Chapter 2: When we met, the past was reset

I am someone else's Luqiuhai, and I am just your Fang Xuyou. From the moment we met, all the past events began to return to zero.
——Fang Xuyu


The arrival of winter means that the final exams are approaching. Yang Liu and I are usually the only ones left in the dormitory. We are busy with our own things and occasionally make an appointment to go to the library together.
The other two girls were named Chen Yating and Jiang Meng. Chen Yating was a top student who went out early and came back late every day, so it was rare to see her. Jiang Meng was said to have a very rich boyfriend. When the dormitory inspection was not strict, she rarely came back to the dormitory, so she was basically not there. We had never seen her boyfriend, but we tacitly agreed not to touch the pile of cosmetics on her desk. Yang Liu said that the price of any bottle of stuff there was equivalent to my living expenses for two months. After Yang Liu told me this, I had a general understanding of the people in the entire dormitory.
Normally, because it is cold, students don’t like to wash clothes by hand, so you have to wait in line for a long time to use the washing machine in the laundry room on each floor. I am not used to waiting, so I would rather get some hot water and wash clothes by hand. I called Lin Jiaxuan to ask if he had any clothes to wash, and he was so happy that he immediately sent me a white hooded down jacket.
I know he hates doing laundry.
But I told him that I would only wash his coats. Last time, his mother bought him a coat worth thousands of dollars, but he used the washing machine to twist it into a wrinkled ball and had to throw it away. He didn't care, but I felt bad watching him.
After soaking the down jacket in warm water, I took a soft brush and dipped it in detergent to carefully scrub away the stains. After rinsing it with clean water, I carefully wrung it dry and hung it on the balcony to dry.
"Wow, sister Wei Yang is so virtuous, she washes boys' clothes." Yang Liu saw me walking by with sharp eyes and teased me while shouting.
"I'm washing clothes for a friend." I said without turning my head as I stood on tiptoe to dry the clothes.
"Friend? Boyfriend?" Yang Liu asked with interest.
"No." I gave a silent smile, put down the clothesline, bent down and stacked the scattered pots and buckets on the balcony aside.
"That's secret love." She persisted.
"Ordinary friends." I replied.
"...Oh, if you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me. I will know it anyway, huh, just ordinary friends." She looked unconvinced and pronounced the last four words with a heavy emphasis. After she finished speaking, she turned around and continued watching her Korean drama.
I looked at her screen and smiled helplessly.
After hanging up the clothes, I returned to my bed, dried my hands, changed my shoes and went out to buy dinner.
"Do you need to bring food?" I asked Yang Liu.
She shook her head like a rattle and said, "I'll eat instant noodles."
"Yeah." I shrugged, "Then I'll go down first."
She waved.
When I went downstairs, I sent a message to Lin Jiaxuan, asking him to wait for my message before coming to get his down jacket. There were many girls running around the stairwell getting takeout food, complaining about the cold weather.
"What a horrible weather! I'm freezing to death." A short-haired girl in pajamas said to her companion angrily.
"That's right." The person next to him stamped his feet vigorously, "The weather forecast says it's going to snow soon."
I glanced at their figures running up and began to look forward to the snow. I think there are very few girls who don't like snow.
Fang Chongyan and Lin Jiaxuan's birthdays both fall on snowy days in the cold winter, just a few days apart. When I was a child, I never gave Fang Chongyan a gift, so when I grew up and chose a gift for Lin Jiaxuan, I would think of Fang Chongyan who was far away in a foreign country.
I didn't expect him to come back this year. Maybe he would hold a big birthday party in his villa. I was wondering whether I should go over to see him.
I don’t know if it was a curse, but on the way to the cafeteria, I met Lu Qiuhai again, or rather, Fang Xuyu.
He was wearing a black windbreaker and jeans, standing under a crabapple tree at the entrance of the cafeteria. There was a playful expression on his cold face, and his eyes were staring straight at me.
Although he is handsome, he always gives me a gloomy and weird feeling, which is why I don’t want to have too much interaction with him.
Seeing that I couldn't avoid it, I just wanted to walk past him smoothly. When I passed by him, I smiled calmly.
"I'm surprised that you're willing to say hello this time." His eyes moved to my face.
"What a coincidence." I forced an ugly smile.
"Unfortunately, I was waiting for you." His expression was matter-of-fact.
"Ah?" I was very confused and didn't understand why he said that. Did he know that I would come to the cafeteria at this time, so he placed a spy around me?
Yang Liu? Impossible. Yang Liu is not the kind of person who says one thing and thinks another. Besides, they don't know each other .
"Why are you waiting for me?" I felt something was wrong after asking this question, so I immediately changed the subject and said, "I mean, how do you know that I..."
"Next Wednesday, come back for dinner and we'll celebrate your birthday at home." He interrupted me calmly and smiled at me before I could refuse. "Come on, I'll tell you the answer to the question just now."
I couldn't help but suspect that he had the ability to read minds.
"Are you going to bring food to your roommate this time too?" he asked.
"No thanks," I said.
"Let's eat together. I'm hungry." He said and walked inside.
I felt like I had been hit by a club. He changed the question into a statement and I couldn't find any room to refuse.
Fang Xuyu sat down in the cooking area with ease and listed a few dishes without even asking for my opinion. I was too lazy to argue with him. Anyway, I am not picky about food, so it doesn't matter what I eat. Even so, I still felt unhappy.
I walked over and sat down, glaring at him fiercely. He picked up a fashion magazine and flipped through it calmly. Not long after, the dishes were served, and they were all my favorites. I looked at him with a little surprise.
He put away the magazine, filled half a bowl of rice and handed it to the table in front of me, then filled himself with a bowl of rice and started eating without saying a word.
There was a lot of noise around us, but we ate quietly. He clearly ordered the dishes, but his chopsticks only moved on the plate of vegetarian dishes, and he didn't even look at the beef in front of me.
Staring at the coriander and red pepper on the beef, a scene from my youth suddenly came to my mind. At that time, he, Fang Chongyan and I were eating together. He hated coriander and always specifically told the aunt who cooked not to put coriander in it, but I always secretly grabbed a handful and threw it in. As a result, I ate with gusto in front of him, but he didn't even stretch out his chopsticks. Once he couldn't stand it anymore and threw the dish and the plate into the trash can.
It turns out that the memory was not lost, but I just didn't have the opportunity to remember it. Looking back a long time later, I realized that was the beginning of my dislike for him.
"I'm sorry to continue to be hated by you." He looked at me staring at a plate of beef and spoke suddenly.
"It doesn't matter. This is my chance to take revenge. I'm honored." I replied coldly.
"Really? That's not what I heard! For example, if the boy you like ignores you, will you take revenge?" He laughed sarcastically.
"What do you mean by that?" My temper dropped to freezing point in an instant. "Don't think you can just investigate my affairs."
"You understand what I mean." He replied.
"Fang Xuyu, you are really annoying." I found myself so annoyed at this moment. I was annoyed that he was investigating me, annoyed by his weird tone and disdainful attitude.
"My pleasure." He responded with a smile, put down his chopsticks, waited for me to finish eating and went to pay the bill.
"Fang Weiyang, you must come next Wednesday! If you don't, terrible things might happen." He stood in front of me and told me condescendingly.
"Who's afraid of you!" I hit him back fiercely, and a victorious smile appeared on his face.
He definitely did it on purpose.
People like him are eccentric and abnormal. They will not give up easily on anything challenging, and I happen to be a new and exotic prey in his ordinary life.
I'm afraid he never intended to let me go from the beginning. I really don't know what's the fun of pestering me. He took a lot of things from me, I didn't owe him a penny, and I was in no mood to play games with him.
I don't know what he wants this time.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024