Chapter 222: Checking personal attributes, the improvement is huge

We can take a break in the north for now, but the danger in the south has not been discovered yet.
Abandoned farmland, dilapidated small villages...
These things must have stories.
He understood.
First of all, I have to ensure that there are no other city lords within a hundred kilometers to the south.
At least, eliminate the danger at close range.
So far, he has only explored sixty kilometers to the south.
It was still far from the safe distance he had set.
More to explore!
"Let's take a look at [Personal Attributes] first."
However, Qiao Shan was not in a hurry to go south. He planned to sort out some information first.
Before blocking the horde of zombies, he upgraded himself.
After fighting the zombie horde, he improved again.
He planned to take a look at his current attributes.
At the same time, he also wanted to see the situation on other panels, such as rankings, stores, etc.
Although Li Hanqiang was keeping an eye on these, it was also necessary for him to know some things.
You can’t just do it in silence!
After making the decision, he opened his [Personal Dashboard]
Name: Qiao Shan
Occupation: Elemental Hunter
Secondary occupation: Chef, Enchanter
Faction: Treasure Hunt Alliance
Language: Common language, human language
HP: 480 (Legendary class bonus 100%)
Mana: 480 (Legendary class bonus 100%)
Attack power: 220+170+2 0
Rank: Level 1, Stage 2 (6382/20000)
Equipment: Star's Fury
Elemental Powers: Darkness, Ice, Poison
Skills: Level 1 Dark Arrow (8908/10000), Level 4 Multi-Shot (234/4000), Level 2 Freezing Trap (692/2000), Level 2 Viper Sting (379/1000)
Defense Towers: Tier 5 Wooden Arrow Tower (120), Tier 5 Wind Tower (50), Tier 5 Giant Stone Tower (60), Tier 5 Summoning Tower (45), Tier 5 Transmutation Tower (1), Tier 5 Poison Mist Tower (1), Tier 5 Lure Tower (1), Tier 5 Giant Net Tower (20), Tier 5 Hero Tower (20), Tier 4 Fire Element Wooden Arrow Tower (1), Tier 4 Vine Tower (1), Tier 4 Sentry Tower (1)… (Click to expand)
City Lord's Seal: Level 0 Oil Lamp (20/20)
Slate: Air Slate (2186), Ground Spike Slate (2), Binding Slate (2)
Heroes: Alice, Qin Dalong
Mount: Flame Horse
Attachments: 2nd level elf (7), 1st level elf (12), orc slave (2), goblin craftsman (2), skeleton miner (2), dark element plum tree (1), peach sapling (1), pure white owl (1)
Ancillary Building: Dragon-Catching Spearmen Barracks
Number of void rings: 15
As Qiao Shan operated, a series of text appeared instantly.
Compared to the last time you checked [Personal Dashboard].
At this moment, there were new changes on Qiao Shan’s personal panel.
Health, mana, attack power, these basic attributes.
Since the upgrade to 1.2, there has been some corresponding growth.
Among personal abilities, the one that changes the most is the "skill column".
Compared to the last time it was opened.
At this moment, most of Qiao Shan's skills have been upgraded.
Except for the "Dark Arrow" which is still at level one, all other skills are at least level two.
However, the "Arrow of Darkness" was also upgraded immediately.
At this moment, the technical proficiency level is over 8,000, almost 9,000.
You can upgrade immediately.
His current highest level skill is the fourth level "Multi-Shot".
This is the skill he uses most frequently in battle, and of course it has the highest level.
In the previous battle against the zombies.
He upgraded his "Multi-Shot" skill to level four.
The multiple shooting after level 4 allows Qiao Shan to shoot sixteen arrows at a time.
Simply put, this is enough to replace three fifth-level wooden arrow towers.
In addition, the second-level freezing trap has also changed.
Not only has the range of deceleration increased, but the probability of freezing has also increased.
The second level of Serpent Sting has an additional duration of magic ban compared to the first level.
In addition to poison, the first-level serpent sting also has a momentary interrupt effect.
The second-level venomous snake sting can make this interruption effect last for *** minutes.
The interruption effect has been greatly improved.
From momentary interruption, it becomes continuous interruption.
It’s a very good improvement.
The improvement of these skill levels can be regarded as the improvement of personal ability.
Apart from these changes.
Qiao Shan's defense tower column was completely changed.
At this moment, the number of his fifth-level defense towers has reached more than three hundred.
This does not include the fourth-order defense towers, as well as many scattered, large numbers of first-order special defense towers.
The number of Qiao Shan’s defense towers exploded at this moment.
This number of defense towers.
He felt that it would be no problem for him to clear twenty or even thirty waves of monsters in the void wormhole!
At this moment, the response direction of his defense tower has changed.
From dealing with the void wormhole, it became dealing with the dark nest outside.
Qiao Shan continued to observe, behind the defense tower column,
The number of his air slates also reached more than two thousand.
In the hero column, there is also a new Qin Dalong who was transformed from the dragon-catching spearman.
This person is currently in charge of patrol matters.
Not only does it patrol the platform, it may also ride on a flaming warhorse and patrol down the platform.
Qiao Shan’s requirement for him was to run a maximum of ten kilometers.
Alice's previous mindless running made him very worried.
He will no longer let the hero run far away unless there are special props to ensure safety...
in addition,
The number of Qiao Shan’s level 2 elves has also reached seven.
This little elf has small wings and is the size of a volleyball.
The speed of improving plants is several times higher than that of the first level.
Qiao Shan understood.
After Li Hanqiang exchanged the thirty dark gems he had just given him for wood gems.
The remaining 12 first-level elves.
They will all be upgraded to level 2.
As the elf's rank increases.
This produces a variety of lifting directions.
In addition to the most basic entanglement, each elf seems to have unique skills.
Combat-oriented, auxiliary-oriented, building-improvement-oriented, and so on.
At Johnson, the demand for gemstones is unlimited.
His elf can eat as many gems as there are.
But correspondingly, the upgraded elves gave him more feedback.
Especially under Alice's leadership,
The elves had clear division of labor and produced a large amount of plant-based things for him at an explosive rate.
In order to avoid wasting the things that were grown, Qiao Shan has given Alice the authority to harvest them on her own as long as the plants are mature.
Even, to prevent Alice's ten-grid hero packages from being full.
He also gave Alice a few rooms to harvest the things that were born...
Finally, Qiao Shan’s gaze passed over the “15th wave of void rings”.
He closed his [Personal Panel].
He then raised his head and looked towards the void wormhole:
[The sixteenth wave of void creatures, monster spawn countdown 21:11:57]
The sixteenth wave, there are still more than twenty hours.
When he saw the prompt sound, he knew that there was still time for the sixteenth wave.
Take your time and don't rush.
After closing the [Personal Panel], Qiao Shan opened the ranking list again.
He is no longer number one on the level ranking list.
Instead, it landed in seventh place.
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024