Chapter 219 Son, Dad can’t save you either.

"I can't find the angel. I really can't find it!"
Wang Dali was a little desperate. He searched for a long time, ran around several nearby cities, and also asked the human camp players in the nearby cities.
According to information provided by players in the human camp, there are no traces of angels in their city.
You said that when an angel appears, it must have wings.
In major cities, there are quite a lot of creatures with wings. Just last night, there were many kinds of flying , including zombies with white-haired wings.
No one saw the white meteor falling near their city. At most, everyone saw the white meteor falling, but it definitely did not fall near their city.
The information provided by different players is largely different. Some say the white meteor fell in the south, some say it fell in the west, and some say it fell in the east.
"Angel sister, where on earth have you been?"
Wang Dali felt like he was being tortured to death . After searching for a long time without success, he could only report to Xu Ercong.
"Brother Cong, I can't find her. Angel sister is missing!"
Xu Ercong received a private message from Wang Dali and sighed, "It seems that this New Year event mission is not so easy to complete. This angel will not be so easy for players to find."
Although Xu Ercong was a little disappointed, he didn't find it strange when he thought about it.
If he was the planner, he would not have allowed players to find angels easily when setting up this New Year event mission.
After all, this is a huge mission reward involving 100,000 faction points and 100,000 mall points!
So far, quest rewards as generous as the Scourge of Death are rare, and they only appeared a few times when the first expansion was about to be completed.
"Forget it, don't look so hard for now."
Xu Ercong thought for a while and sent a private message to Wang Dali: "Bring the people back first, and then notify the human players in every city in Zhongzhou to let everyone pay attention to the traces of the angels."
"It's a good thing to find an angel, but if we really can't find one, we can't force it. After all, we can't rely on these 100,000 points to win against the zombie camp and the undead camp."
Wang Dali nodded: "Brother Cong is right! Even if we can't catch the angel, we can still earn enough faction points! To win this player faction confrontation!"
No one knew which busybody leaked the news, but the news that Xu Ercong couldn't find the angel spread on the game forum.
Countless posts related to angels were pushed to the top, and some of the discussion posts were even turned into instant chat rooms by players.
Chu He: "If even Brother Cong can't find an angel, then there's definitely no hope for us."
Long Aotian: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! We ordinary people are so happy today! Wait until I get over there, the angel is mine!"
Ye Heji: "Brother Long, are you so confident? Brother Cong couldn't get the moon even though he was close to the water. I guess our two camps have no hope either."
Long Aotian: "How do you know if you don't try? No one knows where the angel is, which means that all players in the server have a chance to catch the angel! It all depends on your ability!"
Ma Kesi: "Brother Long! I found the information! The NPC who is responsible for baptizing new players in the Death Hall of the Kingdom of God said some relevant information and data about angels, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. I will send it to you privately later."
Bai Xiaosheng: "Xiao Ma, this is not nice of you. You only send one to Aotian and not to us?"
Ma Kesi: "You can ask by yourself, but if you want paid information, you need to pay life points."
E往無前: "The planner of Death God Scourge is so fresh and refined. Other planners like money, but he likes the game coins in his own game!"
Ma Kesi: "How about this, I will give you the intelligence information about an angel for free, so you don't have to say that I am not nice enough."
"What information!"
The players in the post were instantly attracted to the post.
Ma Kesi paused for a moment in a rather mysterious manner, and then replied: "According to the Death God NPC, most angels are female, and angels cannot give birth, which means that angels cannot get pregnant!"
"What do you mean?"
Some naive players didn't react for a moment: "What kind of intelligence is this? Brother Ma, you are kidding us! I thought we could find the angel based on the intelligence."
"This is great information! This is fantastic information!" Chu He suddenly said excitedly: "Angels who can't get pregnant, hehe..."
With just one word "hehe", countless men suddenly realized the truth and replied one after another.
Long Aotian immediately exited the game forum, stood on the large cruise ship, waved his hand, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up as much as you can! Get to Zhongzhou as fast as possible, and you must find the angel!"
Long Aotian really had no other ideas, he just wanted to earn 100,000 faction points.
emmmmmm...Do you believe it?
Although the angel was not found, players' enthusiasm for catching the angel remained high, but there were also other topics.
The angel must be caught, but other activities of the New Year event must also be participated in.
There are many New Year activities, and Xu Xiaofan plans to use this New Year event to greatly improve the overall strength level of the players and stimulate their desire to upgrade.
The powerful efforts of activities such as point discounts can demonstrate Xu Xiaofan's determination.
Of course, the lottery for the New Year skin set does not count.
After all, the God of Death also needs to earn lifespans. We can’t make the players rich and the God of Death poor.
As Xu Xiaofan expected, these three New Year skin sets attracted the attention of most players when they were launched that evening.
Players can check and briefly experience the character portraits of the three sets and different special effects at any time through the Godhead system.
In order to enhance players' gaming experience, the annual skin set also adds a certain degree of player's right to modify and adjust the game on their own.
For example, for the Beach Undead Annual Set, you can choose to replace your Undead Bone Knife with a surfboard, and your Undead Armor with large beach pants and slippers.
In addition to the refreshing Beach Year Set, there is also the Sky Undead Year Set skin outfit with cool and domineering special effects, as well as the Spring Festival limited Year Set skin outfit with the twelve zodiac signs and the auspicious dragon and phoenix.
This is the first time that Scourge has launched a complete set of game skin props.
Although the human skins in the continent of Esk were considered skin game props, they were essentially more of a necessity for players and did not have the effect of being one in a million or standing out from the crowd!
As a player, especially a die-hard fan of Death's Scourge, you must find a way to get an annual set of skins, so as to highlight your unique identity and status as a gaming boss!
The three annual skins attracted the attention of the players. Although it was the middle of the night, as soon as the New Year event was announced, the lottery wheel of the Death Kingdom game was crowded with players.
These are all wealthy players who have no shortage of life points.
What is a tycoon?
The rich just want to release an annual skin set on the first day of the game event!
"Don't ask, the answer is I'm rich." These were Long Aotian's original words. His tone was calm, but it revealed the confidence of a rich man.
Of course, there are also many ordinary players who come to watch, watch the show, and try their luck near the lottery roulette.
When it comes to lottery, it’s all about luck!
Although the planner said that there is no guaranteed compensation, it is precisely because there is no guaranteed compensation for the annual skin lottery that it seems more precious!
Although I am just an ordinary player, what if my luck blows and I really win it?
But the reality is often not satisfactory.
It was not until six o'clock in the morning, after six hours of lottery, that the rich players changed batch after batch, but they still couldn't put together a complete set of annual skins!
Even the rich players haven’t collected all the annual skins, let alone the ordinary players, who were basically wiped out.
And the rich player who has the most brilliant performance tonight, but also the most miserable one...Long Aotian!
He left a magic teleportation array on the big ship, and then returned to God's kingdom to draw the lottery, rushing on the road without wasting time.
But Long Aotian spent nearly a million cash in the lottery all night long, but still failed to collect all the annual skins.
Of course, it cannot be said that he gained nothing at all.
Each annual skin is divided into different parts, and a total of ten parts can be combined into a complete set of annual skins. Only when the whole set of skins is collected can it be worn and activated for display.
However, Long Aotian's luck is very special. He is destined to be a man who shocks and moves countless players.
Long Aotian spent a million cash in one night and won a total of twenty-seven parts!
On average, nine parts were drawn for each complete annual set of skins!
Not too much, not too little, very evenly distributed, evenly distributed to the point that Long Aotian wanted to vomit blood, evenly distributed to the point that the players watching the draw were collectively shocked, evenly distributed to the point that other wealthy players whispered, "And I only drew 50,000 or 60,000 and stopped."
"Planning dad, you actually messed with my mentality!"
Long Aotian roared to the sky, his face full of rage. In front of all the players, he directly called Xu Ercong's private message voice: "Xu Ercong! Hurry up! Give me the contact information of the dog planner!"
Xu Ercong was a little confused: "Why?"
Long Aotian's voice sounded gnashed with teeth. Could it be that his father the planner had done something to him?
Long Aotian suppressed his anger and explained what happened: "...I want to ask the dog planner why he treated me like this! Even if he wants to take the money, he shouldn't do it this way, right? This lottery is too shady!"
Long Aotian felt that the game officials must have tampered with the lottery wheel, otherwise how could he draw twenty-seven skin parts but not be able to complete a set of skin?
This is not a miracle, this is simply the shady dealings of the game!
Xu Ercong pondered for a while and felt quite sympathetic towards Long Aotian.
Long Aotian also contributed a lot to Death Scourge, attracting many new players into the game and attracting traffic attention.
Moreover, as soon as the New Year's lucky draw event started, Long Aotian spent millions to support it. Where can you find such a good player? It is really unreasonable that his planner father would cheat him like this.
"Don't worry, I'll go ask for you."
Xu Ercong promised him to ask the game officials, but did not give Xu Xiaofan's contact information.
Not long after, Xu Ercong called me privately.
Long Aotian answered the call immediately and asked in a low voice: "What? Does the bastard planner feel sorry for me? Do you think the planner is not kind enough? It's enough to just eat the money. I spent so much money, but you don't even give me a complete set of skins? No matter what, the bastard planner must compensate me this time!"
As soon as Long Aotian finished speaking, Xu Ercong said helplessly:
"I asked the game officials, and planner Xu also confirmed the game data. In fact, the game officials really did not tamper with the lottery wheel data."
"What do you mean?"
Long Aotian was stunned. Xu Ercong paused and said in a low voice: "What I mean is... your face is really too dark."
Long Aotian's body swayed and he almost lost his balance, his expression looking as if he had lost his parents.
So, I misunderstood my father.
Am I born an African?
How could I possibly come across something so miraculous and like inside information?
Xu Ercong paused, then continued, "Actually, I admire you very much. Your luck and lottery probability are beyond the explanation of mathematicians."
Long Aotian was in a complicated mood. He opened his mouth but couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time. He opened the Godhead System again and looked at his 27 skin parts. He felt like he had overturned a bottle of mixed feelings.
Xu Xiaofan certainly didn't do anything tricky, and the chance of winning the annual skin set parts is not very low, probably about one percent.
According to the current life point transaction ratio and normal lottery probability, if the player is lucky, he can collect an annual skin with about 100,000 yuan of life energy.
Even for players with bad luck, the cost is only a few hundred thousand dollars.
As for Long Aotian…Xu Xiaofan could only sigh meaningfully in the Hall of Death: “Son, you are so dark, Dad can’t save you.”
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