries, etc. Of course, Song Yang promised to send them to Hollywood in the future, but as for when to go, that was up to him...

Money was spent like water. Half of the funds borrowed from Bank of America were spent in just a few days. Although Chris Jain, who was in charge of Bank of America's credit, did not directly intervene in Double Click, he still called Song Yang to remind him to control the financial risks, for he was afraid that Song Yang would get out of hand. He did not want to appear at Double Click to check the bills on behalf of Bank of America.
A lot of money was spent, but Song Yang did not gain nothing. He invited a professor from the computer laboratory of Rice University, the top university in Houston, to be a technical consultant. Through his connections, he recruited a group of computer personnel in Houston and initially formed a technical team for DoubleClick.
With this technical team, we will be able to maintain and upgrade And there is also Lehman, who dares to issue a military order, and he is indeed capable.
Ryan is a sales genius. In just a few days, he has brought in nearly 200,000 yuan in advertising fees for Double Click Advertising Company, which is enough to prove his ability.
Ryan had no difficulty in transforming from traditional advertising to Internet digital advertising. Although Lehman did not fully understand the words such as "click-through rate, conversion rate, advertising effect, brand influence", they came out of Ryan's mouth and fooled advertisers.
Song Yang, who came to DoubleClick Company today, wore a formal suit on purpose. Today is the first management meeting of DoubleClick Company since its establishment.
Entering Double Click Company, Song Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw nearly a hundred people busy at work. The busy work for the past six months has not been in vain. Even if the current Double Click Company is still an empty shell, it is a big empty shell that cannot be blown away by a breath.
When I passed by the sales department, I heard a burst of phone calls. The digital sales department of Double Click Advertising Company is soliciting advertisements. They keep calling various companies over and over again, asking these advertisers to place advertisements on Netscape and Yahoo through Double Click Advertising Company.
Just like the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" starring the man with the water gun on the beach, where securities companies sold junk securities to investors over the phone, DoubleClick Advertising Company is now constantly attracting advertisers from major companies over the phone, and this approach is expected to continue for a long time.
As soon as I entered the office and sat down, Irene walked in holding a stack of documents.
"Your makeup is very beautiful today. I told you that old-fashioned makeup doesn't suit you. If you take off the glasses, you will be more perfect!"
When seeing Irene, Song Yang's original self instinctively started talking to Irene. Song Yang felt that he was influenced by his original self, otherwise how could he, who had always been a gentleman, talk so fancy to a young assistant? This was not his style.
Irene was already familiar with the style of this boss who was a few years younger than her. After hearing this, she still looked like a strong woman, as if she didn't hear Song Yang's nonsense. "The meeting room is ready. Do you want to notify the heads of each department to attend?!"
Song Yang nodded. Among all the recruits, Irene was the one Song Yang was most satisfied with. Irene had strong management skills. With Irene's help, Song Yang could handle the affairs of DoubleClick with ease. Irene was not only an assistant, but many affairs of DoubleClick Advertising Company were actually handled by Irene.
However, Greg still had a lot of opinions about Irene. Although Irene did not fight back, she was also very distant from Greg. This made Song Yang wonder if the two of them were incompatible.
The conference room of Double Click Advertising Company was also built temporarily and the area is not large, but it is equipped with a projector and other equipment, so you don't have to worry about relying on gestures to move things around.
Not many people attended the meeting, including Song Yang, who holds the position of Double Chairman, Greg, who is in charge of legal affairs. Greg is also temporarily in charge of the finance department, Ryan, who is in charge of sales, and Wesley, the newly recruited technical director.
Gallo also played a supporting role in the company. He was nominally the logistics director of Double Click Advertising Company. He was nominally responsible for all kinds of subsidies and benefits such as food, drink, defecation and urination. In addition, he served as the meeting recorder and was also Song Yang's assistant. In fact, it was Irene who was in charge of many affairs of Double Click Company.
Irene, holding a pen, glanced calmly at everyone in the conference room. From a professional perspective, DoubleClick was a mob, or a family company that was nepotistic.

To be honest, after working at DoubleClick Advertising Company for a few days and knowing its background clearly, Irene was somewhat skeptical as to how this company suddenly emerged and received a valuation of several million US dollars from Silicon Valley and Wall Street.
No, it should be a valuation of tens of millions. Yesterday, a Wall Street institution once again raised the valuation of Double Click Advertising Company to a huge amount of eight million US dollars. That is to say, Double Click Advertising Company, which was established just half a year ago, is already a company with a valuation of nearly tens of millions!
If Song Yang didn't exist in this company, Greg, who now seemed to be an elite lawyer, would actually be just an unknown little lawyer in Irene's eyes. It would be impossible for him to get a job as the legal director of a company valued at tens of millions.
Gallo looks like a decent man, and although he is wearing a formal suit, his lack of skills and poor purchasing and negotiation skills have caused Double Click Advertising Company to lose a lot of money. Any professional person would be much better than him.
As for Wesley, who is in charge of the technical department, he is just a rookie with some ability. Song Yang said that he is a genius architectural engineer, but Irene has not found anything special about this guy who graduated from Rice University.
The only person that Irene couldn't see through was Kevin Ryan. He was a real talent, and his management team was outstanding. He was able to build an excellent sales team in such a short time. His ability was really strong. But the fact that Ryan came to DoubleClick still surprised Irene. She didn't know why he was so optimistic about this company that looked good on the outside but was actually an empty shell.
"Welcome to DoubleClick," said everyone in Song Yang's conference room. "Someone once said that when you see a spaceship about to take off, you don't need to hesitate, just jump on and take a seat. Congratulations on choosing such a spaceship!"
As soon as he came up, Song Yang gave everyone a bowl of chicken soup. Having been influenced by various masters of later generations, Song Yang had no problem making a few bowls of chicken soup.
Song Yang gave Ryan and Willis a lot of chicken soup and even painted a big rosy picture. When Double Click Company goes public, they will be loyal followers of the dragon, and their next generation will become rich second generation because of them!
Since chicken soup and pancakes are free, Song Yang just made them. "Double Click Advertising Company will definitely become the world's largest digital media advertising agency in the future and influence the global advertising market."
"How is the sales department?" Song Yang asked Ryan after he finished speaking.
"It's still under promotion. Advertisers still have some concerns about digital advertising. I think we should promote it and seek cooperation with major Internet and PC manufacturers. I think it will increase awareness and revenue!" Ryan reported on the revenue of the sales department since its establishment. Overall, it is outstanding, with profits nearly one-third higher than traditional media.
However, when Song Yang heard that he had to spend money to advertise in outdoor, newspaper, TV and other channels, he couldn't help but feel a headache. He could only avoid the topic first, "Can we get a big PC manufacturer to cooperate with DoubleClick Advertising Company?"
It was no problem to attract IBM and others to test the waters at DoubleClick Advertising Company before, but Song Yang felt that it was still difficult to get these manufacturers to place their main promotional resources at DoubleClick Advertising Company.
“When placing advertisements, you don’t necessarily need to consider conversion rate, purchase rate, etc. Sometimes, you just need to consider conversion rate, purchase rate, etc.”
Ryan said to Song Yang that he had much more experience in this regard than Song Yang. Just like those top luxury brands, they advertise in various popular fashion and trendy magazines and media all year round. They also know that people who see these things may not be able to afford their brands at all, but in order to let people know, they still advertise frantically.
The same goes for DoubleClick Advertising Company. The scale of Internet users is still small, but are technology manufacturers such as PC manufacturers willing to miss the opportunity to promote themselves?
"You are responsible for this matter. As for the promotion," Song Yang was silent for a moment, and then said, "Wait until Double Click Advertising Company completes its first round of financing, and then start the promotion immediately!"
When they heard that DoubleClick Advertising Company was going to start raising funds, everyone in the conference room looked towards Song Yang. This had a huge impact on them as well!
After Ryan, Greg, Wesley, Gallo and others reported on the status of their respective departments, and then dispersed. It was originally a makeshift team and was still in a mess. How many important things could there be to discuss endlessly?
After everyone left, Greg stayed and asked Song Yang, "Are we really going to start looking for investment?!"

Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024