Chapter 208: Conas and the Magic of Aging

In Aslant, the official organization responsible for managing magic guilds, punishing dark wizards, and maintaining order in the magic world is called the Magic Council. The Magic Council has footprints across several continents. In Kiltina, it is called MNP, and in Ishgar, it is called ERA.
The Ten Holy Wizards are ten wizards selected by the Magic Council ERA who have great strength and outstanding contributions on the continent of Ishgar.
At the beginning, there were ten people who were awarded this title, but with the passage of time and the changes of the times, the previous generation of people would grow old and be replaced by the next generation, so the number of people is not fixed to 10.
The most recent selection of the Holy Ten took place in X782, two years ago. In that year, the Albares Empire of the Western Continent launched a tentative attack on Ishgar, but in the end, it was deterred from an all-out war .
But the people of Ishgar were not pushovers. After that, in order to show their strength to the other side, the Council selected several outstanding wizards from the magic world to fill the vacancies. Jura and Jellal became members of the Holy Ten at that time. Before that, there were only seven of the Holy Ten Wizards, and Conas was one of them.
At the same time that Haiberion defeated Zankro, a more dangerous battle was taking place in another corner of the academy.
Conas' body was wrapped in black magic , and the aging magic was running to its extreme. Anyone who came into contact with this black mist-like thing, whether it was a person, an object, or an energy body such as magic particles, would age rapidly in a short period of time, decay, and finally turn into dust.
The surrounding ground was full of potholes, without a single patch of intact surface. There were also several piles of weathered wood on the ground, like superheroes who had their fingers snapped and would be blown away by the wind.
The most conspicuous thing on the battlefield is a giant tree, but this giant tree has now fallen down. The fallen tree body has broken into several pieces, leaving only a stump about one meter high with the roots still connected. The broken ends seem to have been corroded by time and will break with a slight touch.
Azuma leaned against one of the tree carcasses, feeling powerless, his magic power was almost gone, and most importantly, he was missing his right leg, blood gushing from the severed limb.
Anything substantial can hardly resist this powerful force of aging.
In the past 10 minutes, he had tried both physical and energy attacks, but to no avail against the woman in front of him. Instead he himself did not have time to escape from the black mist, resulting in his right leg being stained with aging magic.
In just a blink of an eye, only white bones were left below the knees, and the black air continued to spread upwards. Azuma made a quick decision, turned his right hand into a wooden sword, and ruthlessly sacrificed his legs to save his life.
"You cut off a leg to save your life. You reacted quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid you would have lost even the bones now." A cold and fierce voice came from the figure surrounded by black air. "This is the price for your evil deeds and rude words!"
"This guy, is he angry about what I just said about my senior? Are all the people of Saint Ten such freaks? As expected, she is not the kind of strong person I am looking for! How can a real strong person be obsessed with the question of whether he is old or not? Besides, this woman doesn't look young to begin with..."
Of course, Azuma would never say such a thing. He is not the kind of person who would be obsessed with his age, and it is really not because he is afraid of losing another leg.
Azuma obviously had no experience in handling this kind of situation. He was silent for a moment and then said, "I don't remember saying anything rude."
"Haha... you still dare to quibble!"
It turns out that you shouldn't reason with an angry woman, especially when the topic involves age, especially when you are dealing with a woman who is very concerned about her age.
Azuma's heart sank again. All his arguments seemed pale and powerless in the face of Conas's chuckle.
Among some top figures in the magic world, especially among the magicians who are also members of the Holy Ten, many people know that Conas and Haiberion are both magicians from the Demisoor School of Magic. Considering the time when the two became famous, it is speculated that they should be students in the same batch. But in fact, Conas is much younger than Haiberion.
Conas entered the Demisool School of Magic at the age of 8. Due to her superb magical talent and learning ability, she completed 8 years of study in less than 2 years. She was recognized by the dean of the school at that time and got the opportunity to read ancient magic books.
Afterwards, just as Shelia learned the God-Destroying Magic from Gulandoma's ancient magic book, Conas also learned a magic that had never been discovered by anyone from an ancient book.
Lost magic, aging magic!
If we regard time as a straight line in the abstract concept, it can be roughly divided into three parts: past, present and future.
In the magic world, wizards classify magic that produces effects in these three time periods into three major schools of time magic; for example, the time magic of the warrior concubine Dimalia in the Twelve Shields belongs to the present system among the three major mainstream schools, while magic like Urrutia's Arc of Time, which does not belong to any of the three, is called the fourth school.
Aging magic is one of the three major schools of thought and is the culmination of the future school. It is extremely difficult to learn and control.
After coming out of the library, this powerful, dangerous and uncontrollable force brought a lot of trouble to the teachers, students and buildings of the academy. In order to solve this problem, Conas spent a full ten years mastering the magic of aging.
Powerful magic is always accompanied by inevitable side effects. The side effect of aging magic is that before the user has complete control, the user's own body and magic power will grow rapidly. This caused Conas to look like she was in her 30s when she walked out of the academy and became famous on the continent.
Although she has since slowed down the aging of her body and has somewhat caught up with time, she is still particularly sensitive about topics such as appearance and age.
Conas spoke again: "You are so rude. I will spare one of your legs, and this grudge will be absolved..."
Hearing this, Azuma breathed a sigh of relief.
"Then next, let me settle the grudge for your attack on the academy!" Conas's aura surged again, and her tremendous magic power transformed into black fog all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, blocking out the scorching sun in the early autumn afternoon, and moving towards Azuma, covering the whole sky and earth, giving a feeling of dark clouds covering the city.
The aging magic was getting closer and closer, and Azuma struggled to get up, but the pain and weakness in his right leg made him fall again, and in this short period of time, he was trapped from all sides, without any room to dodge.
"Is he going to die?... My opponent is so strong, dying like this is not too shameful..."
He chose a more comfortable position to lie down and gave up resisting.
At this time, a figure with long braids and a white cloak, accompanied by an invisible and powerful gravitational field that distorted the air, broke through the thick black fog of aging and walked over!
The invisible and intangible gravity overflowed Brunotte's body, lingering around him and forming a circular area of ​​several meters in radius. This magical power rushed straight into the sky, pulling the clouds down, forming a sun shower that could move with him.
"Brunotte?" The familiar magic approached, and Azuma's originally extinguished heart was rekindled, but soon, his heart sank again, and a question lingered in his mind, " Gravity , can it beat aging?"
Azuma was unsure because he couldn't beat either of them and couldn't tell who was stronger.
In the Heart of Demon, the guild members called Brunoth "a wizard on par with the top ten in the Holy Land." Now that he appears here, he is undoubtedly the only hope for Azuma to be rescued!
"Are you the dean of this college?"
"Another enemy?" Conas noticed that someone had entered the battlefield and torn a hole in her magic. She didn't dare to be careless. She turned her head and said coldly, "This one looks stronger. The devil's heart is really unfathomable..."
"You are worthy of being the dean of this academy for being able to defeat Azuma. An enemy like this should be able to fly, right?"
It sounded like he was praising her, but his tone revealed a strong will to fight, as well as an inexplicable confidence.
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